List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils isAlphanumeric
public static boolean isAlphanumeric(String str)
Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits.
From source
/** * ?????/*ww w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param index ???0 * @param files ??/ * @return ?????? */ public static Set<Word> get(int index, String... files) { Set<Word> set = new HashSet<>(); for (String file : files) { URL url = null; if (file.startsWith("/")) { url = WordSources.class.getResource(file); } else { try { url = Paths.get(file).toUri().toURL(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("URL", e); } } if (url == null) { LOGGER.error("??" + file); continue; } System.out.println("parse word file: " + url); List<String> words = getExistWords(url); Set<Word> wordSet = words.parallelStream() .filter(line -> !line.trim().startsWith("#") && !"".equals(line.trim())) .filter(line -> line.trim().split("\\s+").length >= index + 1) .map(line -> new Word(line.trim().split("\\s+")[index], "")) .filter(word -> StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(word.getWord())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); set.addAll(wordSet); } System.out.println("unique words count: " + set.size()); return set; }
From source
/** * Returns true if the shortcut is a valid symbolic representation of a supported key press. * /*from www .j a va2 s. co m*/ * @param shortcut Symbolic representation of a shortcut. * @return True if the shortcut is valid. */ /*package*/static boolean validateShortcut(String shortcut) { if (shortcut.startsWith("$")) { if (shortcut.startsWith("$#")) { shortcut = shortcut.substring(1); } else { return false; } } if (shortcut.startsWith("^") || shortcut.startsWith("@")) { shortcut = shortcut.substring(1); if (shortcut.length() == 1 && StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(shortcut)) { return true; } } if (!shortcut.startsWith("#")) { return false; } shortcut = shortcut.substring(1); return specialKeys.values().contains(shortcut); }
From source
/** * Validates the provided name against our naming strategy ... columns with alphanumeric chars only. * //from w w w . j ava2s. c o m * @param name to be validated */ private void validate(final String name) { if (!StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(name)) { throw new QueryParameterException("parameter is not alphanumeric " + name); } if (!availableFields.contains(name)) { throw new QueryParameterException("parameter is not valid field" + name); } }
From source
/** * Validate the authorized extensions.//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param form * @param errors */ public void validateAuthorizedExts(final AttachmentOptionsForm form, final Errors errors) { String[] authorizedList = form.getAuthorizedExts().split(";"); List<String> displayed = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean valid = true; if (authorizedList != null) { for (String ext : authorizedList) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ext)) { if (!StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(ext)) { valid = false; } displayed.add(ext); } } } if (!valid) { form.setAuthorizedList(displayed); errors.rejectValue("authorizedExts", "ATTACHMENT_EXT_WRONG_CHAR", "Files Extensions must only contain alpha numeric characters"); } }
From source
/** * Validate the forbidden extensions./*from ww w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * @param form * @param errors */ public void validateForbiddenExts(final AttachmentOptionsForm form, final Errors errors) { String[] forbiddenList = form.getForbiddenExts().split(";"); List<String> displayed = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean valid = true; if (forbiddenList != null) { for (String ext : forbiddenList) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ext)) { if (!StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(ext)) { valid = false; } displayed.add(ext); } } } if (!valid) { form.setForbiddenList(displayed); errors.rejectValue("forbiddenExts", "ATTACHMENT_EXT_WRONG_CHAR", "Files Extensions must only contain alpha numeric characters"); } }
From source
/** * Determines the appropriate InputStream to get from the given file resource. If there is no * file extension, the resource is downloaded from a url ( default : ) * otherwise it is treated as an absolute path for a file. * * @param resource - a String representing the resource. Could be a data set from GeoNames * (allCities, cities15000, AU, US etc) or an absolute path. * @param extractionCallback - the callback to receive updates about the progress, may be * null if you don't want any updates * @return the InputStream for the given resource * @throws GeoEntryExtractionException if an error occurs during extraction, obtaining the InputStream * from a local resource, or if the resource is not a .zip or .txt file * @throws GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException if an error occurs when attempting to get an InputStream * from a URL *//* ww w. ja va2 s.c o m*/ private InputStream getInputStreamFromResource(String resource, ProgressCallback extractionCallback) throws GeoEntryExtractionException, GeoNamesRemoteDownloadException { if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(resource, "zip")) { InputStream inputStream = getFileInputStream(resource); return unZipInputStream(resource, inputStream); } else if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(resource, "txt")) { return getFileInputStream(resource); } else if (StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(resource)) { // Support the "all" keyword if (resource.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { resource = "allCountries"; // Support case insensitive "cities" keyword } else if (resource.matches("((?i)cities[0-9]+)")) { resource = resource.toLowerCase(); // Support case insensitive country codes } else if (!resource.equalsIgnoreCase("allCountries")) { resource = resource.toUpperCase(); } Response response = createConnection(resource); InputStream urlInputStream = getUrlInputStreamFromWebClient(); InputStream inputStream = getInputStreamFromUrl(resource, response, urlInputStream, extractionCallback); return unZipInputStream(resource, inputStream); } throw new GeoEntryExtractionException("Unable to update the index. " + resource + " is not a .zip or .txt, or an invalid country code was entered."); }
From source
public static String escapeFeatureName(String name) { // TODO Issue 120: improve the escaping // the fix was necessary due to Issue 32 // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { String c = name.substring(i, i + 1); if (StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(c) || c.equals("_")) { sb.append(c);//from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m } else { sb.append("u"); sb.append(c.codePointAt(0)); } } return sb.toString(); }
From source
@Override protected boolean dialogChanged() { updateStatus(null);/*from www . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ final Set<String> attribNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (final AttribTableModel attribModel : attribHolder) { final String attribName = attribModel.getAttribName(); if (!StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(attribName)) { updateStatus(this.attribViewer.getTable(), "Attribute name should be alphanumeric"); return false; } if (attribNames.contains(attribName)) { updateStatus(this.attribViewer.getTable(), "Duplicate attrib name - " + attribName); return false; } else { updateStatus(null); } attribNames.add(attribName); } return true; }
From source
@Override public boolean dialogChanged() { if (super.dialogChanged() == false) return false; boolean addButtonEnabled = true; if (getPreviousPage() instanceof ComplexTypeCCWizardGeneralPage) { final ComplexTypeCCWizardGeneralPage ccPage = (ComplexTypeCCWizardGeneralPage) getPreviousPage(); if (ccPage.getRawBaseType() == null || StringUtils.isBlank(ccPage.getRawBaseType().toString())) { updatePageStatus(null, EclipseMessageUtils.createStatus( "The extension type of the previous page need to be selected in order to add elements", IStatus.WARNING));//from ww w. ja v a 2 s . c o m addButtonEnabled = false; } } if (super.typesViewer != null) { super.typesViewer.setAddButtonsEnabled(addButtonEnabled); if (addButtonEnabled == false) return false; } final Set<String> elementNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (final IParameterElement elementModel : elements) { if (elementModel instanceof ElementTableModel) { final String elementValue = ((ElementTableModel) elementModel).getElementName(); final int minOccursValue = ((ElementTableModel) elementModel).getMinOccurs(); final int maxOccursValue = ((ElementTableModel) elementModel).getMaxOccurs(); if (!StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(elementValue)) { updateStatus(super.typesViewer.getControl(), "Element name should be alphanumeric"); return false; } if (minOccursValue < 0) { updateStatus(super.typesViewer.getControl(), "The min occurs must be greater than zero"); return false; } if (maxOccursValue != -1) { if (maxOccursValue >= 0 && minOccursValue > maxOccursValue) { updateStatus(super.typesViewer.getControl(), "The min occurs " + minOccursValue + " cannot be greater than max occurs " + maxOccursValue); return false; } } if (elementNames.contains(elementValue)) { updateStatus(super.typesViewer.getControl(), "Duplicate element name - " + elementValue); return false; } else { updateStatus(null); } elementNames.add(elementValue); } } return true; }
From source
public void addSelectBoxField(String name, String label, String[] arguments) throws Exception { UIFormSelectBoxField formSelectBoxField = new UIFormSelectBoxField(name, label, arguments); String jcrPath = formSelectBoxField.getJcrPath(); String editable = formSelectBoxField.getEditable(); String onchange = formSelectBoxField.getOnchange(); String defaultValue = formSelectBoxField.getDefaultValue(); String options = formSelectBoxField.getOptions(); String script = formSelectBoxField.getGroovyScript(); if (editable == null) formSelectBoxField.setEditable("true"); List<SelectItemOption<String>> optionsList = new ArrayList<SelectItemOption<String>>(); UIFormSelectBox uiSelectBox = findComponentById(name); boolean isFirstTimeRender = false; if (uiSelectBox == null || isResetForm) { isFirstTimeRender = true;//from w w w .ja va2s. com uiSelectBox = new UIFormSelectBox(name, name, null); if (script != null) { try { String[] scriptParams = formSelectBoxField.getScriptParams(); executeScript(script, uiSelectBox, scriptParams, true); } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("An unexpected error occurs", e); } uiSelectBox.setOptions(optionsList); } } else if (options != null && options.length() > 0) { String[] array = options.split(","); RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); ResourceBundle res = context.getApplicationResourceBundle(); String optionLabel; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { List<String> listValue = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] arrayChild = array[i].trim().split(SEPARATOR_VALUE); for (int j = 0; j < arrayChild.length; j++) { if (!arrayChild[j].trim().equals("")) { listValue.add(arrayChild[j].trim()); } } try { String tagName = listValue.get(0).replaceAll(" ", "-"); optionLabel = res.getString(tagName); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { optionLabel = listValue.get(0); } if (listValue.size() > 1) { optionsList.add(new SelectItemOption<String>(optionLabel, listValue.get(1))); } else { optionsList.add(new SelectItemOption<String>(optionLabel, listValue.get(0))); } } uiSelectBox.setOptions(optionsList); } else { uiSelectBox.setOptions(optionsList); } if (defaultValue != null) uiSelectBox.setValue(defaultValue); } propertiesName.put(name, getPropertyName(jcrPath)); fieldNames.put(getPropertyName(jcrPath), name); if (formSelectBoxField.validateType != null) { DialogFormUtil.addValidators(uiSelectBox, formSelectBoxField.validateType); } String[] arrNodes = jcrPath.split("/"); Node childNode = null; Node node = getNode(); String propertyName = getPropertyName(jcrPath); if (node != null && arrNodes.length == 4) childNode = node.getNode(arrNodes[2]); if (formSelectBoxField.isMultiValues()) { if (formSelectBoxField.getSize() != null && StringUtils.isAlphanumeric(formSelectBoxField.getSize())) { uiSelectBox.setSize(Integer.parseInt(formSelectBoxField.getSize())); } uiSelectBox.setMultiple(true); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if ((childNode != null) && isFirstTimeRender && childNode.hasProperty(propertyName)) { List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); Value[] values = childNode.getProperty(propertyName).getValues(); for (Value value : values) { buffer.append(value.getString()).append(","); } uiSelectBox.setSelectedValues(StringUtils.split(buffer.toString(), ",")); } else { if (node != null && isFirstTimeRender && node.hasProperty(propertyName)) { List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (node.getProperty(propertyName).getDefinition().isMultiple() && (!"true".equals(onchange) || !isOnchange)) { Value[] values = node.getProperty(propertyName).getValues(); for (Value value : values) { buffer.append(value.getString()).append(","); } } else if ("true".equals(onchange) && isOnchange) { if (uiSelectBox.isMultiple()) { String[] values = uiSelectBox.getSelectedValues(); for (String value : values) { buffer.append(value).append(","); } } else { String values = uiSelectBox.getValue(); buffer.append(values).append(","); } } else { Value[] values = node.getProperty(propertyName).getValues(); for (Value value : values) { buffer.append(value.getString()).append(","); } } uiSelectBox.setSelectedValues(StringUtils.split(buffer.toString(), ",")); } } } else { if ((childNode != null) && isFirstTimeRender && childNode.hasProperty(propertyName)) { uiSelectBox.setValue(childNode.getProperty(propertyName).getValue().getString()); } else { if (node != null && node.hasProperty(propertyName)) { if (node.getProperty(propertyName).getDefinition().isMultiple()) { if (findComponentById(name) == null) uiSelectBox.setValue(node.getProperty(propertyName).getValues().toString()); } else if (formSelectBoxField.isOnchange() && isOnchange) { uiSelectBox.setValue(uiSelectBox.getValue()); } else { if (findComponentById(name) == null) uiSelectBox.setValue(node.getProperty(propertyName).getValue().getString()); } } } } uiSelectBox.setEditable(formSelectBoxField.isEditable()); // addUIFormInput(uiSelectBox); if (isNotEditNode) { Node child = getChildNode(); if (child != null && child.hasProperty(propertyName)) { if (child.getProperty(propertyName).getDefinition().isMultiple()) { Value[] values = child.getProperty(propertyName).getValues(); List<String> listValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Value value : values) { listValues.add(value.getString()); } uiSelectBox.setSelectedValues(listValues.toArray(new String[listValues.size()])); } else { uiSelectBox.setValue(DialogFormUtil.getPropertyValueAsString(child, propertyName)); } } } if (formSelectBoxField.isOnchange()) uiSelectBox.setOnChange("Onchange"); if (findComponentById(name) == null) addUIFormInput(uiSelectBox); StringBuilder newValues = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; for (String v : ((UIFormSelectBox) findComponentById(name)).getSelectedValues()) { if (count++ > 0) newValues.append(","); newValues.append(v); } String newValue = newValues.toString(); JcrInputProperty inputProperty = properties.get(name); if (inputProperty == null) { inputProperty = new JcrInputProperty(); inputProperty.setJcrPath(jcrPath); inputProperty.setChangeInJcrPathParam(formSelectBoxField.getChangeInJcrPathParam()); setInputProperty(name, inputProperty); } else { if (inputProperty.getValue() != null) { String oldValue = inputProperty.getValue().toString(); if ((oldValue != null) && (!oldValue.equals(newValue))) { Iterator componentSelector = componentSelectors.keySet().iterator(); Map<String, String> obj = null; while (componentSelector.hasNext()) { String componentName = (String); obj = (Map<String, String>) componentSelectors.get(componentName); Set<String> set = obj.keySet(); for (String key : set) { if (name.equals(obj.get(key))) { UIComponent uiInput = findComponentById(componentName); ((UIFormStringInput) uiInput).reset(); } } } } } } inputProperty.setValue(newValue); if (isUpdateSelect && newValue != null) { String[] values1 = newValue.split(","); uiSelectBox.setSelectedValues(values1); } renderField(name); }