List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils stripToNull
public static String stripToNull(String str)
Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning null
if the String is empty ("") after the strip.
From source
/** * Returns an external link to a command. * * @param element The element for which the documentation is requested. * @param originalElement The element the caret was on. * @return The url which leads to the online documentation. */// w ww .j ava2s. com static String documentationUrl(PsiElement element, PsiElement originalElement) {"documentationUrl for " + element); for (DocumentationSource source : sourceList) { String url = source.documentationUrl(element, originalElement); if (StringUtils.stripToNull(url) != null) { return url; } } return null; }
From source
/** * @param formatLength the formatLength to set *//* w w w . j a v a2s . c om*/ public void setFormatLength(String formatLength) { this.formatLength = StringUtils.stripToNull(formatLength); }
From source
@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)// w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m public Response getJSON(@Context final Request request) { final EntityTag etag = new EntityTag(data().getConfig().getUniqueId().toString()); final ResponseBuilder builder = request.evaluatePreconditions(etag); if (builder != null) { return; } final FlexiBean out = createRootData(); final ConfigDocument doc = data().getConfig(); final String jsonConfig = StringUtils.stripToNull(toJSON(doc.getConfig().getValue(), doc.getType())); if (jsonConfig != null) { out.put("configJSON", jsonConfig); } out.put("configXML", StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(createXML(doc))); out.put("type", doc.getType().getSimpleName()); final String json = getFreemarker().build(JSON_DIR + "config.ftl", out); return Response.ok(json).tag(etag).build(); }
From source
@Override public String getComandoExecute(String comando, int argumentos, EnumTipoResultadoSQL tipoResultado) { boolean retornaResultadoCompuesto = EnumTipoResultadoSQL.COMPUESTO.equals(tipoResultado); String execute = StringUtils.stripToNull(comando); String command = retornaResultadoCompuesto ? COMANDO_EXECUTE_2 : COMANDO_EXECUTE_1; if (execute != null) { String[] token = StringUtils.split(execute); String parametros = "()"; if (argumentos > 0) { parametros = ""; for (int i = 0; i < argumentos; i++, parametros += ",?") { }//w ww . ja v a 2s.c o m parametros = "(" + parametros.substring(1) + ")"; } if (!token[0].equalsIgnoreCase(COMANDO_EXECUTE_1)) { execute = command + " " + execute; } if (!execute.endsWith(parametros) && !execute.endsWith(";")) { execute += parametros; } } Bitacora.trace(execute); return execute; }
From source
/** * @param promptMessage the promptMessage to set *///from www.jav a 2s .c om public void setPromptMessage(String promptMessage) { this.promptMessage = StringUtils.stripToNull(promptMessage); }
From source
@Override public String getComandoExecute(String comando, int argumentos, EnumTipoResultadoSQL tipoResultado) { boolean retornaResultadoCompuesto = EnumTipoResultadoSQL.COMPOUND.equals(tipoResultado); String execute = StringUtils.stripToNull(comando); String command = retornaResultadoCompuesto ? COMANDO_EXECUTE_2 : COMANDO_EXECUTE_1; if (execute != null) { String[] token = StringUtils.split(execute); String parametros = "()"; if (argumentos > 0) { parametros = ""; for (int i = 0; i < argumentos; i++, parametros += ",?") { }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ parametros = "(" + parametros.substring(1) + ")"; } if (!token[0].equalsIgnoreCase(COMANDO_EXECUTE_1)) { execute = command + " " + execute; } if (!execute.endsWith(parametros) && !execute.endsWith(";")) { execute += parametros; } } Bitacora.trace(execute); return execute; }
From source
@Override public void finalizeForWrite(DataModelObjBase rec, int recNum, Uploader uploader) throws UploaderException { //This assumes that rec is a newly uploaded/created record. //XXX Updates -- Will need to be re-worked when record updates are implemented Locality loc = (Locality) rec;/*ww w .j a va2 s .c om*/ WorkbenchRow wbRow = uploader.getWb().getRow(uploader.getRow()); loc.setLat1text(wbRow.getLat1Text()); loc.setLat2text(wbRow.getLat2Text()); loc.setLong1text(wbRow.getLong1Text()); loc.setLong2text(wbRow.getLong2Text()); if (loc.getLatitude1() != null && loc.getLatLongType() == null) { if (loc.getLatitude2() == null) { //seems there's no formal definition of the allowed values for latlongtype?? loc.setLatLongType("Point"); } else { //hmmm...assume Line loc.setLatLongType("Line"); } } LatLonConverter.FORMAT fmt = new GeoRefConverter() .getLatLonFormat(StringUtils.stripToNull(wbRow.getLat1Text())); loc.setOriginalLatLongUnit(fmt.ordinal()); loc.setSrcLatLongUnit((byte) fmt.ordinal()); }
From source
/** * Gets the Form Selector for the form POST request. * * @param slingRequest/* w w w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ * @return */ @Override public final String getFormSelector(final SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest) { final String requestSuffix = slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSuffix(); if (StringUtils.equals(requestSuffix, this.getSuffix()) || !StringUtils.startsWith(requestSuffix, this.getSuffix() + "/")) { return null; } final int segments = StringUtils.split(this.getSuffix(), '/').length; if (segments < 1) { return null; } final String formSelector = PathInfoUtil.getSuffixSegment(slingRequest, segments); return StringUtils.stripToNull(formSelector); }
From source
/** * Gets the clause rows from the request. * /*from ww w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @return The list of clause rows */ public List<ClauseRow> getClauseRows() { List<ClauseRow> rows = new ArrayList<ClauseRow>(); if (property != null) { for (int i = 0; i < property.size(); i++) { String propertyName = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(property.get(i)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propertyName)) { ClauseRow row = new ClauseRow(); row.setPropertyName(propertyName); row.setPropertyType(StringUtils.stripToEmpty(propertyType.get(i))); row.setOperator(Operator.valueOf(operator.get(i))); row.setValue(StringUtils.stripToEmpty(value.get(i))); if (connector != null && i < connector.size()) { String connectorName = StringUtils.stripToNull(connector.get(i)); if (connectorName != null) { row.setConnector(LogicalConnector.valueOf(connectorName)); } } row.setClauseIndex(i); rows.add(row); } } } return rows; }
From source
/** * @param toolTipPosition the toolTipPosition to set *//*from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m*/ public void setToolTipPosition(String toolTipPosition) { this.toolTipPosition = StringUtils.stripToNull(toolTipPosition); }