Example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils isNumeric

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils isNumeric


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils isNumeric.


public static boolean isNumeric(String str) 

Source Link


Checks if the String contains only unicode digits.


From source file:com.redhat.rhn.frontend.action.multiorg.SystemEntitlementOrgsAction.java

private ActionErrors updateSubscriptions(Org org, HttpServletRequest request, Entitlement ent,
        String newCount) {/*from   w  w w  .  jav a2 s.  c  om*/

    if (org.getId().equals(OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg().getId())) {
        createErrorMessage(request, "org.entitlements.system.defaultorg", null);
        return null;

    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

    //Validate if its a numeric value
    if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(newCount)) {
        ValidatorError error = new ValidatorError("softwareEntitlementSubs.invalidInput");
        return errors;

    Long count;
    try {
        count = Long.parseLong(newCount);
        if (count < 0) {
            throw new NumberFormatException();
    } catch (NumberFormatException numEx) {
        ValidatorError error = new ValidatorError("softwareEntitlementSubs.invalidInput");
        return errors;

    // Store/update db
    UpdateOrgSystemEntitlementsCommand updateCmd = new UpdateOrgSystemEntitlementsCommand(ent, org, count);
    ValidatorError ve = updateCmd.store();
    if (ve != null) {

    return errors;

From source file:com.greenline.hrs.admin.web.war.cache.redis.RedisConnConfigController.java

 * /*from  w w  w  . j  av a  2  s .  c o  m*/
 * @param paramsMap ?,redisid.
 * @return JSON?, ???.
@RequestMapping(value = "/del", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = { "application/json;charset=UTF-8" })
public String deleteRedisConnection(@RequestBody MultiValueMap<String, String> paramsMap) {
    String uidStr = paramsMap.getFirst("rid");
    if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(uidStr)) {
        LOG.info(UserResponseConst.ADD_USER_FAIL + uidStr);
        return JSONResponseUtil.failString(RedisResponseConst.CONNECTION_DEL_ERROR);
    return JSONResponseUtil.successString(RedisResponseConst.CONNECTION_DEL_SUCCESS);

From source file:com.flexive.faces.javascript.AutoCompleteProvider.java

 * <p>Submits a query for contents, either by primary key (if a numeric value is given)
 * or by a prefix match on the caption. The output value has the format</p>
 * <code>"id.version - caption"</code>
 * @param request   the current request (injected)
 * @param rawQuery the query, either a number (matching an instance ID) or a fulltext query
 * @param typeId    the type filter (set to -1 to disable)
 * @return  the autocomplete response/*from   w ww. j  a  va 2 s .c  o  m*/
 * @throws com.flexive.shared.exceptions.FxApplicationException on application errors
 * @throws java.io.IOException  if the response could not be created
public String pkQuery(HttpServletRequest request, String rawQuery, long typeId)
        throws FxApplicationException, IOException {
    // get the actual text query also for "encoded" queries (that include the PK, which we don't need here)
    final String query = ReferenceQueryInputMapper.getReferencedContent(URLDecoder.decode(rawQuery, "UTF-8"))
    final SqlQueryBuilder builder = new SqlQueryBuilder().select("@pk", "caption").orderBy("caption",
    // filter by content type
    if (typeId != -1) {
    // prefix search in the caption property
    builder.orSub().condition("caption", PropertyValueComparator.LIKE, query + "%");
    if (StringUtils.isNumeric(query)) {
        // query by ID
        builder.condition("id", PropertyValueComparator.EQ, Long.parseLong(query));
    final List<ResponseLine> result = new ArrayList<ResponseLine>(MAX_ITEMS);
    for (FxResultRow row : builder.maxRows(MAX_ITEMS).getResult().getResultRows()) {
        final FxPK pk = row.getPk(1);
        final String caption = row.getString(2);
        final String value = pk + " - " + caption;
        final String label = "<div class=\"pkAutoComplete\"><img src=\"" + request.getContextPath()
                + ThumbnailServlet.getLink(pk, BinaryDescriptor.PreviewSizes.PREVIEW1) + "\"/>"
                + "<div class=\"caption\">" + caption + "</div>" + "<div class=\"property\">" + pk + "</div>"
                + "</div>";
        result.add(new ResponseLine(value, label));
    return writeAutocompleteResponse(result);

From source file:fr.paris.lutece.plugins.appointment.modules.resource.service.workflow.TaskSetAppointmentResource.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   w  ww. ja  va2  s  . c om*/
public void processTask(int nIdResourceHistory, HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale) {
    ResourceHistory resourceHistory = _resourceHistoryService.findByPrimaryKey(nIdResourceHistory);
    TaskSetAppointmentResourceConfig config = _taskSetAppointmentResourceConfigService

    if (config == null) {

    String strIdResource = request.getParameter(PARAMETER_ID_RESOURCE + config.getIdFormResourceType());

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(strIdResource)) {
        Appointment appointment = AppointmentHome.findByPrimaryKey(resourceHistory.getIdResource());

        AppointmentResource appResource = AppointmentResourceHome
                .findByPrimaryKey(appointment.getIdAppointment(), config.getIdFormResourceType());

        if (appResource != null) {
        } else {
            appResource = new AppointmentResource();

        AppointmentFormResourceType formResourceType = AppointmentFormResourceTypeHome

        if (formResourceType.getIsAppointmentAdminUser() && StringUtils.isNumeric(strIdResource)) {
            int nIdAdminUser = Integer.parseInt(strIdResource);

            if (appointment.getIdAppointment() != nIdAdminUser) {

        if (formResourceType.getIsLocation()) {
            IResource resource = ResourceService.getInstance().getResource(strIdResource,

            if ((resource != null) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resource.getResourceName())) {

        SetAppointmentResourceHistory history = new SetAppointmentResourceHistory();

From source file:com.hpe.application.automation.bamboo.tasks.RunFromAlmTaskConfigurator.java

public void validate(@NotNull final ActionParametersMap params,
        @NotNull final ErrorCollection errorCollection) {
    super.validate(params, errorCollection);

    I18nBean textProvider = getI18nBean();

    params.put(ALM_SERVER, trimEnd(params.getString(ALM_SERVER), '/'));
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getString(ALM_SERVER))) {
        errorCollection.addError(ALM_SERVER, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.ALMServerIsEmpty"));
    }/*ww  w .  j av a2 s . co  m*/
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getString(USER_NAME))) {
        errorCollection.addError(USER_NAME, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.userNameIsEmpty"));
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getString(DOMAIN))) {
        errorCollection.addError(DOMAIN, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.domainIsEmpty"));
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getString(PROJECT))) {
        errorCollection.addError(PROJECT, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.projectIsEmpty"));

    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(params.getString(TESTS_PATH))) {
        errorCollection.addError(TESTS_PATH, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.testsetIsEmpty"));
    String timeoutParameter = params.getString(TIMEOUT);
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(timeoutParameter)) {
        if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(timeoutParameter)
                || Integer.parseInt(timeoutParameter) < 0 | Integer.parseInt(timeoutParameter) > 30) {
            errorCollection.addError(TIMEOUT, textProvider.getText("Alm.error.timeoutIsNotCorrect"));

From source file:com.mikenimer.familydam.services.photos.ThumbnailService.java

protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response)
        throws SlingServletException, IOException {
    if (ResourceUtil.isNonExistingResource(request.getResource())) {
        throw new ResourceNotFoundException("No data to render.");
    }//from  w w  w  .  jav a  2  s.  co  m

    try {
        Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);
        Node parentNode = session.getNode(request.getResource().getPath());
        Resource resource = request.getResource();

        // first see if the etag header exists and we can skip processing.
        if (checkAndSetCacheHeaders(request, response, resource))

        // check for a size selector
        int width = -1;
        int height = -1; //-1 means ignore and only set the width to resize
        final String[] selectors = request.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors();
        if (selectors != null && selectors.length > 0) {
            final String selector = selectors[selectors.length - 1].toLowerCase().trim();
            if (selector.startsWith("w:")) {
                width = Integer.parseInt(selector.substring(2));
            if (selector.startsWith("h:")) {
                height = Integer.parseInt(selector.substring(2));

        // check cache first
        if (checkForCachedImage(request, response))

        //resize image
        //InputStream stream = node.getProperty("jcr:data").getBinary().getStream();
        InputStream stream = resource.adaptTo(InputStream.class);
        int orientation = 1;
        if (stream != null) {
            try {
                Node n = parentNode.getNode("metadata");
                if (n != null) {
                    String _orientation = n.getProperty("orientation").getString();
                    if (StringUtils.isNumeric(_orientation)) {
                        orientation = new Integer(_orientation);
            } catch (Exception ex) {


            BufferedImage bi = ImageIO.read(stream);
            BufferedImage scaledImage = getScaledImage(bi, orientation, width, height);

            // cache the image
            long modTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            imageCache.put(request.getPathInfo(), scaledImage);
            timeGeneratedCache.put(request.getPathInfo(), modTime);

            //return the image
            response.setHeader(HttpConstants.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, new Long(modTime).toString());
            //write bytes and png thumbnail
            ImageIO.write(scaledImage, "png", response.getOutputStream());

    } catch (Exception ex) {

        // return original file.
        Resource resource = request.getResource();
        InputStream stream = resource.adaptTo(InputStream.class);
        response.setContentLength(new Long(resource.getResourceMetadata().getContentLength()).intValue());

        //write bytes
        OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        while (true) {
            int bytesRead = stream.read(buffer);
            if (bytesRead < 0)
            out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);


From source file:com.greenline.guahao.web.module.home.controllers.mobile.MobileHealthTopicController.java

@MethodRemark(value = "remark=?? id=?id")
@RequestMapping(value = "/mobile/jkx/view/{id}")
public String view(ModelMap map, @PathVariable("id") String id) {
    if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(id)) {
        map.put("message", "????");
        return MobileConstants.M_ERROR;
    }/*www. ja va 2s .co m*/
    HealthTopicsDO healthTopicsDO = healthTopicsManager.getHealthTopicsById(Integer.valueOf(id));
    if (null == healthTopicsDO) {
        map.put("message", "????");
        return MobileConstants.M_ERROR;
    List<HealthTopicsContentDO> contentList = healthTopicsManager.queryShortVideosList(healthTopicsDO.getId());
    if (null != contentList) {
        List<HealthTopicsContentDO> videosList = new ArrayList<HealthTopicsContentDO>();
        List<HealthTopicsContentDO> articleList = new ArrayList<HealthTopicsContentDO>();
        for (HealthTopicsContentDO healthTopicsContentDO : contentList) {
            if (healthTopicsContentDO.getType() == 0) {
            } else if (healthTopicsContentDO.getType() == 1) {
        map.put("videosList", videosList);
        map.put("articleList", articleList);

    int count = healthTopicsManager.getHealthTopicsCount();
    map.put("count", count);

    map.put("topic", healthTopicsDO);
    return "mobile/jkx/jkx_detail";

From source file:com.hmsinc.epicenter.model.util.ModelUtils.java

 * Checks a zipcode for validity./*from www.  ja  va 2 s .c o m*/
 * @param zipcode
 * @return
 * @throws InvalidZipcodeException
public static String validateZipcode(String zipcode) throws InvalidZipcodeException {

    String newZip = null;

    if (zipcode != null) {

        final String cleanedZip = zipcode.length() >= 5 ? zipcode.substring(0, 5) : zipcode;

        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(cleanedZip) && cleanedZip.length() == 5) {
            newZip = cleanedZip;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidZipcodeException("Invalid zipcode in message (was: " + zipcode + ")");

    return newZip;

From source file:com.impetus.client.redis.RedisClientFactory.java

protected Object createPoolOrConnection() {
    logger.info("Initializing Redis connection pool");

    final byte WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL = 0;

    PersistenceUnitMetadata puMetadata = kunderaMetadata.getApplicationMetadata()

    Properties props = puMetadata.getProperties();
    String contactNode = null;//w ww  .  ja  v a2  s.com
    String defaultPort = null;
    String password = null;
    String maxActivePerNode = null;
    String maxIdlePerNode = null;
    String minIdlePerNode = null;
    String maxTotal = null;
    String txTimeOut = null;

    if (externalProperties != null) {
        contactNode = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_NODES);
        defaultPort = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_PORT);
        password = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_PASSWORD);
        maxActivePerNode = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_ACTIVE);
        maxIdlePerNode = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_IDLE);
        minIdlePerNode = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MIN_IDLE);
        maxTotal = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_TOTAL);
        txTimeOut = (String) externalProperties.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT);

    if (contactNode == null) {
        contactNode = RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getHost() != null ? RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getHost()
                : (String) props.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_NODES);

    if (defaultPort == null) {
        defaultPort = RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getPort() != null ? RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getPort()
                : (String) props.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_PORT);

    if (password == null) {
        password = RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getPassword() != null ? RedisPropertyReader.rsmd.getPassword()
                : (String) props.get(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_PASSWORD);

    if (maxActivePerNode == null) {
        maxActivePerNode = props.getProperty(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_ACTIVE);

    if (maxIdlePerNode == null) {
        maxIdlePerNode = props.getProperty(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_IDLE);

    if (minIdlePerNode == null) {
        minIdlePerNode = props.getProperty(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MIN_IDLE);

    if (maxTotal == null) {
        maxTotal = props.getProperty(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_POOL_SIZE_MAX_TOTAL);

    if (txTimeOut == null) {
        txTimeOut = props.getProperty(PersistenceProperties.KUNDERA_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT);

    JedisPoolConfig poolConfig = onPoolConfig(WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL, maxActivePerNode, maxIdlePerNode,
            minIdlePerNode, maxTotal);

    JedisPool pool = null;
    onValidation(contactNode, defaultPort);

    if (poolConfig != null) {
        if (password != null) {
            pool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, contactNode, Integer.parseInt(defaultPort),
                    txTimeOut != null && StringUtils.isNumeric(txTimeOut) ? Integer.parseInt(txTimeOut) : -1,
        } else {
            pool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, contactNode, Integer.parseInt(defaultPort),
                    txTimeOut != null && StringUtils.isNumeric(txTimeOut) ? Integer.parseInt(txTimeOut) : -1);

        return pool;

    } else {
        // Jedis connection = new Jedis(contactNode,
        // Integer.valueOf(defaultPort));

        // if (password != null)
        // {
        // // connection.auth(password);
        // }
        // connection.connect();
        // Connection to made available at the time of getConnection(). YCSB
        // performance fixes and ideally it is needed at that time only.
        // No need to cache it at factory level as needed to managed within
        // entity manager boundary!
        return null;

From source file:net.mindengine.oculus.frontend.service.runs.JdbcTestRunDAO.java

 * Collecting all the conditions/*from  w w  w.  j ava 2 s  . c om*/
 * @param filter
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
public SqlSearchCondition createCondition(SearchFilter filter) throws IOException {

    SqlSearchCondition condition = new SqlSearchCondition();

    // TestName
    String testName = filter.getTestCaseName();
    if (testName != null && !testName.isEmpty()) {
        testName = testName.trim();
        // checking whether it is an id of test or just a name
        if (StringUtils.isNumeric(testName)) {
            // The id of a test was provided
            condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "t.id", testName));
        } else {
            if (testName.contains(",")) {
                condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(testName, "t.name", "tr.name"));
            } else {
                condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(testName, true, "t.name", "tr.name"));

    // TestRun Statuses
    List<String> statuses = (List<String>) filter.getTestCaseStatusList();
    if (statuses != null && statuses.size() > 0) {
        String statusColumns[] = new String[statuses.size() * 2];
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < statuses.size(); i++) {
            j = i * 2;
            String value = statuses.get(i);
            statusColumns[j] = "tr.status";
            statusColumns[j + 1] = value;
        condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, statusColumns));
    // TestRun Reason
    String reason = filter.getTestRunReason();
    if (reason != null && !reason.isEmpty()) {
        reason = "*" + reason + "*";
        condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(reason, true, "tr.reasons"));
    // Root Project Id
        String parentProject = filter.getRootProject();
        if (parentProject != null && !parentProject.isEmpty()) {
            // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name
            if (StringUtils.isNumeric(parentProject)) {
                Long projectId = Long.parseLong(parentProject);
                if (projectId > 0) {
                    // The id of a project was provided
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "pp.id", parentProject));
    // Project Name
        String project = filter.getProject();
        if (project != null && !project.isEmpty()) {
            // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name
            if (StringUtils.isNumeric(project)) {
                // The id of a project was provided
                condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "p.id", project));
            } else {
                if (project.contains(",")) {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(project, "p.name"));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(project, true, "p.name"));
    // Suite Run Name
        String suiteRunName = filter.getSuite();
        if (suiteRunName != null && !suiteRunName.isEmpty()) {
            if (suiteRunName.contains(",")) {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(suiteRunName.replace(",", ""))) {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(suiteRunName, "sr.id"));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(suiteRunName, "sr.name"));
            } else {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(suiteRunName)) {
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(suiteRunName, true, "sr.id"));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(suiteRunName, true, "sr.name"));
    // Suite Run Start Time
        String dateAfter = filter.getSuiteRunTimeAfter();
        if (dateAfter != null && !dateAfter.isEmpty()) {
            if (!dateAfter.contains(":")) {
                dateAfter += " 00:00:00";

            // Checking whether the string is in date format
            try {
                condition.append("tr.start_time >= '" + dateAfter + "'");
            } catch (Exception ex) {

        String dateBefore = filter.getSuiteRunTimeBefore();
        if (dateBefore != null && !dateBefore.isEmpty()) {
            if (!dateBefore.contains(":")) {
                dateBefore += " 00:00:00";

            // Checking whether the string is in date format
            try {
                condition.append("tr.start_time <= '" + dateBefore + "'");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
    // Suite Run Parameters
        String suiteRunParameters = filter.getSuiteRunParameters();
        if (suiteRunParameters != null && !suiteRunParameters.isEmpty()) {
            // Parsing the suiteRunParameters template;
            Properties prop = new Properties();
            prop.load(new StringReader(suiteRunParameters));
            for (Entry<Object, Object> property : prop.entrySet()) {
                        "*" + property.getKey() + "<v>" + property.getValue() + "*", true, "sr.parameters"));
    // Suite Run Agent
        String suiteRunAgent = filter.getSuiteRunAgent();
        if (suiteRunAgent != null && !suiteRunAgent.isEmpty()) {
            if (suiteRunAgent.contains(",")) {
                condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(suiteRunAgent, "sr.agent_name"));
            } else {
                condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(suiteRunAgent, true, "sr.agent_name"));
    // User designer
        String designer = filter.getUserDesigner();
        if (designer != null && !designer.isEmpty()) {
            if (designer.contains(",")) {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(designer.replace(",", ""))) {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(designer, "ud.id"));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(designer, "ud.login", "ud.name"));
            } else {
                // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(designer)) {
                    // The id of a project was provided
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "ud.id", designer));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(designer, true, "ud.login", "ud.name"));

    // User runner
        String runner = filter.getUserRunner();
        if (runner != null && !runner.isEmpty()) {
            if (runner.contains(",")) {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(runner.replace(",", ""))) {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(runner, "ur.id"));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(runner, "ur.login", "ur.name"));
            } else {
                // checking whether it is an id of project or just a name
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(runner)) {
                    // The id of a project was provided
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(false, "ur.id", runner));
                } else {
                    condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(runner, true, "ur.login", "ur.name"));
    // Issue
    String issueName = filter.getIssue();
    if (issueName != null && !issueName.isEmpty()) {
        if (issueName.contains(",")) {
            condition.append(condition.createArrayCondition(issueName, "iss.name", "iss.link"));
        } else {
            condition.append(condition.createSimpleCondition(issueName, true, "iss.name", "iss.link"));
    return condition;