Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils lastIndexOf

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils lastIndexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils lastIndexOf.


public static int lastIndexOf(String str, String searchStr) 

Source Link


Finds the last index within a String, handling null.


From source file:pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.pentaho.PentahoLegacySolutionAccess.java

public boolean createFolder(String path, boolean isHidden) { // TODO: shouldn't this be recursive?
    path = StringUtils.chomp(path, "/"); // strip trailing / if there
    String folderName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(getPath(path));
    String folderPath = getPath(path).substring(0, StringUtils.lastIndexOf(getPath(path), folderName));

    try {/*from w ww. j  a  v  a2 s  .  co  m*/
        if (getRepositoryService().createFolder(userSession, "", folderPath, folderName, "")) {
            if (isHidden) {
                String indexContent = "<index><name>" + folderName + "</name><description></description>"
                        + "<icon>reporting.png</icon><visible>false</visible><display-type>list</display-type></index>";

                String repositoryBaseURL = PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext().getSolutionPath("");
                getRepository().addSolutionFile(repositoryBaseURL, folderName,
                        ISolutionRepository.INDEX_FILENAME, indexContent.getBytes(), true);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        return false;

From source file:technology.tikal.gae.http.cache.AbstractCacheController.java

public String getResourseUri(String currentUri, CacheAction action) {
    if (action == CacheAction.UPDATE || action == CacheAction.DELETE) {
        return currentUri.substring(0, StringUtils.lastIndexOf(currentUri, '/'));
    }/* w  w  w .j  ava 2  s  . c o  m*/
    return currentUri;