List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils lowerCase
public static String lowerCase(String str)
Converts a String to lower case as per String#toLowerCase() .
From source
/** * This method is called after the onBind and onBindAndValidate method. It * acts in the same way as the validator * /*from w w w .jav a 2 s. co m*/ * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractWizardFormController#validatePage(java.lang.Object, * org.springframework.validation.Errors, int) */ @Override protected void validatePage(Object command, Errors errors, int page) { ReminderParameters reminderParameters = (ReminderParameters) command; switch (page) { case 0: ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "username", "error.username-not-found"); try { String username = reminderParameters.get(ReminderParameters.USERNAME); username = StringUtils.trimToNull(username); user = userService.retrieveUserByUsername(username); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { //TODO: archana needs to update these errors.reject("username", "error.username-not-found"); } break; case 1: //TODO: archana needs to update these ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "submittedAccountAnswer", "error.submitted-account-question-blank"); String submittedAccountAnswer = reminderParameters.getSubmittedAccountAnswer(); String accountAnswer = reminderParameters.getAccountAnswer(); accountAnswer = StringUtils.lowerCase(accountAnswer); submittedAccountAnswer = StringUtils.lowerCase(submittedAccountAnswer); ; if (!accountAnswer.equals(submittedAccountAnswer)) { //TODO: archana needs to update these errors.reject("error.submitted-account-question"); } break; case 2: //TODO: archana needs to update these ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "verifyPassword", "error.verify-newpassword"); //TODO: archana needs to update these ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "newPassword", "error.verify-newpassword"); String newPassword = reminderParameters.getNewPassword(); String verifyPassword = reminderParameters.getVerifyPassword(); verifyPassword = StringUtils.lowerCase(verifyPassword); newPassword = StringUtils.lowerCase(newPassword); verifyPassword = StringUtils.lowerCase(verifyPassword); if (!verifyPassword.equals(newPassword)) { //TODO: archana needs to update these errors.reject("error.verify-newpassword"); } break; default: break; } }
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@Override public Method getHandlerMethod(HttpServletRequest request) { Method mtd = super.getHandlerMethod(request); if (mtd != null) { request.setAttribute(RESTFUL_CONVENTION_VIEW_PATH, StringUtils.lowerCase(mtd.getName()).substring(2));// "doxx" skip "do" }//from w ww . j av a 2 s. com return mtd; }
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/** * @param columns//from w ww .j ava 2 s .c om */ public static ConnectionRefImpl loadFromColumns(List<HColumn<String, ByteBuffer>> columns) { List<ConnectedEntityRef> pairedConnections = new ArrayList<ConnectedEntityRef>(); Map<String, ByteBuffer> map = CassandraPersistenceUtils.getColumnMap(columns); String connectingEntityType = filterDefault(string(map.get(CONNECTING_ENTITY_TYPE))); UUID connectingEntityId = filterDefault(uuid(map.get(CONNECTING_ENTITY_ID))); EntityRef connectingEntity = ref(connectingEntityType, connectingEntityId); int i = 0; UUID pairedConnectingEntityId = filterDefault(uuid(map.get(PAIRED_CONNECTING_ENTITY_ID))); while (pairedConnectingEntityId != null) { String pairedConnectionType = filterDefault( StringUtils.lowerCase(string(map.get(PAIRED_CONNECTION_TYPE + i)))); String pairedConnectingEntityType = filterDefault(string(map.get(PAIRED_CONNECTING_ENTITY_TYPE + i))); ConnectedEntityRef pairedConnection = new ConnectedEntityRefImpl(pairedConnectionType, pairedConnectingEntityType, pairedConnectingEntityId); pairedConnections.add(pairedConnection); i++; pairedConnectingEntityId = filterDefault(uuid(map.get(PAIRED_CONNECTING_ENTITY_ID + i))); } String connectionType = filterDefault(StringUtils.lowerCase(string(map.get(CONNECTION_TYPE)))); String connectedEntityType = filterDefault(string(map.get(CONNECTED_ENTITY_TYPE))); UUID connectedEntityId = filterDefault(uuid(map.get(CONNECTED_ENTITY_ID))); ConnectedEntityRef connectedEntity = new ConnectedEntityRefImpl(connectionType, connectedEntityType, connectedEntityId); return new ConnectionRefImpl(connectingEntity, pairedConnections, connectedEntity); }
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public static UUID getId(EntityRef connectingEntity, ConnectedEntityRef connectedEntity, ConnectedEntityRef... pairedConnections) { UUID uuid = null;//from w ww. jav a2 s . c o m try { if (connectionsNull(pairedConnections) && connectionsNull(connectedEntity)) { return connectingEntity.getUuid(); } ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(16 + (32 * pairedConnections.length)); byteStream.write(uuidToBytesNullOk(connectingEntity.getUuid())); for (ConnectedEntityRef connection : pairedConnections) { String connectionType = connection.getConnectionType(); UUID connectedEntityID = connection.getUuid(); byteStream.write(ascii(StringUtils.lowerCase(connectionType))); byteStream.write(uuidToBytesNullOk(connectedEntityID)); } String connectionType = connectedEntity.getConnectionType(); if (connectionType == null) { connectionType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE; } UUID connectedEntityID = connectedEntity.getUuid(); byteStream.write(ascii(StringUtils.lowerCase(connectionType))); byteStream.write(uuidToBytesNullOk(connectedEntityID)); byte[] raw_id = byteStream.toByteArray(); //"raw connection index id: " + // Hex.encodeHexString(raw_id)); uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(raw_id); //"connection index uuid: " + uuid); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to create connection UUID", e); } return uuid; }
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public static UUID getIndexId(EntityRef connectingEntity, String connectionType, String connectedEntityType, ConnectedEntityRef... pairedConnections) { UUID uuid = null;/*w ww . ja v a2 s.c om*/ try { if (connectionsNull(pairedConnections) && ((connectionType == null) && (connectedEntityType == null))) { return connectingEntity.getUuid(); } ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(16 + (32 * pairedConnections.length)); byteStream.write(uuidToBytesNullOk(connectingEntity.getUuid())); for (ConnectedEntityRef connection : pairedConnections) { String type = connection.getConnectionType(); UUID id = connection.getUuid(); byteStream.write(ascii(StringUtils.lowerCase(type))); byteStream.write(uuidToBytesNullOk(id)); } if (connectionType == null) { connectionType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE; } if (connectedEntityType == null) { connectedEntityType = NULL_ENTITY_TYPE; } byteStream.write(ascii(StringUtils.lowerCase(connectionType))); byteStream.write(ascii(StringUtils.lowerCase(connectedEntityType))); byte[] raw_id = byteStream.toByteArray();"raw connection index id: " + Hex.encodeHexString(raw_id)); uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(raw_id);"connection index uuid: " + uuid); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Unable to create connection index UUID", e); } return uuid; }
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@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <SUB_ENTITY extends PersistentEntity> EntityContainer<SUB_ENTITY> getSubContainer(String propertyId) { Class<SUB_ENTITY> entityClass = (Class<SUB_ENTITY>) getType(propertyId); // TODO path should contain id return new RestEntityContainer<>(entityClass, StringUtils.lowerCase(entityClass.getSimpleName())); }
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/** * Called when the user chooses a new password and submits the form. * @param passwordReminderParameters the object that contains values from the form * @param bindingResult the object used for validation in which errors will be stored * @param modelMap the model object that contains values for the page to use when rendering the view * @param request the http request//from w w w . ja va 2 s . c om * @return the path of the view to display */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) protected String onSubmit( @ModelAttribute("passwordReminderParameters") PasswordReminderParameters passwordReminderParameters, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String view = formView; //get the password values the user entered String newPassword = passwordReminderParameters.getNewPassword(); String verifyPassword = passwordReminderParameters.getVerifyPassword(); //make the passwords lower case verifyPassword = StringUtils.lowerCase(verifyPassword); newPassword = StringUtils.lowerCase(newPassword); if (!verifyPassword.equals(newPassword)) { //passwords are not the same bindingResult.reject("error.verify-newpassword"); //do not display the "Forgot Username or Password?" link model.addAttribute("displayForgotPasswordSelectAccountTypeLink", false); //do not display the sign in button model.addAttribute("displayLoginLink", false); } else if (verifyPassword.equals("")) { //password is empty string bindingResult.reject("error.verify-password-empty"); //do not display the "Forgot Username or Password?" link model.addAttribute("displayForgotPasswordSelectAccountTypeLink", false); //do not display the sign in button model.addAttribute("displayLoginLink", false); } else { //get the reset password key String resetPasswordKey = request.getParameter("k"); //get the user associated with the reset password key User user = userService.retrieveByResetPasswordKey(resetPasswordKey); //update the user's password userService.updateUserPassword(user, verifyPassword); //set the reset password key and time so the key can no longer be used user.getUserDetails().setResetPasswordKey(null); user.getUserDetails().setResetPasswordRequestTime(null); userService.updateUser(user); //get the user name String username = user.getUserDetails().getUsername(); //get the portal name String portalName = wiseProperties.getProperty(""); //get the user's email String userEmail = user.getUserDetails().getEmailAddress(); String[] recipients = new String[] { userEmail }; // get user Locale Locale userLocale = request.getLocale(); // subject looks like this: "Notification from WISE4@Berkeley: Password Changed" String defaultSubject = messageSource.getMessage( "forgotaccount.teacher.index.passwordChangedEmailSubject", new Object[] { portalName }, Locale.US); String subject = messageSource.getMessage("forgotaccount.teacher.index.passwordChangedEmailSubject", new Object[] { portalName }, defaultSubject, userLocale); String defaultBody = messageSource.getMessage("forgotaccount.teacher.index.passwordChangedEmailBody", new Object[] { username, portalName }, Locale.US); String body = messageSource.getMessage("forgotaccount.teacher.index.passwordChangedEmailBody", new Object[] { username, portalName }, defaultBody, userLocale); // send password in the email here mailService.postMail(recipients, subject, body, userEmail); //passwords are the same so we will change their password bindingResult.reject("changePassword_success"); //tell the jsp to display the success message request.setAttribute("passwordResetSuccess", true); //do not display the "Forgot Username or Password?" link model.addAttribute("displayForgotPasswordSelectAccountTypeLink", false); //display the sign in button model.addAttribute("displayLoginLink", true); } return view; }
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@Override public boolean matches(LogData logData) { return StringUtils.contains(StringUtils.lowerCase(logData.getMessage()), searchChar); }
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private SyncActionWrapper syncCreateEvent(final SyncEvent syncEvent) { final Set<String> tickedDescriptors = new HashSet<>(); for (String changedDescriptor : syncEvent.getChangedPropertyDescriptorNames().getUnmodifiableList()) { tickedDescriptors.add(changedDescriptor); switch (changedDescriptor) { case DSC_PERMALINK: case DSC_UPDATED_BY_ID: case DSC_UPDATED_ON: case DSC_BUDGET: case DSC_ID: case DSC_CREATED_ON: case DSC_OVERVIEW: case DSC_URL: case DSC_CREATED_BY_ID: break; //the ones above, there'se no sense in changing anything case DSC_TYPE: case DSC_ARCHIVED: case DSC_NAME: case DSC_STATUS: break; default:/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c om*/ tickedDescriptors.remove(changedDescriptor); //if we did not fall on any of the above //cases, let's remove it from the ticked descriptors } } return new SyncActionWrapper<SynchableObject>() { @Override public Set<SynchableObject> sync() throws SyncActionError { Set<SynchableObject> changedObjects = new HashSet<>(); try { if (getArchived()) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<GHLabel> labelsToAssignToDSIProject = new HashSet<GHLabel>(); //let us get all of the repositories we need to create a label for Set<GHRepository> repositoriesWeNeedToCreateLabelsFor = new HashSet( MaidRoot.getInstance().getGhRepositoriesSet()); final Set<GHLabel> appliableAndAlreadyExistingLabels = GHLabel .getAllLabelsWith(GHLabel.PROJECT_PREFIX + getName()); for (GHLabel ghLabel : appliableAndAlreadyExistingLabels) { repositoriesWeNeedToCreateLabelsFor.remove(ghLabel.getRepository()); labelsToAssignToDSIProject.add(ghLabel); } //let us create the labels we need to LabelService labelService = new LabelService(MaidRoot.getGitHubClient()); for (GHRepository ghRepository : repositoriesWeNeedToCreateLabelsFor) { Label newLabel = new Label(); newLabel.setName(GHLabel.PROJECT_PREFIX + getName()); Label newlyCreatedLabel = labelService.createLabel(ghRepository, newLabel); labelsToAssignToDSIProject .add(GHLabel.process(newlyCreatedLabel, ghRepository.getId(), true)); } //let us remove the old labels and set the new ones on //the appropriate DSIProject relation DSIProject dsiProject = (DSIProject) getDSIObject(); dsiProject.getGitHubLabelsSet().clear(); dsiProject.getGitHubLabelsSet().addAll(labelsToAssignToDSIProject); changedObjects.addAll(labelsToAssignToDSIProject); //now let's take care of the TaskCategory, i.e., we created a new ACProject //thus we need to create a taskcategory for each repository Set<ACTaskCategory> taskCategoriesDefined = getTaskCategoriesDefinedSet(); Set<String> taskCategoriesNames = new HashSet<>( Collections2.transform(taskCategoriesDefined, new Function<ACTaskCategory, String>() { @Override public String apply(ACTaskCategory acTaskCategory) { if (acTaskCategory == null) return null; return StringUtils.lowerCase(acTaskCategory.getName()); } })); Set<ACCategory> taskCategoriesToCreate = new HashSet<>(); Set<GHRepository> repositoriesToCreateTaskCategoriesFor = new HashSet( MaidRoot.getInstance().getGhRepositoriesSet()); Iterator<GHRepository> repoIterator = repositoriesToCreateTaskCategoriesFor.iterator(); //let's see if any of them are appropriate to be used while (repoIterator.hasNext()) { GHRepository ghRepository =; String taskCategoryName = StringUtils .lowerCase(ACTaskCategory.REPOSITORY_PREFIX + ghRepository.getName()); if (taskCategoriesNames.contains(taskCategoryName)) repoIterator.remove(); } for (GHRepository ghRepository : repositoriesToCreateTaskCategoriesFor) { String taskCategoryToCreateName = ACTaskCategory.REPOSITORY_PREFIX + getName(); if (taskCategoriesNames .contains(StringUtils.lowerCase(taskCategoryToCreateName)) == false) { ACCategory acCategory = new ACCategory(); acCategory.setName(taskCategoryToCreateName); changedObjects.add(ACTaskCategory.process( ACCategory.create(acCategory, getId(), ACTaskCategory.class), getId(), true)); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SyncActionError(ex, changedObjects); } return changedObjects; } @Override public Collection<String> getPropertyDescriptorNamesTicked() { return tickedDescriptors; } @Override public SyncEvent getOriginatingSyncEvent() { return syncEvent; } @Override public Collection<DSIObject> getSyncDependedDSIObjects() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Set<Class> getSyncDependedTypesOfDSIObjects() { return Collections.emptySet(); } }; }
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@Override protected Method getMethod(String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException { Method method = exposedMethods.get(StringUtils.lowerCase(methodName)); if (method == null) { throw new NoSuchMethodException(); }/*w ww. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ return method; }