List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect FieldUtils readField
public static Object readField(final Object target, final String fieldName, final boolean forceAccess) throws IllegalAccessException
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private void checkArticlesInGui(FilterTestType testType, MainGui mainGui, int tableRowCount) throws IllegalAccessException { int expectedRowCount = mockConfiguration.useSpanTable() ? 2 : 1; if (testType == NO_MATCHES) { expectedRowCount = 0;/*from w w w. j av a m*/ } else if (testType == REMOVE_TEXT) { expectedRowCount = 5; } assertEquals(expectedRowCount, tableRowCount); Object filteredArticlesField = FieldUtils.readField(mainGui, "filteredArticles", true); assertTrue(filteredArticlesField instanceof List); List filteredArticles = (List) filteredArticlesField; if (testType == INSERT_TEXT) { assertEquals("u1", ((Article) filteredArticles.get(0)).getUrl()); } else if (testType == CHANGE_TEXT) { assertEquals("u2", ((Article) filteredArticles.get(0)).getUrl()); } else if (testType == REMOVE_TEXT) { IntStream.range(0, filteredArticles.size()).forEach(index -> { // Test article 3 (with index 2) is archived and should be filtered out: u1, u2, u4, u5, and u6. String expectedUrl = "u" + (index + (index < 2 ? 1 : 2)); assertEquals(expectedUrl, ((Article) filteredArticles.get(index)).getUrl()); }); } }
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@Test public void testLazyInit() throws Exception { thrown.expect(UserRemoteException.class); thrown.expectMessage(containsString("No match found for function signature custom_lower(<CHARACTER>)")); test("select custom_lower('A') from (values(1))"); copyDefaultJarsToStagingArea();/* ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ test("create function using jar '%s'", defaultBinaryJar); testBuilder().sqlQuery("select custom_lower('A') as res from (values(1))").unOrdered() .baselineColumns("res").baselineValues("a").go(); Path localUdfDirPath = hadoopToJavaPath((org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) FieldUtils .readField(getDrillbitContext().getFunctionImplementationRegistry(), "localUdfDir", true)); assertTrue("Binary should exist in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultBinaryJar).toFile().exists()); assertTrue("Source should exist in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultSourceJar).toFile().exists()); }
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@Test public void testDropFunction() throws Exception { copyDefaultJarsToStagingArea();/*from www .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ test("create function using jar '%s'", defaultBinaryJar); test("select custom_lower('A') from (values(1))"); Path localUdfDirPath = hadoopToJavaPath((org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) FieldUtils .readField(getDrillbitContext().getFunctionImplementationRegistry(), "localUdfDir", true)); assertTrue("Binary should exist in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultBinaryJar).toFile().exists()); assertTrue("Source should exist in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultSourceJar).toFile().exists()); String summary = "The following UDFs in jar %s have been unregistered:\n" + "[custom_lower(VARCHAR-REQUIRED)]"; testBuilder().sqlQuery("drop function using jar '%s'", defaultBinaryJar).unOrdered() .baselineColumns("ok", "summary").baselineValues(true, String.format(summary, defaultBinaryJar)) .go(); thrown.expect(UserRemoteException.class); thrown.expectMessage(containsString("No match found for function signature custom_lower(<CHARACTER>)")); test("select custom_lower('A') from (values(1))"); RemoteFunctionRegistry remoteFunctionRegistry = getDrillbitContext().getRemoteFunctionRegistry(); Path registryPath = hadoopToJavaPath(remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistryArea()); assertEquals("Remote registry should be empty", remoteFunctionRegistry.getRegistry(new DataChangeVersion()).getJarList().size(), 0); assertFalse("Binary should not be present in registry area", registryPath.resolve(defaultBinaryJar).toFile().exists()); assertFalse("Source should not be present in registry area", registryPath.resolve(defaultSourceJar).toFile().exists()); assertFalse("Binary should not be present in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultBinaryJar).toFile().exists()); assertFalse("Source should not be present in local udf directory", localUdfDirPath.resolve(defaultSourceJar).toFile().exists()); }
From source
@Test public void testLazyInitConcurrent() throws Exception { FunctionImplementationRegistry functionImplementationRegistry = spyFunctionImplementationRegistry(); copyDefaultJarsToStagingArea();/*from w ww . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ test("create function using jar '%s'", defaultBinaryJar); final CountDownLatch latch1 = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(1); final String query = "select custom_lower('A') from (values(1))"; doAnswer(invocation -> { latch1.await(); boolean result = (boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); assertTrue("syncWithRemoteRegistry() should return true", result); latch2.countDown(); return true; }).doAnswer(invocation -> { latch1.countDown(); latch2.await(); boolean result = (boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); assertTrue("syncWithRemoteRegistry() should return true", result); return true; }).when(functionImplementationRegistry).syncWithRemoteRegistry(anyLong()); SimpleQueryRunner simpleQueryRunner = new SimpleQueryRunner(query); Thread thread1 = new Thread(simpleQueryRunner); Thread thread2 = new Thread(simpleQueryRunner); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); thread1.join(); thread2.join(); verify(functionImplementationRegistry, times(2)).syncWithRemoteRegistry(anyLong()); LocalFunctionRegistry localFunctionRegistry = (LocalFunctionRegistry) FieldUtils .readField(functionImplementationRegistry, "localFunctionRegistry", true); assertEquals("Sync function registry version should match", 1L, localFunctionRegistry.getVersion()); }
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@Test public void testLazyInitNoReload() throws Exception { FunctionImplementationRegistry functionImplementationRegistry = spyFunctionImplementationRegistry(); copyDefaultJarsToStagingArea();/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ test("create function using jar '%s'", defaultBinaryJar); doAnswer(invocation -> { boolean result = (boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); assertTrue("syncWithRemoteRegistry() should return true", result); return true; }).doAnswer(invocation -> { boolean result = (boolean) invocation.callRealMethod(); assertFalse("syncWithRemoteRegistry() should return false", result); return false; }).when(functionImplementationRegistry).syncWithRemoteRegistry(anyLong()); test("select custom_lower('A') from (values(1))"); try { test("select unknown_lower('A') from (values(1))"); fail(); } catch (UserRemoteException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("No match found for function signature unknown_lower(<CHARACTER>)")); } verify(functionImplementationRegistry, times(2)).syncWithRemoteRegistry(anyLong()); LocalFunctionRegistry localFunctionRegistry = (LocalFunctionRegistry) FieldUtils .readField(functionImplementationRegistry, "localFunctionRegistry", true); assertEquals("Sync function registry version should match", 1L, localFunctionRegistry.getVersion()); }
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@Test public void collect() throws IllegalAccessException, IOException { ArchaiusUtils.setProperty(PrometheusPublisher.METRICS_PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS, "localhost:0"); publisher.init(globalRegistry, null, null); Registry registry = new DefaultRegistry(new ManualClock()); globalRegistry.add(registry);//w w w. j a va2 s. c o m Counter counter = registry.counter("", "tag1", "tag1v", "tag2", "tag2v"); counter.increment(); HTTPServer httpServer = (HTTPServer) FieldUtils.readField(publisher, "httpServer", true); server = (HttpServer) FieldUtils.readField(httpServer, "server", true); URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + server.getAddress().getPort() + "/metrics"); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); try (InputStream is = conn.getInputStream()) { Assert.assertEquals("# HELP ServiceComb Metrics ServiceComb Metrics\n" + "# TYPE ServiceComb Metrics untyped\n" + "count_name{tag1=\"tag1v\",tag2=\"tag2v\",} 1.0\n", IOUtils.toString(is)); } publisher.destroy(); }
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@Transactional(readOnly = true) @Override// w w w. ja v a 2 s . co m public List<PlainAttrValue> getIntValues(final Provision provision, final Item mapItem, final IntAttrName intAttrName, final Any<?> any) { LOG.debug("Get internal values for {} as '{}' on {}", any, mapItem.getIntAttrName(), provision.getResource()); Any<?> reference = null; Membership<?> membership = null; if (intAttrName.getEnclosingGroup() == null && intAttrName.getRelatedAnyObject() == null) { reference = any; } if (any instanceof GroupableRelatable) { GroupableRelatable<?, ?, ?, ?, ?> groupableRelatable = (GroupableRelatable<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>) any; if (intAttrName.getEnclosingGroup() != null) { Group group = groupDAO.findByName(intAttrName.getEnclosingGroup()); if (group == null || !groupableRelatable.getMembership(group.getKey()).isPresent()) { LOG.warn("No membership for {} in {}, ignoring", intAttrName.getEnclosingGroup(), groupableRelatable); } else { reference = group; } } else if (intAttrName.getRelatedAnyObject() != null) { AnyObject anyObject = anyObjectDAO.findByName(intAttrName.getRelatedAnyObject()); if (anyObject == null || groupableRelatable.getRelationships(anyObject.getKey()).isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No relationship for {} in {}, ignoring", intAttrName.getRelatedAnyObject(), groupableRelatable); } else { reference = anyObject; } } else if (intAttrName.getMembershipOfGroup() != null) { Group group = groupDAO.findByName(intAttrName.getMembershipOfGroup()); membership = groupableRelatable.getMembership(group.getKey()).orElse(null); } } if (reference == null) { LOG.warn("Could not determine the reference instance for {}", mapItem.getIntAttrName()); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<PlainAttrValue> values = new ArrayList<>(); boolean transform = true; AnyUtils anyUtils = anyUtilsFactory.getInstance(reference); if (intAttrName.getField() != null) { PlainAttrValue attrValue = anyUtils.newPlainAttrValue(); switch (intAttrName.getField()) { case "key": attrValue.setStringValue(reference.getKey()); values.add(attrValue); break; case "realm": attrValue.setStringValue(reference.getRealm().getFullPath()); values.add(attrValue); break; case "password": // ignore break; case "userOwner": case "groupOwner": Mapping uMapping = provision.getAnyType().equals(anyTypeDAO.findUser()) ? provision.getMapping() : null; Mapping gMapping = provision.getAnyType().equals(anyTypeDAO.findGroup()) ? provision.getMapping() : null; if (reference instanceof Group) { Group group = (Group) reference; String groupOwnerValue = null; if (group.getUserOwner() != null && uMapping != null) { groupOwnerValue = getGroupOwnerValue(provision, group.getUserOwner()); } if (group.getGroupOwner() != null && gMapping != null) { groupOwnerValue = getGroupOwnerValue(provision, group.getGroupOwner()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(groupOwnerValue)) { attrValue.setStringValue(groupOwnerValue); values.add(attrValue); } } break; case "suspended": if (reference instanceof User) { attrValue.setBooleanValue(((User) reference).isSuspended()); values.add(attrValue); } break; case "mustChangePassword": if (reference instanceof User) { attrValue.setBooleanValue(((User) reference).isMustChangePassword()); values.add(attrValue); } break; default: try { Object fieldValue = FieldUtils.readField(reference, intAttrName.getField(), true); if (fieldValue instanceof Date) { // needed because ConnId does not natively supports the Date type attrValue.setStringValue(DateFormatUtils.ISO_8601_EXTENDED_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT .format((Date) fieldValue)); } else if (Boolean.TYPE.isInstance(fieldValue)) { attrValue.setBooleanValue((Boolean) fieldValue); } else if (Double.TYPE.isInstance(fieldValue) || Float.TYPE.isInstance(fieldValue)) { attrValue.setDoubleValue((Double) fieldValue); } else if (Long.TYPE.isInstance(fieldValue) || Integer.TYPE.isInstance(fieldValue)) { attrValue.setLongValue((Long) fieldValue); } else { attrValue.setStringValue(fieldValue.toString()); } values.add(attrValue); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not read value of '{}' from {}", intAttrName.getField(), reference, e); } } } else if (intAttrName.getSchemaType() != null) { switch (intAttrName.getSchemaType()) { case PLAIN: PlainAttr<?> attr; if (membership == null) { attr = reference.getPlainAttr(intAttrName.getSchemaName()).orElse(null); } else { attr = ((GroupableRelatable<?, ?, ?, ?, ?>) reference) .getPlainAttr(intAttrName.getSchemaName(), membership).orElse(null); } if (attr != null) { if (attr.getUniqueValue() != null) { values.add(anyUtils.clonePlainAttrValue(attr.getUniqueValue())); } else if (attr.getValues() != null) { attr.getValues().forEach(value -> values.add(anyUtils.clonePlainAttrValue(value))); } } break; case DERIVED: DerSchema derSchema = derSchemaDAO.find(intAttrName.getSchemaName()); if (derSchema != null) { String value = membership == null ? derAttrHandler.getValue(reference, derSchema) : derAttrHandler.getValue(reference, membership, derSchema); if (value != null) { PlainAttrValue attrValue = anyUtils.newPlainAttrValue(); attrValue.setStringValue(value); values.add(attrValue); } } break; case VIRTUAL: // virtual attributes don't get transformed transform = false; VirSchema virSchema = virSchemaDAO.find(intAttrName.getSchemaName()); if (virSchema != null) { LOG.debug("Expire entry cache {}-{}", reference, intAttrName.getSchemaName()); virAttrCache.expire(reference.getType().getKey(), reference.getKey(), intAttrName.getSchemaName()); List<String> virValues = membership == null ? virAttrHandler.getValues(reference, virSchema) : virAttrHandler.getValues(reference, membership, virSchema); -> { PlainAttrValue attrValue = anyUtils.newPlainAttrValue(); attrValue.setStringValue(value); return attrValue; }).forEachOrdered(attrValue -> values.add(attrValue)); } break; default: } } LOG.debug("Internal values: {}", values); List<PlainAttrValue> transformed = values; if (transform) { for (ItemTransformer transformer : MappingUtils.getItemTransformers(mapItem)) { transformed = transformer.beforePropagation(mapItem, any, transformed); } LOG.debug("Transformed values: {}", values); } else { LOG.debug("No transformation occurred"); } return transformed; }
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/** * function to extract users from JDBCs/* w w w.j av a2 s. co m*/ */ public List<String> getUserList(JdbcRealm obj) { List<String> userlist = new ArrayList<>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; DataSource dataSource = null; String authQuery = ""; String retval[]; String tablename = ""; String username = ""; String userquery = ""; try { dataSource = (DataSource) FieldUtils.readField(obj, "dataSource", true); authQuery = (String) FieldUtils.readField(obj, "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_QUERY", true);; String authQueryLowerCase = authQuery.toLowerCase(); retval = authQueryLowerCase.split("from", 2); if (retval.length >= 2) { retval = retval[1].split("with|where", 2); tablename = retval[0]; retval = retval[1].split("where", 2); if (retval.length >= 2) retval = retval[1].split("=", 2); else retval = retval[0].split("=", 2); username = retval[0]; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(username) || StringUtils.isBlank(tablename)) { return userlist; } userquery = "select " + username + " from " + tablename; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error("Error while accessing dataSource for JDBC Realm", e); return null; } try { Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); ps = con.prepareStatement(userquery); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { userlist.add(rs.getString(1).trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error retrieving User list from JDBC Realm", e); } finally { JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(rs); JdbcUtils.closeStatement(ps); } return userlist; }
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/** Function to extract users from JDBCs. */ private List<String> getUserList(JdbcRealm obj) { List<String> userlist = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null;/*from w ww . j a va2 s.c om*/ PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; DataSource dataSource = null; String authQuery = ""; String retval[]; String tablename = ""; String username = ""; String userquery; try { dataSource = (DataSource) FieldUtils.readField(obj, "dataSource", true); authQuery = (String) FieldUtils.readField(obj, "authenticationQuery", true);; String authQueryLowerCase = authQuery.toLowerCase(); retval = authQueryLowerCase.split("from", 2); if (retval.length >= 2) { retval = retval[1].split("with|where", 2); tablename = retval[0]; retval = retval[1].split("where", 2); if (retval.length >= 2) { retval = retval[1].split("=", 2); } else { retval = retval[0].split("=", 2); } username = retval[0]; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(username) || StringUtils.isBlank(tablename)) { return userlist; } userquery = String.format("SELECT %s FROM %s", username, tablename); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while accessing dataSource for JDBC Realm", e); return Lists.newArrayList(); } try { con = dataSource.getConnection(); ps = con.prepareStatement(userquery); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { userlist.add(rs.getString(1).trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error retrieving User list from JDBC Realm", e); } finally { JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(rs); JdbcUtils.closeStatement(ps); JdbcUtils.closeConnection(con); } return userlist; }
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private static boolean isReady(AndroidDebugBridge adb) throws DdmlibUnsupportedException { if (adb == null) { return false; }/*w w w . j ava2 s .c o m*/ // hack below - there is no explicit way to check if the bridge was // created succesfully try { return (Boolean) FieldUtils .readField(FieldUtils.getDeclaredField(AndroidDebugBridge.class, "mStarted", true), adb, true); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.fatal("The DDMLIB is unsupported", e); throw new DdmlibUnsupportedException("The DDMLIB supplied is unsupported: " + System.getenv("DDMLIB")); } }