Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Pair getRight

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Pair getRight


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple Pair getRight.


public abstract R getRight();

Source Link


Gets the right element from this pair.

When treated as a key-value pair, this is the value.


From source file:edu.uci.ics.hyracks.api.rewriter.runtime.SuperActivityOperatorNodePushable.java

public void init() throws HyracksDataException {
    Map<ActivityId, IOperatorNodePushable> startOperatorNodePushables = new HashMap<ActivityId, IOperatorNodePushable>();
    Queue<Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>>> childQueue = new LinkedList<Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>>>();
    List<IConnectorDescriptor> outputConnectors = null;

    /**//from w ww  . j ava  2  s. c  o m
     * Set up the source operators
    for (Entry<ActivityId, IActivity> entry : startActivities.entrySet()) {
        IOperatorNodePushable opPushable = entry.getValue().createPushRuntime(ctx, recordDescProvider,
                partition, nPartitions);
        startOperatorNodePushables.put(entry.getKey(), opPushable);
        operatorNodePushables.put(entry.getKey(), opPushable);
        inputArity += opPushable.getInputArity();
        outputConnectors = parent.getActivityOutputMap().get(entry.getKey());
        if (outputConnectors != null) {
            for (IConnectorDescriptor conn : outputConnectors) {

     * Using BFS (breadth-first search) to construct to runtime execution
     * DAG;
    while (childQueue.size() > 0) {
         * expend the executing activities further to the downstream
        if (outputConnectors != null && outputConnectors.size() > 0) {
            for (IConnectorDescriptor conn : outputConnectors) {
                if (conn != null) {

         * construct the source to destination information
        Pair<Pair<IActivity, Integer>, Pair<IActivity, Integer>> channel = childQueue.poll();
        ActivityId sourceId = channel.getLeft().getLeft().getActivityId();
        int outputChannel = channel.getLeft().getRight();
        ActivityId destId = channel.getRight().getLeft().getActivityId();
        int inputChannel = channel.getRight().getRight();
        IOperatorNodePushable sourceOp = operatorNodePushables.get(sourceId);
        IOperatorNodePushable destOp = operatorNodePushables.get(destId);
        if (destOp == null) {
            destOp = channel.getRight().getLeft().createPushRuntime(ctx, recordDescProvider, partition,
            operatorNodePushables.put(destId, destOp);

         * construct the dataflow connection from a producer to a consumer
        sourceOp.setOutputFrameWriter(outputChannel, destOp.getInputFrameWriter(inputChannel),
                recordDescProvider.getInputRecordDescriptor(destId, inputChannel));

         * traverse to the child of the current activity
        outputConnectors = parent.getActivityOutputMap().get(destId);

From source file:com.mtbs3d.minecrift.control.GuiScreenNaviator.java

public void down() {
    if (onSlot && slot != null && slotIndex != slot.publicGetSize() - 1) {
        slotIndex++;// www . ja  v  a 2 s. com
        int slotY = slot.select(slotIndex, false);
        curPoint = Pair.of(screen.width / 2, slotY);
    onSlot = false;
    if (curPoint != null) {
        Pair<Integer, Integer> nextBest = null;
        for (Pair<Integer, Integer> point : points) {
            if (point.getRight() > curPoint.getRight()) {
                if (nextBest == null || dist(nextBest, curPoint, AXIS_PREFERENCE, 1) > dist(point, curPoint,
                        AXIS_PREFERENCE, 1))
                    nextBest = point;
        if (nextBest != null) {
            mc.currentScreen.mouseGuiDrag(curPoint.getLeft(), curPoint.getRight());
            curPoint = nextBest;

From source file:at.gridtec.lambda4j.consumer.bi.ThrowableBiConsumer.java

 * Applies this consumer to the given tuple.
 * @param tuple The tuple to be applied to the consumer
 * @throws NullPointerException If given argument is {@code null}
 * @throws X Any throwable from this consumers action
 * @see org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair
 *//*from ww  w.  j a  v a  2  s .co m*/
default void acceptThrows(@Nonnull Pair<T, U> tuple) throws X {
    acceptThrows(tuple.getLeft(), tuple.getRight());

From source file:com.mtbs3d.minecrift.control.GuiScreenNaviator.java

public void up() {
    parsePoints();/* ww w  .  j a  v  a  2s  .c om*/
    if (curPoint != null) {
        Pair<Integer, Integer> nextBest = null;
        for (Pair<Integer, Integer> point : points) {
            if (point.getRight() < curPoint.getRight()) {
                if (nextBest == null || dist(nextBest, curPoint, AXIS_PREFERENCE, 1) > dist(point, curPoint,
                        AXIS_PREFERENCE, 1))
                    nextBest = point;
        if (nextBest != null) {

            mc.currentScreen.mouseGuiDrag(curPoint.getLeft(), curPoint.getRight());
            curPoint = nextBest;
            onSlot = false;
        } else if (slot != null) {
            if (onSlot && slotIndex != 0)
            int slotY = slot.select(slotIndex, false);
            curPoint = Pair.of(screen.width / 2, slotY);
            onSlot = true;


From source file:com.javiermoreno.springboot.mvc.users.UserCtrl.java

 * Retrieves the users registered in the application.
 * @param page page of the results// ww w  .  j a  va  2  s .co  m
 * @param amount how many results
 * @param direction ASC or DESC
 * @param sortingProperty name of the property used for sorting
 * @return 
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
@ApiOperation(value = "GET /users", notes = "Paginable.")
public HttpEntity<DailyUserPageResource> showAll(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") int page,
        @RequestParam(defaultValue = "25") int amount, @RequestParam(required = false) Sort.Direction direction,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String sortingProperty) {

    Pair<List<DailyUser>, Long> data = userService.retrieveAllUsers(page, amount, direction, sortingProperty);

    DailyUserPageResource resource = new DailyUserPageResource();
    resource.users = data.getLeft();
    resource.page = page;
    resource.amount = amount;
    resource.total = data.getRight();
    resource.lastPageNumber = (int) (resource.total / resource.amount);

            linkTo(methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(page, amount, direction, sortingProperty)).withSelfRel());
    resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(0, amount, direction, sortingProperty))
            methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(resource.lastPageNumber, amount, direction, sortingProperty))
    if (page > 0) {
        resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(page - 1, amount, direction, sortingProperty))
    if (page + amount < resource.total) {
        resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(page + 1, amount, direction, sortingProperty))
    for (int i = max(0, page - 5); i < min(page + 5, resource.lastPageNumber); i++) {
        resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(UserCtrl.class).showAll(i, amount, direction, sortingProperty))
                .withRel("page" + i));

    return new ResponseEntity<>(resource, HttpStatus.OK);

From source file:alfio.manager.AdminReservationManagerIntegrationTest.java

public void testReserveMixed() throws Exception {
    List<TicketCategoryModification> categories = Collections.singletonList(new TicketCategoryModification(null,
            "default", 1, new DateTimeModification(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.now()),
            new DateTimeModification(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.now()), DESCRIPTION, BigDecimal.TEN, false, "",
            false, null, null, null, null, null));
    Pair<Event, String> eventWithUsername = initEvent(categories, organizationRepository, userManager,
            eventManager, eventRepository);
    Event event = eventWithUsername.getKey();
    String username = eventWithUsername.getValue();
    DateTimeModification expiration = DateTimeModification.fromZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime.now().plusDays(1));
    CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData("Integration", "Test", "integration-test@test.ch",
            "Billing Address", "en");

    TicketCategory existingCategory = ticketCategoryRepository.findByEventId(event.getId()).get(0);

    Category resExistingCategory = new Category(existingCategory.getId(), "", existingCategory.getPrice());
    Category resNewCategory = new Category(null, "name", new BigDecimal("100.00"));
    int attendees = 1;
    List<TicketsInfo> ticketsInfoList = Arrays.asList(
            new TicketsInfo(resExistingCategory, generateAttendees(attendees), false, false),
            new TicketsInfo(resNewCategory, generateAttendees(attendees), false, false),
            new TicketsInfo(resExistingCategory, generateAttendees(attendees), false, false));
    AdminReservationModification modification = new AdminReservationModification(expiration, customerData,
            ticketsInfoList, "en", false, null);
    Result<Pair<TicketReservation, List<Ticket>>> result = adminReservationManager
            .createReservation(modification, event.getShortName(), username);
    assertTrue(result.isSuccess());/*from  ww w  . j  ava 2s .c o m*/
    Pair<TicketReservation, List<Ticket>> data = result.getData();
    List<Ticket> tickets = data.getRight();
    assertTrue(tickets.size() == 3);
    assertTrue(tickets.stream().allMatch(t -> t.getTicketsReservationId().equals(data.getKey().getId())));
    int resExistingCategoryId = tickets.get(0).getCategoryId();
    int resNewCategoryId = tickets.get(2).getCategoryId();

    Event modified = eventManager.getSingleEvent(event.getShortName(), username);
    assertEquals(AVAILABLE_SEATS, eventRepository.countExistingTickets(event.getId()).intValue());
    assertEquals(3, ticketRepository
            .findPendingTicketsInCategories(Arrays.asList(resExistingCategoryId, resNewCategoryId)).size());
    assertEquals(3, ticketRepository.findTicketsInReservation(data.getLeft().getId()).size());

    String reservationId = data.getLeft().getId();

            .forEach(tc -> assertTrue(specialPriceRepository.findAllByCategoryId(tc.getId()).stream()
                    .allMatch(sp -> sp.getStatus() == SpecialPrice.Status.PENDING)));
    adminReservationManager.confirmReservation(event.getShortName(), data.getLeft().getId(), username);
            .forEach(tc -> assertTrue(specialPriceRepository.findAllByCategoryId(tc.getId()).stream()
                    .allMatch(sp -> sp.getStatus() == SpecialPrice.Status.TAKEN)));

From source file:com.formkiq.core.util.StringsTest.java

 * Test Base64 Image to Bytes and back./*from   w  w  w.  j a v  a2  s .  c  o m*/
 * @throws IOException IOException
public void testBase64StringToImg01() throws IOException {
    // given
    String sig = getResourceAsString("/signature.txt");

    // when
    Pair<byte[], String> result = Strings.base64StringToImg(sig);

    // then
    final int len = 4541;
    assertEquals(len, result.getLeft().length);
    assertEquals("png", result.getRight());

    // when
    String imgsrc = Strings.bytesToImg(result.getLeft(), result.getRight());

    // then
    String expect = "data:image/png;base64," + "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAACWCAYAAABkW7XSAAA";

From source file:com.spartasystems.holdmail.integration.MessageControllerIntegrationTest.java

public void shouldAcceptAndListMailsForRandomRecipients() throws Exception {

    int countBeforeStart = get(ENDPOINT_MESSAGES).then().extract().path("messages.size()");

    final int numMailsToSend = 5;
    List<Pair<String, String>> expectedMessages = sendMailToRandomRecipients(numMailsToSend);

    ValidatableMockMvcResponse resp = get(ENDPOINT_MESSAGES).then().statusCode(200).body("messages.size()",
            equalTo(countBeforeStart + numMailsToSend));

    for (int i = 0; i < numMailsToSend; i++) {

        // mails are listed most recently accepted first
        Pair<String, String> recipAndSubject = expectedMessages.get(numMailsToSend - i - 1);

        resp.body("messages.get(" + i + ").senderEmail", equalTo(FROM_EMAIL))
                .body("messages.get(" + i + ").recipients", equalTo(recipAndSubject.getLeft()))
                .body("messages.get(" + i + ").subject", equalTo(recipAndSubject.getRight()));
    }// ww w .  j a va 2 s .  c o  m


From source file:com.github.helenusdriver.driver.tools.Tool.java

 * Finds object creators with their dependencies based on the provided set of
 * class names. For each class found; the corresponding array element will be
 * nulled. All others are simply skipped.
 * @author paouelle/*from w  w  w . j a v a  2s. c  om*/
 * @param  classes the graph where to record creator classes
 * @param  cnames the set of class names for object creators
 * @param  no_dependents if dependents creators should not be considered
 * @throws LinkageError if the linkage fails for one entity class
 * @throws ExceptionInInitializerError if the initialization provoked by one
 *         of one the entity class fails
private static void findCreatorsFromClasses(DirectedGraph<Class<?>> classes, String[] cnames,
        boolean no_dependents) {
    for (int i = 0; i < cnames.length; i++) {
        try {
            final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(cnames[i]);

            cnames[i] = null; // clear since we found a class
            final Pair<Method, Class<?>[]> initial = Tool.findInitial(clazz);

            if (initial == null) {
                System.out.println(Tool.class.getSimpleName() + ": no objects found using " + clazz.getName());
            final DirectedGraph.Node<Class<?>> node = classes.get(clazz);

            if (!no_dependents) {
                for (final Class<?> c : initial.getRight()) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignore and continue

From source file:ca.on.oicr.pde.workflows.GATKGenotypeGVCFsWorkflow.java

public void buildWorkflow() {

    final String binDir = this.getWorkflowBaseDir() + "/bin/";
    final Boolean manualOutput = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(getProperty("manual_output"), "true", "false");
    final String queue = getOptionalProperty("queue", "");
    final String java = getProperty("java");
    final String gatk = getOptionalProperty("gatk_jar", binDir);
    final String gatkKey = getProperty("gatk_key");
    final String identifier = getProperty("identifier");
    final String refFasta = getProperty("ref_fasta");
    final Double standCallConf = Double.valueOf(getProperty("stand_call_conf"));
    final Double standEmitConf = Double.valueOf(getProperty("stand_emit_conf"));
    final String dbsnpVcf = getOptionalProperty("gatk_dbsnp_vcf", null);
    final Integer gatkGenotypeGvcfsXmx = Integer.parseInt(getProperty("gatk_genotype_gvcfs_xmx"));
    final String gatkGenotypeGvcfsParams = getOptionalProperty("gatk_genotype_gvcfs_params", null);
    final Integer gatkCombineGVCFsXmx = Integer.parseInt(getProperty("gatk_combine_gvcfs_xmx"));
    final Integer gatkOverhead = Integer.parseInt(getProperty("gatk_sched_overhead_mem"));
    final Integer maxGenotypeGVCFsInputFiles = Integer
    final Integer maxCombineGVCFsInputFiles = Integer
    final List<String> chrSizesList = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(getProperty("chr_sizes"), ","));
    final Set<String> chrSizes = new LinkedHashSet<>(chrSizesList);

    if (chrSizes.size() != chrSizesList.size()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate chr_sizes detected.");
    }/*from w  w  w . j  a  va 2s.co m*/

    // one chrSize record is required, null will result in no parallelization
    if (chrSizes.isEmpty()) {

    List<Pair<String, Job>> combineGvcfs = batchGVCFs(inputFiles, maxGenotypeGVCFsInputFiles,
            maxCombineGVCFsInputFiles, java, gatkCombineGVCFsXmx, gatkOverhead, tmpDir, gatk, gatkKey,
            tmpGVCFsDir, refFasta, queue);

    //use linked hashmap to keep "pairs" in sort order determined by chr_sizes
    LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<GenotypeGVCFs, Job>> vcfs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (String chrSize : chrSizes) {

        //GATK Genotype VCFs( https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/gatkdocs/org_broadinstitute_gatk_tools_walkers_variantutils_GenotypeGVCFs.php )
        GenotypeGVCFs.Builder genotypeGvcfsBuilder = new GenotypeGVCFs.Builder(java, gatkGenotypeGvcfsXmx + "g",
                tmpDir, gatk, gatkKey, dataDir)
                                identifier + (chrSize != null ? "." + chrSize.replace(":", "-") : "") + ".raw")
        for (String f : getLeftCollection(combineGvcfs)) {
        GenotypeGVCFs genotypeGvcfsCommand = genotypeGvcfsBuilder.build();

        Job genotypeGvcfsJob = getWorkflow().createBashJob("GATKGenotypeGVCFs")
                .setMaxMemory(Integer.toString((gatkGenotypeGvcfsXmx + gatkOverhead) * 1024)).setQueue(queue);

        // add parents, null if provision file in, not null if parent is a combine gvcf job
        for (Job j : getRightCollection(combineGvcfs)) {
            if (j != null) {

        if (vcfs.put(chrSize, Pair.of(genotypeGvcfsCommand, genotypeGvcfsJob)) != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected state: duplicate vcf.");

    if (vcfs.size() > 1) {
        //GATK CatVariants ( https://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk/guide/tooldocs/org_broadinstitute_gatk_tools_CatVariants.php )
        CatVariants.Builder catVariantsBuilder = new CatVariants.Builder(java, gatkCombineGVCFsXmx + "g",
                tmpDir, gatk, gatkKey, dataDir).setReferenceSequence(refFasta)
                        //individual vcf files sorted by genotype gvcfs; order of input vcf concatenation is determined by chr_sizes order (assumed to be sorted)
                        .disableSorting().setOutputFileName(identifier + ".raw");
        for (GenotypeGVCFs cmd : getLeftCollection(vcfs.values())) {
        CatVariants catVariantsCommand = catVariantsBuilder.build();

        Job combineGVCFsJob = getWorkflow().createBashJob("GATKCombineGVCFs")
                .setMaxMemory(Integer.toString((gatkCombineGVCFsXmx + gatkOverhead) * 1024)).setQueue(queue);
                createOutputFile(catVariantsCommand.getOutputFile(), "application/vcf-gz", manualOutput));
                createOutputFile(catVariantsCommand.getOutputIndex(), "application/tbi", manualOutput));
    } else if (vcfs.size() == 1) {
        Pair<GenotypeGVCFs, Job> p = Iterables.getOnlyElement(vcfs.values());
        GenotypeGVCFs cmd = p.getLeft();
        Job genotypeGvcfsJob = p.getRight();
        genotypeGvcfsJob.addFile(createOutputFile(cmd.getOutputFile(), "application/vcf-gz", manualOutput));
        genotypeGvcfsJob.addFile(createOutputFile(cmd.getOutputIndex(), "application/tbi", manualOutput));
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected state: No VCFs");