List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils join
public static String join(Collection<?> collection, String separator)
Joins the elements of the provided Collection
into a single String containing the provided elements.
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public ConsoleContainsMatcher(StringGetter stringGetter, String[] match) { this(stringGetter, StringUtils.join(match, ' ')); }
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public static ELinkWebSession newInstance(String dbFrom, String db, List<String> linkNames, List<Long> ids, String term) throws Exception { ELinkWebSession session = new ELinkWebSession(); session.setDbFrom(dbFrom);//from w w w . j a v a 2s .co m session.setDb(db); session.setLinkName(StringUtils.join(linkNames, ",")); session.setIds(ids); session.setTerm(term); return session; }
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public static void main(String[] args) throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, AuthorizationException { Map stormConf = Utils.readStormConfig(); String zookeepers = StringUtils.join((List<String>) (stormConf.get("storm.zookeeper.servers")), ","); System.out.println(zookeepers); ZkHosts zkHosts = new ZkHosts(zookeepers); SpoutConfig kafkaConfig = new SpoutConfig(zkHosts, "siruif-crime", "/siruif-crime", "crime_id"); kafkaConfig.scheme = new SchemeAsMultiScheme(new StringScheme()); kafkaConfig.zkServers = (List<String>) stormConf.get("storm.zookeeper.servers"); kafkaConfig.zkRoot = "/siruif-crime"; kafkaConfig.zkPort = 2181;/* w ww .ja va2 s .c o m*/ KafkaSpout kafkaSpout = new KafkaSpout(kafkaConfig); TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); builder.setSpout("raw-siruif-crime", kafkaSpout, 1); builder.setBolt("filter-siruif-crime", new FilterCrimeBolt(), 1).shuffleGrouping("raw-siruif-crime"); builder.setBolt("extract-siruif-ward", new UpdateCrimeBolt(), 1).fieldsGrouping("filter-siruif-crime", new Fields("ward")); Map conf = new HashMap(); conf.put(backtype.storm.Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 2); if (args != null && args.length > 0) { StormSubmitter.submitTopology(args[0], conf, builder.createTopology()); } else { conf.put(backtype.storm.Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, true); LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(zookeepers, 2181L); cluster.submitTopology("siruif-crime-topology", conf, builder.createTopology()); } }
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public String getLayout() { return StringUtils.join(this.textList, "").trim(); }
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public List<Class<?>> discoverEntities(List<String> packageNames) { log.debug("Discovery of Achilles entity classes in packages {}", StringUtils.join(packageNames, ",")); Set<Class<?>> candidateClasses = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); Reflections reflections = new Reflections(packageNames); candidateClasses.addAll(reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class)); return new ArrayList<Class<?>>(candidateClasses); }
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/** * Performs a GET on the specified URI, and expects that the output is well formed JSON. The output is parsed into a JsonNode for consumption * /*from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param uri * @return * @throws IOException */ public static JsonNode getJSON(String uri) throws IOException { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri); httpget.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); if (entity != null) { InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> lines = IOUtils.readLines(instream, "utf-8"); String text = StringUtils.join(lines, "\n"); try { JsonNode root = new ObjectMapper().readValue(text, JsonNode.class); return root; } catch (Exception ex) { log("Error parsing results for request: %s\n%s\n", uri, text); ex.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
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public void execute(Long componentNo, List<Long> instanceNos) { Map<String, String> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("ComponentNo", componentNo.toString()); parameters.put("InstanceNos", StringUtils.join(instanceNos, ",")); requester.execute("/StartComponent", parameters); }
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public String captured() { return StringUtils.join(captured, "\n"); }
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public static Feature retrieve(JCas jcas, TextClassificationUnit unit, Integer sequenceId) { String fullId = DocumentMetaData.get(jcas).getDocumentId(); String[] parts = fullId.split("_"); fullId = StringUtils.join(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, 0, parts.length - 1), "_"); fullId = fullId + "_" + sequenceId; fullId = fullId + "_" + unit.getId(); String suffix = unit.getSuffix(); if (suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0) { fullId = fullId + "_" + suffix; }/*w w w. j av a2s . co m*/ return new Feature(ID_FEATURE_NAME, fullId); }
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@ServiceActivator public void handleMessages(Message<Collection<Object>> msg) throws Throwable { Collection<Object> payloads = msg.getPayload(); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(StringUtils.join(payloads, ", ")); }