List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils remove
public static String remove(String str, char remove)
Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string.
From source
public Criteria build() throws QueryException { Matcher matcher = DYNA_QUERY_PATTERN.matcher(this.dynaQuery); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new QueryException("The DynaQuery syntax is incorrect. It must start with 'findBy' " + ", findUniqueBy or 'countBy' expression followed by property expressions and operators.", this.dynaQuery); }/*from w w w. ja va2 s . c om*/ Criteria criteria = this.createCriteria("countBy")); String dynaQueryExpression =; // order by Matcher orderByMatcher = ORDER_BY_PATTERN.matcher(dynaQueryExpression); if (orderByMatcher.find()) { dynaQueryExpression = StringUtils.remove(dynaQueryExpression,; String orderByProperty = normalizePropertyName(; String orderByDirection =; Order orderBy = "Desc".equals(orderByDirection) ? Order.desc(orderByProperty) : Order.asc(orderByProperty); criteria.addOrder(orderBy); } // split properties String[] properties = DYNA_QUERY_OPERATOR_PATTERN.split(dynaQueryExpression); if (properties.length == 0 || properties.length > 2) { throw new QueryException(format( "The DynaQuery syntax is incorrect. Dynamic queries must have " + "at least one property an no more than two (yours has {0}).\nYou can use one of " + "the following logical operators ({1}) and these expression operators ({2})", properties.length, LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND + ", " + LOGICAL_OPERATOR_OR, StringUtils.join(EXPRESSION_OPERATORS, ", ")), this.dynaQuery); } Matcher logicalOperatorsMatcher = DYNA_QUERY_OPERATOR_PATTERN.matcher(dynaQueryExpression); String logicalOperator = logicalOperatorsMatcher.find() ? : LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND; Junction junction = LOGICAL_OPERATOR_OR.equals(logicalOperator) ? Restrictions.disjunction() : Restrictions.conjunction(); for (String property : properties) { junction.add(this.createCriterion(property)); } criteria.add(junction); return criteria; }
From source
private Criterion createCriterion(final String property) { String propertyName = property; String criterionType = EQUAL; for (String expression : EXPRESSION_OPERATORS) { if (property.endsWith(expression)) { criterionType = expression;/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s . com*/ propertyName = StringUtils.remove(propertyName, criterionType); break; } } propertyName = normalizePropertyName(propertyName); return this.criterionBuilderMap.get(criterionType).build(propertyName); }
From source
/** * Constructs the SubjectAlternativeName extension that will end up on the generated certificate. * //from w w w. j ava 2 s . c om * If the DNS values in the subjectAlternativeName extension contain parentheses to specify labels that should be redacted, the parentheses are removed and another extension * containing the number of redacted labels is added. * * @param subAltNameExt * @param publishToCT * @return An extension generator containing the SubjectAlternativeName extension and an extension holding the number of redacted labels if the certificate is to be published * to a CTLog * @throws IOException */ private ExtensionsGenerator getSubjectAltNameExtensionForCert(Extension subAltNameExt, boolean publishToCT) throws IOException { String subAltName = CertTools.getAltNameStringFromExtension(subAltNameExt); List<String> dnsValues = CertTools.getPartsFromDN(subAltName, CertTools.DNS); int[] nrOfRecactedLables = new int[dnsValues.size()]; boolean sanEdited = false; int i = 0; for (String dns : dnsValues) { if (StringUtils.contains(dns, "(") && StringUtils.contains(dns, ")")) { // if it contains parts that should be redacted // Remove the parentheses from the SubjectAltName that will end up on the certificate String certBuilderDNSValue = StringUtils.remove(dns, '('); certBuilderDNSValue = StringUtils.remove(certBuilderDNSValue, ')'); subAltName = StringUtils.replace(subAltName, dns, certBuilderDNSValue); sanEdited = true; if (publishToCT) { String redactedLable = StringUtils.substring(dns, StringUtils.indexOf(dns, "("), StringUtils.lastIndexOf(dns, ")") + 1); // tex. (top.secret) => redactedLable = (top.secret) aka. including the parentheses nrOfRecactedLables[i] = StringUtils.countMatches(redactedLable, ".") + 1; } } i++; } ExtensionsGenerator gen = new ExtensionsGenerator(); gen.addExtension(Extension.subjectAlternativeName, subAltNameExt.isCritical(), CertTools.getGeneralNamesFromAltName(subAltName)); // If there actually are redacted parts, add the extension containing the number of redacted lables to the certificate if (publishToCT && sanEdited) { ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); for (int val : nrOfRecactedLables) { v.add(new ASN1Integer(val)); } ASN1Encodable seq = new DERSequence(v); gen.addExtension(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""), false, seq); } return gen; }
From source
/** * Fill the maps with crypto tokens and key labels from the configuration file *//* www. ja v a 2s . co m*/ private void fillKeyIdsAndCryptoTokens() { final Configuration conf = ConfigurationHolder.instance(); final String keyidstr = "databaseprotection.keyid."; final String labelstr = "databaseprotection.keylabel."; final String classtr = "databaseprotection.classname."; final String propstr = ""; final String datastr = ""; final String pinstr = "databaseprotection.tokenpin."; final String versionstr = "databaseprotection.version."; for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { final String keyid = conf.getString(keyidstr + i); if (keyid != null) { // Get label, must exist String label = conf.getString(labelstr + i); if (label != null) { // A null value in the properties file means that we should not use this value, so set it to null for real if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { label = null;"Found keyid " + keyid + ", but label defined as 'null'. Not adding to list of crypto tokens."); } else { // Get version string, there is a default final String version = conf.getString(versionstr + i); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(version)) { protectVersions.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), Integer.parseInt(version)); } // Get classname, must exist final String classname = conf.getString(classtr + i); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classname)) { // Get properties and data not required // Properties (string with comma in it) are returned as an ArrayList so we can not use: final String str = conf.getString(propstr+i); Object o = conf.getProperty(propstr + i); String str = ""; if (o instanceof String) { str = (String) o; } else if (o != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<String> list = (ArrayList<String>) o; // We have to do a bit of magic in order to make the properties into something that // Properties.load will swallow, it is a bit stupid. for (String s : list) { if (str.length() > 0) { str += "\n"; } str += s; } } final Properties properties = new Properties(); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(str)) { // Remove any curly braces from the input, otherwise Properties.load does not do what we want str = StringUtils.remove(str, '{'); str = StringUtils.remove(str, '}'); // If the input string contains \ (backslash on windows) we must convert it to \\ // Otherwise properties.load will parse it as an escaped character, and that is not good str = StringUtils.replace(str, "\\", "\\\\"); properties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes())); } final String data = conf.getString(datastr + i); byte[] keydata = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(data)) { // Data is base64 encoded byte[] so decode it keydata = Base64.decode(data.getBytes()); } final CryptoToken token = CryptoTokenFactory.createCryptoToken(classname, properties, keydata, Integer.valueOf(keyid).intValue()); // We must activate the token as well (if not using a default pwd of course, in which case we assume the tokenpin property is not set) final String pin = conf.getString(pinstr + i); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pin)) { token.activate(pin.toCharArray()); } cryptoTokens.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), new CachedCryptoToken(token)); keyLabels.put(Integer.parseInt(keyid), label); } catch (CryptoTokenAuthenticationFailedException e) { log.error("Found keyid " + keyid + ", but activation of crypto token fails. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.", e); } catch (CryptoTokenOfflineException e) { log.error("Found keyid " + keyid + ", but activation of crypto token fails. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.", e); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Found keyid " + keyid + ", but properties fails to load. Not adding to list of crypto tokens.", e); } } else { log.error("Found keyid " + keyid + ", but no classname defined. Not adding to list of crypto tokens."); } } } else { log.error("Found keyid " + keyid + ", but no label defined. Not adding to list of crypto tokens."); } } else { // No keyid with that number = no more keyids so break, log.debug("Read " + i + " crypto tokens for protected data."); break; } // After reading this, get the default key label final String defaultstr = "databaseprotection.keyid"; final String defkeyid = conf.getString(defaultstr); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(defkeyid)) { log.error("No default key id, will not be able to use database protection."); } defaultkeyId = Integer.valueOf(defkeyid); } }
From source
private String getEndpointNameFromPath(String path) { // path is like: "/example1/something/0/thing.html" // or is like: "/example1" // endpointName is: "example1" String endpointName = (StringUtils.indexOf(path, "/", 1) != StringUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) ? StringUtils.substring(path, 0, StringUtils.indexOf(path, "/", 1)) : path;// ww w .ja v a 2 s . c o m endpointName = StringUtils.remove(endpointName, "/"); return endpointName; }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . com*/ public IRequestTarget getRequestTarget(String requestedUrl, MountPoint mountPoint) { String relatedContentId = mountPoint.getRelatedContentId(); PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("0=" + relatedContentId); String rest = StringUtils.substringAfter(requestedUrl, mountPoint.getMountPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rest)) { String page = StringUtils.remove(rest, '/'); if ("print".equals(page)) { return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(ArticlePrintPage.class, pageParameters); } else if (StringUtils.isNumeric(page)) { pageParameters.put("1", page); } } return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(ArticleReadPage.class, pageParameters); }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)/* ww w .ja va2 s . c o m*/ public IRequestTarget getRequestTarget(String requestedUrl, MountPoint mountPoint) { String relatedContentId = mountPoint.getRelatedContentId(); PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("id=" + relatedContentId); String rest = StringUtils.substringAfter(requestedUrl, mountPoint.getMountPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rest)) { String page = StringUtils.remove(rest, '/'); if ("print".equals(page)) { return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(BlogPrintPage.class, pageParameters); } } return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(BlogPage.class, pageParameters); }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)/* www . j av a 2s .co m*/ public IRequestTarget getRequestTarget(String requestedUrl, MountPoint mountPoint) { String relatedContentId = mountPoint.getRelatedContentId(); String rest = StringUtils.substringAfter(requestedUrl, mountPoint.getMountPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rest)) { String page = StringUtils.remove(rest, '/'); if ("visit".equals(page)) { PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("0=" + relatedContentId); return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(BookmarkRedirectPage.class, pageParameters); } } PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("id=" + relatedContentId); return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(BookmarkPage.class, pageParameters); }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)// ww w. j a v a 2 s .c om public IRequestTarget getRequestTarget(String requestedUrl, MountPoint mountPoint) { String relatedContentId = mountPoint.getRelatedContentId(); String rest = StringUtils.substringAfter(requestedUrl, mountPoint.getMountPath()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rest)) { String page = StringUtils.remove(rest, '/'); if ("download".equals(page)) { PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("0=" + relatedContentId); return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(DownloadRedirectPage.class, pageParameters); } } PageParameters pageParameters = new PageParameters("id=" + relatedContentId); return new BookmarkablePageRequestTarget(DownloadPage.class, pageParameters); }
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private JButton createRatioButton(final RelativeEffectTableModel tableModel) { JButton button = new JButton(StringUtils.remove(tableModel.getTitle(), " Table")); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { RelativeEffectTableDialog dlg = new RelativeEffectTableDialog(d_mainWindow, tableModel); dlg.setVisible(true);//from w w w . j a v a 2s.c o m } }); return button; }