List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils uncapitalize
public static String uncapitalize(String str)
Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character#toLowerCase(char) .
From source
private String prepareView(ScreenEntity screenEntity, Model uiModel, boolean partial, HttpServletRequest request) throws MalformedURLException { String screenEntityName = ProxyUtil.getOriginalClass(screenEntity.getClass()).getSimpleName(); uiModel.addAttribute(StringUtils.uncapitalize(screenEntityName), screenEntity); ScreenEntityDefinition entityDefinition = screenEntitiesRegistry.get(screenEntityName); uiModel.addAttribute(PAGE,; SitePreference sitePreference = SitePreferenceUtils.getCurrentSitePreference(request); boolean isComposite = entityDefinition.getChildEntitiesDefinitions().size() > 0 && !partial; String suffix = isComposite ? MvcConstants.COMPOSITE_SUFFIX : ""; String viewName = entityDefinition.getEntityName() + suffix; String viewsPath = sitePreference == SitePreference.MOBILE ? mobileViewsPath : webViewsPath; // check if custom view exists, if not load generic view by characteristics if (servletContext .getResource(MessageFormat.format("{0}/{1}{2}", viewsPath, viewName, viewsSuffix)) == null) { if (isComposite) { // generic composite view (multi tabbed page) viewName = MvcConstants.COMPOSITE; } else if (entityDefinition.getType() == MenuEntity.class) { // generic menu view viewName = MvcConstants.ROOTMENU_VIEW; } else if (partial) { // generic inner page view (inner tab) viewName = MvcConstants.GENERIC_VIEW; } else if (entityDefinition.isWindow()) { // generic window pop-pup view viewName = MvcConstants.GENERIC_WINDOW; } else {//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m // generic view viewName = MvcConstants.GENERIC; } } return viewName; }
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/** * Collects multiple screens table, and sets it to the view * /* ww w. java2 s.c o m*/ * @param entity * @param uiModel * @param session * @param definition */ public void bindCollectTable(TerminalSession session, Object entity, Model uiModel) { Object collectedEntity = multyScreenTableBindUtil.bindCollectTable(session, entity); if (collectedEntity != null) { String screenEntityName = ProxyUtil.getOriginalClass(entity.getClass()).getSimpleName(); uiModel.addAttribute(StringUtils.uncapitalize(screenEntityName), collectedEntity); } }
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public static String toVariableName(String text, boolean capFirst) { String variableName = null;//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m if (!text.contains(" ") && !text.contains("_") && !text.contains("-")) { text = text.replaceAll("\\W", ""); if (!capFirst) { variableName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(text); } else { variableName = StringUtils.capitalize(text); } } else { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length()); for (char d : chars) { char c = d; if (capFirst) { c = Character.toUpperCase(c); capFirst = false; } else { c = Character.toLowerCase(c); } if (Character.isLetter(c) || Character.isDigit(c)) { sb.append(c); } if (c == ' ' || c == '_' || c == '-') { capFirst = true; } } variableName = sb.toString(); } if (RESERVERD_WORDS_DICTIONARY.containsKey(variableName)) { variableName = variableName + "_"; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(variableName) && variableName.charAt(0) >= '0' && variableName.charAt(0) <= '9') { variableName = "_" + variableName; } return variableName; }
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public static String uncapFirst(String text) { return StringUtils.uncapitalize(text); }
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/** * Phase one of persisting an artifact consists of creating the JCR node for the artifact and * persisting all of its meta-data to it. * @param session//w w 2 m * @param metaData * @param content * @param referenceFactory * @param classificationHelper * @throws Exception */ public static Phase1Result persistArtifactPhase1(Session session, BaseArtifactType metaData, InputStream content, ClassificationHelper classificationHelper) throws Exception { JCRUtils tools = new JCRUtils(); if (metaData.getUuid() == null) { metaData.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } String uuid = metaData.getUuid(); ArtifactType artifactType = ArtifactType.valueOf(metaData); String name = metaData.getName(); String artifactPath = MapToJCRPath.getArtifactPath(uuid); if (session.nodeExists(artifactPath)) { throw new ArtifactAlreadyExistsException(uuid); } log.debug(Messages.i18n.format("UPLOADING_TO_JCR", name)); //$NON-NLS-1$ Node artifactNode = null; boolean isDocumentArtifact = SrampModelUtils.isDocumentArtifact(metaData); if (content == null && !isDocumentArtifact) { artifactNode = tools.findOrCreateNode(session, artifactPath, "nt:folder", //$NON-NLS-1$ JCRConstants.SRAMP_NON_DOCUMENT_TYPE); } else { artifactNode = tools.uploadFile(session, artifactPath, content); JCRUtils.setArtifactContentMimeType(artifactNode, artifactType.getMimeType()); } String jcrMixinName = artifactType.getArtifactType().getApiType().value(); jcrMixinName = JCRConstants.SRAMP_ + StringUtils.uncapitalize(jcrMixinName); artifactNode.addMixin(jcrMixinName); // BaseArtifactType artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_UUID, uuid); artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_ARTIFACT_MODEL, artifactType.getArtifactType().getModel()); artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_ARTIFACT_TYPE, artifactType.getArtifactType().getType()); // Extended if (ExtendedArtifactType.class.isAssignableFrom(artifactType.getArtifactType().getTypeClass())) { artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_EXTENDED_TYPE, artifactType.getExtendedType()); } // Extended Document if (ExtendedDocument.class.isAssignableFrom(artifactType.getArtifactType().getTypeClass())) { artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_EXTENDED_TYPE, artifactType.getExtendedType()); } // Document if (DocumentArtifactType.class.isAssignableFrom(artifactType.getArtifactType().getTypeClass())) { artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_CONTENT_TYPE, artifactType.getMimeType()); artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_CONTENT_SIZE, artifactNode.getProperty("jcr:content/jcr:data").getLength()); //$NON-NLS-1$ String shaHex = DigestUtils .shaHex(artifactNode.getProperty("jcr:content/jcr:data").getBinary().getStream()); //$NON-NLS-1$ artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_CONTENT_HASH, shaHex); } // XMLDocument if (XmlDocument.class.isAssignableFrom(artifactType.getArtifactType().getTypeClass())) { // read the encoding from the header artifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_CONTENT_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Update the JCR node with any properties included in the meta-data ArtifactToJCRNodeVisitor visitor = new ArtifactToJCRNodeVisitor(artifactType, artifactNode, new JCRReferenceFactoryImpl(session), classificationHelper); ArtifactVisitorHelper.visitArtifact(visitor, metaData); if (visitor.hasError()) throw visitor.getError(); log.debug(Messages.i18n.format("SAVED_JCR_NODE", name, uuid)); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (sramp.isAuditingEnabled()) { auditCreateArtifact(artifactNode);; }; Phase1Result result = new Phase1Result(); result.artifactNode = artifactNode; result.artifactType = artifactType; result.isDocumentArtifact = isDocumentArtifact; return result; }
From source
/** * Persist any derived artifacts to JCR. * @param session//from ww w . ja v a 2s. com * @param sourceArtifactNode * @param derivedArtifacts * @param classificationHelper * @throws SrampException */ private static void persistDerivedArtifacts(Session session, Node sourceArtifactNode, Collection<BaseArtifactType> derivedArtifacts, ClassificationHelper classificationHelper) throws SrampException { try { // Persist each of the derived nodes for (BaseArtifactType derivedArtifact : derivedArtifacts) { if (derivedArtifact.getUuid() == null) { throw new SrampServerException( Messages.i18n.format("MISSING_DERIVED_UUID", derivedArtifact.getName())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } ArtifactType derivedArtifactType = ArtifactType.valueOf(derivedArtifact); String jcrMixinName = derivedArtifactType.getArtifactType().getApiType().value(); if (derivedArtifactType.isExtendedType()) { jcrMixinName = "extendedDerivedArtifactType"; //$NON-NLS-1$ derivedArtifactType.setExtendedDerivedType(true); } jcrMixinName = JCRConstants.SRAMP_ + StringUtils.uncapitalize(jcrMixinName); // Create the JCR node and set some basic properties first. String nodeName = derivedArtifact.getUuid(); Node derivedArtifactNode = sourceArtifactNode.addNode(nodeName, JCRConstants.SRAMP_DERIVED_PRIMARY_TYPE); derivedArtifactNode.addMixin(jcrMixinName); derivedArtifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_UUID, derivedArtifact.getUuid()); derivedArtifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_ARTIFACT_MODEL, derivedArtifactType.getArtifactType().getModel()); derivedArtifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_ARTIFACT_TYPE, derivedArtifactType.getArtifactType().getType()); // Extended if (ExtendedArtifactType.class .isAssignableFrom(derivedArtifactType.getArtifactType().getTypeClass())) { // read the encoding from the header derivedArtifactNode.setProperty(JCRConstants.SRAMP_EXTENDED_TYPE, derivedArtifactType.getExtendedType()); } // It's definitely derived. derivedArtifactNode.setProperty("sramp:derived", true); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Create the visitor that will be used to write the artifact information to the JCR node ArtifactToJCRNodeVisitor visitor = new ArtifactToJCRNodeVisitor(derivedArtifactType, derivedArtifactNode, null, classificationHelper); visitor.setProcessRelationships(false); ArtifactVisitorHelper.visitArtifact(visitor, derivedArtifact); if (visitor.hasError()) throw visitor.getError(); // Audit the create event for the derived node if (sramp.isAuditingEnabled() && sramp.isDerivedArtifactAuditingEnabled()) { auditCreateArtifact(derivedArtifactNode); } log.debug(Messages.i18n.format("SAVED_DERIVED_ARTY_TO_JCR", derivedArtifact.getName(), //$NON-NLS-1$ derivedArtifact.getUuid())); } // Save current changes so that references to nodes can be found. Note that if // transactions are enabled, this will not actually persist to final storage.; log.debug(Messages.i18n.format("SAVED_ARTIFACTS", derivedArtifacts.size())); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (SrampException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new SrampServerException(t); } }
From source
String addHandlerParamJson(JClassType type) { StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(128); json.append('"').append('{'); JMethod[] methods = type.getMethods(); for (JMethod eventMethod : methods) { if (eventMethod.isPublic() && !eventMethod.isStatic() && (eventMethod.isConstructor() == null) && !"void".equalsIgnoreCase(eventMethod.getReturnType().getSimpleSourceName()) && !eventMethod.getName().equals("getAssociatedType")) { // let's add the property to JSON object String propertyName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(eventMethod.getName().substring(3)); String simpleType = type.getField(propertyName).getType().getSimpleSourceName(); if ("string".equalsIgnoreCase(simpleType)) { json.append(//from www. ja v a 2s . c o m "\\\"" + propertyName + "\\\":\\\"\" + event." + eventMethod.getName() + "() + \"\\\""); } else { json.append("\\\"" + propertyName + "\\\":\" + event." + eventMethod.getName() + "() + \""); } json.append(','); } } int lastIndex = json.lastIndexOf(","); if (lastIndex == -1) { json.append('}'); } else { json.setCharAt(lastIndex, '}'); } return json.append('"').toString(); }
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/** * Adds all registered dao's and other variables, such as appId, appVersion and task-tree. These variables are * available in Groovy scripts/*from w w w.j a va 2s . c o m*/ * * @param scriptVariables */ public void addScriptVariables(final Map<String, Object> scriptVariables) { scriptVariables.put("appId", AppVersion.APP_ID); scriptVariables.put("appVersion", AppVersion.NUMBER); scriptVariables.put("appRelease", AppVersion.RELEASE_DATE); scriptVariables.put("reportList", null); scriptVariables.put("taskTree", new ScriptingTaskTree(TaskTreeHelper.getTaskTree())); for (final RegistryEntry entry : Registry.getInstance().getOrderedList()) { final ScriptingDao<?> scriptingDao = entry.getScriptingDao(); if (scriptingDao != null) { final String varName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(entry.getId()); scriptVariables.put(varName + "Dao", scriptingDao); } } }
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public static String determinePropertyName(final Method method) { final String name = method.getName(); if (name.startsWith("get") == true || name.startsWith("set") == true) { return StringUtils.uncapitalize(name.substring(3)); } else if (name.startsWith("is") == true) { return StringUtils.uncapitalize(name.substring(2)); }// ww w.j a va 2 s . co m return method.getName(); }
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/** * Adds all registered dao's and other variables, such as appId, appVersion and task-tree. These variables are available in Groovy scripts * @param scriptVariables/*from ww w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ */ public void addScriptVariables(final Map<String, Object> scriptVariables) { scriptVariables.put("appId", AppVersion.APP_ID); scriptVariables.put("appVersion", AppVersion.NUMBER); scriptVariables.put("appRelease", AppVersion.RELEASE_DATE); scriptVariables.put("reportList", null); scriptVariables.put("taskTree", new ScriptingTaskTree(taskTree)); for (final RegistryEntry entry : Registry.instance().getOrderedList()) { final ScriptingDao<?> scriptingDao = entry.getScriptingDao(); if (scriptingDao != null) { final String varName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(entry.getId()); scriptVariables.put(varName + "Dao", scriptingDao); } } }