List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substringBetween
public static String substringBetween(String str, String open, String close)
Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings.
From source
/** * Called on return from a lookup./* w w w .j ava 2 s . co m*/ */ @Override public ActionForward refresh(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { KualiMaintenanceForm maintenanceForm = (KualiMaintenanceForm) form; WebUtils.reuseErrorMapFromPreviousRequest(maintenanceForm); maintenanceForm.setDerivedValuesOnForm(request); refreshAdHocRoutingWorkgroupLookups(request, maintenanceForm); MaintenanceDocument document = (MaintenanceDocument) maintenanceForm.getDocument(); // call refresh on new maintainable Map<String, String> requestParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Enumeration i = request.getParameterNames(); i.hasMoreElements();) { String requestKey = (String) i.nextElement(); String requestValue = request.getParameter(requestKey); requestParams.put(requestKey, requestValue); } // Add multiple values from Lookup Collection<PersistableBusinessObject> rawValues = null; if (StringUtils.equals(KRADConstants.MULTIPLE_VALUE, maintenanceForm.getRefreshCaller())) { String lookupResultsSequenceNumber = maintenanceForm.getLookupResultsSequenceNumber(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lookupResultsSequenceNumber)) { // actually returning from a multiple value lookup String lookupResultsBOClassName = maintenanceForm.getLookupResultsBOClassName(); Class lookupResultsBOClass = Class.forName(lookupResultsBOClassName); rawValues = getLookupResultsService().retrieveSelectedResultBOs(lookupResultsSequenceNumber, lookupResultsBOClass, GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPerson().getPrincipalId()); } } if (rawValues != null) { // KULCOA-1073 - caused by this block running unnecessarily? // we need to run the business rules on all the newly added items to the collection // KULCOA-1000, KULCOA-1004 removed business rule validation on multiple value return // (this was running before the objects were added anyway) // getKualiRuleService().applyRules(new SaveDocumentEvent(document)); String collectionName = maintenanceForm.getLookedUpCollectionName(); //TODO: Cathy remember to delete this block of comments after I've tested. // PersistableBusinessObject bo = document.getNewMaintainableObject().getBusinessObject(); // Collection maintCollection = this.extractCollection(bo, collectionName); // String docTypeName = ((MaintenanceDocument) maintenanceForm.getDocument()).getDocumentHeader().getWorkflowDocument().getDocumentType(); // Class collectionClass = extractCollectionClass(docTypeName, collectionName); // // List<MaintainableSectionDefinition> sections = maintenanceDocumentDictionaryService.getMaintainableSections(docTypeName); // Map<String, String> template = MaintenanceUtils.generateMultipleValueLookupBOTemplate(sections, collectionName); // for (PersistableBusinessObject nextBo : rawValues) { // PersistableBusinessObject templatedBo = (PersistableBusinessObject) ObjectUtils.createHybridBusinessObject(collectionClass, nextBo, template); // templatedBo.setNewCollectionRecord(true); // maintCollection.add(templatedBo); // } document.getNewMaintainableObject().addMultipleValueLookupResults(document, collectionName, rawValues, false, document.getNewMaintainableObject().getBusinessObject()); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"********************doing editing 3 in refersh()***********************."); } boolean isEdit = KRADConstants.MAINTENANCE_EDIT_ACTION.equals(maintenanceForm.getMaintenanceAction()); boolean isCopy = KRADConstants.MAINTENANCE_COPY_ACTION.equals(maintenanceForm.getMaintenanceAction()); if (isEdit || isCopy) { document.getOldMaintainableObject().addMultipleValueLookupResults(document, collectionName, rawValues, true, document.getOldMaintainableObject().getBusinessObject()); document.getOldMaintainableObject().refresh(maintenanceForm.getRefreshCaller(), requestParams, document); } } document.getNewMaintainableObject().refresh(maintenanceForm.getRefreshCaller(), requestParams, document); //pass out customAction from methodToCall parameter. Call processAfterPost String fullParameter = (String) request.getAttribute(KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_ATTRIBUTE); if (StringUtils.contains(fullParameter, KRADConstants.CUSTOM_ACTION)) { String customAction = StringUtils.substringBetween(fullParameter, KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM1_LEFT_DEL, KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM1_RIGHT_DEL); String[] actionValue = new String[1]; actionValue[0] = StringUtils.substringAfter(customAction, "."); Map<String, String[]> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(request.getParameterMap()); paramMap.put(KRADConstants.CUSTOM_ACTION, actionValue); doProcessingAfterPost((KualiMaintenanceForm) form, paramMap); } return mapping.findForward(RiceConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); }
From source
/** * Convert a Request into a Map<String,String>. Technically, Request parameters do not neatly translate into a Map of Strings, * because a given parameter may legally appear more than once (so a Map of String[] would be more accurate.) This method should * be safe for business objects, but may not be reliable for more general uses. *//*from w ww . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ String extractCollectionName(HttpServletRequest request, String methodToCall) { // collection name and underlying object type from request parameter String parameterName = (String) request.getAttribute(KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_ATTRIBUTE); String collectionName = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(parameterName)) { collectionName = StringUtils.substringBetween(parameterName, methodToCall + ".", ".("); } return collectionName; }
From source
/** * Turns on (or off) the inactive record display for a maintenance collection. *//*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ public ActionForward toggleInactiveRecordDisplay(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { KualiMaintenanceForm maintenanceForm = (KualiMaintenanceForm) form; MaintenanceDocument document = (MaintenanceDocument) maintenanceForm.getDocument(); Maintainable oldMaintainable = document.getOldMaintainableObject(); Maintainable newMaintainable = document.getNewMaintainableObject(); String collectionName = extractCollectionName(request, KRADConstants.TOGGLE_INACTIVE_METHOD); if (collectionName == null) { LOG.error("Unable to get find collection name in request."); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get find collection class in request."); } String parameterName = (String) request.getAttribute(KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_ATTRIBUTE); boolean showInactive = Boolean.parseBoolean( StringUtils.substringBetween(parameterName, KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_BOPARM_LEFT_DEL, ".")); oldMaintainable.setShowInactiveRecords(collectionName, showInactive); newMaintainable.setShowInactiveRecords(collectionName, showInactive); return mapping.findForward(RiceConstants.MAPPING_BASIC); }
From source
/** * Parses the method to call attribute to pick off the button number that was pressed. * * @param request/*from w w w. j av a2 s . c o m*/ * @return int */ private String getSelectedButton(HttpServletRequest request) { String selectedButton = "-1"; String parameterName = (String) request.getAttribute(KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_ATTRIBUTE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(parameterName)) { selectedButton = StringUtils.substringBetween(parameterName, ".button", "."); } return selectedButton; }
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/** * Parses the method to call parameter passed in as a post parameter * /*w ww . j a v a2s . co m*/ * The parameter should be something like methodToCall.sort.1.(::;true;::).x, this method will return the value * between (::; and ;::) as a boolean * * @param methodToCallParam the method to call in a format described above * @return the value between the delimiters, false if there are no delimiters */ protected boolean parseSearchUsingOnlyPrimaryKeyValues(String methodToCallParam) { String searchUsingOnlyPrimaryKeyValuesStr = StringUtils.substringBetween(methodToCallParam, KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM12_LEFT_DEL, KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM12_RIGHT_DEL); if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchUsingOnlyPrimaryKeyValuesStr)) { return false; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(searchUsingOnlyPrimaryKeyValuesStr); }
From source
/** * Checks a string property value for a message placeholder and if found the message is retrieved and updated * in the property value// w ww. ja v a 2 s.c o m * * @param propertyValue string value to process for message placeholders * @param nestedBeanStack stack of bean definitions that contain the property, used to determine the namespace * and component for the message retrieval * @return String new value for the property (possibly modified from an external message) */ protected String processMessagePlaceholders(String propertyValue, Stack<BeanDefinitionHolder> nestedBeanStack) { String trimmedPropertyValue = StringUtils.stripStart(propertyValue, " "); if (StringUtils.isBlank(trimmedPropertyValue)) { return propertyValue; } String newPropertyValue = propertyValue; // first check for a replacement message key if (trimmedPropertyValue.startsWith(KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX) && StringUtils.contains(trimmedPropertyValue, KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX)) { String messageKeyStr = StringUtils.substringBetween(trimmedPropertyValue, KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX); // get any default specified value (given after the message key) String messageKeyWithPlaceholder = KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + messageKeyStr + KRADConstants.MESSAGE_KEY_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX; String defaultPropertyValue = StringUtils.substringAfter(trimmedPropertyValue, messageKeyWithPlaceholder); // set the new property value to the message text (if found), or the default value if a message was not found // note the message text could be an empty string, in which case it will override the default String messageText = getMessageTextForKey(messageKeyStr, nestedBeanStack); if (messageText != null) { // if default value set then we need to merge any expressions if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(defaultPropertyValue)) { newPropertyValue = getMergedMessageText(messageText, defaultPropertyValue); } else { newPropertyValue = messageText; } } else { newPropertyValue = defaultPropertyValue; } } // now check for message keys within an expression else if (StringUtils.contains(trimmedPropertyValue, KRADConstants.EXPRESSION_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX)) { String[] expressionMessageKeys = StringUtils.substringsBetween(newPropertyValue, KRADConstants.EXPRESSION_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, KRADConstants.EXPRESSION_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX); for (String expressionMessageKey : expressionMessageKeys) { String expressionMessageText = getMessageTextForKey(expressionMessageKey, nestedBeanStack); newPropertyValue = StringUtils .replace(newPropertyValue, KRADConstants.EXPRESSION_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + expressionMessageKey + KRADConstants.EXPRESSION_MESSAGE_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX, expressionMessageText); } } return newPropertyValue; }
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/** * Checks whether the given property value is of String type, and if so whether it contains the expression * placholder(s)/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .com*/ * * @param propertyValue value to check for expressions * @return true if the property value contains expression(s), false if it does not */ protected boolean hasExpression(Object propertyValue) { if (propertyValue != null) { // if value is string, check for el expression String strValue = getStringValue(propertyValue); if (strValue != null) { String elPlaceholder = StringUtils.substringBetween(strValue, UifConstants.EL_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, UifConstants.EL_PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elPlaceholder)) { return true; } } } return false; }
From source
public String transformMaintainableXML(String xml) { String beginning = StringUtils.substringBefore(xml, "<" + OLD_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); String oldMaintainableObjectXML = StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, "<" + OLD_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">", "</" + OLD_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); String newMaintainableObjectXML = StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, "<" + NEW_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">", "</" + NEW_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); String ending = StringUtils.substringAfter(xml, "</" + NEW_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); String convertedOldMaintainableObjectXML = transformSection(oldMaintainableObjectXML); String convertedNewMaintainableObjectXML = transformSection(newMaintainableObjectXML); String convertedXML = beginning + "<" + OLD_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">" + convertedOldMaintainableObjectXML + "</" + OLD_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">" + "<" + NEW_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">" + convertedNewMaintainableObjectXML + "</" + NEW_MAINTAINABLE_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME + ">" + ending; return convertedXML; }
From source
private String transformSection(String xml) { String maintenanceAction = StringUtils.substringBetween(xml, "<" + MAINTENANCE_ACTION_ELEMENT_NAME + ">", "</" + MAINTENANCE_ACTION_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); xml = StringUtils.substringBefore(xml, "<" + MAINTENANCE_ACTION_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"); try {//w ww . j a v a 2s. co m xml = upgradeBONotes(xml); if (classNameRuleMap == null) { setRuleMaps(); } DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml))); removePersonObjects(document); for (Node childNode = document.getFirstChild(); childNode != null;) { Node nextChild = childNode.getNextSibling(); transformClassNode(document, childNode); childNode = nextChild; } TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer trans = transFactory.newTransformer(); trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document); trans.transform(source, result); xml = writer.toString().replaceAll("(?m)^\\s+\\n", ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return xml + "<" + MAINTENANCE_ACTION_ELEMENT_NAME + ">" + maintenanceAction + "</" + MAINTENANCE_ACTION_ELEMENT_NAME + ">"; }
From source
/** * Upgrades the old Bo notes tag that was part of the maintainable to the new notes tag. * * @param oldXML - the xml to upgrade//from w w w. j a v a2 s .c om * @throws Exception */ private String upgradeBONotes(String oldXML) throws Exception { // Get the old bo note xml String notesXml = StringUtils.substringBetween(oldXML, "<boNotes>", "</boNotes>"); if (notesXml != null) { notesXml = notesXml.replace("", ""); notesXml = "<>\n" + notesXml + "\n</>"; oldXML = oldXML.replaceFirst(">", ">\n<notes>\n" + notesXml + "\n</notes>"); } return oldXML; }