Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getHeight

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getHeight


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row getHeight.


short getHeight();

Source Link


Get the row's height measured in twips (1/20th of a point).


From source file:org.openmrs.module.mksreports.renderer.PatientHistoryExcelTemplateRenderer.java

License:Open Source License

 * Adds in a Row to the given Sheet//from  www  .  j  a v  a2s . c o  m
public Row addRow(Workbook wb, SheetToAdd sheetToAdd, RowToAdd rowToAdd, int rowIndex, ReportData reportData,
        ReportDesign design, Map<String, String> repeatSections) {

    // Create a new row and copy over style attributes from the row to add
    Row newRow = sheetToAdd.getSheet().createRow(rowIndex);
    Row rowToClone = rowToAdd.getRowToClone();
    try {
        CellStyle rowStyle = rowToClone.getRowStyle();
        if (rowStyle != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // No idea why this is necessary, but this has thrown IndexOutOfBounds errors getting the rowStyle.  Mysteries of POI

    // Iterate across all of the cells in the row, and configure all those that need to be added/cloned
    List<CellToAdd> cellsToAdd = new ArrayList<CellToAdd>();

    int totalCells = rowToClone.getPhysicalNumberOfCells();
    int cellsFound = 0;
    for (int cellNum = 0; cellsFound < totalCells; cellNum++) {
        Cell currentCell = rowToClone.getCell(cellNum);
        log.debug("Handling cell: " + currentCell);
        if (currentCell != null) {
        // If we find that the cell that we are on is a repeating cell, then add the appropriate number of cells to clone
        String repeatingColumnProperty = getRepeatingColumnProperty(sheetToAdd.getOriginalSheetNum(), cellNum,
        if (repeatingColumnProperty != null) {
            String[] dataSetSpanSplit = repeatingColumnProperty.split(",");
            String dataSetName = dataSetSpanSplit[0];
            DataSet dataSet = getDataSet(reportData, dataSetName, rowToAdd.getReplacementData());
            int numCellsToRepeat = 1;
            if (dataSetSpanSplit.length == 2) {
                numCellsToRepeat = Integer.parseInt(dataSetSpanSplit[1]);
            log.debug("Repeating this cell with dataset: " + dataSet + " and repeat of " + numCellsToRepeat);
            int repeatNum = 0;
            for (DataSetRow dataSetRow : dataSet) {
                for (int i = 0; i < numCellsToRepeat; i++) {
                    Cell cell = (i == 0 ? currentCell : rowToClone.getCell(cellNum + i));
                    if (repeatNum == 1 && cell != null && cell != currentCell) {
                    Map<String, Object> newReplacements = getReplacementData(rowToAdd.getReplacementData(),
                            reportData, design, dataSetName, dataSetRow, repeatNum);
                    cellsToAdd.add(new CellToAdd(cell, newReplacements));
                    log.debug("Adding " + cell + " with dataSetRow: " + dataSetRow);
            cellNum += numCellsToRepeat;
        } else {
            cellsToAdd.add(new CellToAdd(currentCell, rowToAdd.getReplacementData()));
            log.debug("Adding " + currentCell);

    // Now, go through all of the collected cells, and add them back in

    String prefix = getExpressionPrefix(design);
    String suffix = getExpressionSuffix(design);

    List<CellRangeAddress> newMergedRegions = new ArrayList<CellRangeAddress>();

    for (int i = 0; i < cellsToAdd.size(); i++) {
        CellToAdd cellToAdd = cellsToAdd.get(i);
        Cell newCell = newRow.createCell(i);
        Cell cellToClone = cellToAdd.getCellToClone();
        if (cellToClone != null) {
            Object contents = ExcelUtil.getCellContents(cellToClone);

            int numFormattings = sheetToAdd.getSheet().getSheetConditionalFormatting()
            for (int n = 0; n < numFormattings; n++) {
                ConditionalFormatting f = sheetToAdd.getSheet().getSheetConditionalFormatting()
                for (CellRangeAddress add : f.getFormattingRanges()) {

                    if (add.getFirstRow() == rowToAdd.getRowToClone().getRowNum()
                            && add.getLastRow() == rowToClone.getRowNum()) {
                        if (add.getFirstColumn() == cellToClone.getColumnIndex()
                                && add.getLastColumn() == cellToClone.getColumnIndex()) {
                            ConditionalFormattingRule[] rules = new ConditionalFormattingRule[f
                            for (int j = 0; j < f.getNumberOfRules(); j++) {
                                rules[j] = f.getRule(j);
                            CellRangeAddress[] cellRange = new CellRangeAddress[1];
                            cellRange[0] = new CellRangeAddress(rowIndex, rowIndex, i, i);
                                    .addConditionalFormatting(cellRange, rules);

            int numMergedRegions = sheetToAdd.getSheet().getNumMergedRegions();
            for (int n = 0; n < numMergedRegions; n++) {
                CellRangeAddress add = sheetToAdd.getSheet().getMergedRegion(n);
                int rowNum = rowToClone.getRowNum();
                if (add.getFirstRow() == rowNum && add.getLastRow() == rowNum) {
                    if (add.getFirstColumn() == cellToClone.getColumnIndex()) {
                                .add(new CellRangeAddress(rowNum, rowNum, i, i + add.getNumberOfCells() - 1));

            if (ObjectUtil.notNull(contents)) {
                if (contents instanceof String) {
                    contents = EvaluationUtil.evaluateExpression(contents.toString(),
                            cellToAdd.getReplacementData(), prefix, suffix);
                ExcelUtil.setCellContents(newCell, contents);

            ExcelUtil.copyFormula(cellToClone, newCell);

    for (CellRangeAddress mergedRegion : newMergedRegions) {

    return newRow;

From source file:org.tiefaces.components.websheet.service.WebSheetLoader.java

License:MIT License

 * Setup row info.//from ww w .  j  av  a2 s  .c  o m
 * @param facesRow
 *            the faces row
 * @param sheet1
 *            the sheet 1
 * @param row
 *            the row
 * @param rowIndex
 *            the row index
 * @param allowAdd
 *            the allow add
private void setupRowInfo(final FacesRow facesRow, final Sheet sheet1, final Row row, final int rowIndex,
        final boolean allowAdd) {

    if (row != null) {
        int rowNum = ConfigurationUtility.getOriginalRowNumInHiddenColumn(row);
    } else {


From source file:org.tiefaces.components.websheet.utility.CellUtility.java

License:MIT License

 * Copy single row.//from   w w w.j  a  v  a  2s  . c o  m
 * @param srcSheet
 *            the src sheet
 * @param destSheet
 *            the dest sheet
 * @param sourceRowNum
 *            the source row num
 * @param destinationRowNum
 *            the destination row num
 * @param checkLock
 *            the check lock
 * @param setHiddenColumn
 *            the set hidden column
private static void copySingleRow(final Sheet srcSheet, final Sheet destSheet, final int sourceRowNum,
        final int destinationRowNum, final boolean checkLock, final boolean setHiddenColumn) {
    // Get the source / new row
    Row newRow = destSheet.getRow(destinationRowNum);
    Row sourceRow = srcSheet.getRow(sourceRowNum);

    if (newRow == null) {
        newRow = destSheet.createRow(destinationRowNum);
    // Loop through source columns to add to new row
    for (int i = 0; i < sourceRow.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
        // Grab a copy of the old/new cell
        copyCell(destSheet, sourceRow, newRow, i, checkLock);
    if (setHiddenColumn) {
        ConfigurationUtility.setOriginalRowNumInHiddenColumn(newRow, sourceRow.getRowNum());


From source file:poi.hssf.view.SVSheetTable.java

License:Apache License

public SVSheetTable(HSSFSheet sheet) {
    super(new SVTableModel(sheet));
    this.sheet = sheet;

    setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(0, 0));
    setAutoResizeMode(AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);/*from w  w w  . j a  v a2 s .  c  o  m*/
    JTableHeader header = getTableHeader();
    header.setDefaultRenderer(new HeaderCellRenderer());
    pendingPaintings = new PendingPaintings(this);

    //Set the columns the correct size
    TableColumnModel columns = getColumnModel();
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.getColumnCount(); i++) {
        TableColumn column = columns.getColumn(i);
        int width = sheet.getColumnWidth(i);
        //256 is because the width is in 256ths of a character
        column.setPreferredWidth(width / 256 * magicCharFactor);

    Toolkit t = getToolkit();
    int res = t.getScreenResolution();
    TableModel model = getModel();
    for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) {
        Row row = sheet.getRow(i - sheet.getFirstRowNum());
        if (row != null) {
            short h = row.getHeight();
            int height = Math.round(Math.max(1, h / (res / 70 * 20) + 3));
            System.out.printf("%d: %d (%d @ %d)%n", i, height, h, res);
            setRowHeight(i, height);

    addHierarchyListener(new HierarchyListener() {
        public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent e) {
            if ((e.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.PARENT_CHANGED) != 0) {
                Container changedParent = e.getChangedParent();
                if (changedParent instanceof JViewport) {
                    Container grandparent = changedParent.getParent();
                    if (grandparent instanceof JScrollPane) {
                        JScrollPane jScrollPane = (JScrollPane) grandparent;