Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Font getFontName

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Font getFontName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Font getFontName.


String getFontName();

Source Link


get the name for the font (i.e.


From source file:org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.excelwriter.ExcelWriterStep.java

License:Apache License

void writeField(Object v, ValueMetaInterface vMeta, ExcelWriterStepField excelField, Row xlsRow, int posX,
        Object[] row, int fieldNr, boolean isTitle) throws KettleException {
    try {//from  w  w  w .  j a  va 2s. co m
        boolean cellExisted = true;
        // get the cell
        Cell cell = xlsRow.getCell(posX);
        if (cell == null) {
            cellExisted = false;
            cell = xlsRow.createCell(posX);

        // if cell existed and existing cell's styles should not be changed, don't
        if (!(cellExisted && meta.isLeaveExistingStylesUnchanged())) {

            // if the style of this field is cached, reuse it
            if (!isTitle && data.getCachedStyle(fieldNr) != null) {
            } else {
                // apply style if requested
                if (excelField != null) {

                    // determine correct cell for title or data rows
                    String styleRef = null;
                    if (!isTitle && !Utils.isEmpty(excelField.getStyleCell())) {
                        styleRef = excelField.getStyleCell();
                    } else if (isTitle && !Utils.isEmpty(excelField.getTitleStyleCell())) {
                        styleRef = excelField.getTitleStyleCell();

                    if (styleRef != null) {
                        Cell styleCell = getCellFromReference(styleRef);
                        if (styleCell != null && cell != styleCell) {

                // set cell format as specified, specific format overrides cell specification
                if (!isTitle && excelField != null && !Utils.isEmpty(excelField.getFormat())
                        && !excelField.getFormat().startsWith("Image")) {
                    setDataFormat(excelField.getFormat(), cell);
                // cache it for later runs
                if (!isTitle) {
                    data.cacheStyle(fieldNr, cell.getCellStyle());

        // create link on cell if requested
        if (!isTitle && excelField != null && data.linkfieldnrs[fieldNr] >= 0) {
            String link = data.inputRowMeta.getValueMeta(data.linkfieldnrs[fieldNr])
            if (!Utils.isEmpty(link)) {
                CreationHelper ch = data.wb.getCreationHelper();
                // set the link on the cell depending on link type
                Hyperlink hyperLink = null;
                if (link.startsWith("http:") || link.startsWith("https:") || link.startsWith("ftp:")) {
                    hyperLink = ch.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL);
                    hyperLink.setLabel("URL Link");
                } else if (link.startsWith("mailto:")) {
                    hyperLink = ch.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.EMAIL);
                    hyperLink.setLabel("Email Link");
                } else if (link.startsWith("'")) {
                    hyperLink = ch.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT);
                    hyperLink.setLabel("Link within this document");
                } else {
                    hyperLink = ch.createHyperlink(HyperlinkType.FILE);
                    hyperLink.setLabel("Link to a file");


                // if cell existed and existing cell's styles should not be changed, don't
                if (!(cellExisted && meta.isLeaveExistingStylesUnchanged())) {

                    if (data.getCachedLinkStyle(fieldNr) != null) {
                    } else {
                        // CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
                        Font origFont = data.wb.getFontAt(cell.getCellStyle().getFontIndex());
                        Font hlink_font = data.wb.createFont();
                        // reporduce original font characteristics

                        // make it blue and underlined
                        CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle();
                        data.cacheLinkStyle(fieldNr, cell.getCellStyle());

        // create comment on cell if requrested
        if (!isTitle && excelField != null && data.commentfieldnrs[fieldNr] >= 0
                && data.wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
            String comment = data.inputRowMeta.getValueMeta(data.commentfieldnrs[fieldNr])
            if (!Utils.isEmpty(comment)) {
                String author = data.commentauthorfieldnrs[fieldNr] >= 0
                        ? data.inputRowMeta.getValueMeta(data.commentauthorfieldnrs[fieldNr]).getString(
                        : "Kettle PDI";
                cell.setCellComment(createCellComment(author, comment));
        // cell is getting a formula value or static content
        if (!isTitle && excelField != null && excelField.isFormula()) {
            // formula case
        } else {
            // static content case
            switch (vMeta.getType()) {
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE:
                if (v != null && vMeta.getDate(v) != null) {
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
                if (v != null) {
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING:
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BINARY:
                if (v != null) {
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER:
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER:
            case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER:
                if (v != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logError("Error writing field (" + data.posX + "," + data.posY + ") : " + e.toString());
        throw new KettleException(e);

From source file:org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.modules.output.table.xls.helper.HSSFFontWrapper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a HSSFFontWrapper for the excel font.
 * @param font//  w  ww .  j a  v  a  2 s  .c o  m
 *          the font.
public HSSFFontWrapper(final Font font) {
    if (font == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Font is null");
    if (font.getColor() < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative color index is not allowed");

    fontName = normalizeFontName(font.getFontName());
    fontHeight = font.getFontHeightInPoints();
    bold = font.getBold();
    italic = font.getItalic();
    underline = (font.getUnderline() != HSSFFont.U_NONE);
    strikethrough = font.getStrikeout();
    colorIndex = font.getColor();

From source file:ru.icc.cells.ssdc.DataLoader.java

License:Apache License

private void fillFont(CFont font, Font excelFont) {

    // TODO    CFont font
    //font.setColor( excelFont.getColor() );


    // TODO ?  ? Boldweight, ?? ? ? 
    short boldWeight = excelFont.getBoldweight();
    if (boldWeight >= 700)
        font.setBold(true);//from www  .  j a v a  2s.  c  o  m


    byte underline = excelFont.getUnderline();
    if (underline != Font.U_NONE)
    if (underline == Font.U_DOUBLE || underline == Font.U_DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING)

From source file:ru.spb.nicetu.tableviewer.server.XlsToHtml.java

License:Apache License

private void fontStyle(CellStyle style, Formatter out, boolean isBuiltIn) {
    Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex());

    if (font.getBoldweight() >= HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD)
        styleOut("font-weight", "bold", out, isBuiltIn);
    if (font.getItalic())
        styleOut("font-style", "italic", out, isBuiltIn);
    if (font.getFontName() != null && !"".equals(font.getFontName()))
        styleOut("font-family", font.getFontName(), out, isBuiltIn);

    int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints();
    if (fontheight == 9) {
        //fix for stupid ol Windows
        fontheight = 10;//  www.  ja v a  2  s.c  o  m
    styleOut("font-size", "" + fontheight + "pt", out, isBuiltIn);

    // Font color is handled with the other colors

From source file:uk.ac.liverpool.spreadsheet.ExcelFeatureAnalysis.java

License:Apache License

private static void analyseSpreadsheet(Element da, ExcelFeatureAnalysis efa) {

    Element s = new Element("spreadsheets", sn);
    da.addContent(s);//from w ww .  j  a  v  a  2  s . c  o m
    s.setAttribute("numberOfSheets", "" + efa.wb.getNumberOfSheets());
    // workbook wide features

    List<? extends PictureData> allPictures = efa.wb.getAllPictures();
    if (allPictures != null && allPictures.size() > 0) {
        Element oo = new Element("Pictures", sn);
        for (PictureData pd : allPictures) {
            Element ob = new Element("Picture", sn);
            ob.setAttribute("mimeType", pd.getMimeType());

    int numfonts = efa.wb.getNumberOfFonts();
    if (numfonts > 0) {
        Element oo = new Element("Fonts", sn);
        for (int i = 0; i < numfonts; i++) {
            Font cs = efa.wb.getFontAt((short) i);
            Element ob = new Element("Font", sn);
            ob.setAttribute("Name", cs.getFontName());

            ob.setAttribute("Charset", "" + cs.getCharSet());

    if (efa.hswb != null) {

        DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = efa.hswb.getDocumentSummaryInformation();
        if (dsi != null)
            s.setAttribute("OSVersion", "" + dsi.getOSVersion());
        // Property[] properties = dsi.getProperties();
        // CustomProperties customProperties = dsi.getCustomProperties();

        List<HSSFObjectData> eo = efa.hswb.getAllEmbeddedObjects();
        if (eo != null && eo.size() > 0) {
            Element oo = new Element("EmbeddedObjects", sn);
            for (HSSFObjectData o : eo) {
                Element ob = new Element("EmbeddedObject", sn);
                ob.setAttribute("name", o.getOLE2ClassName());

    } else if (efa.xswb != null) {
        try {
            POIXMLProperties properties = efa.xswb.getProperties();
            List<PackagePart> allEmbedds = efa.xswb.getAllEmbedds();
            if (allEmbedds != null && allEmbedds.size() > 0) {
                Element oo = new Element("EmbeddedObjects", sn);

                for (PackagePart p : allEmbedds) {
                    Element ob = new Element("EmbeddedObject", sn);
                    ob.setAttribute("mimeType", p.getContentType());
                    ob.setAttribute("name", p.getPartName().getName());

        } catch (OpenXML4JException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    int nn = efa.wb.getNumberOfNames();
    if (nn > 0) {
        Element oo = new Element("NamedCells", sn);

    // sheet specific features
    int total = efa.wb.getNumberOfSheets();
    for (int c = 0; c < total; c++) {
        Sheet sheet = efa.wb.getSheetAt(c);
        Element single = new Element("sheet", sn);
        analyseSheet(sheet, single, sn, efa);

From source file:uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel.StyleManagerUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Add font details to an AttributedString.
 * @param attrString//from   ww w . j av  a 2  s .  c o m
 * The AttributedString to modify.
 * @param font
 * The font to take attributes from.
 * @param startIdx
 * The index of the first character to be attributed (inclusive).
 * @param endIdx
 * The index of the last character to be attributed (inclusive). 
protected void addFontAttributes(AttributedString attrString, Font font, int startIdx, int endIdx) {
    attrString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, font.getFontName(), startIdx, endIdx);
    attrString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, (float) font.getFontHeightInPoints(), startIdx, endIdx);
    if (font.getBoldweight() == Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD)
        attrString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD, startIdx, endIdx);
    if (font.getItalic())
        attrString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE, startIdx, endIdx);
    if (font.getUnderline() == Font.U_SINGLE)
        attrString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, startIdx, endIdx);

From source file:uk.co.spudsoft.birt.emitters.excel.StyleManagerUtils.java

License:Open Source License

 * Calculate the height of a string formatted according to a set of RichTextRuns and fitted within a give width.
 * @param sourceText//from   w ww .  j a v a  2s . c  o m
 * The string to be measured.
 * @param defaultFont
 * The font to be used prior to the first RichTextRun.
 * @param widthMM
 * The width of the output.
 * @param richTextRuns
 * The list of RichTextRuns to be applied to the string
 * @return
 * The heigh, in points, of a box big enough to contain the formatted sourceText.
public float calculateTextHeightPoints(String sourceText, Font defaultFont, double widthMM,
        List<RichTextRun> richTextRuns) {
    log.debug("Calculating height for ", sourceText);

    final float widthPt = (float) (72 * Math.max(0, widthMM - 6) / 25.4);

    float totalHeight = 0;
    String[] textLines = sourceText.split("\n");
    int lineStartIndex = 0;
    String lastLine = null;
    Font font = defaultFont;
    for (String textLine : textLines) {
        if (lastLine != null) {
            lineStartIndex += lastLine.length() + 1;
        lastLine = textLine;

        AttributedString attrString = new AttributedString(textLine.isEmpty() ? " " : textLine);
        int runEnd = textLine.length();

        int richTextRunIndex = getRichTextRunIndexForStart(richTextRuns, lineStartIndex);
        if (richTextRunIndex >= 0) {
            font = richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex).font;
            if ((richTextRunIndex < richTextRuns.size() - 1)
                    && (richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex + 1).startIndex < runEnd)) {
                runEnd = richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex + 1).startIndex;

        log.debug("Adding attribute - [", 0, " - ", runEnd, "] = ", defaultFont.getFontName(), " ",
                defaultFont.getFontHeightInPoints(), "pt");
        addFontAttributes(attrString, font, 0, textLine.isEmpty() ? 1 : runEnd);

        for (++richTextRunIndex; (richTextRunIndex < richTextRuns.size())
                && (richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex).startIndex < lineStartIndex
                        + textLine.length()); ++richTextRunIndex) {
            RichTextRun run = richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex);
            RichTextRun nextRun = richTextRunIndex < richTextRuns.size() - 1
                    ? richTextRuns.get(richTextRunIndex + 1)
                    : null;
            if ((run.startIndex >= lineStartIndex)
                    && (run.startIndex < lineStartIndex + textLine.length() + 1)) {
                int startIdx = run.startIndex - lineStartIndex;
                int endIdx = (nextRun == null ? sourceText.length() : nextRun.startIndex) - lineStartIndex;
                if (endIdx > textLine.length()) {
                    endIdx = textLine.length();
                if (startIdx < endIdx) {
                    log.debug("Adding attribute: [", startIdx, " - ", endIdx, "] = ", run.font.getFontName(),
                            " ", run.font.getFontHeightInPoints(), "pt");
                    addFontAttributes(attrString, run.font, startIdx, endIdx);

        LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(attrString.getIterator(), frc);

        float heightAdjustment = 0.0F;
        int lineLength = textLine.isEmpty() ? 1 : textLine.length();
        while (measurer.getPosition() < lineLength) {
            TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout(widthPt);
            float lineHeight = layout.getAscent() + layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();
            if (layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading() > heightAdjustment) {
                heightAdjustment = layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();
            log.debug("Line: ", textLine, " gives height ", lineHeight, "(", layout.getAscent(), "/",
                    layout.getDescent(), "/", layout.getLeading(), ")");
            totalHeight += lineHeight;
        totalHeight += heightAdjustment;

    log.debug("Height calculated as ", totalHeight);
    return totalHeight;