Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils strip

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils strip


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils strip.


public static String strip(String str, String stripChars) 

Source Link


Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String.


From source file:pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.CdeSettings.java

 * @deprecated/* w  w  w.  j a  v  a2 s  .  co m*/
public static IReadAccess[] getComponentLocations() {

    ArrayList<IReadAccess> componentAccesses = new ArrayList<IReadAccess>();
    CdfDDSettings settings = getSettings();
    for (Element element : settings.getComponentLocationElements()) {
        String path = element.getText();

        if (path != null) {

            path = StringUtils.strip(path, "/");

            //ex: <path>system/pentaho-cdf-dd/resources/custom/components</path>, <path>system/cdc/cdeComponents</path>
            if (path.startsWith(CdeEnvironment.getSystemDir() + "/")) {

                path = path.replaceFirst(CdeEnvironment.getSystemDir() + "/", "");

                // ex: <path>system/pentaho-cdf-dd/resources/custom/components</path>
                if (path.startsWith(CdeEnvironment.getPluginId() + "/")) {

                    path = path.replaceFirst(CdeEnvironment.getPluginId() + "/", "");

                    if (CdeEnvironment.getPluginSystemReader().fileExists(path)
                            && CdeEnvironment.getPluginSystemReader().fetchFile(path).isDirectory()) {

                } else {
                    //XXX this isn't supposed to happen
                    // ex: <path>system/cdc/cdeComponents</path>
                    String pluginId = path.substring(0, path.indexOf("/"));
                    path = path.replaceFirst(pluginId + "/", "");

                    if (CdeEnvironment.getOtherPluginSystemReader(pluginId).fileExists(path) && CdeEnvironment
                            .getOtherPluginSystemReader(pluginId).fetchFile(path).isDirectory()) {
                        componentAccesses.add(CdeEnvironment.getOtherPluginSystemReader(pluginId, path));


            } else if (path.startsWith(CdeEnvironment.getPluginRepositoryDir() + "/")) {

                // ex: <path>cde/components</path>
                path = path.replaceFirst(CdeEnvironment.getPluginRepositoryDir() + "/", "");

                if (CdeEnvironment.getPluginSystemReader().fileExists(path)
                        && CdeEnvironment.getPluginSystemReader().fetchFile(path).isDirectory()) {
            } else {
                logger.warn("Components directory '" + element.getText() + "' was not found.");
    return componentAccesses.toArray(new IReadAccess[componentAccesses.size()]);

From source file:pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.reader.factory.ResourceLoaderFactory.java

protected boolean isSystem(String path) {
    if (path.isEmpty()) {
        return false;
    }/*w w  w  .  java2s  .  c  o m*/

    ICdeEnvironment env = getCdeEnvironment();
    IContentAccessFactory factory = getContentAccessFactory(env);

    path = StringUtils.strip(path.toLowerCase(), "/");

    if (path.startsWith(getSystemDir(env))) {
        return true;

    } else if (path.startsWith(getPluginRepositoryDir(env))) {
        return false;

    } else {
        if (isSystemStaticResource(factory, path)) {
            return true;

        } else if (isRepositoryStaticResource(factory, path)) {
            return false;

    return false;

From source file:pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.Utils.java

public static IReadAccess getAppropriateReadAccess(String resource, String basePath,
        ICdeEnvironment environment) {//from w w w  . j a v  a  2s  . c o m

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource)) {
        return null;

    IContentAccessFactory factory = environment.getContentAccessFactory();

    String systemDir = environment.getSystemDir() + "/";
    String repoDir = environment.getPluginRepositoryDir() + "/";

    resource = StringUtils.strip(resource, "/");

    if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, systemDir, 0, systemDir.length())) {

        resource = resource.replaceFirst(systemDir, "");

        String pluginId = environment.getPluginId() + "/";
        // system dir - this plugin
        if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, pluginId, 0, pluginId.length())) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath);

        } else {
            // system dir - other plugin
            pluginId = resource.substring(0, resource.indexOf("/"));
            return factory.getOtherPluginSystemReader(pluginId, basePath);


    } else if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, repoDir, 0, repoDir.length())) {

        // plugin repository dir
        return factory.getPluginRepositoryReader(basePath);

    } else {

        // one of two: already trimmed system resource (ex: 'resources/templates/1-empty-structure.cdfde')
        // or a user solution resource (ex: 'plugin-samples/pentaho-cdf-dd/styles/my-style.css')

        if (factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath).fileExists(resource)) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath);
        } else {
            // user solution dir
            return factory.getUserContentAccess(basePath);

From source file:pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.Utils.java

public static IRWAccess getAppropriateWriteAccess(String resource, String basePath,
        ICdeEnvironment environment) {/*from   www  .  j a va2s.c  o m*/

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource)) {
        return null;

    IContentAccessFactory factory = environment.getContentAccessFactory();

    String systemDir = environment.getSystemDir() + "/";
    String repoDir = environment.getPluginRepositoryDir() + "/";

    resource = StringUtils.strip(resource, "/");

    if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, systemDir, 0, systemDir.length())) {

        resource = resource.replaceFirst(systemDir, "");

        String pluginId = environment.getPluginId() + "/";
        // system dir - this plugin
        if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, pluginId, 0, pluginId.length())) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemWriter(basePath);

        } else {
            // system dir - other plugin
            pluginId = resource.substring(0, resource.indexOf("/"));
            return factory.getOtherPluginSystemWriter(pluginId, basePath);


    } else if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, repoDir, 0, repoDir.length())) {

        // plugin repository dir
        return factory.getPluginRepositoryWriter(basePath);

    } else {

        // one of two: already trimmed system resource (ex: 'resources/templates/1-empty-structure.cdfde')
        // or a user solution resource (ex: 'plugin-samples/pentaho-cdf-dd/styles/my-style.css')

        if (factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath).fileExists(resource)) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemWriter(basePath);
        } else {
            // user solution dir
            return factory.getUserContentAccess(basePath);

From source file:pt.webdetails.cdf.dd.util.Utils.java

public static IBasicFile getFileViaAppropriateReadAccess(String resource, String basePath,
        ICdeEnvironment environment) {/*www  .  j a v  a2 s  .c o m*/
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource)) {
        return null;

    IContentAccessFactory factory = environment.getContentAccessFactory();

    String systemDir = environment.getSystemDir() + "/";
    String repoDir = environment.getPluginRepositoryDir() + "/";

    resource = StringUtils.strip(resource, "/");

    if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, systemDir, 0, systemDir.length())) {

        resource = resource.replaceFirst(systemDir, "");

        String pluginId = environment.getPluginId() + "/";
        // system dir - this plugin
        if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, pluginId, 0, pluginId.length())) {

            resource = resource.replaceFirst(pluginId, "");

            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath).fetchFile(resource);

        } else {
            // system dir - other plugin
            pluginId = resource.substring(0, resource.indexOf("/"));
            resource = resource.replaceFirst(pluginId, "");

            return factory.getOtherPluginSystemReader(pluginId, basePath).fetchFile(resource);

    } else if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, repoDir, 0, repoDir.length())) {

        // plugin repository dir
        resource = resource.replaceFirst(repoDir, "");
        return factory.getPluginRepositoryReader(basePath).fetchFile(resource);

    } else {

        // one of two: already trimmed system resource (ex: 'resources/templates/1-empty-structure.cdfde')
        // or a user solution resource (ex: 'plugin-samples/pentaho-cdf-dd/styles/my-style.css')

        if (factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath).fileExists(resource)) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(basePath).fetchFile(resource);

        } else if (factory.getUserContentAccess(basePath).fileExists(resource)) {
            // user solution dir
            return factory.getUserContentAccess(basePath).fetchFile(resource);
    return null;

From source file:pt.webdetails.cpf.Util.java

 * Helper method that given a path of a resource, allows us to infer on the appropriate IReadAccess object for it
 * @param resourcePath    the path to a resource
 * @param factory         the IReadAccess factory
 * @param pluginId        the plugin's id
 * @param pluginSystemDir the plugin's base system directory
 * @param pluginRepoDir   the plugin's base repository directory
 * @return appropriate IReadAccess object for the given resource
 *//*  w ww  . j  ava2  s  .  c  om*/
public static IReadAccess getAppropriateReadAccess(final String resourcePath,
        final IContentAccessFactory factory, final String pluginId, final String pluginSystemDir,
        final String pluginRepoDir) {

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resourcePath) || StringUtils.isEmpty(pluginId)
            || StringUtils.isEmpty(pluginSystemDir) || StringUtils.isEmpty(pluginRepoDir) || factory == null) {
        return null;

    String id = pluginId.endsWith(SEPARATOR) ? pluginId : pluginId + SEPARATOR;
    String repoDir = pluginRepoDir.endsWith(SEPARATOR) ? pluginRepoDir : pluginRepoDir + SEPARATOR;
    String systemDir = pluginSystemDir.endsWith(SEPARATOR) ? pluginSystemDir : pluginSystemDir + SEPARATOR;

    // remove leading and trailing SEPARATOR *and* also performs String.trim()
    String resource = StringUtils.strip(resourcePath, SEPARATOR);

    if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, systemDir, 0, systemDir.length())) {

        resource = resource.replaceFirst(systemDir, ""); // trim the 'system'

        if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, id, 0, id.length())) {
            // system dir - this plugin id
            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(null);

        } else {
            // system dir - some other plugin id; lets find out which one
            String otherPluginId = resource.substring(0, resource.indexOf(SEPARATOR));
            return factory.getOtherPluginSystemReader(otherPluginId, null);

    } else if (resource.regionMatches(true, 0, repoDir, 0, repoDir.length())) {

        // plugin repository dir
        return factory.getPluginRepositoryReader(null);

    } else {

        // one of two:
        // A - already trimmed system resource (ex: 'resources/templates/1-empty-structure.cdfde') for the pluginId
        // B - user solution resource (ex: 'public/plugin-samples/pentaho-cdf-dd/styles/my-style.css')

        if (factory.getPluginSystemReader(null).fileExists(resourcePath)) {
            return factory.getPluginSystemReader(null);

        } else if (factory.getUserContentAccess(null).fileExists(resourcePath)) {
            // user solution dir
            return factory.getUserContentAccess(null);

    return null; // reaching this point, there's not much more left to be done, and null is returned