List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils deleteWhitespace
public static String deleteWhitespace(String str)
Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by Character#isWhitespace(char) .
From source
@Override public void configure(Context context) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Configuration: " + context.getParameters()); }/*from ww w.j a v a2 s.c o m*/ if (!isLocal) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.HOSTNAMES))) { serverAddresses = StringUtils .deleteWhitespace(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.HOSTNAMES)).split(","); } Preconditions.checkState(serverAddresses != null && serverAddresses.length > 0, MISSING_PARAM + ElasticSearchSinkConstants.HOSTNAMES); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME))) { this.indexName = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_TYPE))) { this.indexType = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_TYPE); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLUSTER_NAME))) { this.clusterName = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLUSTER_NAME); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.BATCH_SIZE))) { this.batchSize = Integer.parseInt(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.BATCH_SIZE)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.TTL))) { this.ttlMs = parseTTL(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.TTL)); Preconditions.checkState(ttlMs > 0, ElasticSearchSinkConstants.TTL + " must be greater than 0 or not set."); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLIENT_TYPE))) { clientType = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLIENT_TYPE); } elasticSearchClientContext = new Context(); elasticSearchClientContext.putAll(context.getSubProperties(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLIENT_PREFIX)); String serializerClazz = ElasticSearchSinkConstants.DEFAULT_SERIALIZER_CLASS; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.SERIALIZER))) { serializerClazz = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.SERIALIZER); } Context serializerContext = new Context(); serializerContext.putAll(context.getSubProperties(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.SERIALIZER_PREFIX)); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Configurable> clazz = (Class<? extends Configurable>) Class.forName(serializerClazz); Configurable serializer = clazz.newInstance(); if (serializer instanceof ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory) { indexRequestFactory = (ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory) serializer; indexRequestFactory.configure(serializerContext); } else if (serializer instanceof ElasticSearchEventSerializer) { eventSerializer = (ElasticSearchEventSerializer) serializer; eventSerializer.configure(serializerContext); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(serializerClazz + " is not an ElasticSearchEventSerializer"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not instantiate event serializer.", e); Throwables.propagate(e); } if (sinkCounter == null) { sinkCounter = new SinkCounter(getName()); } String indexNameBuilderClass = ElasticSearchSinkConstants.DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_BUILDER_CLASS; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME_BUILDER))) { indexNameBuilderClass = context.getString(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME_BUILDER); } Context indexnameBuilderContext = new Context(); serializerContext.putAll(context.getSubProperties(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME_BUILDER_PREFIX)); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends IndexNameBuilder> clazz = (Class<? extends IndexNameBuilder>) Class .forName(indexNameBuilderClass); indexNameBuilder = clazz.newInstance(); indexnameBuilderContext.put(ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME, indexName); indexNameBuilder.configure(indexnameBuilderContext); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not instantiate index name builder.", e); Throwables.propagate(e); } if (sinkCounter == null) { sinkCounter = new SinkCounter(getName()); } Preconditions.checkState(StringUtils.isNotBlank(indexName), MISSING_PARAM + ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_NAME); Preconditions.checkState(StringUtils.isNotBlank(indexType), MISSING_PARAM + ElasticSearchSinkConstants.INDEX_TYPE); Preconditions.checkState(StringUtils.isNotBlank(clusterName), MISSING_PARAM + ElasticSearchSinkConstants.CLUSTER_NAME); Preconditions.checkState(batchSize >= 1, ElasticSearchSinkConstants.BATCH_SIZE + " must be greater than 0"); }
From source
@Override protected void execute() throws Exception { //Business name in English. Name name = new Name(); name.setLang("en"); name.setValue(businessName);//w ww . j a va m //Business description in English. Description description = new Description(); description.setLang("en"); description.setValue(data.getText(2, 5, false)); //Business URL. DiscoveryURL discoveryURL = new DiscoveryURL(); discoveryURL.setUseType("General Description"); discoveryURL.setValue("http://www." + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(businessName) + ".com"); //All business URLs if many (here we only give one). DiscoveryURLs discoveryURLs = new DiscoveryURLs(); discoveryURLs.getDiscoveryURL().add(discoveryURL); //Contact info: //Name of contact in English. PersonName personName = new PersonName(); personName.setLang("en"); personName.setValue(data.getFirstName(true) + data.getLastName(true)); //Address lines for contact. AddressLine addressLineOne = new AddressLine(); addressLineOne.setKeyName("street"); addressLineOne.setKeyValue("street"); addressLineOne.setValue(data.getStreet(false)); AddressLine addressLineTwo = new AddressLine(); addressLineTwo.setKeyName("town"); addressLineTwo.setKeyValue("town"); addressLineTwo.setValue(data.getTown(false)); AddressLine addressLineThree = new AddressLine(); addressLineThree.setKeyName("zip"); addressLineThree.setKeyValue("zip"); addressLineThree.setValue(data.getZip(5)); //One address for the contact. Can be more but only one here. Address address = new Address(); address.setLang("en"); address.setSortCode("1"); address.setTModelKey("uddi:tmodelKey:address"); address.setUseType("HQ"); address.getAddressLine().add(addressLineOne); address.getAddressLine().add(addressLineTwo); address.getAddressLine().add(addressLineThree); //Contacts phone number details Phone phone = new Phone(); phone.setUseType("Hotline"); phone.setValue(data.getUSPhoneNumber()); //Contact object Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setUseType("CEO"); contact.getPersonName().add(personName); contact.getAddress().add(address); contact.getPhone().add(phone); //All contact for the business. Here only one is generated. Contacts contacts = new Contacts(); contacts.getContact().add(contact); //Pass info to business entity. BusinessEntity businessEntity = new BusinessEntity(); businessEntity.setDiscoveryURLs(discoveryURLs); businessEntity.getName().add(name); businessEntity.getDescription().add(description); businessEntity.setContacts(contacts); //Pass Entity to SaveBussiness object and publish. SaveBusiness saveBusiness = new SaveBusiness(); saveBusiness.setAuthInfo(authenticationToken.getAuthInfo()); saveBusiness.getBusinessEntity().add(businessEntity); //Business Details are returned. businessDetail = publishService.saveBusiness(saveBusiness); }
From source
/** * The execute method will send the SOAP message to jUDDI. Here, we create a * BusinessService object and fill the different values with random * information. The BusinessService is then given to a SaveService object * and published to the jUDDI node./* w ww . j av a 2s . com*/ */ @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { GeneralDataProvider data = GeneralDataProvider.getInstance(); serviceName = data.getCountry(false);// retrieves random service name from country file //Name of the service in English. Name name = new Name(); name.setLang("en"); name.setValue(serviceName); //Description of the service in English. Description description = new Description(); description.setLang("en"); description.setValue(data.getText(1, false)); //Access Point details. AccessPoint accessPoint = new AccessPoint(); accessPoint.setUseType("endPoint"); accessPoint.setValue("http://www." + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(businessName) + ".com:8080/uddi/services/" + StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(serviceName) + "?wsdl"); //Description of the Access Point, in English. Description accessPointDescription = new Description(); accessPointDescription.setLang("en"); accessPointDescription.setValue(data.getText(1, 3, false)); //Pass binging info to binding template. BindingTemplate bindingTemplate = new BindingTemplate(); bindingTemplate.setAccessPoint(accessPoint); bindingTemplate.getDescription().add(accessPointDescription); //There can be several binding templates. Here only one is passed. BindingTemplates bindingTemplates = new BindingTemplates(); bindingTemplates.getBindingTemplate().add(bindingTemplate); //Pass all info to BusinessService object. BusinessService businessService = new BusinessService(); businessService.setBusinessKey(businessKey); businessService.setBindingTemplates(bindingTemplates); businessService.getName().add(name); businessService.getDescription().add(description); //Pass service to the SaveService object and publish SaveService saveService = new SaveService(); saveService.setAuthInfo(authenticationToken.getAuthInfo()); saveService.getBusinessService().add(businessService); // execute the SaveService operation and get back the ServiceDetail serviceDetail = publishService.saveService(saveService); }
From source
@Override protected void service(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException { try {//www. j a v a2s. co m httpServletRequest.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); log.debug("\nquery = " + httpServletRequest.getQueryString()); log.debug("\n\nfileName = " + httpServletRequest.getParameter("fileName")); log.debug("\n\nparentPath = " + httpServletRequest.getParameter("parentPath")); String queryString = httpServletRequest.getQueryString(); if (queryString == null) { queryString = ""; } String sid = httpServletRequest.getParameter("sid"); if (sid == null) { sid = "default"; } log.debug("sid: " + sid); Long users_id = getBean(SessiondataDao.class).checkSession(sid); Long user_level = getBean(UserManager.class).getUserLevelByID(users_id); if (user_level != null && user_level > 0) { String room_id = httpServletRequest.getParameter("room_id"); if (room_id == null) { room_id = "default"; } String moduleName = httpServletRequest.getParameter("moduleName"); if (moduleName == null) { moduleName = "nomodule"; } String parentPath = httpServletRequest.getParameter("parentPath"); if (parentPath == null) { parentPath = "nomodule"; } String requestedFile = httpServletRequest.getParameter("fileName"); if (requestedFile == null) { requestedFile = ""; } String fileExplorerItemIdParam = httpServletRequest.getParameter("fileExplorerItemId"); Long fileExplorerItemId = null; if (fileExplorerItemIdParam != null) { fileExplorerItemId = Long.parseLong(fileExplorerItemIdParam); } // make a complete name out of domain(organisation) + roomname String roomName = room_id; // trim whitespaces cause it is a directory name roomName = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(roomName); // Get the current User-Directory File working_dir; // Add the Folder for the Room if (moduleName.equals("lzRecorderApp")) { working_dir = OmFileHelper.getStreamsHibernateDir(); } else if (moduleName.equals("videoconf1")) { working_dir = OmFileHelper.getUploadRoomDir(roomName); if (parentPath.length() != 0 && !parentPath.equals("/")) { working_dir = new File(working_dir, parentPath); } } else if (moduleName.equals("userprofile")) { working_dir = OmFileHelper.getUploadProfilesUserDir(users_id); logNonExistentFolder(working_dir); } else if (moduleName.equals("remoteuserprofile")) { String remoteUser_id = httpServletRequest.getParameter("remoteUserid"); working_dir = OmFileHelper .getUploadProfilesUserDir(remoteUser_id == null ? "0" : remoteUser_id); logNonExistentFolder(working_dir); } else if (moduleName.equals("remoteuserprofilebig")) { String remoteUser_id = httpServletRequest.getParameter("remoteUserid"); working_dir = OmFileHelper .getUploadProfilesUserDir(remoteUser_id == null ? "0" : remoteUser_id); logNonExistentFolder(working_dir); requestedFile = getBigProfileUserName(working_dir); } else if (moduleName.equals("chat")) { String remoteUser_id = httpServletRequest.getParameter("remoteUserid"); working_dir = OmFileHelper .getUploadProfilesUserDir(remoteUser_id == null ? "0" : remoteUser_id); logNonExistentFolder(working_dir); requestedFile = getChatUserName(working_dir); } else { working_dir = OmFileHelper.getUploadRoomDir(roomName); } if (!moduleName.equals("nomodule")) { log.debug("requestedFile: " + requestedFile + " current_dir: " + working_dir); File full_path = new File(working_dir, requestedFile); // If the File does not exist or is not readable show/load a // place-holder picture if (!full_path.exists() || !full_path.canRead()) { if (!full_path.canRead()) { log.debug("LOG DownloadHandler: The request file is not readable "); } else { log.debug( "LOG DownloadHandler: The request file does not exist / has already been deleted"); } log.debug("LOG ERROR requestedFile: " + requestedFile); // replace the path with the default picture/document if (requestedFile.endsWith(".jpg")) { log.debug("LOG endsWith d.jpg"); log.debug("LOG moduleName: " + moduleName); requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultImageName; if (moduleName.equals("remoteuserprofile")) { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultProfileImageName; } else if (moduleName.equals("remoteuserprofilebig")) { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultProfileImageNameBig; } else if (moduleName.equals("userprofile")) { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultProfileImageName; } else if (moduleName.equals("chat")) { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultChatImageName; } } else if (requestedFile.endsWith(".swf")) { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultSWFName; } else { requestedFile = DownloadHandler.defaultImageName; } full_path = new File(OmFileHelper.getDefaultDir(), requestedFile); } log.debug("full_path: " + full_path); if (!full_path.exists() || !full_path.canRead()) { if (!full_path.canRead()) { log.debug( "DownloadHandler: The request DEFAULT-file does not exist / has already been deleted"); } else { log.debug( "DownloadHandler: The request DEFAULT-file does not exist / has already been deleted"); } // no file to handle abort processing return; } // Requested file is outside OM webapp folder File curDirFile = OmFileHelper.getOmHome(); if (!full_path.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(curDirFile.getCanonicalPath())) { throw new Exception("Invalid file requested: f2.cp == " + full_path.getCanonicalPath() + "; curDir.cp == " + curDirFile.getCanonicalPath()); } // Default type - Explorer, Chrome and others int browserType = 0; // Firefox and Opera browsers if (httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent") != null) { if ((httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent").contains("Firefox")) || (httpServletRequest.getHeader("User-Agent").contains("Opera"))) { browserType = 1; } } log.debug("Detected browser type:" + browserType); httpServletResponse.reset(); httpServletResponse.resetBuffer(); OutputStream out = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream(); if (requestedFile.endsWith(".swf")) { // trigger download to SWF => THIS is a workaround for // Flash Player 10, FP 10 does not seem // to accept SWF-Downloads with the Content-Disposition // in the Header httpServletResponse.setContentType("application/x-shockwave-flash"); httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + full_path.length()); } else { httpServletResponse.setContentType("APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM"); String fileNameResult = requestedFile; if (fileExplorerItemId != null && fileExplorerItemId > 0) { FileExplorerItem fileExplorerItem = getBean(FileExplorerItemDao.class) .getFileExplorerItemsById(fileExplorerItemId); if (fileExplorerItem != null) { fileNameResult = fileExplorerItem.getFileName().substring(0, fileExplorerItem.getFileName().length() - 4) + fileNameResult.substring(fileNameResult.length() - 4, fileNameResult.length()); } } if (browserType == 0) { httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" +, "UTF-8")); } else { httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=UTF-8'en'" +, "UTF-8")); } httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + full_path.length()); } OmFileHelper.copyFile(full_path, out); out.flush(); out.close(); } } else { log.error("ERROR DownloadHandler: not authorized FileDownload "); } } catch (ServerNotInitializedException e) { return; } catch (Exception er) { log.error("Error downloading: ", er); } }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/screen.upload") public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try {/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ String sid = request.getParameter("sid"); Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(sid); String publicSID = request.getParameter("publicSID"); if (publicSID == null) { throw new Exception("publicSID is empty: " + publicSID); } if (users_id == 0) { //checkSession will return 0 in case of invalid session throw new Exception("Request from invalid user " + users_id); } String domain = request.getParameter("domain"); if (domain == null) { throw new Exception("domain is empty: " + domain); } String languageAsString = request.getParameter("languageAsString"); if (languageAsString == null) { throw new Exception("languageAsString is empty: " + languageAsString); } Long language_id = Long.parseLong(languageAsString); String rtmphostlocal = request.getParameter("rtmphostlocal"); if (rtmphostlocal == null) { throw new Exception("rtmphostlocal is empty: " + rtmphostlocal); } String red5httpport = request.getParameter("red5httpport"); if (red5httpport == null) { throw new Exception("red5httpport is empty: " + red5httpport); } String httpRootKey = request.getParameter("httpRootKey"); if (httpRootKey == null) { throw new Exception("httpRootKey is empty could not start sharer"); } String baseURL = request.getScheme() + "://" + rtmphostlocal + ":" + red5httpport + httpRootKey; log.debug("httpRootKey " + httpRootKey); log.debug("language_id :: " + language_id); String label_sharer = "Sharer"; try { label_sharer = getLabels(language_id, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 844, 869, 870, 871, 872, 878, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1477); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error resolving Language labels : ", e); } log.debug("Creating JNLP Template for TCP solution"); //libs StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder(); File screenShareDir = OmFileHelper.getScreenSharingDir(); for (File jar : screenShareDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().endsWith(".jar"); } })) { libs.append("\t\t<jar href=\"").append(jar.getName()).append("\"/>\n"); } log.debug("RTMP Sharer labels :: " + label_sharer); ConnectionType conType = ConnectionType.valueOf(request.getParameter("connectionType")); String startUpClass; switch (conType) { case rtmp: startUpClass = "org.apache.openmeetings.screen.webstart.RTMPScreenShare"; break; case rtmps: startUpClass = "org.apache.openmeetings.screen.webstart.RTMPSScreenShare"; break; case rtmpt: startUpClass = "org.apache.openmeetings.screen.webstart.RTMPTScreenShare"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown connection type"); } String orgIdAsString = request.getParameter("organization_id"); if (orgIdAsString == null) { throw new Exception("orgIdAsString is empty could not start sharer"); } String port = request.getParameter("port"); if (port == null) { throw new Exception("port is empty: "); } Client rc = sessionManager.getClientByPublicSID(publicSID, false, null); if (rc == null) { throw new Exception("port is empty: "); } Long roomId = rc.getRoom_id(); boolean allowRecording = rc.getAllowRecording() && (0 == sessionManager.getRecordingCount(roomId)); boolean allowPublishing = (0 == sessionManager.getPublishingCount(roomId)); Context ctx = new VelocityContext(); ctx.put("APP_NAME", configurationDao.getAppName()); ctx.put("PUBLIC_SID", publicSID); ctx.put("LABELSHARER", label_sharer); addKeystore(ctx); ctx.put("LIBRARIES", libs); ctx.put("organization_id", orgIdAsString); ctx.put("startUpClass", startUpClass); ctx.put("codebase", baseURL + OmFileHelper.SCREENSHARING_DIR); ctx.put("red5-host", rtmphostlocal); ctx.put("red5-app", OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey + "/" + roomId); ctx.put("default_quality_screensharing", configurationDao.getConfValue("default.quality.screensharing", String.class, "1")); //invited guest does not have valid user_id (have user_id == -1) ctx.put("user_id", users_id); ctx.put("port", port); ctx.put("allowRecording", allowRecording); ctx.put("allowPublishing", allowPublishing); String requestedFile = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(domain + "_" + roomId) + ".jnlp"; response.setContentType("application/x-java-jnlp-file"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "Inline; filename=\"" + requestedFile + "\""); VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine(); ve.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath"); ve.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName()); ve.mergeTemplate("screenshare.vm", "UTF-8", ctx, response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception er) { log.error("[ScreenController]", er); } }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = "/upload.upload", method = RequestMethod.POST) public void handleFormUpload(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException { try {/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s .c om*/ UploadInfo info = validate(request, false); String room_id = request.getParameter("room_id"); if (room_id == null) { room_id = "default"; } String roomName = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(room_id); String moduleName = request.getParameter("moduleName"); if (moduleName == null) { moduleName = "nomodule"; } if (moduleName.equals("nomodule")) { log.debug("module name missed"); return; } boolean userProfile = moduleName.equals("userprofile"); MultipartFile multipartFile = info.file; InputStream is = multipartFile.getInputStream(); String fileSystemName = info.filename; fileSystemName = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(fileSystemName); UploadCompleteMessage uploadCompleteMessage = new UploadCompleteMessage(); uploadCompleteMessage.setUserId(info.userId); // Flash cannot read the response of an upload // httpServletResponse.getWriter().print(returnError); uploadFile(request, userProfile, info.userId, roomName, is, fileSystemName, uploadCompleteMessage); sendMessage(info, uploadCompleteMessage); } catch (ServletException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception during upload: ", e); throw new ServletException(e); } }
From source
/** * @see org.apache.roller.weblogger.model.FileContentManager#canSave( * weblog, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long, messages) *//*from ww w. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ public boolean canSave(Weblog weblog, String fileName, String contentType, long size, RollerMessages messages) { // first check, is uploading enabled? if (!WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty("uploads.enabled")) { messages.addError("error.upload.disabled"); return false; } // second check, does upload exceed max size for file? BigDecimal maxFileMB = new BigDecimal(WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty("uploads.file.maxsize")); int maxFileBytes = (int) (1024000 * maxFileMB.doubleValue()); log.debug("max allowed file size = " + maxFileBytes); log.debug("attempted save file size = " + size); if (size > maxFileBytes) { String[] args = { fileName, maxFileMB.toString() }; messages.addError("error.upload.filemax", args); return false; } // third check, does file cause weblog to exceed quota? BigDecimal maxDirMB = new BigDecimal(WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty("uploads.dir.maxsize")); long maxDirBytes = (long) (1024000 * maxDirMB.doubleValue()); try { File storageDir = this.getRealFile(weblog, null); long userDirSize = getDirSize(storageDir, true); if (userDirSize + size > maxDirBytes) { messages.addError("error.upload.dirmax", maxDirMB.toString()); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { // shouldn't ever happen, means the weblogs uploads dir is bad somehow // rethrow as a runtime exception throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // fourth check, is upload type allowed? String allows = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty("uploads.types.allowed"); String forbids = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty("uploads.types.forbid"); String[] allowFiles = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(allows), ","); String[] forbidFiles = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(forbids), ","); if (!checkFileType(allowFiles, forbidFiles, fileName, contentType)) { String[] args = { fileName, contentType }; messages.addError("error.upload.forbiddenFile", args); return false; } return true; }
From source
/** * Apply ignoreWord/spam filters to all referers in system. *//*from ww w.j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ public void applyRefererFilters() throws WebloggerException { String spamwords = WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getProperty("spam.blacklist"); String[] blacklist = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(spamwords), ","); if (blacklist.length == 0) return; List referers = getBlackListedReferer(blacklist); for (Iterator iterator = referers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { WeblogReferrer referer = (WeblogReferrer); this.strategy.remove(referer); } }
From source
/** * Apply ignoreWord/spam filters to all referers in website. *//* w w w .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ public void applyRefererFilters(Weblog website) throws WebloggerException { if (null == website) throw new WebloggerException("website is null"); if (null == website.getBlacklist()) return; String[] blacklist = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(website.getBlacklist()), ","); if (blacklist.length == 0) return; List referers = getBlackListedReferer(website, blacklist); for (Iterator iterator = referers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { WeblogReferrer referer = (WeblogReferrer); this.strategy.remove(referer); } }
From source
/** * Build accept range by taking things that appear to be content-type rules * from site's file-upload allowed extensions. *//*from w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ private List getAcceptedContentTypeRange() throws WebloggerException { List accepts = new ArrayList(); Weblogger roller = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger(); Map config = roller.getPropertiesManager().getProperties(); String allows = ((RuntimeConfigProperty) config.get("uploads.types.allowed")).getValue(); String[] rules = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(allows), ","); for (int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (rules[i].indexOf("/") == -1) continue; accepts.add(rules[i]); } return accepts; }