List of usage examples for Font getItalic
boolean getItalic();
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License:Apache License
private void fontStyle(CellStyle style) { Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex()); if (font.getBoldweight() >= HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD) out.format(" font-weight: bold;%n"); if (font.getItalic()) out.format(" font-style: italic;%n"); int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight == 9) { //fix for stupid ol Windows fontheight = 10;//from w w w. j a va 2 s. com } out.format(" font-size: %dpt;%n", fontheight); // Font color is handled with the other colors }
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License:Open Source License
private static String getFontStyle(final Font font) { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (font.getBoldweight() == Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD) { sb.append("bold "); }/*w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ if (font.getItalic()) { sb.append("italic "); } if (font.getStrikeout()) { sb.append("strikethrough "); } if (font.getTypeOffset() == Font.SS_SUB) { sb.append("subscript "); } else if (font.getTypeOffset() == Font.SS_SUPER) { sb.append("superscript "); } switch (font.getUnderline()) { case Font.U_NONE: break; case Font.U_SINGLE: sb.append("underline "); break; case Font.U_SINGLE_ACCOUNTING: sb.append("underline-accounting "); break; case Font.U_DOUBLE: sb.append("underline-double "); break; case Font.U_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING: sb.append("underline-double-accounting "); break; default: sb.append("underline-unknown "); break; } if (sb.length() == 0) { return "normal"; } return sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); }
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License:Apache License
private void fontStyle(CellStyle style) { Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex()); if (font.getBoldweight() >= HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL) out.format(" font-weight: bold;%n"); if (font.getItalic()) out.format(" font-style: italic;%n"); int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight == 9) { //fix for stupid ol Windows fontheight = 10;/*from w w w . j av a2s . com*/ } out.format(" font-size: %dpt;%n", fontheight); // Font color is handled with the other colors }
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License:Apache License
PoiFont getPoiFont(com.dua3.meja.model.Font font, Style style) { Map<String, String> properties =; if (properties.isEmpty() && font instanceof PoiFont && ((PoiFont) font).workbook == this) { return (PoiFont) font; }//from ww w . ja v a2s .co m // FIXME JDK 8 // String name = properties.getOrDefault(Style.FONT_FAMILY, font.getFamily()); String name = properties.get(Style.FONT_FAMILY); if (name == null) { name = font.getFamily(); } String sSize = properties.get(Style.FONT_SIZE); short height = (short) Math .round(sSize == null ? font.getSizeInPoints() : MejaHelper.decodeFontSize(sSize)); final String sStyle = properties.get(Style.FONT_STYLE); boolean italic = sStyle == null ? font.isItalic() : "italic".equals(sStyle); final String sWeight = properties.get(Style.FONT_WEIGHT); boolean bold = sWeight == null ? font.isBold() : "bold".equals(sWeight); String sDecoration = properties.get(Style.TEXT_DECORATION); boolean underline = sDecoration == null ? font.isUnderlined() : "underline".equals(sDecoration); boolean strikethrough = sDecoration == null ? font.isStrikeThrough() : "line-through".equals(sDecoration); String sColor = properties.get(Style.COLOR); Color color = sColor == null ? font.getColor() : Color.valueOf(sColor); // try to find existing font for (short i = 0; i < poiWorkbook.getNumberOfFonts(); i++) { Font poiFont = poiWorkbook.getFontAt(i); if (poiFont.getFontName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && poiFont.getFontHeightInPoints() == height && poiFont.getBold() == bold && poiFont.getItalic() == italic && (poiFont.getUnderline() != Font.U_NONE) == underline && poiFont.getStrikeout() == strikethrough && getColor(poiFont, Color.BLACK).equals(color) && poiFont.getTypeOffset() == Font.SS_NONE) { return new PoiFont(this, poiFont); } } // if not found, create it return createFont(name, height, font.getColor(), bold, italic, underline, strikethrough); }
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License:Apache License
private void fontStyle(CellStyle style) { Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex()); if (font.getBoldweight() > HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL) out.format(" font-weight: bold;%n"); if (font.getItalic()) out.format(" font-style: italic;%n"); int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight == 9) { //fix for stupid ol Windows fontheight = 10;/* w ww. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ } out.format(" font-size: %dpt;%n", fontheight); // Font color is handled with the other colors }
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License:Apache License
private void fontStyle(CellStyle style) { Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex()); if (font.getBoldweight() >= HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL) out.format(" font-weight: bold;%n"); if (font.getItalic()) out.format(" font-style: italic;%n"); int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight == 9) { // fix for stupid ol Windows fontheight = 10;/*ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ } out.format(" font-size: %dpt;%n", fontheight); // Font color is handled with the other colors }
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License:Open Source License
private void fontStyle(StringBuilder sb, CellStyle cellStyle) { try {//from ww w . j a va 2s .c om Font font = spreadsheet.getWorkbook().getFontAt(cellStyle.getFontIndex()); if (font.getIndex() == defaultFont.getIndex()) { // uses default font, no need to add styles return; } String fontFamily = styleFontFamily(font); if (!fontFamily.equals(defaultFontFamily)) { sb.append(fontFamily); } if (font.getBoldweight() != Font.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL) { sb.append("font-weight:"); sb.append(font.getBoldweight()); sb.append(";"); } if (font.getItalic()) { sb.append("font-style:italic;"); } final int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight != defaultFontHeightInPoints) { sb.append("font-size:"); sb.append(fontheight); sb.append("pt;"); } if (font.getUnderline() != Font.U_NONE) { sb.append("text-decoration:underline;"); } else if (font.getStrikeout()) { sb.append("text-decoration:overline;"); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { // somehow workbook doesn't have all the fonts the cells have??? LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Font missing, " + cellStyle.getFontIndex() + " / " + cellStyle.getClass() + ", " + ioobe.getMessage(), ioobe); } }
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License:Apache License
protected void colorCompromisedThemes() { Collection<Cell> failed = statii.get("FAILED"); if (!failed.isEmpty()) { List<Row> rows = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(failed.size()); for (Cell cell : failed) { Row row = cell.getRow();/* w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ rows.add(row); } Set<Cell> compromisedThemeCells = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, Collection<Cell>> themeMap = themes.asMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Cell>> mapEntry : themeMap.entrySet()) { Collection<Cell> themeCells = mapEntry.getValue(); boolean compromised = false; for (Iterator<Cell> iterator = themeCells.iterator(); !compromised && iterator.hasNext();) { Cell themeCell =; Row row = themeCell.getRow(); compromised = rows.contains(row); } if (compromised) { compromisedThemeCells.addAll(themeCells); } } Set<String> compromisedThemes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Cell themeCell : compromisedThemeCells) { String contents = themeCell.getStringCellValue(); if (null != contents) { Iterable<String> themes = Splitter.onPattern("\\s+").omitEmptyStrings().split(contents); Iterables.addAll(compromisedThemes, themes); } } for (String theme : compromisedThemes) { Collection<Cell> cells = themes.get(theme); for (Cell cell : cells) { CellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle(); Sheet sheet = cell.getSheet(); Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook(); int originalFontIndex = cellStyle.getFontIndexAsInt(); Font originalFont = workbook.getFontAt(originalFontIndex); CellStyle clone = workbook.createCellStyle(); clone.cloneStyleFrom(cellStyle); Font font = workbook.findFont(true, IndexedColors.DARK_RED.getIndex(), originalFont.getFontHeight(), originalFont.getFontName(), originalFont.getItalic(), originalFont.getStrikeout(), originalFont.getTypeOffset(), originalFont.getUnderline()); if (null == font) { font = workbook.createFont(); font.setBold(true); font.setColor(IndexedColors.DARK_RED.getIndex()); font.setFontHeight(originalFont.getFontHeight()); font.setFontName(originalFont.getFontName()); font.setItalic(originalFont.getItalic()); font.setStrikeout(originalFont.getStrikeout()); font.setTypeOffset(originalFont.getTypeOffset()); font.setUnderline(originalFont.getUnderline()); } clone.setFont(font); cell.setCellStyle(clone); } } } }
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License:Apache License
private Font getFont(short fontIndex, AttributeSet attributeSet, Workbook wb) { Font font = null;/*w w w.j av a 2 s . c o m*/ String family = null; String sizeStr = null; short color = 0; boolean bold = false; boolean italic = false; boolean underline = false; boolean line_through = false; boolean sub = false; boolean sup = false; Enumeration<?> en = attributeSet.getAttributeNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = en.nextElement(); String name = key.toString(); String attribute = attributeSet.getAttribute(key).toString(); switch (name) { case "font-weight": bold = attribute.equals("bold"); break; case "font-style": italic = attribute.equals("italic"); break; case "text-decoration": if (attribute.equals("underline")) { underline = true; } else if (attribute.equals("line-through")) { line_through = true; } break; case "font-family": family = attribute; break; case "font-size": sizeStr = attribute; break; case "color": Color fontColor = Utils.colorByName(attribute); if (fontColor == null) { try { fontColor = Utils.stringToColor(attribute); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } if (fontColor != null) { color = colorToIndex(wb, fontColor); } break; case "vertical-align": if (attribute.equals("sub")) { sub = true; } else if (attribute.equals("sup")) { sup = true; } break; } } if (family != null || bold || italic || underline || line_through || color > 0 || sizeStr != null || sub || sup) { font = wb.createFont(); if (fontIndex > 0) { Font parentFont = wb.getFontAt(fontIndex); if (parentFont != null) { font.setBold(parentFont.getBold()); font.setColor(parentFont.getColor()); try { font.setCharSet(parentFont.getCharSet()); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } font.setFontHeight(parentFont.getFontHeight()); font.setFontName(parentFont.getFontName()); font.setItalic(parentFont.getItalic()); font.setStrikeout(parentFont.getStrikeout()); font.setUnderline(parentFont.getUnderline()); font.setTypeOffset(parentFont.getTypeOffset()); } } if (family != null) { font.setFontName(family); } if (bold) { font.setBold(true); } if (italic) { font.setItalic(italic); } if (underline) { font.setUnderline(Font.U_SINGLE); } if (line_through) { font.setStrikeout(line_through); } if (color > 0) { font.setColor(color); } if (sizeStr != null) { short size = (short) Float.parseFloat(sizeStr); if (sizeStr.charAt(0) == '+' || sizeStr.charAt(0) == '-') { size = (short) (Content.pointToSize(font.getFontHeightInPoints()) + size); } font.setFontHeightInPoints(Content.sizeToPoints(size)); } if (sup) { font.setTypeOffset(Font.SS_SUPER); } else if (sub) { font.setTypeOffset(Font.SS_SUB); } } return font; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Apply the conditional formatting according the values defined at the * respective annotation. Is only available at the declared object, in * another words, at the linked {@link Sheet} with the object. * /* w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param configCriteria * the {@link XConfigCriteria} * @param conditionalFomat * the {@link XlsConditionalFormat} * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected static void applyCondition(XConfigCriteria configCriteria, XlsConditionalFormat conditionalFomat) throws ConfigurationException { // Define a Conditional Formatting rule, which triggers formatting // according the developer definition and applies patternFormatting SheetConditionalFormatting sheet = configCriteria.getSheet().getSheetConditionalFormatting(); /* apply all rules defined */ int i = 0; ConditionalFormattingRule[] rules = new ConditionalFormattingRule[conditionalFomat.rules().length]; XlsConditionalFormatRules[] rulesAnnotated = conditionalFomat.rules(); for (XlsConditionalFormatRules rule : rulesAnnotated) { ConditionalFormattingRule setRule = sheet.createConditionalFormattingRule(rule.operator(), rule.formula1(), StringUtils.isNotBlank(rule.formula2()) ? rule.formula2() : null); CellStyle decorator = null; try { decorator = configCriteria.getCellStyle(conditionalFomat.decorator()); } catch (ElementException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(ExceptionMessage.CONFIGURATION_DECORATOR_MISSING.getMessage(), e); } /* add FontFormatting */ FontFormatting fontFormat = setRule.createFontFormatting(); Font f = configCriteria.getWorkbook().getFontAt(decorator.getFontIndex()); fontFormat.setFontStyle(f.getItalic(), f.getBold()); fontFormat.setFontColorIndex(f.getColor()); fontFormat.setUnderlineType(f.getUnderline()); /* add BorderFormatting */ BorderFormatting borderFormat = setRule.createBorderFormatting(); borderFormat.setBorderBottom(decorator.getBorderBottom()); borderFormat.setBorderTop(decorator.getBorderTop()); borderFormat.setBorderLeft(decorator.getBorderLeft()); borderFormat.setBorderRight(decorator.getBorderRight()); borderFormat.setBottomBorderColor(decorator.getBottomBorderColor()); borderFormat.setTopBorderColor(decorator.getTopBorderColor()); borderFormat.setLeftBorderColor(decorator.getLeftBorderColor()); borderFormat.setRightBorderColor(decorator.getRightBorderColor()); /* add PatternFormatting */ PatternFormatting patternFormat = setRule.createPatternFormatting(); patternFormat.setFillBackgroundColor(decorator.getFillForegroundColor()); /* join rule */ rules[i++] = setRule; } /* Define a region */ CellRangeAddress[] regions = { CellRangeAddress.valueOf(CellFormulaConverter .calculateRangeAddressFromTemplate(configCriteria, conditionalFomat.rangeAddress())) }; /* Apply Conditional Formatting rule defined above to the regions */ sheet.addConditionalFormatting(regions, rules); }