Example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Cell getRowIndex

List of usage examples for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Cell getRowIndex


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Cell getRowIndex.


int getRowIndex();

Source Link


Returns row index of a row in the sheet that contains this cell


From source file:com.dituiba.excel.AdapterException.java

License:Apache License

public AdapterException(String message, Cell cell) {
    this.message = LanguageUtils.translate(message, cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.toString());

From source file:com.dituiba.excel.AdapterException.java

License:Apache License

public AdapterException(String fieldName, String message, Cell cell) {
    this.fieldName = fieldName;
    this.message = LanguageUtils.translate(message, fieldName, cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex(),
            cell.toString());/*from  ww w .jav  a 2  s  . c o  m*/

From source file:com.fanniemae.ezpie.data.connectors.ExcelConnector.java

License:Open Source License

protected void readColumnNames() {
    // read the schema from the first row or the named row.
    _headerRange = null;/*from  w  ww  . jav a  2s  . c o m*/
    Row headerRow = null;
    if (StringUtilities.isNotNullOrEmpty(_columnNameAddress)) {
        _headerRange = new ExcelRange(_columnNameAddress);
        CellReference cr = _headerRange.getStartCell();
        headerRow = _sheet.getRow(cr.getRow());
    } else {
        Iterator<Row> iterator = _sheet.iterator();
        headerRow = iterator.next();

    _columnCount = 0;
    int endColumnIndex = (_headerRange == null) ? -1 : _headerRange.getEndColumn();
    String value = "";
    _columnLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
    _columnAddress = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> usedLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Cell cell : headerRow) {
        String columnLetter = CellReference.convertNumToColString(cell.getColumnIndex());
        if ((endColumnIndex != -1) && (cell.getColumnIndex() > endColumnIndex)) {

        CellType ct = cell.getCellTypeEnum();
        if (ct == CellType.FORMULA)
            ct = cell.getCachedFormulaResultTypeEnum();
        switch (ct) {
        case STRING:
            value = cell.getStringCellValue();
            if (usedLabels.contains(value.toLowerCase()))
                value = String.format("%s_%s%d", value, columnLetter, cell.getRowIndex() + 1);
        case BOOLEAN:
        case NUMERIC:
        case FORMULA:
        case BLANK:
            _columnLabels.add(String.format("Column_%s", columnLetter));

    _columnCount = _columnLabels.size();
    _dataSchema = new String[_columnCount][2];
    _dataTypes = new DataType[_columnCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < _columnCount; i++) {
        _dataSchema[i][0] = _columnLabels.get(i);

From source file:com.github.camaral.sheeco.exceptions.SpreadsheetViolation.java

License:Apache License

public SpreadsheetViolation(final String msgKey, final Cell cell) {
    this.msgKey = msgKey;
    this.colNumber = cell.getColumnIndex();
    this.rowRange = new RowRange(cell.getRowIndex());
    this.originalValue = new OriginalCellValue(getCellType(cell), getCellValue(cell));

From source file:com.github.crab2died.handler.SheetTemplateHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * ???/*w w  w .  j av  a2 s . co m*/
private static void initStyles(SheetTemplate template, Cell cell, String moduleContext) {
    if (null == moduleContext || "".equals(moduleContext))
    if (!moduleContext.startsWith("&"))
        moduleContext = moduleContext.toLowerCase();
    if (HandlerConstant.DEFAULT_STYLE.equals(moduleContext)) {
        template.defaultStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
    if (moduleContext.startsWith("&") && moduleContext.length() > 1) {
        template.classifyStyle.put(moduleContext.substring(1), cell.getCellStyle());
    if (HandlerConstant.APPOINT_LINE_STYLE.equals(moduleContext)) {
        template.appointLineStyle.put(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getCellStyle());
    if (HandlerConstant.SINGLE_LINE_STYLE.equals(moduleContext)) {
        template.singleLineStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
    if (HandlerConstant.DOUBLE_LINE_STYLE.equals(moduleContext)) {
        template.doubleLineStyle = cell.getCellStyle();

From source file:com.github.crab2died.handler.SheetTemplateHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * ??//w  w w  .j  ava  2 s . c o  m
 * @param cell     cell
 * @param styleKey ?
private static void setCellStyle(SheetTemplate template, Cell cell, String styleKey) {
    if (null != styleKey && null != template.classifyStyle.get(styleKey)) {

    if (null != template.appointLineStyle && template.appointLineStyle.containsKey(cell.getRowIndex())) {
    if (null != template.singleLineStyle && (cell.getRowIndex() % 2 != 0)) {
    if (null != template.doubleLineStyle && (cell.getRowIndex() % 2 == 0)) {
    if (null != template.defaultStyle)

From source file:com.github.svrtm.xlreport.ACell.java

License:Apache License

List<Cell> findMergedCells(final Cell poiCell) {
    if (builder.regionsList == null)
        return null;

    List<Cell> mergedCells;
    int rowIndex = poiCell.getRowIndex();
    for (final CellRangeAddress region : builder.regionsList)
        if (region.isInRange(rowIndex, poiCell.getColumnIndex())) {
            final int firstCol = region.getFirstColumn();
            final int lastCol = region.getLastColumn();
            final int firstRow = region.getFirstRow();
            final int lastRow = region.getLastRow();
            mergedCells = new ArrayList<Cell>(region.getNumberOfCells());
            for (rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++) {
                final Row<HB, ?, ?, ?> row;
                row = builder.rowOrCreateIfAbsent(rowIndex);
                for (int colIdx = firstCol; colIdx <= lastCol; colIdx++) {
                    final Cell mergedCell;
                    mergedCell = row.cellOrCreateIfAbsent(colIdx).poiCell;
                }/*from   w w  w .  ja  v  a  2 s  . c  o m*/

            return mergedCells;

    return null;

From source file:com.hauldata.dbpa.file.book.XlsxTargetSheet.java

License:Apache License

private void adjustAdjacentCellStyle(Cell cell, Styles styles, RowPosition rowPosition,
        ColumnPosition columnPosition, Styles leftStyles, Styles aboveStyles) {

    if (styles == null) {
        return;//www  .j a  v  a2 s. c om

    if ((leftStyles != null) && (columnPosition != ColumnPosition.LEFT)
            && (columnPosition != ColumnPosition.SINGLE) && !leftStyles.rightBorder.equals(styles.leftBorder)) {

        leftStyles.rightBorder = styles.leftBorder;

        Cell leftCell = cell.getRow().getCell(cell.getColumnIndex() - 1);

        leftCell.setCellStyle(composeCellStyle(leftCell, leftStyles));

    if ((aboveStyles != null) && (rowPosition != RowPosition.HEADER) && (rowPosition != RowPosition.TOP)
            && !aboveStyles.bottomBorder.equals(styles.topBorder)) {

        aboveStyles.bottomBorder = styles.topBorder;

        Cell aboveCell = sheet.getRow(cell.getRowIndex() - 1).getCell(cell.getColumnIndex());

        aboveCell.setCellStyle(composeCellStyle(aboveCell, aboveStyles));

From source file:com.jeefuse.system.code.web.imports.excel.GsysCodeExcelImport.java

License:GNU General Public License

 * populate model./* w  ww. j  a  va2s.c o  m*/
 * @generated
protected GsysCode readExcelToModel(Row row, String[] columnNames) {
    if (row == null)
        return null;
    GsysCode model = new GsysCode();
    int cellLenght = columnNames.length;
    Cell cell = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < cellLenght; i++) {
        cell = row.getCell(i);
        String columnName = columnNames[i];
        GsysCodeField gsysCodeField = GsysCodeField.valueOfFieldLabel(columnName);
        if (null == gsysCodeField) {
            gsysCodeField = GsysCodeField.valueOfFieldName(columnName);
        if (null == gsysCodeField)
            throw new DataNoExistException("??:" + columnName);
        setModelData(model, cell, gsysCodeField);
        InvalidValue[] invalidValues = GsysCodeValidate.validateProperty(model, gsysCodeField);
        if (invalidValues.length > 0) {
            List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (InvalidValue invalidValue : invalidValues) {
                errors.add(gsysCodeField.getFieldLabel() + ": " + invalidValue.getMessage());
            throw new ValidateViolationException("" + (cell.getRowIndex() + 1) + ","
                    + (cell.getColumnIndex() + 1) + "!", errors);
    return model;

From source file:com.jeefuse.system.code.web.imports.excel.GsysCodevalueExcelImport.java

License:GNU General Public License

 * populate model.//from ww  w  . j  a  v  a 2s .  c o  m
 * @generated
protected GsysCodevalue readExcelToModel(Row row, String[] columnNames) {
    if (row == null)
        return null;
    GsysCodevalue model = new GsysCodevalue();
    int cellLenght = columnNames.length;
    Cell cell = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < cellLenght; i++) {
        cell = row.getCell(i);
        String columnName = columnNames[i];
        GsysCodevalueField gsysCodevalueField = GsysCodevalueField.valueOfFieldLabel(columnName);
        if (null == gsysCodevalueField) {
            gsysCodevalueField = GsysCodevalueField.valueOfFieldName(columnName);
        if (null == gsysCodevalueField)
            throw new DataNoExistException("??:" + columnName);
        setModelData(model, cell, gsysCodevalueField);
        InvalidValue[] invalidValues = GsysCodevalueValidate.validateProperty(model, gsysCodevalueField);
        if (invalidValues.length > 0) {
            List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (InvalidValue invalidValue : invalidValues) {
                errors.add(gsysCodevalueField.getFieldLabel() + ": " + invalidValue.getMessage());
            throw new ValidateViolationException("" + (cell.getRowIndex() + 1) + ","
                    + (cell.getColumnIndex() + 1) + "!", errors);
    return model;