Example usage for org.apache.commons.logging LogFactory subclass-usage

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.logging LogFactory subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.logging LogFactory subclass-usage.


From source file org.web.online.cloudwatch.tomcat.valve.JuliLogFactoryAdapter.java

 * An adapter that allows code using org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory to
 * be configured to use the org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory as it's
 * implementation (via the documented configuration options of
 * org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory such as commons-logging.properties,
 * JDK 1.3 services interface, etc.)

From source file org.mmbase.util.logging.commons.impl.MMBaseLoggingFactory.java

 * LogFactory for jakarta commons-logging who when used creates MMBase logging backed Log implementations.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * <b>Goal:</b> To provide a single log configuration for applications that use both commons-logging and mmbase logging.<br/>
 * <b>Achievement:</b> By providing a commons-logging factory that uses mmbase-logging.<br/>
 * <br/>

From source file org.apache.jul.JulLogFactory.java

final public class JulLogFactory extends LogFactory {

    protected Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable();
    protected Hashtable instances = new Hashtable();

    public JulLogFactory() {

From source file com.github.veithen.ulog.DelegatingLogFactory.java

public class DelegatingLogFactory extends LogFactory {
    public Log getInstance(Class clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
        return MetaFactory.getInstance().getLogFactory().getInstance(clazz);

    public Log getInstance(String name) throws LogConfigurationException {

From source file com.github.veithen.ulog.NoOpLogFactory.java

public final class NoOpLogFactory extends LogFactory {
    private final NoOpLog noOpLog = new NoOpLog();

    public Log getInstance(Class clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
        return noOpLog;

From source file com.github.veithen.ulog.AbstractLogFactory.java

public abstract class AbstractLogFactory extends LogFactory {
    private final Map instances = new HashMap();

    public final Log getInstance(Class clazz) throws LogConfigurationException {
        return getInstance(clazz.getName());

From source file aot.jcl.CustomLogFactory.java

 * @author Dmitry Kotlyarov
 * @since 1.0
public class CustomLogFactory extends LogFactory {
    public CustomLogFactory() {

From source file helma.util.Logging.java

 *  Implementation of Jakarta Commons LogFactory that supports both
 *  simple console logging and logging to files that are rotated and
 *  gzipped each night.
 * @author Stefan Pollach

From source file org.rapidoid.log.commons.RapidoidLogFactory.java

@Authors("Nikolche Mihajlovski")
public class RapidoidLogFactory extends LogFactory {

    public Object getAttribute(String name) {

From source file axiom.util.Logging.java

 *  Implementation of Jakarta Commons LogFactory that supports both
 *  simple console logging and logging to files that are rotated and
 *  gzipped each night.
 * @author Stefan Pollach