Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitByWholeSeparator

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitByWholeSeparator


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils splitByWholeSeparator.


public static String[] splitByWholeSeparator(String str, String separator) 

Source Link


Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified.


From source file:nz.ac.waikato.its.irr.scripts.FixSquishedMetadata.java

private static boolean process(Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, String delimiter,
        int minMatches, boolean dryRun) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    boolean changes = false;
    List<Metadatum> newMetadata = new ArrayList<>();

    Metadatum[] allMd = item.getMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY);
    for (Metadatum md : allMd) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(md.value) && StringUtils.countMatches(md.value, delimiter) >= minMatches) {
            String[] individualValues = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(md.value, delimiter);
            for (int i = 0; i < individualValues.length; i++) {
                individualValues[i] = individualValues[i].replaceAll("(\\r|\\n|\\t)", " ").replaceAll("  ", " ")
                        .trim();//from w w w.j av a2  s  . c  o  m
            System.out.println("item id=" + item.getID() + ": split |" + md.value + "| into |"
                    + StringUtils.join(individualValues, '|') + "|");
            if (!dryRun) {
                for (String individualValue : individualValues) {
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(individualValue)) {
                        Metadatum newMd = new Metadatum();
                        newMd.language = md.language;
                        newMd.value = individualValue;
                changes = true;
        } else {
    if (!dryRun && changes) {
        item.clearMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, Item.ANY);
        for (Metadatum newMd : newMetadata) {
            item.addMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, newMd.language, newMd.value, newMd.authority,
    return changes;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.security.ZooKeeperTokenStore.java

 * Parse comma separated list of ACL entries to secure generated nodes, e.g.
 * <code>sasl:hive/host1@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa,sasl:hive/host2@MY.DOMAIN:cdrwa</code>
 * @param aclString//from   w  w w .j  a  v  a2  s . c  o m
 * @return ACL list
public static List<ACL> parseACLs(String aclString) {
    String[] aclComps = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(aclString, ",");
    List<ACL> acl = new ArrayList<ACL>(aclComps.length);
    for (String a : aclComps) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(a)) {
        a = a.trim();
        // from ZooKeeperMain private method
        int firstColon = a.indexOf(':');
        int lastColon = a.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (firstColon == -1 || lastColon == -1 || firstColon == lastColon) {
            LOGGER.error(a + " does not have the form scheme:id:perm");
        ACL newAcl = new ACL();
        newAcl.setId(new Id(a.substring(0, firstColon), a.substring(firstColon + 1, lastColon)));
        newAcl.setPerms(getPermFromString(a.substring(lastColon + 1)));
    return acl;

From source file:org.apache.lens.cube.parse.TestJoinResolver.java

public void testAutoJoinResolver() throws Exception {
    HiveConf conf = new HiveConf(hconf);
    conf.setBoolean(CubeQueryConfUtil.DISABLE_AGGREGATE_RESOLVER, true);
    // Test 1 Cube + dim
    String query = "select cubeCity.name, dim2chain.name, dim4chain.name, msr2 from testCube where "
            + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;/*  ww  w.  j a  v a 2s.c o m*/
    CubeQueryRewriter driver = new CubeQueryRewriter(conf, conf);
    CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = driver.rewrite(query);
    String hql = rewrittenQuery.toHQL();
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverauto join HQL:" + hql);
            "testAutoJoinResolver@@Resolved join chain:[" + getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery) + "]");
    List<String> expectedClauses = new ArrayList<String>();
    expectedClauses.add(getDbName() + "c1_testfact2_raw testcube");
            + "c1_citytable cubecity on testcube.cityid = cubecity.id and (cubecity.dt = 'latest')");
            + "c1_testdim2tbl dim2chain on testcube.dim2 = dim2chain.id and (dim2chain.dt = 'latest')");
            + "c1_testdim3tbl testdim3 on dim2chain.testdim3id = testdim3.id and (testdim3.dt = 'latest')");
            + "c1_testdim4tbl dim4chain on testdim3.testdim4id = dim4chain.id and (dim4chain.dt = 'latest')");

    List<String> actualClauses = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String clause : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery), "join")) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clause)) {
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverExpected1" + expectedClauses);
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverActual1" + actualClauses);
    Assert.assertEqualsNoOrder(expectedClauses.toArray(), actualClauses.toArray());

    // Test 2 Dim only query
    String dimOnlyQuery = "select testDim2.name, dim4chain.name FROM testDim2 where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    rewrittenQuery = driver.rewrite(dimOnlyQuery);
    hql = rewrittenQuery.toHQL();
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverauto join HQL:" + hql);
            "testAutoJoinResolver@@Resolved join chain:[" + getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery) + "]");
    expectedClauses.add(getDbName() + "c1_testdim2tbl testdim2");
            + "c1_testdim3tbl testdim3 on testdim2.testdim3id = testdim3.id and (testdim3.dt = 'latest')");
            + "c1_testdim4tbl dim4chain on testdim3.testdim4id = dim4chain.id and (dim4chain.dt = 'latest')");
    for (String clause : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery), "join")) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clause)) {
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverExpected2" + expectedClauses);
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverActual2" + actualClauses);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedClauses, actualClauses);

    // Test 3 Dim only query should throw error
    String errDimOnlyQuery = "select citydim.id, testDim4.name FROM citydim where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    getLensExceptionInRewrite(errDimOnlyQuery, hconf);

From source file:org.apache.lens.cube.parse.TestJoinResolver.java

public void testJoinChains() throws ParseException, LensException, HiveException {
    String query, hqlQuery, expected;

    // Single joinchain with direct link
    query = "select cubestate.name, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE
            + " group by cubestate.name";
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);//from w  ww. j a v  a2  s  .  co m
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (cubestate.name) as `name`, sum((basecube.msr2)) " + "as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cubestate ON basecube.stateid=cubeState.id and cubeState.dt= 'latest'",
            null, "group by cubestate.name", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Single joinchain with two chains
    query = "select citystate.name, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE
            + " group by citystate.name";
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.name) as `name`, sum((basecube.msr2)) " + "as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim ON baseCube.cityid = citydim.id and citydim.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cityState ON citydim.stateid=cityState.id and cityState.dt= 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.name", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Single joinchain with two chains, accessed as refcolumn
    query = "select cityStateCapital, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.capital) as `citystatecapital`, " + "sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim ON baseCube.cityid = citydim.id and citydim.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName() + "c1_statetable cityState ON citydim.stateid=cityState.id "
                    + "and cityState.dt= 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.capital", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Same test, Accessing refcol as a column of cube
    query = "select basecube.cityStateCapital, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Adding Order by
    query = "select cityStateCapital, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE
            + " order by cityStateCapital";
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.capital) as `citystatecapital`, " + "sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim ON baseCube.cityid = citydim.id and citydim.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cityState ON citydim.stateid=cityState.id and cityState.dt= 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.capital order by citystatecapital", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Single joinchain, but one column accessed as refcol and another as chain.column
    query = "select citystate.name, cityStateCapital, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.name) as `name`, (citystate.capital) "
                    + "as `citystatecapital`, sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim ON baseCube.cityid = citydim.id and citydim.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cityState ON citydim.stateid=cityState.id and cityState.dt= 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.name, citystate.capital", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Two unrelated join chains
    query = "select cubeState.name, cubecity.name, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (cubestate.name) as `name`, (cubecity.name) as `name`, sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cubestate on basecube.stateid = cubestate.id and cubestate.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable cubecity on basecube.cityid = cubecity.id and cubecity.dt = 'latest'",
            null, "group by cubestate.name,cubecity.name", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Multiple join chains with same destination table
    query = "select cityState.name, cubeState.name, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.name) as `name`, (cubestate.name) "
                    + "as `name`, sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cubestate on basecube.stateid=cubestate.id and cubestate.dt='latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim on basecube.cityid = citydim.id and "
                    + "citydim.dt = 'latest'" + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable citystate on citydim.stateid = citystate.id and "
                    + "citystate.dt = 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.name,cubestate.name", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Two joinchains, one accessed as refcol.
    query = "select cubestate.name, cityStateCapital, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (cubestate.name) as `name`, (citystate.capital) as `citystatecapital`, "
                    + "sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            "" + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable cubestate on basecube.stateid=cubestate.id and cubestate.dt='latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim on basecube.cityid = citydim.id and citydim.dt = 'latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable citystate on citydim.stateid=citystate.id and citystate.dt='latest'" + "",
            null, "group by cubestate.name, citystate.capital", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Two joinchains with initial path common. Testing merging of chains
    query = "select cityState.name, cityZip.f1, sum(msr2) from basecube where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (citystate.name) as `name`, (cityzip.f1) as `f1`, sum((basecube.msr2)) as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            " join " + getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim on basecube.cityid = citydim.id and "
                    + "citydim.dt = 'latest'" + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable citystate on citydim.stateid = citystate.id and "
                    + "citystate.dt = 'latest'" + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_ziptable cityzip on citydim.zipcode = cityzip.code and " + "cityzip.dt = 'latest'",
            null, "group by citystate.name,cityzip.f1", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Two joinchains with common intermediate dimension, but different paths to that common dimension
    // checking aliasing
    query = "select cubeStateCountry.name, cubeCityStateCountry.name, sum(msr2) from basecube where "
            + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    hqlQuery = rewrite(query, hconf);
    expected = getExpectedQuery("basecube",
            "SELECT (cubestatecountry.name) as `name`, (cubecitystatecountry.name) as `name`, sum((basecube.msr2)) "
                    + "as `sum(msr2)` FROM ",
            "" + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_citytable citydim on basecube.cityid = citydim.id and (citydim.dt = 'latest')"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable statedim_0 on citydim.stateid=statedim_0.id and statedim_0.dt='latest'"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_countrytable cubecitystatecountry on statedim_0.countryid=cubecitystatecountry.id"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_statetable statedim on basecube.stateid=statedim.id and (statedim.dt = 'latest')"
                    + " join " + getDbName()
                    + "c1_countrytable cubestatecountry on statedim.countryid=cubestatecountry.id " + "",
            null, "group by cubestatecountry.name, cubecitystatecountry.name", null,
            getWhereForDailyAndHourly2days("basecube", "c1_testfact1_base"));
    TestCubeRewriter.compareQueries(hqlQuery, expected);

    // Test 4 Dim only query with join chains

    List<String> expectedClauses = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> actualClauses = new ArrayList<>();
    String dimOnlyQuery = "select testDim2.name, testDim2.cityStateCapital FROM testDim2 where "
            + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    CubeQueryRewriter driver = new CubeQueryRewriter(hconf, hconf);
    CubeQueryContext rewrittenQuery = driver.rewrite(dimOnlyQuery);
    String hql = rewrittenQuery.toHQL();
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverauto join HQL:" + hql);
            "testAutoJoinResolver@@Resolved join chain:[" + getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery) + "]");
    expectedClauses.add(getDbName() + "c1_testdim2tbl testdim2");
            getDbName() + "c1_citytable citydim on testdim2.cityid = citydim.id and (citydim.dt = 'latest')");
            + "c1_statetable citystate on citydim.stateid = citystate.id and (citystate.dt = 'latest')");

    for (String clause : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery), "join")) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clause)) {
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainExpected1 : " + expectedClauses);
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainActual1 : " + actualClauses);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedClauses, actualClauses);

    //Dim only join chain query without qualified tableName for join chain ref column
    dimOnlyQuery = "select name, cityStateCapital FROM testDim2 where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    driver = new CubeQueryRewriter(hconf, hconf);
    rewrittenQuery = driver.rewrite(dimOnlyQuery);
    hql = rewrittenQuery.toHQL();
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverauto join HQL:" + hql);
            "testAutoJoinResolver@@Resolved join chain:[" + getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery) + "]");

    for (String clause : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery), "join")) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clause)) {
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainExpected1 : " + expectedClauses);
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainActual1 : " + actualClauses);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedClauses, actualClauses);

    //With ChainRef.col
    dimOnlyQuery = "select testDim2.name, cityState.capital FROM testDim2 where " + TWO_DAYS_RANGE;
    driver = new CubeQueryRewriter(hconf, hconf);
    rewrittenQuery = driver.rewrite(dimOnlyQuery);
    hql = rewrittenQuery.toHQL();
    System.out.println("testAutoJoinResolverauto join HQL:" + hql);
            "testAutoJoinResolver@@Resolved join chain:[" + getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery) + "]");

    for (String clause : StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(getAutoResolvedFromString(rewrittenQuery), "join")) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clause)) {
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainExpected1 : " + expectedClauses);
    System.out.println("testDimOnlyJoinChainActual1 : " + actualClauses);
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedClauses, actualClauses);

From source file:org.castafiore.ecm.Main.java

private static void template(File template, String dir, String name) throws Exception {
    String scss = IOUtil.getFileContenntAsString(template);
    scss = scss.replace("#", ".");
    scss = scss.replace("id=", "class=");
    if (scss.contains("</h4>"))
        scss = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(scss, "</h4>")[1];
    else if (scss.contains("</h2>"))
        scss = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(scss, "</h2>")[1];
    else//from  w w  w  .  ja v a  2  s .co m
        scss = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(scss, "<body>")[1];
    scss = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(scss, "</body>")[0];
    scss = "<div><div class=\"" + name + "\"><link href=\"designer/menu/vertical/contents/" + name
            + "/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" + scss + "</div></div>";
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(dir + "\\preview.html"));

From source file:org.castafiore.utils.ResourceUtil.java

public static String getTemplate(String templateLocation, Application app) {

    String contextPath = app.getContextPath();
    String serverPort = app.getServerPort();
    String servaerName = app.getServerName();
    if ("www.3racingtips.com".equalsIgnoreCase(servaerName)) {
        servaerName = "racingtips.s18.eatj.com";
    }//from w  ww  .  j ava  2s . c o m

    if (!contextPath.startsWith("/")) {
        contextPath = "/" + contextPath;
    if (contextPath.endsWith("/") && templateLocation.startsWith("/")) {
        templateLocation = templateLocation.substring(1);
    if (!contextPath.endsWith("/") && !templateLocation.startsWith("/")) {
        templateLocation = "/" + templateLocation;
    //String url = "";
    if (!templateLocation.startsWith("http")) {
        templateLocation = "http://" + servaerName + ":" + serverPort + contextPath + "" + templateLocation;

    try {
        //URL oUrl = new URL(templateLocation);
        //InputStream in = oUrl.openStream();

        String template = readUrl(templateLocation);

        //throw new Exception("dfs");
        return template;
    } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            String[] asSpec = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(templateLocation, "spec=");
            if (asSpec != null && asSpec.length == 2) {
                String spec = asSpec[1];
                ResourceLocator locator = ResourceLocatorFactory.getResourceLocator(spec);
                InputStream data = locator.getResource(spec, null).getInputStream();

                String template = IOUtil.getStreamContentAsString(data);
                return template;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("unable to load template:" + templateLocation, e);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("unable to load template:" + templateLocation, e);


From source file:org.devproof.portal.core.module.common.component.ExtendedLabel.java

private List<String> getTextLines(String tagPart) {
    String str2img = StringUtils.substringAfter(tagPart, CLOSE_SEP);
    List<String> str2ImgLines = new ArrayList<String>();
    String tmp[] = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(str2img, "<br />");
    for (String t : tmp) {
        str2ImgLines.add(HtmlUtils.htmlUnescape(t.replaceAll("\\<.*?>", "")));
    }//from   w  ww .  ja va 2s.c  o m
    return str2ImgLines;

From source file:org.devproof.portal.module.article.entity.Article.java

private List<String> getSplittedPages(String pages) {
    String[] splitted = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(pages, "page-break-after");
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (splitted.length > 1) {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
            String actual = splitted[i];
            int open = actual.lastIndexOf('<');
            int close = actual.lastIndexOf('>');
            if (open < 0 || close > open) {
                // kein tag
                buf.append(actual);/*from  ww w  .  ja v a  2  s. c om*/
                if (splitted.length - 1 != i)
            } else {
                // tag
                buf.append(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(actual, "<"));
                buf = new StringBuilder();
                String closeTag = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(actual, "<");
                closeTag = "</" + StringUtils.substringBefore(closeTag, " ") + ">";
                splitted[i + 1] = StringUtils.substringAfter(splitted[i + 1], closeTag);
        if (buf.length() > 0) {
    } else {
    return result;

From source file:org.drugis.addis.gui.builder.TreatmentCategorizationView.java

private JComponent buildOverviewPanel() {
    final FormLayout layout = new FormLayout("fill:pref:grow", "p");

    final PanelBuilder builder = new PanelBuilder(layout);
    final CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
    int row = 1;/*w  ww.j ava 2  s. c o  m*/

            cc.xy(1, row));
    row = LayoutUtil.addRow(layout, row);
    builder.add(DrugView.createDrugOverviewPanel(d_model.getDrugPresentation()), cc.xy(1, row));
    row += 1;

    row = LayoutUtil.addRow(layout, row);
    builder.addSeparator("Dose categories", cc.xy(1, row));
    for (final Category category : d_model.getBean().getCategories()) {
        row = LayoutUtil.addRow(layout, row);
                + " measuring this " + CategoryKnowledgeFactory.getCategoryKnowledge(Drug.class).getSingular()
                + " categorized as '" + category.getName() + "'", cc.xy(1, row));
        row = LayoutUtil.addRow(layout, row);
        String criterionLabel = category.getCriterionLabel();
        String[] criteria = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(criterionLabel, " OR ");
        criterionLabel = StringUtils.join(criteria, " OR\n");
                        new UnmodifiableHolder<String>("Inclusion criteria: " + criterionLabel)),
                cc.xy(1, row));
        row = LayoutUtil.addRow(layout, row);

                Main.getMainWindow()), cc.xy(1, row));
        row += 1;
    return builder.getPanel();

From source file:org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.typelibrary.ui.TypeLibraryUtil.java

private static File getJarFile(String baseLocation) {
    String[] parts = StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(baseLocation, "!/");
    File file = new File(parts[0]);
    return file;//from   w  w w . j  a  va  2s.c om