List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils trimToNull
public static String trimToNull(String str)
Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String returning null
if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if it is null
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public void initializeTreatmentInformation() { ExpeditedAdverseEventReport aeReport = getAeReport(); TreatmentInformation treatmentInformation = aeReport.getTreatmentInformation(); treatmentInformation.setTreatmentAssignment(aeReport.getReportingPeriod().getTreatmentAssignment()); treatmentInformation.setTreatmentDescription( StringUtils.trimToNull(aeReport.getReportingPeriod().getTreatmentAssignmentDescription())); treatmentInformation.setFirstCourseDate(aeReport.getAssignment().getStartDateOfFirstCourse()); treatmentInformation.getAdverseEventCourse().setDate(aeReport.getReportingPeriod().getStartDate()); treatmentInformation.getAdverseEventCourse().setNumber(aeReport.getReportingPeriod().getCycleNumber()); treatmentInformation.setTotalCourses(aeReport.getAssignment().getMaxCycleNumber()); }
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public void setValorTextoFiltro1(String valor) { this.getRecursoDataProvider().setCodigoFuncionSelect(StringUtils.trimToNull(valor)); }
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public String getUrlImagenTextoFiltro1() { String cx = this.getRecursoDataProvider().getCodigoFuncionSelect(); cx = StringUtils.trimToNull(cx); return this.getRecursoDataProvider().isCodigoFuncionSelectModificado() ? URL_IMAGEN_WARNING : cx == null ? URL_IMAGEN_OK_DIMMED : URL_IMAGEN_OK; }
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private String clickAndHandleAlert(WebElement elm, boolean accept, boolean throwIfNoAlertPresent) { String alertMsg = null;//w ww .j a va 2s .com LOG.debug("{} alert created by clicking button {}", accept ? "accept" : "dismiss", elm); Browser browser = getBrowser(); // headless browsers need to inject javascript before the button is clicked // to handle the alert correctly if (browser.isHeadless()) { // webDriver.manage().deleteCookieNamed(ALERT_COOKIE_NAME); StringBuilder alertJs = new StringBuilder(); alertJs.append("window.alert = window.confirm = function(msg){ ") // .append( "var date = new Date();") // .append( "date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);") // cookies don't like to store new lines. This becomes a problem when // taking a screenshot for HTMLUNIT, and // transferring the cookie to PhantomJs. // This prevents newlines from being injected into the cookie. Later // on, the return string containing these // newline keywords will be replaced with actual newlines. .append("msg = msg.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm, '" + ALERT_NEW_LINE_REPLACE + "');") .append("document.cookie = '" + ALERT_COOKIE_NAME + "=' + msg + '';").append("return %s;") .append("};"); executeScript(String.format(alertJs.toString(), accept)); }; if (browser.isHeadless()) { Cookie alertCookie = webDriver.manage().getCookieNamed(ALERT_COOKIE_NAME); for (Cookie cook : webDriver.manage().getCookies()) { System.err.print(cook.getName()); } if (alertCookie != null) { // replace all newline keywords, to get original message alertMsg = StringUtils.trimToNull(alertCookie.getValue()); if (alertMsg != null) alertMsg = alertMsg.replaceAll(ALERT_NEW_LINE_REPLACE, "\n"); LOG.debug("Headless browser msg: {}", alertMsg); } else { LOG.debug("Cookie where headless alert messages are stored is null!"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(alertMsg)) { if (throwIfNoAlertPresent) { throw new NoAlertPresentException( String.format("No alert message found for headless browser %s!", browser)); } } } else { Alert alert; // IE needs to wait for the alert to appear because we are using native // events try { if (browser.isInternetExplorer()) { alert = waitForAlertToBePresent(); } else { alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert(); } alertMsg = alert.getText(); if (accept) { alert.accept(); } else { alert.dismiss(); } } catch (NoAlertPresentException | TimeoutException e) { if (throwIfNoAlertPresent) { throw e; } else { LOG.debug("No alert is present! return..."); } return null; } } LOG.debug("{} alert message: {}", accept ? "Accepted" : "Dismissed", alertMsg); return alertMsg; }
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public void setSocialSecurityNumber(String socialSecurityNumber) { socialSecurityNumber = StringUtils.trimToNull(socialSecurityNumber); if (socialSecurityNumber != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(socialSecurityNumber)) { if (getPartySocialSecurityNumber() != null && socialSecurityNumber.equals(getPartySocialSecurityNumber().getSocialSecurityNumber())) { return; }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m final Party party = PartySocialSecurityNumber.readPartyBySocialSecurityNumber(socialSecurityNumber); if (party != null && party != this) { throw new DomainException(""); } else { if (getPartySocialSecurityNumber() != null) { getPartySocialSecurityNumber().setSocialSecurityNumber(socialSecurityNumber); } else { new PartySocialSecurityNumber(this, socialSecurityNumber); } } } }
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public static Object getObjeto(String string) { Object objeto = null;/*w w w .ja va 2 s . co m*/ String cadena = StringUtils.trimToNull(string); if (cadena == null) { return null; } if (StringUtils.isNumeric(cadena)) { // objeto = getObjeto(cadena, EnumTipoDatoParametro.ENTERO); objeto = getObjeto(cadena, Integer.class); } if (objeto == null && StringUtils.isNumeric(cadena)) { // objeto = getObjeto(cadena, EnumTipoDatoParametro.ENTERO_GRANDE); objeto = getObjeto(cadena, BigInteger.class); } if (objeto == null && cadena.startsWith(BundleWebui.getString("id_prefix.string"))) { String substr = cadena.substring(1); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(substr)) { // objeto = getObjeto(substr, EnumTipoDatoParametro.ENTERO_GRANDE); objeto = getObjeto(substr, BigInteger.class); } } if (objeto == null) { // objeto = getObjeto(cadena, EnumTipoDatoParametro.NUMERICO); objeto = getObjeto(cadena, BigDecimal.class); } if (objeto == null) { // objeto = getObjeto(cadena, EnumTipoDatoParametro.FECHA_HORA); objeto = getObjeto(cadena, Timestamp.class); } if (objeto == null) { // objeto = getObjeto(cadena, EnumTipoDatoParametro.ALFANUMERICO); objeto = getObjeto(cadena, String.class); } return objeto; }
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public String getValorTextoFiltro2() { return StringUtils.trimToNull(this.getRecursoDataProvider().getNombreFuncionSelect()); }
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/** * This method will take care of reconciling the ruleset,by making sure that * 1. The ruleSet, has the correct package name * 2. The path-to-deploy is correct.//from w w w . j ava2 s . c om * * Note: Backward compatiable with the old ruleset naming convention used. * @param ruleSet */ public void reconcileRuleSet(RuleSet ruleSet) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(ruleSet.getSubject())) return; String level = null; Organization org = null; Study study = null; String strOrgId = null; String strStudyId = null; String[] subjectParts = StringUtils.split(ruleSet.getSubject(), "||"); if (subjectParts.length >= 4) { //new pattern level = subjectParts[1]; String nciCode = null; String studyPrimaryId = null; if (level.equals(SPONSOR_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL) || level.equals(SPONSOR_LEVEL)) { nciCode = subjectParts[2].trim(); } if (level.equals(INSTITUTION_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL) || level.equals(INSTITUTIONAL_LEVEL)) { nciCode = subjectParts[3].trim(); } studyPrimaryId = subjectParts.length > 4 ? StringUtils.trimToNull(subjectParts[4]) : null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nciCode)) org = organizationDao.getByNCIcode(nciCode); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(studyPrimaryId)) { OrganizationAssignedIdentifier id = new OrganizationAssignedIdentifier(); id.setValue(studyPrimaryId); id.setType(OrganizationAssignedIdentifier.SPONSOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE); study = studyDao.getByIdentifier(id); } } else { //old pattern String orgName = null; String studyShortTitle = null; if (StringUtils.equals(subjectParts[0], CategoryConfiguration.SPONSOR_DEFINED_STUDY_BASE.getDescription())) { level = SPONSOR_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL; orgName = subjectParts[1].trim(); studyShortTitle = subjectParts[2].trim(); } else if (StringUtils.equals(subjectParts[0], CategoryConfiguration.INSTITUTION_DEFINED_STUDY_BASE.getDescription())) { level = INSTITUTION_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL; orgName = subjectParts[1].trim(); studyShortTitle = subjectParts[2].trim(); } else if (StringUtils.equals(subjectParts[0], CategoryConfiguration.SPONSOR_BASE.getDescription())) { level = SPONSOR_LEVEL; orgName = subjectParts[1].trim(); } else if (StringUtils.equals(subjectParts[0], CategoryConfiguration.INSTITUTION_BASE.getDescription())) { level = INSTITUTIONAL_LEVEL; orgName = subjectParts[1].trim(); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orgName)) org = organizationDao.getByName(orgName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(studyShortTitle)) study = studyDao.getByShortTitle(studyShortTitle); } //do validations - on organization if (StringUtils.equals(level, SPONSOR_LEVEL) || StringUtils.equals(level, INSTITUTIONAL_LEVEL) || StringUtils.equals(level, INSTITUTION_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL) || StringUtils.equals(level, SPONSOR_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL)) { if (org == null) throw new CaaersSystemException("RUL_011", "Unable to figureout the sponsor/institution"); } //do validation - study if (StringUtils.equals(level, INSTITUTION_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL) || StringUtils.equals(level, SPONSOR_DEFINED_STUDY_LEVEL)) { if (study == null) throw new CaaersSystemException("RUL_021", "Could not figure out the study"); } if (org != null) strOrgId = String.valueOf(org.getId()); if (study != null) strStudyId = String.valueOf(study.getId()); //update the package name on the ruleset RuleLevel ruleLevel = (StringUtils.isBlank(level) ? null : RuleLevel.getByName(level)); RuleType ruleType = RuleType.getByName(ruleSet.getDescription()); Integer orgId = (org != null) ? org.getId() : null; Integer studyId = study != null ? study.getId() : null; String newPackageName = constructPackageName(ruleType, ruleLevel, orgId, studyId); ruleSet.setName(newPackageName); //update the subject \ String nciCode = org == null ? "" : org.getNciInstituteCode(); String studyPrimaryId = study == null ? "" : study.getPrimaryIdentifierValue(); String newSubject = constructSubject(ruleType, ruleLevel, nciCode, studyPrimaryId); ruleSet.setSubject(newSubject); //update the path. String path = generatePath(level, ruleSet.getDescription(), org, org, study); for (Rule rule : ruleSet.getRule()) { List<Category> categories = rule.getMetaData().getCategory(); if (categories == null) { categories = new ArrayList<Category>(); rule.getMetaData().setCategory(categories); } if (categories.isEmpty()) { Category category = new Category(); category.setMetaData(new MetaData()); categories.add(category); } if (categories.get(0).getMetaData() == null) { categories.get(0).setMetaData(new MetaData()); } rule.getMetaData().getCategory().get(0).setPath(path); rule.getMetaData().getCategory().get(0).getMetaData() .setName(RuleUtil.getStringWithoutSpaces(ruleSet.getDescription())); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("New Package Name :" + newPackageName); log.debug("New Subject :" + newSubject); log.debug("New Path :" + path); } }
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/** * Locates a user directory entry using an email address * as a key. Updates the specified {@link org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserEdit} * with directory attributes if the search is successful. * The {@link org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserEdit} param is * technically optional and will be ignored if <code>null</code>. * /*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ * <p> * All {@link java.lang.Exception}s are logged and result in * a <code>false</code> return, as do searches which yield * no results. (A concession to backward compat.) * </p> * * @param edit the {@link org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserEdit} to update * @param email the search key * @return boolean <code>true</code> if the search * completed without error and found a directory entry */ public boolean findUserByEmail(UserEdit edit, String email) { try { boolean useStdFilter = !(ldapAttributeMapper instanceof EidDerivedEmailAddressHandler); LdapUserData resolvedEntry = null; if (!(useStdFilter)) { try { String eid = StringUtils.trimToNull( ((EidDerivedEmailAddressHandler) ldapAttributeMapper).unpackEidFromAddress(email)); if (eid == null) { // shouldn't happen (see unpackEidFromEmail() javadoc) throw new InvalidEmailAddressException("Attempting to unpack an EID from [" + email + "] resulted in a null or empty string"); } resolvedEntry = getUserByEid(eid, null); } catch (InvalidEmailAddressException e) { M_log.error("findUserByEmail(): Attempted to look up user at an invalid email address [" + email + "]", e); useStdFilter = true; // fall back to std processing, we cant derive an EID from this addr } } // we do _only_ fall back to std processing if EidDerivedEmailAddressHandler actually // indicated it could not handle the given email addr. If it could handle the addr // but found no results, we honor that empty result set if (useStdFilter) { // value may have been changed in EidDerivedEmailAddressHandler block above String filter = ldapAttributeMapper.getFindUserByEmailFilter(email); resolvedEntry = (LdapUserData) searchDirectoryForSingleEntry(filter, null, null, null, null); } if (resolvedEntry == null) { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("findUserByEmail(): failed to find user by email [email = " + email + "]"); } return false; } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("findUserByEmail(): found user by email [email = " + email + "]"); } if (edit != null) { mapUserDataOntoUserEdit(resolvedEntry, edit); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { M_log.error("findUserByEmail(): failed [email = " + email + "]"); M_log.debug("Exception: ", e); return false; } /* if ( M_log.isDebugEnabled() ) { M_log.debug("findUserByEmail(): [email = " + email + "]"); } try { String filter = ldapAttributeMapper.getFindUserByEmailFilter(email); // takes care of caching and everything LdapUserData mappedEntry = (LdapUserData)searchDirectoryForSingleEntry(filter, null, null, null, null); if ( mappedEntry == null ) { if ( M_log.isDebugEnabled() ) { M_log.debug("findUserByEmail(): failed to find user by email [email = " + email + "]"); } return false; } if ( M_log.isDebugEnabled() ) { M_log.debug("findUserByEmail(): found user by email [email = " + email + "]"); } if ( edit != null ) { mapUserDataOntoUserEdit(mappedEntry, edit); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { M_log.error("findUserByEmail(): failed [email = " + email + "]", e); return false; } */ }
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public void setValorTextoFiltro2(String valor) { this.getRecursoDataProvider().setNombreFuncionSelect(StringUtils.trimToNull(valor)); }