Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.security.alias UserProvider SCHEME_NAME

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.security.alias UserProvider SCHEME_NAME


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.security.alias UserProvider SCHEME_NAME.



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From source file:org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.persistent.TestHMSFollowerSentryStoreIntegration.java

License:Apache License

public static void setup() throws Exception {
    conf = new Configuration(true);
    final String ourUrl = UserProvider.SCHEME_NAME + ":///";
    conf.set(CredentialProviderFactory.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH, ourUrl);

    // THis should be a UserGroupInformation provider
    CredentialProvider provider = CredentialProviderFactory.getProviders(conf).get(0);

    // The user credentials are stored as a static variable by UserGrouoInformation provider.
    // We need to only set the password the first time, an attempt to set it for the second
    // time fails with an exception.
    if (provider.getCredentialEntry(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS) == null) {
        provider.createCredentialEntry(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, passwd);
        provider.flush();/*from   w ww .  j  a v a 2  s.  co  m*/

    dataDir = new File(Files.createTempDir(), "sentry_policy_db");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_VERIFY_SCHEM_VERSION, "false");
            "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + dataDir.getPath() + ";create=true");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, "dummy");
    conf.setStrings(ServerConfig.ADMIN_GROUPS, adminGroups);
    policyFilePath = new File(dataDir, "local_policy_file.ini");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFilePath.getPath());
    conf.setInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_TRANSACTION_RETRY, 10);


From source file:org.apache.sentry.provider.db.service.persistent.TestSentryStore.java

License:Apache License

public static void setup() throws Exception {
    conf = new Configuration(true);
    final String ourUrl = UserProvider.SCHEME_NAME + ":///";
    conf.set(CredentialProviderFactory.CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PATH, ourUrl);

    // enable HDFS sync, so perm and path changes will be saved into DB
    conf.set(ServiceConstants.ServerConfig.SENTRY_POLICY_STORE_PLUGINS, "org.apache.sentry.hdfs.SentryPlugin");

    // THis should be a UserGroupInformation provider
    CredentialProvider provider = CredentialProviderFactory.getProviders(conf).get(0);

    // The user credentials are stored as a static variable by UserGrouoInformation provider.
    // We need to only set the password the first time, an attempt to set it for the second
    // time fails with an exception.
    if (provider.getCredentialEntry(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS) == null) {
        provider.createCredentialEntry(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, passwd);
        provider.flush();/*from  w  w w .j  av a  2s  . c  o m*/

    dataDir = new File(Files.createTempDir(), "sentry_policy_db");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_VERIFY_SCHEM_VERSION, "false");
            "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + dataDir.getPath() + ";create=true");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_JDBC_PASS, "dummy");
    conf.setStrings(ServerConfig.ADMIN_GROUPS, adminGroups);
    policyFilePath = new File(dataDir, "local_policy_file.ini");
    conf.set(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_GROUP_MAPPING_RESOURCE, policyFilePath.getPath());

    // These tests do not need to retry transactions, so setting to 1 to reduce testing time
    conf.setInt(ServerConfig.SENTRY_STORE_TRANSACTION_RETRY, 1);

    // SentryStore should be initialized only once. The tables created by the test cases will
    // be cleaned up during the @After method.
    sentryStore = new SentryStore(conf);

    boolean hdfsSyncEnabled = SentryServiceUtil.isHDFSSyncEnabled(conf);