Example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration toString

List of usage examples for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration toString


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.hadoop.conf Configuration toString.


    public String toString() 

Source Link


From source file:com.asp.tranlog.ImportTsv.java

License:Apache License

 * Main entry point.//w w w . j a  v  a  2s.  c  om
 * @param args
 *            The command line parameters.
 * @throws Exception
 *             When running the job fails.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();

    LOG.error(PRE + "conf.toString() == " + conf.toString());

    String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args).getRemainingArgs();
    if (otherArgs.length < 2) {
        usage("Wrong number of arguments: " + otherArgs.length);

    String columns[] = conf.getStrings(COLUMNS_CONF_KEY);

    if (columns == null) {
        usage("No columns specified. Please specify with -D" + COLUMNS_CONF_KEY + "=...");

    // Make sure one or more columns are specified
    if (columns.length < 2) {
        usage("One or more columns in addition to the row key are required");
    columns = conf.getStrings(COLUMNS_CONF_KEY);
    if (columns == null) {
        usage("One or more key columns are required");

    Job job = createSubmittableJob(conf, otherArgs);

    System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);

From source file:com.ds.lzo.DeprecatedLzoLineRecordReaderForCombined.java

License:Open Source License

public DeprecatedLzoLineRecordReaderForCombined(Configuration conf, FileSplit split) throws IOException {
    LOG.warn("split start: " + split.getStart());
    LOG.warn("split length: " + split.getLength());
    String[] locs = split.getLocations();
    for (String loc : locs) {
        LOG.warn("location: " + loc);
    }/*  www.j  a  v a 2s .  c  om*/
    start = split.getStart();
    end = start + split.getLength();
    LOG.warn("split end: " + end);
    final Path file = split.getPath();
    LOG.warn("file: " + file.getName());
    LOG.warn("INT split start: " + (int) split.getStart());
    LOG.warn("INT split length: " + (int) split.getLength());
    LOG.warn("INT split end: " + (int) end);

    FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(conf);
    codecFactory = new CompressionCodecFactory(conf);
    final CompressionCodec codec = codecFactory.getCodec(file);
    LOG.warn("codec: " + codec.toString());
    LOG.warn("config: " + conf.toString());
    if (codec == null) {
        throw new IOException("No LZO codec found, cannot run.");

    // Open the file and seek to the next split.
    fileIn = fs.open(file);
    // Create input stream and read the file header.
    in = new LineReader(codec.createInputStream(fileIn), conf);
    if (start != 0) {
        LOG.warn("fileIn position: " + fileIn.getPos());
        LOG.warn("buffer size: " + conf.get("io.file.buffer.size"));

        // Read and ignore the first line.
        in.readLine(new Text());
        start = fileIn.getPos();

    pos = start;

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.utils.TestElasticsearchHiveUtils.java

License:Apache License

public void test_getHiveConfiguration() throws IOException {

    //(this is a pretty minimal test)

    {//from   ww  w  . jav a 2 s  .  c  o  m
        final GlobalPropertiesBean globals = BeanTemplateUtils.build(GlobalPropertiesBean.class).done().get();

        try {
            fail("Should have errored");
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } //success

        final String tmp_dir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
        final File dummy_config = new File(tmp_dir + "/hive-site.xml");
        if (!dummy_config.exists()) {
            System.out.println("CREATED file: " + dummy_config.toString());
        final GlobalPropertiesBean globals = BeanTemplateUtils.build(GlobalPropertiesBean.class)
                .with(GlobalPropertiesBean::local_yarn_config_dir, tmp_dir).done().get();

        final Configuration config = ElasticsearchHiveUtils.getHiveConfiguration(globals);

        assertTrue("config should contain: " + dummy_config.toString() + " vs " + config.toString(),

From source file:com.koda.integ.hbase.test.ConfigHelperTest.java

License:Open Source License

public void testConfigCopy() {
    LOG.info("Test config copy started");
    Configuration cfg1 = new Configuration();

    cfg1.set("Key1", "Value1");
    cfg1.set("Key2", "Value2");
    cfg1.set("Key3", "Value3");

    Configuration cfg2 = ConfigHelper.copy(cfg1);
    LOG.info("Test config copy finished OK");


From source file:com.linkedin.drelephant.DrElephant.java

License:Apache License

public DrElephant() throws IOException {
    HDFSContext.load();//  ww w  .j  a  va  2  s.  c  om
    Configuration configuration = ElephantContext.instance().getAutoTuningConf();
    autoTuningEnabled = configuration.getBoolean(AUTO_TUNING_ENABLED, false);
    logger.debug("Auto Tuning Configuration: " + configuration.toString());
    _elephant = new ElephantRunner();
    if (autoTuningEnabled) {
        _autoTuner = new AutoTuner();
        _autoTunerThread = new Thread(_autoTuner, "Auto Tuner Thread");

From source file:com.teradata.adsbserde.AdsbSerDe.java

public void initialize(Configuration c, Properties tbl) throws SerDeException {
    MyLogger.println("AsdbSerDe called ... ");
    MyLogger.println("c: " + c.toString());
    MyLogger.println("tbl: " + tbl.toString());

    System.out.println(PROP_DEBUG_ENABLED + "=" + tbl.getProperty(PROP_DEBUG_ENABLED));
    MyLogger.enabled = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(tbl.getProperty(PROP_DEBUG_ENABLED));

    // Generate the regular expression used to extract the ADSB data pairs.
    // This is being done here in the anticipation that one day, parts of this
    // e.g. the separator character - might be accepted as a property of the
    // table definition.
    pairs = Pattern.compile("([\\S^]+)\\s+([\\S$]+)");

    String colNamesStr = tbl.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMNS);
    List<String> colNamesWrk = Arrays.asList(colNamesStr.split(","));
    colNames = new LinkedList();
    for (String name : colNamesWrk) {
        if (name != null) {
        } else {//from   ww w . j  a v a 2s  .  c om

    MyLogger.println("colNames: " + colNamesStr);

    // Get a list of TypeInfos for the columns. This list lines up with 
    // the list of column names.
    String colTypesStr = tbl.getProperty(serdeConstants.LIST_COLUMN_TYPES);
    List<TypeInfo> colTypes = TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfosFromTypeString(colTypesStr);
    MyLogger.println("colTypes: " + colTypesStr);

    rowTypeInfo = (StructTypeInfo) TypeInfoFactory.getStructTypeInfo(colNames, colTypes);
    MyLogger.println("rowTypeInfo: " + rowTypeInfo);
    MyLogger.println("clock rowTypeInfo: " + rowTypeInfo.getStructFieldTypeInfo("clock"));
    MyLogger.println("speed rowTypeInfo: " + rowTypeInfo.getStructFieldTypeInfo("speed"));

    rowOI = TypeInfoUtils.getStandardJavaObjectInspectorFromTypeInfo(rowTypeInfo);
    MyLogger.println("rowOI: " + rowOI);


From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.datalake.authorization.hdfs.HDFSUtil.java

License:Apache License

 * @param configResources : Hadoop configuration resource
 *//*  w ww .  ja  v  a2s  .c o m*/
public static Configuration getConfigurationFromResources(String configResources) throws IOException {
    boolean foundResources = false;
    final Configuration config = new Configuration();
    if (null != configResources) {
        String[] resources = configResources.split(",");
        for (String resource : resources) {
            config.addResource(new Path(resource.trim()));
            foundResources = true;

    if (!foundResources) {
        // check that at least 1 non-default resource is available on the classpath
        String configStr = config.toString();
        for (String resource : configStr.substring(configStr.indexOf(':') + 1).split(",")) {
            if (!resource.contains("default") && config.getResource(resource.trim()) != null) {
                foundResources = true;

    if (!foundResources) {
        throw new IOException("Could not find any of the " + "hadoop conf" + " on the classpath");
    return config;

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.security.ApplySecurityPolicy.java

License:Apache License

public static Configuration getConfigurationFromResources(String configResources) throws IOException {
    boolean foundResources = false;
    final Configuration config = new Configuration();
    if (null != configResources) {
        String[] resources = configResources.split(",");
        for (String resource : resources) {
            config.addResource(new Path(resource.trim()));
            foundResources = true;//from ww w .  j av a  2s.  c  o m

    if (!foundResources) {
        // check that at least 1 non-default resource is available on the classpath
        String configStr = config.toString();
        for (String resource : configStr.substring(configStr.indexOf(":") + 1).split(",")) {
            if (!resource.contains("default") && config.getResource(resource.trim()) != null) {
                foundResources = true;

    if (!foundResources) {
        throw new IOException("Could not find any of the " + "hadoop conf" + " on the classpath");
    return config;

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.v2.hdfs.AbstractHadoopProcessor.java

License:Apache License

private static Configuration getConfigurationFromResources(String configResources) throws IOException {
    boolean foundResources = false;
    final Configuration config = new Configuration();
    if (null != configResources) {
        String[] resources = configResources.split(",");
        for (String resource : resources) {
            config.addResource(new Path(resource.trim()));
            foundResources = true;// www  .  j  av a  2s  . c  om

    if (!foundResources) {
        // check that at least 1 non-default resource is available on the classpath
        String configStr = config.toString();
        for (String resource : configStr.substring(configStr.indexOf(":") + 1).split(",")) {
            if (!resource.contains("default") && config.getResource(resource.trim()) != null) {
                foundResources = true;

    if (!foundResources) {
        throw new IOException(
                "Could not find any of the " + HADOOP_CONFIGURATION_RESOURCES.getName() + " on the classpath");
    return config;

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.nifi.v2.hdfs.AbstractHadoopProcessor.java

License:Apache License

 * Reset Hadoop Configuration and FileSystem based on the supplied configuration resources.
 * @param configResources for configuration
 * @param dir             the target directory
 * @param context         for context, which gives access to the principal
 * @return An HdfsResources object/*from  ww  w.  j  av  a2  s  . c  om*/
 * @throws IOException if unable to access HDFS
HdfsResources resetHDFSResources(String configResources, String dir, ProcessContext context)
        throws IOException {
    // org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration saves its current thread context class loader to use for threads that it creates
    // later to do I/O. We need this class loader to be the NarClassLoader instead of the magical
    // NarThreadContextClassLoader.
    ClassLoader savedClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

    try {
        Configuration config = getConfigurationFromResources(configResources);

        // first check for timeout on HDFS connection, because FileSystem has a hard coded 15 minute timeout

        // disable caching of Configuration and FileSystem objects, else we cannot reconfigure the processor without a complete
        // restart
        String disableCacheName = String.format("fs.%s.impl.disable.cache",
        config.set(disableCacheName, "true");

        // If kerberos is enabled, create the file system as the kerberos principal
        // -- use RESOURCE_LOCK to guarantee UserGroupInformation is accessed by only a single thread at at time
        FileSystem fs = null;
        UserGroupInformation ugi = null;
        synchronized (RESOURCES_LOCK) {
            if (config.get("hadoop.security.authentication").equalsIgnoreCase("kerberos")) {
                String principal = context.getProperty(kerberosPrincipal).getValue();
                String keyTab = context.getProperty(kerberosKeytab).getValue();
                ugi = UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(principal, keyTab);
                modifyConfig(context, config);
                fs = getFileSystemAsUser(config, ugi);
                lastKerberosReloginTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
            } else {
                config.set("ipc.client.fallback-to-simple-auth-allowed", "true");
                config.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "simple");
                modifyConfig(context, config);
                fs = getFileSystem(config);
                "Initialized a new HDFS File System with working dir: {} default block size: {} default replication: {} config: {}",
                new Object[] { fs.getWorkingDirectory(), fs.getDefaultBlockSize(new Path(dir)),
                        fs.getDefaultReplication(new Path(dir)), config.toString() });
        return new HdfsResources(config, fs, ugi);
    } finally {