List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils substringBefore
public static String substringBefore(String str, String separator)
Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator.
From source
/** * @param context /* w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @return ?????????WebContextPathVariable? */ public RequestMeta doParse(IRequestContext context) { RequestMeta _meta = null; Map<String, RequestMeta> _mappingMap = null; switch (context.getHttpMethod()) { case POST: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_POST; break; case DELETE: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_DELETE; break; case PUT: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_PUT; break; case OPTIONS: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_OPTIONS; break; case HEAD: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_HEAD; break; case TRACE: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_TRACE; break; default: _mappingMap = __MAPPING_META_FOR_GET; } _meta = _mappingMap.get(context.getRequestMapping()); if (_meta == null) { String _requestMapping = this.__doFixMappingPart(context.getRequestMapping()); // ??PairObject<Mapping[??], ??> Set<PairObject<String[], Integer>> _filteredMapping = new HashSet<PairObject<String[], Integer>>(); for (String _key : _mappingMap.keySet()) { if (_key.contains("{")) { String _mappingKey = StringUtils.substringBefore(_key, "{"); String _fixedMappingKey = this.__doFixMappingPart(_mappingKey); if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(_requestMapping, _fixedMappingKey)) { // ????? String _paramKey = _key.substring(_key.indexOf('{')); _filteredMapping.add(new PairObject<String[], Integer>( new String[] { _key, _mappingKey, _fixedMappingKey, _paramKey }, StringUtils.split(_paramKey, "/").length)); } } } // ????? PairObject<String[], Integer> _result = null; String _mappingParamPart = null; for (PairObject<String[], Integer> _item : _filteredMapping) { // ????? _mappingParamPart = StringUtils.substringAfter(_requestMapping, _item.getKey()[2]); // ??? int _paramPartCount = StringUtils.split(_mappingParamPart, "/").length; // ????? if (_paramPartCount == _item.getValue()) { _result = _item; break; } } if (_result != null) { Map<String, String> _params = this.__doParserMappingParams(_mappingParamPart, _result.getKey()[3]); // ???WebContextPathVariable? for (Map.Entry<String, String> _entry : _params.entrySet()) { context.addAttribute(_entry.getKey(), _entry.getValue()); } _meta = _mappingMap.get(_result.getKey()[0]); } } return _meta; }
From source
/** * ?Range????/*from ww w . ja va 2s . c o m*/ * * @param length ?? * @return ?null */ private PairObject<Long, Long> __doParseRange(long length) { PairObject<Long, Long> _returnValue = null; // Range?? String _rangeStr = WebContext.getRequest().getHeader("Range"); if (_rangeStr != null && _rangeStr.startsWith("bytes=") && _rangeStr.length() >= 7) { _rangeStr = StringUtils.substringAfter(_rangeStr, "bytes="); String[] _ranges = StringUtils.split(_rangeStr, ","); // ?Range??... for (String _range : _ranges) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(_range)) { return null; } // bytes=-100 if (_range.startsWith("-")) { long _end = Long.parseLong(_range); long _start = length + _end; if (_start < 0) { return null; } _returnValue = new PairObject<Long, Long>(_start, length); break; } // bytes=1024- if (_range.endsWith("-")) { long _start = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.substringBefore(_range, "-")); if (_start < 0) { return null; } _returnValue = new PairObject<Long, Long>(_start, length); break; } // bytes=10-1024 if (_range.contains("-")) { String[] _tmp = _range.split("-"); long _start = Long.parseLong(_tmp[0]); long _end = Long.parseLong(_tmp[1]); if (_start > _end) { return null; } _returnValue = new PairObject<Long, Long>(_start, _end + 1); } } } return _returnValue; }
From source
public static String getLogReport(String urlString) throws DomBuilderException, XPathExpressionException, ConfigurationException, SenderException, TimeOutException { String head = getHeadHtml(urlString); String etag = XmlUtils.evaluateXPathNodeSetFirstElement(head, "headers/header[lower-case(@name)='etag']"); if (etag != null) { if (StringUtils.countMatches(etag, "\"") >= 2) { String s = StringUtils.substringAfter(etag, "\""); String s2 = StringUtils.substringBefore(s, "\""); String s3 = StringUtils.substringBefore(s2, "/"); String s4 = StringUtils.substringAfter(s2, "/"); return getReportHtml(urlString, s3, s4); }/*w w w . j av a2s . c om*/ } return null; }
From source
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String resourcePath = StringUtils.substringBefore(request.getPathInfo(), ";"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Processing request for resource {}.", resourcePath); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ URL resource = getResourceURL(resourcePath); if (resource == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resource not found: {}", resourcePath); } response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } long ifModifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since"); URLConnection conn = resource.openConnection(); long lastModified = conn.getLastModified(); if (ifModifiedSince >= lastModified) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Resource: {} Not Modified.", resourcePath); } response.setStatus(304); return; } int contentLength = conn.getContentLength(); prepareResponse(response, resource, lastModified, contentLength); OutputStream out = selectOutputStream(request, response); try { InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead = -1; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } finally { is.close(); } } finally { out.close(); } }
From source
private NestedPath() { this.propertyInstance = new PropertyInstance() { public Object indexed(Object bean, String property, int index, Object value) {"created indexed property " + property + " at " + index + " of bean " + bean + " and will be set to " + value); return value; }//from w w w .j a v a2 s . com public Object simple(Object bean, String property, Object value) {"created simple property " + property + " of bean " + bean + " and will be set to " + value); return value; } }; this.propertyValue = new PropertyValue() { public Object indexed(Object bean, String property, int index, Object value) {"value of indexed property " + property + " at " + index + " of bean " + bean + " will be set to " + value); return value; } public Object mapped(Object bean, String property, Object key, Object value) {"value of mapped property " + property + " at " + key + " of bean " + bean + " will be set to " + value); return value; } public Object simple(Object bean, String property, Object value) {"value of simple property " + property + " of bean " + bean + " will be set to " + value); return value; } public Object valueOf(Class clasz, String property, String value) {"value of valueOf " + property + " will be set to " + value); return value; } }; this.indexPointer = new IndexPointer() { public int size(Object bean) { return CollectionUtils.size(bean); } public Object get(Object bean, int idx) { return CollectionUtils.get(bean, idx); } public int firstIndexOf(Object bean, String undeterminedIndex) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IntrospectionException { this.setUndeterminedIndex(undeterminedIndex); for (int idx = 0; idx < size(bean); idx++) { Object object = get(bean, idx); if (object != null) { if (evaluate(object, this.getUndeterminedIndex())) return idx; } } return -1; } public void setIndexAsProperty(Object bean, String undeterminedIndex) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IntrospectionException { this.setUndeterminedIndex(undeterminedIndex); Object value = propertyValue.simple(bean, this.getProperty(), this.getValue()); pub.setProperty(bean, this.getProperty(), value); } private String undeterminedIndex; private void setUndeterminedIndex(String undeterminedIndex) { this.undeterminedIndex = undeterminedIndex; } private String getUndeterminedIndex() { return this.undeterminedIndex; } private boolean evaluate(Object bean, String undeterminedIndex) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IntrospectionException { this.setUndeterminedIndex(undeterminedIndex); String property = getProperty(); String valueOfIndex = getValue(); Object valueOfBean = pub.getProperty(bean, property); return ObjectUtils.equals(valueOfIndex, valueOfBean); } private String getProperty() { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = getNamedIndex(this.getUndeterminedIndex()); return entry.getKey(); } private String getValue() { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = getNamedIndex(this.getUndeterminedIndex()); return entry.getValue(); } private Map.Entry<String, String> getNamedIndex(String value) { final String SEP = "="; Map<String, String> keyValuePair = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (StringUtils.indexOf(value, SEP) == -1) return null; keyValuePair.put(StringUtils.substringBefore(value, SEP), StringUtils.substringAfter(value, SEP)); return keyValuePair.entrySet().iterator().next(); } }; = BeanUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyUtils(); ResolverImpl()); }
From source
public void processDirectory(String fileName) throws IOException { List<String[]> report = new ArrayList<String[]>(); report.add(new String[] { "filename", "category", "confirmed?", }); addFiles(new File(fileName)); // FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(destinationDir)); // FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(destinationDir)); for (File f : queue) { String content = null;/*from w ww .j ava 2 s . com*/ try {// should be wiki page //if (f.getName().toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(" wiki")<0 && // if ( f.getAbsolutePath().indexOf("wiki-new")<0) // continue; // should not be a page already derived by a link if (f.getName().toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(".html_") > -1) continue; System.out.println("processing " + f.getName()); content = FileUtils.readFileToString(f, "utf-8"); int langIndex = 0; for (String[] begEnd : multilingualTokens) { String urlDirty = StringUtils.substringBetween(content, begEnd[0], begEnd[1]); String url = StringUtils.substringBefore(urlDirty, "\""); if (url != null) { if (!url.startsWith("http:")) url = "https:" + url; String[] parts = url.split("/"); String multilingualName = parts[parts.length - 1]; String destFileName = f.getAbsolutePath().replace(sourceDir, destinationDir) .replace(" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.html", "-wiki") + "." + langs[langIndex] + "." + "_" + multilingualName + ".html"; if (!new File(destFileName).exists()) { saveDocFromTheWeb(url, destFileName); System.out.println(f.getName() + " => " + destFileName); } } else { System.out.println("Unable to extract multilingual urls for'" + langs[langIndex] + "' from file " + f.getCanonicalPath()); } langIndex++; } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } queue.clear(); }
From source
/** * Gets a Path from Path using property path * //from w ww. j a va 2 s . c om * @param path * the base path * @param propertyPath * property path String like "customer.order.price" * @return a new Path for property */ public static Path<?> getPath(Path<?> path, String propertyPath) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(propertyPath)) return path; String name = StringUtils.substringBefore(propertyPath, PropertyUtils.PROPERTY_SEPARATOR); Path<?> p = path.get(name); return getPath(p, StringUtils.substringAfter(propertyPath, PropertyUtils.PROPERTY_SEPARATOR)); }
From source
@Override public Collection<String> getRootNamespaces(final String repoId) throws MetadataResolutionException { QueryResult<OrderedRows<String, String, String>> result = HFactory // .createRangeSlicesQuery(keyspace, ss, ss, ss) // .setColumnFamily(cassandraArchivaManager.getNamespaceFamilyName()) // .setColumnNames(NAME.toString()) // .addEqualsExpression(REPOSITORY_NAME.toString(), repoId) // .execute();//from w ww . j a v a 2s.c o m Set<String> namespaces = new HashSet<String>(result.get().getCount()); for (Row<String, String, String> row : result.get()) { namespaces.add(StringUtils.substringBefore(getStringValue(row.getColumnSlice(), NAME.toString()), ".")); } return namespaces; }
From source
@Override public Collection<String> getNamespaces(final String repoId, final String namespaceId) throws MetadataResolutionException { QueryResult<OrderedRows<String, String, String>> result = HFactory // .createRangeSlicesQuery(keyspace, ss, ss, ss) // .setColumnFamily(cassandraArchivaManager.getNamespaceFamilyName()) // .setColumnNames(NAME.toString()) // .addEqualsExpression(REPOSITORY_NAME.toString(), repoId) // .execute();//from w w w . j a va 2s .c o m List<String> namespaces = new ArrayList<>(result.get().getCount()); for (Row<String, String, String> row : result.get()) { String currentNamespace = getStringValue(row.getColumnSlice(), NAME.toString()); if (StringUtils.startsWith(currentNamespace, namespaceId) // && (StringUtils.length(currentNamespace) > StringUtils.length(namespaceId))) { // store after namespaceId '.' but before next '.' // call org namespace org.apache.maven.shared -> stored apache String calledNamespace = StringUtils.endsWith(namespaceId, ".") ? namespaceId : namespaceId + "."; String storedNamespace = StringUtils.substringAfter(currentNamespace, calledNamespace); storedNamespace = StringUtils.substringBefore(storedNamespace, "."); namespaces.add(storedNamespace); } } return namespaces; }
From source
private String getProtocol(String url) { String protocol = StringUtils.substringBefore(url, ":"); return protocol; }