Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row cellIterator

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row cellIterator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Row cellIterator.


Iterator<Cell> cellIterator();

Source Link


From source file:jdbc.Ratio.java

public static void run(String company) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
        IllegalAccessException, ParseException, Exception {
    Connection conn = null;/*from w w w.j a va  2  s.com*/
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://gator4185.hostgator.com:3306/";
    String db = "vninvest_company";
    String dbName = db + "?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8";
    String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    String userName = "vninvest_admin";
    String password = "c.Kz?gF]8t]G";
    Statement statement = null;
    ResultSet result = null;
    PreparedStatement prestatement = null;

    String part = null;
    String part_change = null;
    String clause = null;

    String ctcvmcp_09 = "";
    String ctcvmcp_10 = "";
    String ctcvmcp_11 = "";
    String ctcvmcp_12 = "";
    String ctcvmcp_13 = "";
    String g_10 = "";
    String g_11 = "";
    String g_12 = "";
    String g_13 = "";
    String g_14 = "";
    String lg_09 = "";
    String lg_10 = "";
    String lg_11 = "";
    String lg_12 = "";
    String lg_13 = "";

    String gvbh_09 = "";
    String gvbh_10 = "";
    String gvbh_11 = "";
    String gvbh_12 = "";
    String gvbh_13 = "";
    String ltd_09 = "";
    String ltd_10 = "";
    String ltd_11 = "";
    String ltd_12 = "";
    String ltd_13 = "";
    String cptlv_09 = "";
    String cptlv_10 = "";
    String cptlv_11 = "";
    String cptlv_12 = "";
    String cptlv_13 = "";
    String vvcq_09 = "";
    String vvcq_10 = "";
    String vvcq_11 = "";
    String vvcq_12 = "";
    String vvcq_13 = "";
    String lcpp_09 = "";
    String lcpp_10 = "";
    String lcpp_11 = "";
    String lcpp_12 = "";
    String lcpp_13 = "";
    String tttphcp_09 = "";
    String tttphcp_10 = "";
    String tttphcp_11 = "";
    String tttphcp_12 = "";
    String tttphcp_13 = "";
    String ebitda_09 = "";
    String ebitda_10 = "";
    String ebitda_11 = "";
    String ebitda_12 = "";
    String ebitda_13 = "";
    String ebitda_14 = "";
    Double data_09 = 0.0;
    Double data_10 = 0.0;
    Double data_11 = 0.0;
    Double data_12 = 0.0;
    Double data_13 = 0.0;
    Double data_14 = 0.0;

    Double share_09 = 0.0;
    Double share_10 = 0.0;
    Double share_11 = 0.0;
    Double share_12 = 0.0;
    Double share_13 = 0.0;
    Double share_14 = 0.0;
    Double earn_09 = 0.0;
    Double earn_10 = 0.0;
    Double earn_11 = 0.0;
    Double earn_12 = 0.0;
    Double earn_13 = 0.0;
    Double earn_14 = 0.0;
    Double ev_09 = 0.0;
    Double ev_10 = 0.0;
    Double ev_11 = 0.0;
    Double ev_12 = 0.0;
    Double ev_13 = 0.0;
    Double ev_14 = 0.0;
    Integer n = 0;
    Integer b = 0;
    String output_09 = null;
    String output_10 = null;
    String output_11 = null;
    String output_12 = null;
    String output_13 = null;
    String output_14 = null;
    String dtt_09 = null;
    String dtt_10 = null;
    String dtt_11 = null;
    String dtt_12 = null;
    String dtt_13 = null;
    String dtt_14 = null;
    String ckpt_09 = null;
    String ckpt_10 = null;
    String ckpt_11 = null;
    String ckpt_12 = null;
    String ckpt_13 = null;
    String ckpt_14 = null;
    String htk_09 = null;
    String htk_10 = null;
    String htk_11 = null;
    String htk_12 = null;
    String htk_13 = null;
    String htk_14 = null;
    String vcsh_09 = null;
    String vcsh_10 = null;
    String vcsh_11 = null;
    String vcsh_12 = null;
    String vcsh_13 = null;
    String vcsh_14 = null;
    String sn_09 = null;
    String sn_10 = null;
    String sn_11 = null;
    String sn_12 = null;
    String sn_13 = null;
    String sn_14 = null;
    String stock_09 = null;
    String stock_10 = null;
    String stock_11 = null;
    String stock_12 = null;
    String stock_13 = null;
    String stock_14 = null;
    String div_09 = null;
    String div_10 = null;
    String div_11 = null;
    String div_12 = null;
    String div_13 = null;
    String div_14 = null;
    String ebit_09 = null;
    String ebit_10 = null;
    String ebit_11 = null;
    String ebit_12 = null;
    String ebit_13 = null;
    String ebit_14 = null;
    String cf_09 = null;
    String cf_10 = null;
    String cf_11 = null;
    String cf_12 = null;
    String cf_13 = null;
    String cf_14 = null;
    String sta_09 = null;
    String sta_10 = null;
    String sta_11 = null;
    String sta_12 = null;
    String sta_13 = null;
    String sta_14 = null;
    Double wc_09 = null;
    Double wc_10 = null;
    Double wc_11 = null;
    Double wc_12 = null;
    Double wc_13 = null;
    Double wc_14 = null;
    String ta_09 = null;
    String ta_10 = null;
    String ta_11 = null;
    String ta_12 = null;
    String ta_13 = null;
    String ta_14 = null;
    String td_09 = null;
    String td_10 = null;
    String td_11 = null;
    String td_12 = null;
    String td_13 = null;
    String td_14 = null;
    String std_09 = null;
    String std_10 = null;
    String std_11 = null;
    String std_12 = null;
    String std_13 = null;
    String std_14 = null;
    String cb_09 = null;
    String cb_10 = null;
    String cb_11 = null;
    String cb_12 = null;
    String cb_13 = null;
    String cb_14 = null;
    Double ebt_09 = 0.0;
    Double ebt_10 = 0.0;
    Double ebt_11 = 0.0;
    Double ebt_12 = 0.0;
    Double ebt_13 = 0.0;
    Double eat_09 = 0.0;
    Double eat_10 = 0.0;
    Double eat_11 = 0.0;
    Double eat_12 = 0.0;
    Double eat_13 = 0.0;
    Double change_09 = 0.0;
    Double change_10 = 0.0;
    Double change_11 = 0.0;
    Double change_12 = 0.0;
    Double change_13 = 0.0;
    Double t_09 = 0.0;
    Double t_10 = 0.0;
    Double t_11 = 0.0;
    Double t_12 = 0.0;
    Double t_13 = 0.0;

    DataFormatter fmt = new DataFormatter();
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);

    try {
        Ratio obj = new Ratio();
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url + dbName, userName, password);

        statement = conn.createStatement();
        FileInputStream file_FI = new FileInputStream(
                new File("C:\\Users\\tri\\Desktop\\busi\\data\\" + company + "_FI.xlsx"));

        XSSFWorkbook workbook_FI = new XSSFWorkbook(file_FI);
        XSSFSheet sheet_FI = workbook_FI.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator_FI = sheet_FI.iterator();

        FileInputStream file_IS = new FileInputStream(
                new File("C:\\Users\\tri\\Desktop\\busi\\data\\" + company + "_IS.xlsx"));

        XSSFWorkbook workbook_IS = new XSSFWorkbook(file_IS);
        XSSFSheet sheet_IS = workbook_IS.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator_IS = sheet_IS.iterator();

        FileInputStream file_CFS = new FileInputStream(
                new File("C:\\Users\\tri\\Desktop\\busi\\data\\" + company + "_CFS.xlsx"));

        XSSFWorkbook workbook_CFS = new XSSFWorkbook(file_CFS);
        XSSFSheet sheet_CFS = workbook_CFS.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator_CFS = sheet_CFS.iterator();

        FileInputStream file_BS = new FileInputStream(
                new File("C:\\Users\\tri\\Desktop\\busi\\data\\" + company + "_BS.xlsx"));

        XSSFWorkbook workbook_BS = new XSSFWorkbook(file_BS);
        XSSFSheet sheet_BS = workbook_BS.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator_BS = sheet_BS.iterator();

        // Read Financial Index
        b = 0;
        part = "_FI";

        while (rowIterator_FI.hasNext()) {
            Row row = rowIterator_FI.next();
            n = 0;
            b = b + 1;

            if (b == 6) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_14 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_14) || "".equals(stock_14)) {
                            stock_14 = "0.0";

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 9) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        div_14 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(div_14) || "".equals(div_14)) {
                            div_14 = "0.0";


                    if (n == 4) {

                        // data_12 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        div_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(div_13) || "".equals(div_13)) {
                            div_13 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {

                        //    data_11 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        div_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(div_12) || "".equals(div_12)) {
                            div_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        div_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(div_11) || "".equals(div_11)) {

                            div_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {

                        div_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(div_10) || "".equals(div_10)) {

                            div_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 5) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        output_14 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(output_14) || "".equals(output_14)) {
                            output_14 = "0.0";


                        g_10 = output_10;
                        g_11 = output_11;
                        g_12 = output_12;
                        g_13 = output_13;
                        g_14 = output_14;


                    if (n == 4) {

                        // data_12 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_13) || "".equals(output_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {

                        //    data_11 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_12) || "".equals(output_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        output_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_11) || "".equals(output_11)) {

                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {

                        output_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(output_10) || "".equals(output_10)) {

                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;


        share_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_10));
        if ("0.0".equals(stock_11)) {
            stock_11 = stock_10;
        if ("0.0".equals(stock_12)) {
            stock_12 = stock_11;
        if ("0.0".equals(stock_13)) {
            stock_13 = stock_12;
        if ("0.0".equals(stock_14)) {
            stock_14 = stock_13;
        share_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_11));
        share_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_12));
        share_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_13));
        share_14 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_14));
        earn_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(div_10));
        earn_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(div_11));
        earn_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(div_12));
        earn_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(div_13));
        earn_14 = Double.parseDouble(rs(div_14));

        Double dps_09 = earn_10 * 1000;
        Double dps_10 = earn_10 * 1000;
        Double dps_11 = earn_11 * 1000;
        Double dps_12 = earn_12 * 1000;
        Double dps_13 = earn_13 * 1000;

        // Read Income Statement
        b = 0;
        part = "_Mult_IS";

        add_company(conn, prestatement, company);

        while (rowIterator_IS.hasNext()) {
            Row row = rowIterator_IS.next();
            n = 0;
            b = b + 1;

            if (b == 23) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        ebit_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(ebit_13) || "".equals(ebit_13)) {
                            ebit_13 = "0.0";
                        //                System.out.println(clause+" , "+ebit_13); 

                    if (n == 4) {
                        ebit_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(ebit_12) || "".equals(ebit_12)) {
                            ebit_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        ebit_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(ebit_11) || "".equals(ebit_11)) {
                            ebit_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        ebit_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(ebit_10) || "".equals(ebit_10)) {
                            ebit_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        ebit_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(ebit_09) || "".equals(ebit_09)) {
                            ebit_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 22) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        ebitda_09 = stock_09;
                        ebitda_10 = stock_10;
                        ebitda_11 = stock_11;
                        ebitda_12 = stock_12;
                        ebitda_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 18) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        eat_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_09));
                        eat_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_10));
                        eat_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_11));
                        eat_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_12));
                        eat_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_13));

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 16) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        t_09 = abs(Double.parseDouble(stock_09)) / ebt_09;
                        t_10 = abs(Double.parseDouble(stock_10)) / ebt_10;
                        t_11 = abs(Double.parseDouble(stock_11)) / ebt_11;
                        t_12 = abs(Double.parseDouble(stock_12)) / ebt_12;
                        t_13 = abs(Double.parseDouble(stock_13)) / ebt_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 15) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //             System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_09+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13);
                        //           add_data(conn,prestatement,company,part,clause,stock_13,stock_12,stock_11,stock_10,stock_09);
                        //              if (Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_09)) <= 20000) {
                        //                  t_09 = 0.2;
                        //              } else {
                        //                  t_09 = 0.22;
                        //              }
                        //              if (Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_10)) <= 20000) {
                        //                 t_10 = 0.2;
                        //             }else {
                        //                  t_10 = 0.22;
                        //              }
                        //              if (Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_11)) <= 20000) {
                        //                  t_11 = 0.2;
                        //              } else {
                        //                  t_11 = 0.22;
                        //              }
                        //             if (Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_12)) <= 20000) {
                        //                  t_12 = 0.2;
                        //             } else {
                        //                t_12 = 0.22;
                        //           }
                        //          if (Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_13)) <= 20000) {
                        //             t_13 = 0.2;
                        //        } else {
                        //           t_09 = 0.22;
                        //      }

                        ebt_09 = abs(Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_09)));
                        ebt_10 = abs(Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_10)));
                        ebt_11 = abs(Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_11)));
                        ebt_12 = abs(Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_12)));
                        ebt_13 = abs(Double.parseDouble(rs(stock_13)));

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 8) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        cptlv_09 = stock_09;
                        cptlv_10 = stock_10;
                        cptlv_11 = stock_11;
                        cptlv_12 = stock_12;
                        cptlv_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 6) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //                 System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        lg_09 = stock_09;
                        lg_10 = stock_10;
                        lg_11 = stock_11;
                        lg_12 = stock_12;
                        lg_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 4) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        gvbh_09 = stock_09;
                        gvbh_10 = stock_10;
                        gvbh_11 = stock_11;
                        gvbh_12 = stock_12;
                        gvbh_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 3) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        dtt_09 = stock_09;
                        dtt_10 = stock_10;
                        dtt_11 = stock_11;
                        dtt_12 = stock_12;
                        dtt_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b < 23 && b > 3) {
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                n = 0;
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {

                        //   data_13 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        //      output_13 = cell.getStringCellValue();
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            //       data_13 = 0.0;   
                            stock_13 = "N/A";


                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;

                        n = 0;

                    if (n == 4) {

                        // data_12 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            //          data_12 = 0.0;    
                            stock_12 = "N/A";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {

                        //    data_11 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            //           data_11 = 0.0; 
                            stock_11 = "N/A";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {

                        //          data_10 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            //          data_10 = 0.0;    
                            stock_10 = "N/A";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {

                        //       data_09 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            //            data_09 = 0.0;    
                            stock_09 = "N/A";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;




        Double eps_09 = eat_09 / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double eps_10 = eat_10 / share_11 * 1000000;
        Double eps_11 = eat_11 / share_12 * 1000000;
        Double eps_12 = eat_12 / share_13 * 1000000;
        Double eps_13 = eat_13 / share_14 * 1000000;

        Double peps_09 = obj.close_price(company, 2010) / eps_09 * 1000;
        Double peps_10 = obj.close_price(company, 2011) / eps_10 * 1000;
        Double peps_11 = obj.close_price(company, 2012) / eps_11 * 1000;
        Double peps_12 = obj.close_price(company, 2013) / eps_12 * 1000;
        Double peps_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / eps_13 * 1000;

        // Reading Balance Sheet
        part = "_Mult_BS";

        b = 0;

        while (rowIterator_BS.hasNext()) {
            Row row = rowIterator_BS.next();
            n = 0;
            b = b + 1;
            if (b == 77) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //                System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        lcpp_09 = stock_09;
                        lcpp_10 = stock_10;
                        lcpp_11 = stock_11;
                        lcpp_12 = stock_12;
                        lcpp_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 63) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {

                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //              System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        vvcq_09 = stock_09;
                        vvcq_10 = stock_10;
                        vvcq_11 = stock_11;
                        vvcq_12 = stock_12;
                        vvcq_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 62) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {

                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //             System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        vcsh_09 = stock_09;
                        vcsh_10 = stock_10;
                        vcsh_11 = stock_11;
                        vcsh_12 = stock_12;
                        vcsh_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 53) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //                System.out.println(clause+" ," +stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        ltd_09 = stock_09;
                        ltd_10 = stock_10;
                        ltd_11 = stock_11;
                        ltd_12 = stock_12;
                        ltd_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 42) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //                  System.out.println(clause+" ," +stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        std_09 = stock_09;
                        std_10 = stock_10;
                        std_11 = stock_11;
                        std_12 = stock_12;
                        std_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 41) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //              System.out.println(clause+ " ,"+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        td_09 = stock_09;
                        td_10 = stock_10;
                        td_11 = stock_11;
                        td_12 = stock_12;
                        td_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 37) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //               System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        ta_09 = stock_09;
                        ta_10 = stock_10;
                        ta_11 = stock_11;
                        ta_12 = stock_12;
                        ta_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 8) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //               System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        htk_09 = stock_09;
                        htk_10 = stock_10;
                        htk_11 = stock_11;
                        htk_12 = stock_12;
                        htk_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 7) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //               System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        ckpt_09 = stock_09;
                        ckpt_10 = stock_10;
                        ckpt_11 = stock_11;
                        ckpt_12 = stock_12;
                        ckpt_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 4) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //                 System.out.println(clause+" , "+stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        sta_09 = stock_09;
                        sta_10 = stock_10;
                        sta_11 = stock_11;
                        sta_12 = stock_12;
                        sta_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b < 83 && b > 3) {

                n = 0;
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {

                        //   data_13 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        //      output_13 = cell.getStringCellValue();
                        if ("-".equals(output_13) || "".equals(output_13)) {
                            //       data_13 = 0.0;   
                            output_13 = "N/A";



                    if (n == 4) {

                        // data_12 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_12) || "".equals(output_12)) {
                            //          data_12 = 0.0;    
                            output_12 = "N/A";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {

                        //    data_11 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_11) || "".equals(output_11)) {
                            //           data_11 = 0.0; 
                            output_11 = "N/A";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {

                        //          data_10 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(output_10) || "".equals(output_10)) {
                            //          data_10 = 0.0;    
                            output_10 = "N/A";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {

                        //       data_09 = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                        output_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(output_09) || "".equals(output_09)) {
                            //            data_09 = 0.0;    
                            output_09 = "N/A";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;




        wc_09 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_09)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_09))) * 1000000;
        wc_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_10))) * 1000000;
        wc_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_11))) * 1000000;
        wc_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_12))) * 1000000;
        wc_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_13))) * 1000000;

        Double bvps_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_09)) / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double bvps_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_10)) / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double bvps_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_11)) / share_11 * 1000000;
        Double bvps_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_12)) / share_12 * 1000000;
        Double bvps_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_13)) / share_13 * 1000000;

        Double pbvps_09 = obj.close_price(company, 2010) / bvps_09 * 1000;
        Double pbvps_10 = obj.close_price(company, 2011) / bvps_10 * 1000;
        Double pbvps_11 = obj.close_price(company, 2012) / bvps_11 * 1000;
        Double pbvps_12 = obj.close_price(company, 2013) / bvps_12 * 1000;
        Double pbvps_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / bvps_13 * 1000;

        ev_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / share_13 * 1000;
        //     System.out.println(ev_13);

        // Read Cash Flow Statement
        part = "_FINA_CFS";

        add_company(conn, prestatement, company);

        b = 0;

        while (rowIterator_CFS.hasNext()) {
            Row row = rowIterator_CFS.next();
            n = 0;
            b = b + 1;
            if (b == 41) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 39) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 38) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 37) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 31) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        ctcvmcp_09 = stock_09;
                        ctcvmcp_10 = stock_10;
                        ctcvmcp_11 = stock_11;
                        ctcvmcp_12 = stock_12;
                        ctcvmcp_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 30) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        tttphcp_09 = stock_09;
                        tttphcp_10 = stock_10;
                        tttphcp_11 = stock_11;
                        tttphcp_12 = stock_12;
                        tttphcp_13 = stock_13;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;
            if (b == 29) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;


            if (b == 21) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        cf_09 = stock_09;
                        cf_10 = stock_10;
                        cf_11 = stock_11;
                        cf_12 = stock_12;
                        cf_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 18) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);
                        //        add_data(conn,prestatement,company,part,clause,stock_13,stock_12,stock_11,stock_10,stock_09);
                        //         add_change(conn,prestatement,company,part_change,clause,Double.toString(change_13),Double.toString(change_12),Double.toString(change_11),Double.toString(change_10),"N/A");

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 12) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);


                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

            if (b == 5) {

                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                    if (n == 5) {
                        stock_13 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_13) || "".equals(stock_13)) {
                            stock_13 = "0.0";
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            output_09 = "0.0";
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            output_09 = stock_09;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_10)) {
                            output_10 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_10 = stock_10;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            output_11 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_11 = stock_11;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_12)) {
                            output_12 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_12 = stock_12;
                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13)) {
                            output_13 = "0.0";
                        } else {
                            output_13 = stock_13;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_09) && "N/A".equals(stock_10)) || "N/A".equals(stock_09)) {
                            change_10 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_09)) * 100;

                        if (("N/A".equals(stock_10) && "N/A".equals(stock_11)) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_11 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_10)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_11) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_12 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_11)) * 100;

                        if ("N/A".equals(stock_13) && "N/A".equals(stock_12) || "N/A".equals(stock_11)) {
                            change_13 = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            change_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(output_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)))
                                    / Double.parseDouble(rs(output_12)) * 100;
                        //            System.out.println(stock_10+" , "+stock_11+" , "+stock_12+" , "+stock_13+" , "+stock_14);

                        div_09 = stock_09;
                        div_10 = stock_10;
                        div_11 = stock_11;
                        div_12 = stock_12;
                        div_13 = stock_13;

                    if (n == 4) {
                        stock_12 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_12) || "".equals(stock_12)) {
                            stock_12 = "0.0";
                        n = 5;

                    if (n == 3) {
                        stock_11 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_11) || "".equals(stock_11)) {
                            stock_11 = "0.0";
                        n = 4;
                    if (n == 2) {
                        stock_10 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        if ("-".equals(stock_10) || "".equals(stock_10)) {
                            stock_10 = "0.0";
                        n = 3;
                    if (n == 1) {
                        stock_09 = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);

                        if ("-".equals(stock_09) || "".equals(stock_09)) {
                            stock_09 = "0.0";
                        n = 2;

                    if (n == 0) {
                        clause = fmt.formatCellValue(cell);
                        n = 1;

        Double cfps_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_09)) / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double cfps_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_10)) / share_11 * 1000000;
        Double cfps_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_11)) / share_12 * 1000000;
        Double cfps_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_12)) / share_13 * 1000000;
        Double cfps_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_13)) / share_14 * 1000000;
        Double sps_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_09)) / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double sps_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_10)) / share_10 * 1000000;
        Double sps_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_11)) / share_11 * 1000000;
        Double sps_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_12)) / share_12 * 1000000;
        Double sps_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_13)) / share_13 * 1000000;

        Double pcfps_09 = obj.close_price(company, 2010) / cfps_09 * 1000;
        Double pcfps_10 = obj.close_price(company, 2011) / cfps_10 * 1000;
        Double pcfps_11 = obj.close_price(company, 2012) / cfps_11 * 1000;
        Double pcfps_12 = obj.close_price(company, 2013) / cfps_12 * 1000;
        Double pcfps_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / cfps_13 * 1000;

        Double psps_09 = obj.close_price(company, 2010) / sps_09 * 1000;
        Double psps_10 = obj.close_price(company, 2011) / sps_10 * 1000;
        Double psps_11 = obj.close_price(company, 2012) / sps_11 * 1000;
        Double psps_12 = obj.close_price(company, 2013) / sps_12 * 1000;
        Double psps_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / sps_13 * 1000;

        //    System.out.println(cfps_09+" , "+cfps_10+" , "+cfps_11+" , "+cfps_12+" , "+cfps_13);

        Double fcfps_09 = 0.0;
        Double fcfps_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_10)) * (1 - t_10) * 1000000
                + Double.parseDouble(rs(div_10)) * 1000000 - (wc_10 - wc_09)
                - (Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09))) * 1000000
                + (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(td_09))) * 1000000;
        Double fcfps_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_11)) * (1 - t_11) * 1000000
                + Double.parseDouble(rs(div_11)) * 1000000 - (wc_11 - wc_10)
                - (Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10))) * 1000000
                + (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(td_10))) * 1000000;
        Double fcfps_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_12)) * (1 - t_12) * 1000000
                + Double.parseDouble(rs(div_12)) * 1000000 - (wc_12 - wc_11)
                - (Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11))) * 1000000
                + (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(td_11))) * 1000000;
        Double fcfps_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_13)) * (1 - t_13) * 1000000
                + Double.parseDouble(rs(div_13)) * 1000000 - (wc_13 - wc_12)
                - (Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12))) * 1000000
                + (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(td_12))) * 1000000;

        Double pfcfps_09 = 0.0;
        Double pfcfps_10 = obj.close_price(company, 2011) / fcfps_10 * 1000;
        Double pfcfps_11 = obj.close_price(company, 2012) / fcfps_11 * 1000;
        Double pfcfps_12 = obj.close_price(company, 2013) / fcfps_12 * 1000;
        Double pfcfps_13 = obj.close_price(company, 2014) / fcfps_13 * 1000;

        Double yield_09 = dps_09 / obj.close_price(company, 2010) / 1000 * 100;
        Double yield_10 = dps_10 / obj.close_price(company, 2011) / 1000 * 100;
        Double yield_11 = dps_11 / obj.close_price(company, 2012) / 1000 * 100;
        Double yield_12 = dps_12 / obj.close_price(company, 2013) / 1000 * 100;
        Double yield_13 = dps_13 / obj.close_price(company, 2014) / 1000 * 100;

        if (g_12 == "0.0") {
            g_12 = g_13;
        if (g_11 == "0.0") {
            g_11 = g_12;
        if (g_10 == "0.0") {
            g_10 = g_11;

        Double bby_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_10)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_10)) * share_10);
        Double bby_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_11)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_11)) * share_11);
        Double bby_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_12)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_12)) * share_12);
        Double bby_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_13)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_13)) * share_13);

        Double shy_10 = (dps_10 + Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(tttphcp_10)))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_10)) * share_10);
        Double shy_11 = (dps_11 + Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(tttphcp_11)))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_11)) * share_11);
        Double shy_12 = (dps_12 + Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(tttphcp_12)))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_12)) * share_12);
        Double shy_13 = (dps_13 + Double.parseDouble(rs(ctcvmcp_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(tttphcp_13)))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_13)) * share_13);

        Double evebitda_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_10)) * share_10) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ebitda_10));
        Double evebitda_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_11)) * share_11) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ebitda_11));
        Double eveebitda_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_12)) * share_12) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ebitda_12));
        Double eveebitda_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(g_13)) * share_13) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ebitda_13));

        Double gpm_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_09));
        Double gpm_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_10));
        Double gpm_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_11));
        Double gpm_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_12));
        Double gpm_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_13));

        Double om_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_09)) * 1000 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_09));
        Double om_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_10)) * 1000 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_10));
        Double om_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_11)) * 1000 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_11));
        Double om_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_12)) * 1000 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_12));
        Double om_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_13)) * 1000 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_13));

        Double npm_09 = eat_09 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_09));
        Double npm_10 = eat_10 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_10));
        Double npm_11 = eat_11 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_11));
        Double npm_12 = eat_12 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_12));
        Double npm_13 = eat_13 / Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_13));

        Double roa_09 = eat_09 / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double roa_10 = eat_10 / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double roa_11 = eat_11 / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double roa_12 = eat_12 / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double roa_13 = eat_13 / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Double roe_09 = eat_09 / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_09));
        Double roe_10 = eat_10 / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_10));
        Double roe_11 = eat_11 / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_11));
        Double roe_12 = eat_12 / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_12));
        Double roe_13 = eat_13 / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_13));

        Double qr_09 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_09)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_09)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_09));
        Double qr_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_10)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_10));
        Double qr_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_11)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_11));
        Double qr_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_12)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_12));
        Double qr_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_13)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_13));

        Double cr_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_09));
        Double cr_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_10));
        Double cr_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_11));
        Double cr_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_12));
        Double cr_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(std_13));

        Double pr_09 = dps_09 / eps_09;
        Double pr_10 = dps_10 / eps_10;
        Double pr_11 = dps_11 / eps_11;
        Double pr_12 = dps_12 / eps_12;
        Double pr_13 = dps_13 / eps_13;

        Double tie_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(cptlv_09));
        Double tie_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(cptlv_10));
        Double tie_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(cptlv_11));
        Double tie_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(cptlv_12));
        Double tie_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(cptlv_13));

        part = "DEBT MANAGEMENT";

        Double tlta_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(td_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double tlta_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(td_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double tlta_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(td_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double tlta_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(td_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double tlta_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(td_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Double ltdte_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_09));
        Double ltdte_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_10));
        Double ltdte_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_11));
        Double ltdte_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_12));
        Double ltdte_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(vcsh_13));

        Double ltdtc_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_09))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_09)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(vvcq_09)));
        Double ltdtc_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_10))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_10)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(vvcq_10)));
        Double ltdtc_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_11))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_11)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(vvcq_11)));
        Double ltdtc_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_12))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_12)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(vvcq_12)));
        Double ltdtc_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_13))
                / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_13)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(vvcq_13)));

        part = "ASSET MANAGEMENT";
        Double rt_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_09)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_09)));
        Double rt_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_10))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_10)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_09))) / 2);
        Double rt_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_11))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_11)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_10))) / 2);
        Double rt_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_12))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_12)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_11))) / 2);
        Double rt_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_13))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_13)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(ckpt_12))) / 2);

        Double it_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(gvbh_09)) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_09)));
        Double it_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(gvbh_10))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_10)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_09))) / 2);
        Double it_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(gvbh_11))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_11)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_10))) / 2);
        Double it_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(gvbh_12))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_12)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_11))) / 2);
        Double it_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(gvbh_13))
                / ((Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_13)) + Double.parseDouble(rs(htk_12))) / 2);

        Double at_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double at_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double at_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double at_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double at_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(dtt_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Integer f_09 = 0;
        Integer f_10 = 0;
        Integer f_11 = 0;
        Integer f_12 = 0;
        Integer f_13 = 0;
        Double z_09 = 0.0;
        Double z_10 = 0.0;
        Double z_11 = 0.0;
        Double z_12 = 0.0;
        Double z_13 = 0.0;

        if (roa_09 > 0) {
            f_09 = f_09 + 1;
        if (roa_10 > 0) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (roa_11 > 0) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (roa_12 > 0) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (roa_13 > 0) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_09)) > 0) {
            f_09 = f_09 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_10)) > 0) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_11)) > 0) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_12)) > 0) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_13)) > 0) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (roa_10 > roa_09) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (roa_11 > roa_10) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (roa_12 > roa_11) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (roa_13 > roa_12) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_09)) > roa_09) {
            f_09 = f_09 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_10)) > roa_10) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_11)) > roa_11) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_12)) > roa_12) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(cf_13)) > roa_13) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_10)) < Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_09))) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_11)) < Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_10))) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_12)) < Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_11))) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_13)) < Double.parseDouble(rs(ltd_12))) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (cr_10 > cr_09) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (cr_11 > cr_10) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (cr_12 > cr_11) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (cr_13 > cr_12) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (share_11 == share_10) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (share_12 == share_11) {
            f_11 = f_10 + 1;
        if (share_13 == share_12) {
            f_12 = f_10 + 1;
        if (share_14 == share_13) {
            f_13 = f_10 + 1;

        if (gpm_10 > gpm_09) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (gpm_11 > gpm_10) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (gpm_12 > gpm_11) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (gpm_13 > gpm_12) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        if (at_10 > at_09) {
            f_10 = f_10 + 1;
        if (at_11 > at_10) {
            f_11 = f_11 + 1;
        if (at_12 > at_11) {
            f_12 = f_12 + 1;
        if (at_13 > at_12) {
            f_13 = f_13 + 1;

        Double a_09 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_09)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_09)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double a_10 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_10)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_10)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double a_11 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_11)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_11)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double a_12 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_12)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_12)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double a_13 = (Double.parseDouble(rs(sta_13)) - Double.parseDouble(rs(std_13)))
                / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Double b_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lcpp_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double b_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lcpp_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double b_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lcpp_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double b_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lcpp_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double b_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lcpp_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Double c_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double c_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double c_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double c_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double c_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(ebit_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        Double d_09 = share_10 * obj.close_price(company, 2010) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_09)) * 1000);
        Double d_10 = share_11 * obj.close_price(company, 2011) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_10)) * 1000);
        Double d_11 = share_12 * obj.close_price(company, 2012) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_11)) * 1000);
        Double d_12 = share_13 * obj.close_price(company, 2013) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_12)) * 1000);
        Double d_13 = share_14 * obj.close_price(company, 2014) / (Double.parseDouble(rs(td_13)) * 1000);

        Double e_09 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_09)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_09));
        Double e_10 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_10)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_10));
        Double e_11 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_11)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_11));
        Double e_12 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_12)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_12));
        Double e_13 = Double.parseDouble(rs(lg_13)) / Double.parseDouble(rs(ta_13));

        z_09 = 1.2 * a_09 + 1.4 * b_09 + 3.3 * c_09 + 0.6 * d_09 + e_09;
        z_10 = 1.2 * a_10 + 1.4 * b_10 + 3.3 * c_10 + 0.6 * d_10 + e_10;
        z_11 = 1.2 * a_11 + 1.4 * b_11 + 3.3 * c_11 + 0.6 * d_11 + e_11;
        z_12 = 1.2 * a_12 + 1.4 * b_12 + 3.3 * c_12 + 0.6 * d_12 + e_12;
        z_13 = 1.2 * a_13 + 1.4 * b_13 + 3.3 * c_13 + 0.6 * d_13 + e_13;

        //     System.out.println(a_13+" , "+b_13+" , "+c_13+" , "+d_13+" , "+e_13);
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "PROFITABILITY", "", "", "", "", "");
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Gross Profit Margin", Double.toString(gpm_13),
                Double.toString(gpm_12), Double.toString(gpm_11), Double.toString(gpm_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Operating Margin", Double.toString(om_13),
                Double.toString(om_12), Double.toString(om_11), Double.toString(om_10), Double.toString(om_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Net Profit Margin", Double.toString(npm_13),
                Double.toString(npm_12), Double.toString(npm_11), Double.toString(npm_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Return on Assets", Double.toString(roa_13),
                Double.toString(roa_12), Double.toString(roa_11), Double.toString(roa_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Return on Equity", Double.toString(roe_13),
                Double.toString(roe_12), Double.toString(roe_11), Double.toString(roe_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "LIQUIDITY", "", "", "", "", "");
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Quick Ratio", Double.toString(qr_13), Double.toString(qr_12),
                Double.toString(qr_11), Double.toString(qr_10), Double.toString(qr_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Current Ratio", Double.toString(cr_13), Double.toString(cr_12),
                Double.toString(cr_11), Double.toString(cr_10), Double.toString(cr_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Payout Ratio", Double.toString(pr_13), Double.toString(pr_12),
                Double.toString(pr_11), Double.toString(pr_10), Double.toString(pr_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Times Interest Earned", Double.toString(tie_13),
                Double.toString(tie_12), Double.toString(tie_11), Double.toString(tie_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "DEBT MANAGEMENT", "", "", "", "", "");
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Total Liabilities to Total Assets", Double.toString(tlta_13),
                Double.toString(tlta_12), Double.toString(tlta_11), Double.toString(tlta_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Long-term Debt to Capital", Double.toString(ltdtc_13),
                Double.toString(ltdtc_12), Double.toString(ltdtc_11), Double.toString(ltdtc_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Long-term Debt to Equity", Double.toString(ltdte_13),
                Double.toString(ltdte_12), Double.toString(ltdte_11), Double.toString(ltdte_10),
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "ASSETS MANAGEMENT", "", "", "", "", "");
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Receivables Turnover", Double.toString(rt_13),
                Double.toString(rt_12), Double.toString(rt_11), Double.toString(rt_10), Double.toString(rt_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Inventory Turnover", Double.toString(it_13),
                Double.toString(it_12), Double.toString(it_11), Double.toString(it_10), Double.toString(it_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Assets Turnover", Double.toString(at_13), Double.toString(at_12),
                Double.toString(at_11), Double.toString(at_10), Double.toString(at_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "FINANCIAL STRENGTH", "", "", "", "", "");
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "F-Score", Double.toString(f_13), Double.toString(f_12),
                Double.toString(f_11), Double.toString(f_10), Double.toString(f_09));
        add_data(conn, prestatement, company, "Z-Score", Double.toString(z_13), Double.toString(z_12),
                Double.toString(z_11), Double.toString(z_10), Double.toString(z_09));

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } finally {
        if (conn != null)
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignore) {
        if (statement != null)
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignore) {
        if (result != null)
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignore) {
        if (prestatement != null)
            try {
            } catch (Exception ignore) {


From source file:jst.DataSet.java

public void addDataSetExcel(String fileLearning, String fileTesting) throws IOException {
    FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File(fileLearning));
    XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
    XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();
    while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rowIterator.next();
        Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
        String data[] = new String[7];
        int w = 0;
        while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
            Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
            switch (cell.getCellType()) {
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                data[w] = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                data[w] = cell.getStringCellValue();
            }/*from  www.j a v a 2  s  . c  o m*/
        CarEvaluation ce = new CarEvaluation(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]);

    file = new FileInputStream(new File(fileTesting));

    workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
    sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    rowIterator = sheet.iterator();
    while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rowIterator.next();
        Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
        String data[] = new String[7];
        int w = 0;
        while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
            Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
            switch (cell.getCellType()) {
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                data[w] = String.valueOf((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                data[w] = cell.getStringCellValue();
        CarEvaluation ce = new CarEvaluation(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]);

From source file:ket_noi_DB.ket_noi_kh.java

public void loadFile(Workbook workbook, String tenCSDL) {
    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    int num = 0;//from   w ww .  j a  v a 2  s.  c  om
    for (Iterator<Row> rit = sheet.rowIterator(); rit.hasNext();) {
        String sql = "INSERT INTO " + tenCSDL + " (makh, tenkh, sdt, diachi, tichdiem) VALUES (";
        Row row = rit.next();
        for (Iterator<Cell> cit = row.cellIterator(); cit.hasNext();) {
            Cell cell = cit.next();
            sql = sql + "'" + cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString() + "'" + ",";
        sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1);
        sql = sql + ")";
        try {
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
            // li lnh truy vn, do trng lp m khch hng
            "? thm d liu, c " + num + " m khch hng b trng khng c thm");

From source file:ket_noi_excel.ket_noi_excel_cd.java

public void loadFile(String path, boolean isXLS) {
    PreparedStatement pst = null;
    System.out.println("? ch?n");
    try {//from   ww w  .j a va 2s. c  o m
        org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet sheet = null;
        if (isXLS == true) {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        } else {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        for (Iterator<Row> rit = sheet.rowIterator(); rit.hasNext();) {
            Row row = rit.next();
            int i = 1;
            String query = "INSERT INTO " + tableCD
                    + " (`Tn SP`, `M SP`, `Tn Ca S`, `Tn Nhc S`, "
                    + "`Gi Bn`, `S Lng`, `Th Loi`, `Nm Pht Hnh`, `Ngy Nhp`, `S Phiu`, `Chit Khu`)"
                    + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
            pst = conn.prepareStatement(query);
            for (Iterator<org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell> cit = row.cellIterator(); cit.hasNext();) {
                org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell cell = cit.next();
                if (i == 5)
                    pst.setDouble(i, Double.parseDouble(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                else if (i == 6 || i == 11)
                    pst.setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                    pst.setString(i, cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
                if (i >= 12)
            if (pst.executeUpdate() > 0) {
                System.out.println("Thm thnh cng");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Li khi thm sn phm\n");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "? thm d liu thnh cng");

From source file:ket_noi_excel.ket_noi_excel_dvd.java

public void loadFile(String path, boolean isXLS) {
    PreparedStatement pst = null;
    System.out.println("? ch?n");
    try {/*from   ww  w  . ja v  a 2  s .  c om*/
        org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet sheet = null;
        if (isXLS == true) {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        } else {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        for (Iterator<Row> rit = sheet.rowIterator(); rit.hasNext();) {
            Row row = rit.next();
            int i = 1;
            String query = "INSERT INTO " + tableDVD
                    + " (`Tn SP`, `M SP`, `Tn Din Vin`, `Tn ?o Din`, "
                    + "`Gi Bn`, `S Lng`, `Th Loi`, `Nm Pht Hnh`, `Ngy Nhp`, `S Phiu`, `Chit Khu`)"
                    + " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
            pst = conn.prepareStatement(query);
            for (Iterator<org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell> cit = row.cellIterator(); cit.hasNext();) {
                org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell cell = cit.next();
                if (i == 5)
                    pst.setDouble(i, Double.parseDouble(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                else if (i == 6 || i == 11)
                    pst.setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                    pst.setString(i, cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
                if (i >= 12)
            if (pst.executeUpdate() > 0) {
                System.out.println("Thm thnh cng");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Li khi thm sn phm\n");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "? thm d liu thnh cng");

From source file:ket_noi_excel.ket_noi_excel_sach.java

public void loadFile(String path, boolean isXLS) {
    PreparedStatement pst = null;
    System.out.println("? ch?n");
    try {//  ww  w .  j  av  a  2  s  .  c  o m
        org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet sheet = null;
        if (isXLS == true) {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        } else {
            org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(new FileInputStream(path));
            sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        for (Iterator<Row> rit = sheet.rowIterator(); rit.hasNext();) {
            Row row = rit.next();
            int i = 1;
            String query = "INSERT INTO " + tableSach + " (`Tn SP`, `M SP`,"
                    + " `Tn T/G`, `Th Loi`,`Gi Bn`, `S Lng`, `Ngy Nhp`,  "
                    + "`S Phiu`, `Chit Khu`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
            pst = conn.prepareStatement(query);
            for (Iterator<org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell> cit = row.cellIterator(); cit.hasNext();) {
                org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell cell = cit.next();
                if (i == 6 || i == 9)
                    pst.setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                else if (i == 5)
                    pst.setDouble(i, Double.parseDouble(cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString()));
                    pst.setString(i, cell.getRichStringCellValue().toString());
                if (i >= 12)
            if (pst.executeUpdate() > 0) {
                System.out.println("Thm thnh cng");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Li khi thm sn phm\n");
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ket_noi_excel_cd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "? thm d liu thnh cng");

From source file:KTCNPM.MainForm.java

private void jButton9ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton9ActionPerformed

    try {// ww  w. ja  v a  2s  .  c o m
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
        chooser.setSize(50, 5000);
        File file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
        try {
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(in);
            XSSFSheet mySheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = mySheet.iterator();
            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                Row row = rowIterator.next();
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
                    switch (cell.getCellType()) {
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: // b? qua khi xu
                    case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: // ly khi data l s
                        arraylist.add((int) cell.getNumericCellValue());

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(MainForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(MainForm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    for (int i = 0; i < arraylist.size(); i++) {
    if (arraylist.size() == 34) {
        // taw
        int num1 = arraylist.get(0);
        int num2 = arraylist.get(1);
        int num3 = arraylist.get(2);

        int sum_taw = num1 * 1 + num2 * 2 + num3 * 3;
        this.listTAW = new ArrayList<>();
        listTAW.add("Loi tc nhn");
        listTAW.add("S tc nhn");
        listTAW.add("Tr?ng s");
        listTAW.add("?n gin");
        listTAW.add("Trung bnh");
        listTAW.add(Integer.toString(num2 * 2));
        listTAW.add("Phc tp");
        listTAW.add(Integer.toString(num3 * 3));
        listTAW.add(" ");
        listTAW.add("Cng (1+2+3)");

        // tbf
        int tbf1 = arraylist.get(3);
        int tbf2 = arraylist.get(4);
        int tbf3 = arraylist.get(5);
        float tbf_sum1 = tbf1 * 5 + tbf2 * 10 + tbf3 * 15;

        int tbf4 = arraylist.get(6);
        int tbf5 = arraylist.get(7);
        int tbf6 = arraylist.get(8);
        float tbf_sum2 = (float) ((tbf4 * 5 + tbf5 * 10 + tbf6 * 15) * 1.2);

        int tbf7 = arraylist.get(9);
        int tbf8 = arraylist.get(10);
        int tbf9 = arraylist.get(11);
        float tbf_sum3 = (float) ((tbf7 * 5 + tbf8 * 10 + tbf9 * 15) * 1.5);

        this.tbf.setText(Float.toString(tbf_sum1 + tbf_sum2 + tbf_sum3));
        this.listTBF = new ArrayList<>();

        listTBF.add("S tr?ng hp s dng");
        listTBF.add("?im ca tng loi tr?ng hp s dng");
        listTBF.add("?n gin");
        listTBF.add(Integer.toString(tbf1 * 5));
        listTBF.add("Trung bnh");
        listTBF.add(Integer.toString(tbf2 * 10));
        listTBF.add("Phc tp");
        listTBF.add(Integer.toString(tbf3 * 15));

        listTBF.add(" ");
        listTBF.add(" ");
        listTBF.add("?n gin");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf4 * 5 * 1.2)));
        listTBF.add("Trung bnh");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf5 * 10 * 1.2)));
        listTBF.add("Phc tp");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf6 * 15 * 1.2)));

        listTBF.add(" ");
        listTBF.add(" ");
        listTBF.add("?n gin");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf7 * 5 * 1.5)));
        listTBF.add("Trung bnh");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf8 * 10 * 1.5)));
        listTBF.add("Phc tp");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString((float) (tbf9 * 15 * 1.5)));
        listTBF.add("Cng 1+2+3");
        listTBF.add(Float.toString(tbf_sum1 + tbf_sum2 + tbf_sum3));

        // tcf

        int f1 = arraylist.get(12);
        int f2 = arraylist.get(13);
        int f3 = arraylist.get(14);
        int f4 = arraylist.get(15);
        int f5 = arraylist.get(16);
        int f6 = arraylist.get(17);
        int f7 = arraylist.get(18);
        int f8 = arraylist.get(19);
        int f9 = arraylist.get(20);
        int f10 = arraylist.get(21);
        int f11 = arraylist.get(22);
        int f12 = arraylist.get(23);
        int f13 = arraylist.get(24);

        float tfw = (float) (f1 * 2 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 * 0.5 + f7 * 0.5 + f8 * 2 + f9 + f10 + f11 + f12
                + f13);
        float TCF = (float) (0.6 + (0.01 * tfw));


        ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
        l.add("Cc h s");
        l.add("Tr?ng s");
        l.add("Gi tr xp hng");
        l.add("Kt qu");
        l.add("H s k thut - cng ngh (TFW)");
        l.add("H thng phn tn");
        l.add(Integer.toString(f1 * 2));
        l.add("Tnh cht p ng tc th?i hoc yu cu m bo cht lng");
        l.add("Hiu qu s dng trc tuyn");
        l.add("? phc tp ca x l bn trong");
        l.add("M ngun phi ti s dng c");
        l.add("D ci t");
        l.add(Float.toString((float) (f6 * 0.5)));
        l.add("D s dng");
        l.add(Float.toString((float) (f7 * 0.5)));
        l.add("Kh nng chuyn i");
        l.add(Integer.toString(f8 * 2));
        l.add("Kh nng d thay i");
        l.add("S dng ng th?i");
        l.add("C cc tnh nng bo mt c bit");
        l.add("Cung cp truy nhp trc tip ti cc phn m?m ca cc hng th ba");
        l.add("Yu cu phng tin o to c bit cho ng?i s dng");
        l.add("H s phc tp v? k thut - cng ngh (TCF)");

        this.listTCF = new ArrayList<>();
        this.listTCF = l;

        // EF

        int f111 = arraylist.get(25);
        int f21 = arraylist.get(26);
        int f31 = arraylist.get(27);
        int f41 = arraylist.get(28);
        int f51 = arraylist.get(29);
        int f61 = arraylist.get(30);
        int f71 = arraylist.get(31);
        int f81 = arraylist.get(32);

        ArrayList<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();


        ArrayList<Double> trongso = new ArrayList<>();

        float es = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            float s = (float) (list1.get(i) * trongso.get(i));
            if (s <= 0) {
                es += 0;
            } else if (s > 0 && s <= 1) {
                es += 0.05;
            } else if (s > 1 && s <= 2) {
                es += 0.1;
            } else if (s > 2 && s <= 3) {
                es += 0.6;
            } else {
                es += 1;


        float P;
        if (es < 1) {
            P = 48;
        } else if (es >= 1 && es < 3) {
            P = 32;
        } else {
            P = 20;

        float efw = (float) (f111 * 1.5 + f21 * 0.5 + f31 + f41 * 0.5 + f51 + f61 * 2 - f71 - f81);
        float EF = (float) (1.4 + (-0.03 * efw));

        this.listEF = new ArrayList<>();

        listEF.add("Cc h s tc ng mi tr?ng");
        listEF.add("Tr?ng s");
        listEF.add("Gi tr xp hng");
        listEF.add("Kt qu");
        listEF.add("? n nh, kinh nghim");
        listEF.add("H s tc ng mi tr?ng v nhm lm vic (EFW)");
        listEF.add("?nh gi cho tng thnh vin");
                "C p dng qui trnh pht trin phn m?m theo mu RUP v c hiu bit v? RUP hoc quy trnh pht trin phn m?m tng ng");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f111 * 1.5)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f111 * 1.5))));

        listEF.add("C kinh nghim v? ng dng tng t");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f21 * 0.5)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f21 * 0.5))));
        listEF.add("C kinh nghim v? hng i tng");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f31)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f31))));
        listEF.add("C kh nng lnh o Nhm");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f41 * 0.5)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f41 * 0.5))));
        listEF.add("Tnh cht nng ng");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f51)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f51))));
        listEF.add("?nh gi chung cho D n");
        listEF.add("? n nh ca cc yu cu");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f61 * 2)));
        listEF.add(Float.toString(giaTriNoiSuy((float) (f61 * 2))));
        listEF.add("S dng cc nhn vin lm bn th?i gian");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f71 * -1)));
        listEF.add("Dng ngn ng lp trnh loi kh");
        listEF.add(Float.toString((float) (f81 * -1)));
        listEF.add("H s phc tp v? mi tr?ng (EF)");
        listEF.add("? n nh kinh nghim (ES)");
        listEF.add("Ni suy th?i gian lao ng (P)");

        float H;
        int heso = arraylist.get(33);
        switch (heso) {
        case 2:
            H = (float) (2.65 * 2350000 / (22 * 8));
        case 3:
            H = (float) (2.96 * 2350000 / (22 * 8));
            H = (float) (3.27 * 2350000 / (22 * 8));


        // thuc hien tnh ton



From source file:Logica.L_Exel.java

public String Importar(File archivo, JTable tablaD) {
    String respuesta = "Revisr";
    DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
    tablaD.setModel(model);/*from ww  w .  j  a  v  a2s . c o m*/
    try {
        wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(archivo));
        Sheet Hoja = wb.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator filaIterator = Hoja.rowIterator();
        int indiceFila = -1;
        while (filaIterator.hasNext()) {
            Row fila = (Row) filaIterator.next();
            Iterator columnaIterator = fila.cellIterator();
            Object[] ListaColumna = new Object[7];
            int indicecolumna = -1;
            while (columnaIterator.hasNext()) {
                Cell celda = (Cell) columnaIterator.next();
                if (indiceFila == 0) {
                } else {
                    if (celda != null) {
                        switch (celda.getCellType()) {
                        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                            ListaColumna[indicecolumna] = (int) Math.round(celda.getNumericCellValue());
                        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                            ListaColumna[indicecolumna] = celda.getStringCellValue();
                        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                            ListaColumna[indicecolumna] = celda.getBooleanCellValue();
                            ListaColumna[indicecolumna] = celda.getDateCellValue();
            if (indiceFila != 0)
        respuesta = "Funciona";
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return respuesta;

From source file:magic_trainer.SpreadSheet.java

public void printWorkSheet() {
    Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();
    while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
        Row row = rowIterator.next();
        //For each row, iterate through all the columns
        Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();

        while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
            Cell cell = cellIterator.next();
            //Check the cell type and format accordingly
            switch (cell.getCellType()) {
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                System.out.print(cell.getNumericCellValue() + " : ");
            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
                System.out.print(cell.getStringCellValue() + " : ");
            }/*from  w  ww.  java  2 s . co  m*/

From source file:mindbodymerge.Parser.java

 * Parses the Sales data excel sheet that was passed in, and creates Array List populated with the member's names (memberList), the items the members
 * purchase (myzouItemList) and the price of the items that they paid (itemPriceList)
 * All array lists are indexed to the same person (i.e. memberList.get(0) bought myzouItemList.get(0) and paid itemPriceList.get(0))
 * Parsing of the excel files are hard coded to the columns that held the correct data fields, and will need to be changed if the format of the excel 
 * file changes/*www  .  j  av a2  s . c  o m*/
 * @param memberList: list of members who purchased items
 * @param myzouItemList: list of what the members purchased
 * @param itemPriceList: list of how much the member paid
 * @return void
private void parseSales(ArrayList<String> memberList, ArrayList<String> myzouItemList,
        ArrayList<String> itemPriceList) {

    try {
        //Variable to be used in determining which columns of the excel file should be read from used in the while loop
        int iterationCount = 0;

        //Used for parsing of the item price into an item string
        Double itemNumber;
        String itemString;

        //Holds mocode
        String mocode;

        //Uses Apache POI .XLSX file parser to get the data, as treating it like a normal .CSV will give weird data
        //sales is the sales data.xlsx file
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(sales);

        Database db = new Database();

        //Open WorkBook (.XLSX file)
        XSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
        //Open first sheet of workbook, shouldn't have to change unless the formatting of the sales data.xlsx file changes to a different sheet
        XSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(0);

        //Iterator for moving through each row of the sheet
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator = mySheet.iterator();

        //This first call of the iterator is to move the iterator past the labels at the top of the columns in the excel sheet

        //Move through each row of the excel file
        while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
            //Move to next row
            Row row = rowIterator.next();
            //Iterator for the cells in the row
            Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();

            //Reset the iterationCount to 0 so the while loop below knows what column we are in
            iterationCount = 0;

            while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                //Move to the next cell
                Cell cell = cellIterator.next();

                //The second column (column B) holds the list of member names, so we read from that column to the memberList
                if (iterationCount == 1) {
                    //Get rid of all the spaces so matching is easier
                    memberList.add(cell.getStringCellValue().replaceAll("\\s", ""));
                //The fourth column (column D) holds the list of purchased items, so we read from the column to the memberList
                else if (iterationCount == 3) {
                    mocode = db.getMocode(cell.getStringCellValue());
                //The 17th column (column Q) holds the list of amount paid for the items with tax
                //Make sure that you choose the column that holds the actual amount paid (e.g. the row with negative numbers showing credit charges and tax)
                //number is taken in as a double, and formatted as a string to be added
                else if (iterationCount == 16) {
                    itemNumber = cell.getNumericCellValue();
                    itemString = String.format("%.2f", itemNumber);

                //Move counter to next cell
        //Test block for ensuring the lists are correct, the sizes should all be equal
        //            System.out.println(memberList.size());
        //            System.out.println(myzouItemList.size());
        //            System.out.println(itemPriceList.size());
        //            System.out.println(memberList);
        //            System.out.println(myzouItemList);
        //            System.out.println(itemPriceList);
    } catch (IOException e) {
