Example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.random RandomGenerator nextLong

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.math3.random RandomGenerator nextLong


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.math3.random RandomGenerator nextLong.


long nextLong();

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Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence.


From source file:com.analog.lyric.math.DimpleRandom.java

 * Construct using specified underlying random generator and a randomly generated seed.
 * <p>/*from w  w w .  j  a va2 s  . com*/
 * The random value used to seed the generator can be obtained via {@link #getSeed()}.
 * <p>
 * @since 0.08
public DimpleRandom(RandomGenerator randomGenerator) {
    this(randomGenerator, randomGenerator.nextLong());

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.util.StochasticSuppliersTest.java

 * Tests whether the rescaling of the mean of a truncated normal distribution
 * is implemented correctly.//from   www.  j av a  2s .  c  om
public void testNormalScaleMean() {
    final double[] means = new double[] { 1d, 2d, 3d, 10d, 100d };
    final double[] sds = new double[] { 1d, 1d, 3d, 5d, 100d };

    for (int i = 0; i < means.length; i++) {
        final StochasticSupplier<Double> ss = StochasticSuppliers.normal().mean(means[i]).std(sds[i])

        final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(123);
        final SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
        // 1 % deviation from mean is acceptable
        final double allowedDeviation = 0.01 * means[i];
        assertEquals(means[i], stats.getMean(), allowedDeviation);


From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.PoissonProcessTest.java

 * Tests whether the Poisson process has a Poisson distribution.
 *//*w w  w .ja  v  a  2s .c om*/
public void testPoissonDistribution() {
    final double length = poisson.getLength();
    final Frequency f = new Frequency();

    final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

        final List<Double> doubles = poisson.generate(rng.nextLong());
        final List<Long> list = newArrayList();
        for (final double d : doubles) {
            list.add(DoubleMath.roundToLong(d, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
        // add the number of announcements
    final double averageIntensity;
    if (poisson instanceof NonHomogenous && ((NonHomogenous) poisson).lambd instanceof SineIntensity) {
        final SineIntensity si = (SineIntensity) ((NonHomogenous) poisson).lambd;

        final double period = 1d / si.getFrequency();
        final double periods = length / period;
        final double totalEvents = si.area() * periods;
        averageIntensity = totalEvents / length;
    } else {
        averageIntensity = poisson.intensity;
    assertTrue(isPoissonProcess(f, averageIntensity, length, 0.001));
    assertFalse(isPoissonProcess(f, 2, length, 0.01));
    assertFalse(isPoissonProcess(f, 0.1, length, 0.0001));
    assertFalse(isPoissonProcess(f, 15, length, 0.001));
    assertFalse(isPoissonProcess(f, 1000, length, 0.0001));

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.central.SolverSimTest.java

 * Tests whether the simulator produces the same objective value as the
 * solver.//from  w  ww.jav  a 2  s .co m
 * @throws IOException In case file loading fails.
public void testOffline() throws IOException {
    final Gendreau06Scenario scenario = Gendreau06Parser.parser().addFile(ScenarioPaths.GENDREAU).offline()

    final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(123);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        final long seed = rng.nextLong();
        final DebugSolverCreator dsc = new DebugSolverCreator(seed, SI.MILLI(SI.SECOND));
        final Gendreau06ObjectiveFunction obj = Gendreau06ObjectiveFunction.instance();
        final ExperimentResults results = Experiment.builder()
        assertEquals(1, results.getResults().size());
        assertEquals(1, dsc.arraysSolver.getInputs().size());
        assertEquals(1, dsc.arraysSolver.getOutputs().size());

        final SolutionObject[] sols = dsc.arraysSolver.getOutputs().get(0);
        int objVal = 0;
        for (final SolutionObject sol : sols) {
            objVal += sol.objectiveValue;

        // convert the objective values computed by the solver to the unit of the
        // gendreau benchmark (minutes).
        final UnitConverter converter = SI.MILLI(SI.SECOND).getConverterTo(NonSI.MINUTE);
        final double objValInMinutes = converter.convert(objVal);

        final GlobalStateObject solverInput = dsc.solver.getInputs().get(0);
        final ImmutableList<ImmutableList<Parcel>> solverOutput = dsc.solver.getOutputs().get(0);

        assertEquals(obj.computeCost((StatisticsDTO) results.getResults().asList().get(0).getResultObject()),
                objValInMinutes, 0.2);

        final StatisticsDTO stats = Solvers.computeStats(solverInput, solverOutput);
        assertTrue(stats.toString(), obj.isValidResult(stats));
        assertEquals(objValInMinutes, obj.computeCost(stats), 0.1);
        assertEquals(objValInMinutes, decomposedCost(solverInput, solverOutput, obj), 0.01);

From source file:com.milaboratory.core.motif.BitapPatternTest.java

public void testRandomMMIndelLast1() throws Exception {
    RandomGenerator rg = new Well19937c();
    long seed = rg.nextLong();
    rg = new Well19937c(seed);
    int its = TestUtil.its(1000, 100000);

    out: for (int i = 0; i < its; ++i) {
        NucleotideSequence seq = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 5, 60);

        NucleotideSequence seqM = seq;// w  w  w  .ja  v  a 2  s .  co  m
        int muts = 1 + rg.nextInt(Math.min(10, seq.size()));
        for (int j = 0; j < muts; ++j)
            seqM = UniformMutationsGenerator.createUniformMutationAsObject(seqM, rg).mutate(seqM);

        NucleotideSequence seqLeft = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence seqRight = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence fullSeq = SequencesUtils.concatenate(seqLeft, seqM, seqRight);

        Motif<NucleotideSequence> motif = new Motif<>(seq);
        BitapPattern bitapPattern = motif.toBitapPattern();
        BitapMatcher bitapMatcher = bitapPattern.substitutionAndIndelMatcherLast(muts, fullSeq);

        boolean found = false;

        int pos;
        while ((pos = bitapMatcher.findNext()) >= 0) {
            if (pos == seqLeft.size() + seqM.size() - 1)
                found = true;

        assertTrue("On iteration = " + i + " with seed " + seed, found);

From source file:com.milaboratory.core.motif.BitapPatternTest.java

public void testRandomMMIndelFirst1() throws Exception {
    RandomGenerator rg = new Well19937c();
    long seed = rg.nextLong();
    rg = new Well19937c(seed);
    int its = TestUtil.its(1000, 100000);

    out: for (int i = 0; i < its; ++i) {
        NucleotideSequence seq = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 5, 60);

        NucleotideSequence seqM = seq;//  w w w .  j a  va  2s .com
        int muts = 1 + rg.nextInt(Math.min(10, seq.size()));
        for (int j = 0; j < muts; ++j)
            seqM = UniformMutationsGenerator.createUniformMutationAsObject(seqM, rg).mutate(seqM);

        NucleotideSequence seqLeft = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence seqRight = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence fullSeq = SequencesUtils.concatenate(seqLeft, seqM, seqRight);

        Motif<NucleotideSequence> motif = new Motif<>(seq);
        BitapPattern bitapPattern = motif.toBitapPattern();
        BitapMatcher bitapMatcher = bitapPattern.mismatchAndIndelMatcherFirst(muts, fullSeq);

        boolean found = false;

        int pos;
        while ((pos = bitapMatcher.findNext()) >= 0) {
            if (pos == seqLeft.size())
                found = true;

        assertTrue("On iteration = " + i + " with seed " + seed, found);

From source file:com.milaboratory.core.motif.BitapPatternTest.java

public void testRandomMM1() throws Exception {
    RandomGenerator rg = new Well19937c();
    long seed = rg.nextLong();
    rg = new Well19937c(seed);
    int its = TestUtil.its(1000, 100000);

    out: for (int i = 0; i < its; ++i) {
        NucleotideSequence seq = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 5, 60);

        NucleotideSequence seqM = seq;//w  w  w  .ja  v a2  s .  co m
        int mms = 1 + rg.nextInt(Math.min(10, seq.size()));
        for (int j = 0; j < mms; ++j)
            seqM = UniformMutationsGenerator.createUniformMutationAsObject(seqM, rg, MutationType.Substitution)

        int realMMs = SequencesUtils.mismatchCount(seq, 0, seqM, 0, seqM.size());

        NucleotideSequence seqLeft = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence seqRight = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence fullSeq = SequencesUtils.concatenate(seqLeft, seqM, seqRight);

        Motif<NucleotideSequence> motif = new Motif<>(seq);
        BitapPattern bitapPattern = motif.toBitapPattern();

        // Not filtered

        BitapMatcher bitapMatcher = bitapPattern.substitutionOnlyMatcherFirst(mms, fullSeq);

        boolean found = false;

        int pos;
        while ((pos = bitapMatcher.findNext()) >= 0) {
            if (pos == seqLeft.size()) {
                found = true;
                assertEquals(realMMs, bitapMatcher.getNumberOfErrors());
            assertTrue("On iteration = " + i + " with seed " + seed,
                    SequencesUtils.mismatchCount(fullSeq, pos, seq, 0, seq.size()) <= mms);

        assertTrue("On iteration = " + i + " with seed " + seed, found);

From source file:com.milaboratory.core.motif.BitapPatternTest.java

public void testRandomMM2() throws Exception {
    RandomGenerator rg = new Well19937c();
    long seed = rg.nextLong();
    rg = new Well19937c(seed);
    int its = TestUtil.its(1000, 100000);

    int e = 0;//from w w w .j a  va 2 s .c o  m

    out: for (int i = 0; i < its; ++i) {
        NucleotideSequence seq = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 10, 60);

        NucleotideSequence seqM = seq;
        int mms = 1 + rg.nextInt(3);
        for (int j = 0; j < mms; ++j)
            seqM = UniformMutationsGenerator.createUniformMutationAsObject(seqM, rg, MutationType.Substitution)

        int realMMs = SequencesUtils.mismatchCount(seq, 0, seqM, 0, seqM.size());

        NucleotideSequence seqLeft = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence seqRight = TestUtil.randomSequence(NucleotideSequence.ALPHABET, 0, 40);
        NucleotideSequence fullSeq = SequencesUtils.concatenate(seqLeft, seqM, seqRight);

        Motif<NucleotideSequence> motif = new Motif<>(seq);
        BitapPattern bitapPattern = motif.toBitapPattern();

        // Filtered

        BitapMatcherFilter bitapMatcher = new BitapMatcherFilter(
                bitapPattern.substitutionOnlyMatcherFirst(mms, fullSeq));

        boolean found = false;

        int pos;
        while ((pos = bitapMatcher.findNext()) >= 0) {
            if (pos == seqLeft.size()) {
                found = true;
                assertEquals(realMMs, bitapMatcher.getNumberOfErrors());
            assertTrue("On iteration = " + i + " with seed " + seed,
                    SequencesUtils.mismatchCount(fullSeq, pos, seq, 0, seq.size()) <= mms);

        if (!found)

    assertTrue(e <= Math.max(5E-5 * its, 1.0));

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.kmeans.computation.cluster.KMeansParallel.java

 * Main constructor that includes the option to uses a fixed {@code Random} instance
 * for running the k-means algorithm for testing purposes.
 */// w w w  . j av a 2 s.  c o m
public KMeansParallel(RandomGenerator random, int projectionBits, int projectionSamples) {
    this.projectionBits = projectionBits;
    this.projectionSamples = projectionSamples;
    if (random == null) {
        this.seed = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } else {
        this.seed = random.nextLong();

From source file:com.github.rinde.rinsim.scenario.generator.TimeWindowsTest.java

 * Test whether calling generate with the same seed yields equal results.
 *//*w w w  .  jav a2  s  .  c o  m*/
public void determinismTest() {
    final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(123L);
    for (final TravelTimes tt : DistanceTT.values()) {
        for (final Parcel.Builder parcelBuilder : parcelBuilders()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                final long seed = rng.nextLong();
                timeWindowGenerator.generate(seed, parcelBuilder, tt, END_TIME);
                final TimeWindow p1 = parcelBuilder.getPickupTimeWindow();
                final TimeWindow d1 = parcelBuilder.getDeliveryTimeWindow();

                timeWindowGenerator.generate(seed, parcelBuilder, tt, END_TIME);
                final TimeWindow p2 = parcelBuilder.getPickupTimeWindow();
                final TimeWindow d2 = parcelBuilder.getDeliveryTimeWindow();
                assertNotSame(p1, p2);
                assertNotSame(d1, d2);
                assertEquals(p1, p2);
                assertEquals(d1, d2);