Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang SystemUtils FILE_SEPARATOR

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang SystemUtils FILE_SEPARATOR


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang SystemUtils FILE_SEPARATOR.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.lang SystemUtils FILE_SEPARATOR.

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The file.separator System Property.


From source file:org.exem.flamingo.web.filesystem.hdfs.HdfsBrowserController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "copyToLocal", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.OK)// ww w. j a  v a 2 s. c o m
public Response copyToLocal(@RequestParam String srcFullyQualifiedPath) {
    String username = getSessionUsername();
    Long orgId = getOrgId();
    String linuxUserHome = defaultLinuxUserHome + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + username;
    boolean result = false;

    Response response = new Response();

    if (getSessionUserLevel() == 1) {
        result = fileSystemService.copyToLocal(srcFullyQualifiedPath, linuxUserHome, username);
    } else {
        response.getError().setMessage(" ?  ? ? .");

    return response;

From source file:org.exem.flamingo.web.filesystem.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public List<String> copyFiles(List<String> srcFileList, String dstPath, String username) {
    validateForbiddenPath(dstPath);/* w w w.  j  a  va2s. c om*/
    namenode2AgentService = getNamenode2AgentService();
    List<String> copiedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
    String dstFilePath;
    long length;
    boolean copied;

    // TODO > Bulk insert  executeBatch  ?
    if (srcFileList.size() > 1) {
        for (String srcFilePath : srcFileList) {

            if (dstPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/")) {
                dstFilePath = dstPath + FileUtils.getFilename(srcFilePath);
            } else {
                dstFilePath = dstPath + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(srcFilePath);

            copied = namenode2AgentService.copy(srcFilePath, dstFilePath, username);

            if (copied) {

            length = getFileInfo(srcFilePath).getLength();
            //TODO Audit 
            //auditService.log(username, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.COPY, FileType.FILE, RequestType.UI, srcFilePath, dstFilePath, length);
    } else {
        String srcPath = srcFileList.get(0);

        if (dstPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/")) {
            dstFilePath = dstPath + FileUtils.getFilename(srcPath);
        } else {
            dstFilePath = dstPath + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(srcPath);

        copied = namenode2AgentService.copy(srcPath, dstFilePath, username);

        if (copied) {

        length = getFileInfo(srcPath).getLength();
        //TODO Audit 
        //auditService.log(username, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.COPY, FileType.FILE, RequestType.UI, srcPath, dstPath, length);

    return copiedFiles;

From source file:org.exem.flamingo.web.filesystem.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public List<String> moveFiles(List<String> srcFileList, String dstPath, String username) {
    validateForbiddenPath(dstPath);//  w  ww.  j  a  va  2s .  co  m
    namenode2AgentService = getNamenode2AgentService();
    List<String> movedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
    String dstFilePath;
    long length;
    boolean moved;

     * Case 1.  ? 
     * Case 2. ? ? 
    if (srcFileList.size() > 1) {
        for (String srcFilePath : srcFileList) {
            if (dstPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/")) {
                dstFilePath = dstPath + FileUtils.getFilename(srcFilePath);
            } else {
                dstFilePath = dstPath + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(srcFilePath);

            length = getFileInfo(srcFilePath).getLength();
            moved = namenode2AgentService.move(srcFilePath, dstFilePath);

            if (moved) {

            //TODO Audit 
            //auditService.log(username, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.MOVE, FileType.FILE, RequestType.UI, srcFilePath, dstFilePath, length);
    } else {
        String srcPath = srcFileList.get(0);

        if (dstPath.equalsIgnoreCase("/")) {
            dstFilePath = dstPath + FileUtils.getFilename(srcPath);
        } else {
            dstFilePath = dstPath + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(srcPath);

        moved = namenode2AgentService.move(srcPath, dstFilePath);

        if (moved) {

        //TODO Audit 
        //length = getFileInfo(srcPath).getLength();
        //auditService.log(username, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.MOVE, FileType.FILE, RequestType.UI, srcPath, dstFilePath, length);

    return movedFiles;

From source file:org.exem.flamingo.web.filesystem.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemServiceImpl.java

public boolean copyToLocal(String srcFullyQualifiedPath, String linuxUserHome, String username) {
    namenode2AgentService = getNamenode2AgentService();

    //long length = getFileInfo(srcFullyQualifiedPath).getLength();

    String dstFullyQualifiedPath = linuxUserHome + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR
            + FileUtils.getDirectoryName(srcFullyQualifiedPath);

    //TODO Audit 
    //auditService.log(username, FileSystemType.HDFS, AuditType.COPY_TO_LOCAL, FileType.FILE, RequestType.UI, srcFullyQualifiedPath, "", length);
    return namenode2AgentService.copyToLocal(srcFullyQualifiedPath, dstFullyQualifiedPath, linuxUserHome,
            username);/*from   w w  w .j  av  a 2  s. com*/

From source file:org.jiemamy.eclipse.core.ui.composer.DbImporterWizardPage.java

private void createButtons(Composite cmpButtons) {
    btnAddJar = new Button(cmpButtons, SWT.PUSH);
    btnAddJar.setText("(&A)"); // RESOURCE
    btnAddJar.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {

        @Override//from  www .ja v a  2s. c  om
        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
            FileDialog fileDialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), SWT.MULTI | SWT.OPEN);
            fileDialog.setText("JDBC?jar??"); // RESOURCE
            if (fileDialog.open() == null) {
            String[] fileNames = fileDialog.getFileNames();
            String filterPath = fileDialog.getFilterPath();
            for (String fileName : fileNames) {
                lstDriverJars.add(filterPath + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + fileName);
            if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(fileNames) == false) {
    btnRemoveJar = new Button(cmpButtons, SWT.PUSH);
    btnRemoveJar.setText("(&R)"); // RESOURCE
    btnRemoveJar.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {

        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
            int[] selectionIndices = lstDriverJars.getSelectionIndices();
            if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(selectionIndices)) {
            for (int selectionIndex : selectionIndices) {
            if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(selectionIndices) == false) {

From source file:org.nomt.agent.nmon.job.NmonJob.java

public void perform() {
    SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
    AgentConfig config = AgentConfig.getInstance();
    String nmonDir = config.getNmonBinaryDir();
    String nmonDataDir = config.getNmonOutputDir();
    String nmonFileName = nmonDataDir + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + "nmon_data_"
            + sdFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".nmon";
    String nmonCmd = nmonDir + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + "nmon -c 1 -F " + nmonFileName;
    String executeCommand = ShellUtil.getInstance().executeCommand(nmonCmd);
    logger.debug("Execute command {}, execute result is {}", nmonCmd, executeCommand);

    // wait 3 seconds in case the nmon file is not finished.
    ThreadUtil.sleep(3000);/* w w  w  .j a v a  2s .  c o  m*/


From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemProvider.java

 * ? ?    ??./* ww w  .  j  av  a 2 s .  com*/
 * <p/>
 * <ul>
 * <li>?    ?? ?.</li>
 * <li>?   ??  ?? ( ?).</li>
 * <li>?   ?  ?  ??.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param from ?? ? ? ? ? 
 * @param to   ?? ? 
 * @return ?? ??  <tt>true</tt>,  ?  <tt>false</tt>
public boolean move(String from, String to) {
    if (!exists(from)) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "CANNOT_MOVE", from));

    if (getFileInfo(to).isFile()) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "ALREADY_NOT_MOVE", to, from));

    // ??    ? ? ?? ??  .
    String target = to + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(from);
    if (exists(target)) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "ALREADY_EXISTS_NOT_MOVE", target));

    try {
        Path srcPath = new Path(from);
        Path dstPath = new Path(to);

        return fs.rename(srcPath, dstPath);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "CANNOT_MOVE", from, to), ex);

From source file:org.openflamingo.fs.hdfs.HdfsFileSystemProvider.java

public boolean copy(String from, String to) {
    // ??    ? ? ?? ??  .
    String target = null;/*from  w ww .j  a  va  2  s . c o m*/
    if ("/".equals(to)) {
        target = to + FileUtils.getFilename(from);
    } else {
        target = to + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.getFilename(from);

    if (exists(target))
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "ALREADY_NOT_COPY", target));

    try {
        if (fs.isFile(new Path(from))) {
            FSDataInputStream fis = fs.open(new Path(from));
            FSDataOutputStream fos = fs.create(new Path(target));

            org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils.copy(fis, fos);

        } else {
            FileUtil.copy(fs, new Path(from), fs, new Path(to), false, new Configuration());

        return true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new FileSystemException(bundle.message("S_FS", "CANNOT_COPY", from, to), ex);

From source file:ws.michalski.velogen.VeloGenManager.java

 * Liefert Output-Path fr generierte Dateien
 * //from  w w  w  .  j ava2  s .  c om
 * 1. Es wird geprft, ob Parameter -op gesetzt ist, sonst
 * 2. wird geprft, ob config diese Information enthlt, sonst
 * 3. wird Unterverzeichnis ./output genutzt.
 * @return
public String getOutputPath() {

    String outputPath = null;

    if (veloCmd.getCommonParam().getOutputPath() != null) {
        outputPath = veloCmd.getCommonParam().getOutputPath();
    } else if (config.getOutputPath() != null) {
        outputPath = config.getOutputPath();
    } else {
        outputPath = SystemUtils.USER_DIR + SystemUtils.FILE_SEPARATOR + "output";

    Path path = Paths.get(outputPath);

    if (Files.notExists(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)
            || !Files.isDirectory(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
        logger.error("Output path error");
        // TODO: Exception

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Path " + path.toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString());

    return path.toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString();