List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils removeEndIgnoreCase
public static String removeEndIgnoreCase(String str, String remove)
Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string.
From source
private String cleanTitle(String title) { final List<String> stringsToRemoveList = Arrays.asList("bbc", "ks2", "read", "phet", "bitesize", "maths"); Set stringsToRemoveSet = new HashSet<String>(stringsToRemoveList); while (true) { title = StringUtils.trim(title); title = StringUtils.removeStart(title, ","); title = StringUtils.removeStart(title, "."); title = StringUtils.removeStart(title, "-"); title = StringUtils.removeStart(title, ":"); title = StringUtils.removeEnd(title, ","); title = StringUtils.removeEnd(title, "."); title = StringUtils.removeEnd(title, "-"); title = StringUtils.removeEnd(title, ":"); title = StringUtils.trim(title); String[] words = StringUtils.split(title, ": "); if (words.length > 0 && stringsToRemoveSet.contains(words[0].toLowerCase())) { title = StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(title, words[0]); } else if (words.length > 0 && stringsToRemoveSet.contains(words[words.length - 1].toLowerCase())) { title = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(title, words[words.length - 1]); } else {// ww w . j a va 2 s . co m break; } } return title; }
From source
/** * Parse theme uuid from request uri. Expecting to handle format of * /blah/whatever/somethemeversion<UUID_SEPARATOR>themuuid<FILE_EXTENSION> * // www . j av a 2 s.c o m * @param inTransformType * Request uri. * @return lower case theme uuid from request uri. */ @Override public String transform(final String inTransformType) { return inTransformType == null ? null : StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfterLast(inTransformType, uuidSeparator), fileExtension).toLowerCase(); }
From source
protected String formatStartDateUI(Date startDate) { if (startDate != null) { if (!isAllDay()) { String formattedDate = DateFormatters.MONTH_DAY_YEAR_TIME_DATE_FORMATTER.format(startDate); return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(formattedDate, "12:00 am"); } else {/* w w w. j av a2s .com*/ return DateFormatters.MONTH_DAY_YEAR_DATE_FORMATTER.format(startDate); } } else { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } }
From source
protected String formatEndDateUI(Date endDate) { if (endDate != null) { if (!isAllDay()) { String formattedEndDate = DateFormatters.MONTH_DAY_YEAR_TIME_DATE_FORMATTER.format(endDate); String formattedStartDate = DateFormatters.MONTH_DAY_YEAR_TIME_DATE_FORMATTER.format(startDate); String strippedDate = StringUtils.removeStart(formattedEndDate, StringUtils.substringBefore(formattedStartDate, " ")); return StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(strippedDate, "11:59 pm"); } else {/* ww w . ja va 2 s .c o m*/ if (isDateRange()) { return DateFormatters.MONTH_DAY_YEAR_DATE_FORMATTER.format(endDate); } else { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } } } else { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } }
From source
protected String checkDswId(String modelName) { if (!modelName.endsWith(METADATA_EXTENSION)) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(modelName, METADATA_EXTENSION)) { modelName = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(modelName, METADATA_EXTENSION); }/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ modelName += METADATA_EXTENSION; } return modelName; }
From source
/** * Convert the exclusion ant pattern to a java regexp accepted by findbugs * exclusion file/* w ww. j av a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param exclusion ant pattern to convert * @return Exclusion pattern for findbugs */ public static String antToJavaRegexpConvertor(String exclusion) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("~"); int offset = 0; // First **/ or */ is optional if (exclusion.startsWith("**/")) { builder.append("(.*\\.)?"); offset += 3; } else if (exclusion.startsWith("*/")) { builder.append("([^\\\\^\\s]*\\.)?"); offset += 2; } for (String suffix : Java.SUFFIXES) { exclusion = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(exclusion, "." + suffix); } char[] array = exclusion.toCharArray(); for (int i = offset; i < array.length; i++) { char c = array[i]; if (c == '?') { builder.append('.'); } else if (c == '*') { if (i + 1 < array.length && array[i + 1] == '*') { builder.append(".*"); i++; } else { builder.append("[^\\\\^\\s]*"); } } else if (c == '/') { builder.append("\\."); } else { builder.append(c); } } return builder.toString(); }
From source
/** * Constructs an absolute path based on a given project relative path. The project's path is * determined by the given splevoProject. The result is a portable string, so you have to * convert it before showing it to the user. Anyway, the output is just fine for initializing a * File object.//w ww . j av a 2 s. c om * * @param projectRelativePath * The path relative to the SPLevo project given as another parameter. * @param splevoProject * The SPLevo project defining the project. * @return The absolute path to the file as portable string. */ public static String getAbsoluteFromProjectRelativePath(String projectRelativePath, SPLevoProject splevoProject) { String workspaceRelativePath = String.format("%s%s%s", StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(splevoProject.getWorkspace(), "/"), projectRelativePath.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/", projectRelativePath); return getAbsoluteFromWorkspaceRelativePath(workspaceRelativePath); }
From source
/** * A method normalizing "resource" path. In RAML resource path must neither be empty ("/" is used in this case), * not ends with "/" (as all uri must start with "/"). * * @param uri the uri to normalized//from w w w .j a v a2s . c o m * @return the normalized path */ private String normalizeParentPath(String uri) { String relativeUri = extractRelativeUrl(uri, null); if (relativeUri.endsWith("/") && relativeUri.length() != 1) { relativeUri = StringUtils.removeEndIgnoreCase(relativeUri, "/"); } return relativeUri; }