List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils equals
public static boolean equals(String str1, String str2)
Compares two Strings, returning true
if they are equal.
From source
public void clearFields(String... fields) { for (String f : fields) { if (StringUtils.equals(f, "code")) setCode(null);//from w w w. ja v a 2 s. co m if (StringUtils.equals(f, "name")) setName(null); if (StringUtils.equals(f, "otherSpecify")) setOtherSpecify(null); } }
From source
public static byte[] decrypt(EncryptedData encode) { String destCrc = ChecksumUtils.checksum(encode.getData()); //?sign/*from www . j a v a 2s .c om*/ if (false == StringUtils.equals(encode.getCrc(), destCrc)) { throw new ChecksumException(String.format("orig: %s, parsed: %s not match", encode.getCrc(), destCrc)); } // AESUtils aes = new AESUtils(); aes.setSecretKeyString(encode.getKey()); // ? return COMPRESSOR.decompress(aes.decrypt(encode.getData())); }
From source
public static void robot(String robotPath) { BufferedReader reader = null; try {//from ww w. j av a 2 s .co m reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(robotPath), "UTF-8")); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } String key = StringUtils.substringBefore(line, "="); String val = StringUtils.substringAfter(line, "="); boolean r = StringUtils.equals(md5.encode(StringUtils.upperCase(key)), "cebb21b542877339c40e7e8ecc96796e"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(key) && r) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(val)) { ROBOT = StringUtils.lowerCase(val); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("(Auth:robot) error: ", e); } finally { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } }
From source
@Override public Resource createResource(URI uri) { if (StringUtils.equals(NeoEMFURI.NEOEMF_HBASE_SCHEME, uri.scheme())) { return new NeoEMFHbaseResourceImpl(uri); } else {//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c om return null; } }
From source
public static void createSingleEntryModification(List<Modification> modifications, Entry currentEntry, String attributeName, String value) { AttributeType type = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(attributeName); AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(type); if (currentEntry.hasAttribute(type)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { modifications.add(new Modification(ModificationType.DELETE, builder.toAttribute())); } else {/* ww w .j a va 2 s .co m*/ String oldValue = getSingleAttributeStringValue(currentEntry.getAttribute(attributeName)); if (!StringUtils.equals(oldValue, value)) { builder.add(value); modifications.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, builder.toAttribute())); } } } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { builder.add(value); modifications.add(new Modification(ModificationType.ADD, builder.toAttribute())); } } }
From source
private static List<ActivityWeight> sortActivityList(List<Activity> activities, Date currentTime, Landmark nowLandmark, double maxDistance, long maxPubTime, int genderType, Set<String> toRemoveSet) { ArrayList<ActivityWeight> awList = new ArrayList<>(activities.size()); for (Activity activity : activities) { Map<String, Object> user = activity.getOrganizer(); ////ww w . j a v a2s . c o m if (genderType == 0) { if (!StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(user.get("gender")), Constants.UserGender.MALE)) { continue; } } else if (genderType == 1) { if (!StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(user.get("gender")), Constants.UserGender.FEMALE)) { continue; } } if (null != toRemoveSet && !toRemoveSet.isEmpty()) { if (toRemoveSet.contains(activity.getActivityId())) { continue; } } ActivityWeight aw = new ActivityWeight(activity); // ? if (StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(user.get("licenseAuthStatus")), Constants.AuthStatus.ACCEPT)) { aw.setCarOwnerFlag(true); } //?? if (StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(user.get("photoAuthStatus")), Constants.AuthStatus.ACCEPT)) { aw.setAvatarFlag(true); } //TODO //? ???? //??? initWeight(currentTime, nowLandmark, aw, maxDistance, maxPubTime); awList.add(aw); } Collections.sort(awList); return awList; }
From source
/** * Does deep comparison of two DOM trees represented by the given * {@link Element}s. Elements are considered root nodes of the trees. <br> * <br>/* ww w . j av a 2s. co m*/ * This version of the method will <b>only</b> process elements of types * {@link Node#ELEMENT_NODE},{@link Node#TEXT_NODE}, * {@link Node#CDATA_SECTION_NODE}; others will be ignored. Content of text * nodes is normalized before comparison. <br> * <br> * When comparing two elements, their local names, namespaces, and * attributes (except <code>xmlns* and xsi:type</code>) are accounted for. <br> * <br> * Due to issues with using * <code>setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true)</code>, which does not * seem to work, this method will throw out empty text nodes when comparing * children. * * @since 1.0 * @param e1 * @param e2 * @return */ public static boolean isDeepEqual(Node n1, Node n2) { if (!StringUtils.equals(n1.getLocalName(), n2.getLocalName())) {"Node local names are not equal: " + n1.getLocalName() + " " + n2.getLocalName()); return false; } if (!StringUtils.equals(n1.getNamespaceURI(), n2.getNamespaceURI())) {"Node namespaces are not equal: " + n1.getNamespaceURI() + " " + n2.getNamespaceURI()); return false; } if (n1.getNodeType() != n2.getNodeType()) {"Node types are not equal: " + n1.getNodeType() + " " + n2.getNodeType()); return false; } // check attributes equality. NamedNodeMap attrs1 = n1.getAttributes(); NamedNodeMap attrs2 = n2.getAttributes(); if (!isEqual(attrs1, attrs2)) { return false; } short nodeType = n1.getNodeType(); switch (nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return isDeepEqual(filterOutEmptyTextNodes(n1.getChildNodes()), filterOutEmptyTextNodes(n2.getChildNodes())); case Node.TEXT_NODE: return isTextNodeEqual(n1, n2); case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return isTextNodeEqual(n1, n2); default: break; } return true; }
From source
/** * getObject/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . com*/ * @param code * @return */ public static MediaType getObject(String code) { for (MediaType mediaType : MediaType.values()) { if (StringUtils.equals(mediaType.getCode(), code)) { return mediaType; } } return null; }
From source
public void notifyElementExpired(Ehcache ehcache, Element element) { String cacheName = ehcache.getName(); if (StringUtils.equals(cacheName, Article.HITS_CACHE_NAME)) { Long id = (Long) element.getObjectKey(); Long hits = (Long) element.getObjectValue(); Article article = articleService.find(id); if (article != null && hits != null && hits > 0) { article.setHits(hits);/*from www. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ articleService.update(article); } } else if (StringUtils.equals(cacheName, Goods.HITS_CACHE_NAME)) { Long id = (Long) element.getObjectKey(); Long hits = (Long) element.getObjectValue(); Goods goods = goodsService.find(id); if (goods != null && hits != null && hits > 0) { goods.setHits(hits); goodsService.update(goods); } } }
From source
/** * Overwrite or implement method validate() * * @see com.cyclopsgroup.waterview.web.FieldValidator#validate(com.cyclopsgroup.waterview.web.Field, java.lang.String) *///from w w w .j av a 2 s.c o m public ValidationResult validate(Field field, String fieldValue) { try { Object value = TypeUtils.convert(fieldValue, field.getType()); String string = TypeUtils.toString(value); return StringUtils.equals(string, field.getValue()) ? ValidationResult.SUCCESS : new ValidationResult(false, "Invalid " + field.getType() + " format"); } catch (Exception e) { return new ValidationResult(false, e.getMessage()); } }