List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultString
public static String defaultString(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
private Treeitem addTreeitem(PluginDefinition def, Treeitem other) { String category = other != null ? favoritesCategory : def.getCategory(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(category)) { if (UIElementPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(def.getClazz())) { category = Labels.getLabel(""); } else {/*w ww. jav a 2s . c om*/ return null; } } String path = category + (category.endsWith("\\") ? "" : "\\") + def.getName(); boolean isFavorite = other != null || (favorites != null && favorites.contains(path)); boolean disabled = def.isDisabled() || def.isForbidden(); Treeitem item = TreeUtil.findNode(tree, path, true); item.setValue(def); item.setTooltiptext(StringUtils.defaultString(def.getDescription(), noDescriptionHint)); if (disabled) { item.setDisabled(true); } else { item.getTreerow().addForward(Events.ON_DOUBLE_CLICK, btnOK, Events.ON_CLICK); } if (favorites != null) { Span image = new Span(); image.setZclass("glyphicon"); image.setStyle("float:left"); Component cell = item.getTreerow().getFirstChild(); cell.insertBefore(image, cell.getFirstChild()); image.addForward(Events.ON_CLICK, item, ON_FAVORITE); item.addEventListener(ON_FAVORITE, other == null ? favoriteListener1 : favoriteListener2); if (isFavorite && other == null) { other = addTreeitem(def, item); } item.setAttribute("other", other); item.setAttribute("path", path); item.setAttribute("image", image); setFavoriteStatus(item, isFavorite); } return item; }
From source
public AttributeInfo(String key, String className, String fieldName, String javaDoc, String label, String title, String description, String group, AttributeLevel level, AttributeInfo inheritFrom) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.className = className; this.key = key; if (inheritFrom == null) { this.javaDoc = javaDoc; this.label = label; this.title = title; this.description = description; = group; this.level = level; } else {/*w ww. j a va 2 s. c om*/ this.javaDoc = StringUtils.defaultString(javaDoc, inheritFrom.javaDoc); this.label = StringUtils.defaultString(label, inheritFrom.label); this.title = StringUtils.defaultString(title, inheritFrom.title); this.description = StringUtils.defaultString(description, inheritFrom.description); = StringUtils.defaultString(group,; this.level = (AttributeLevel) ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(level, inheritFrom.level); } }
From source
public static List<AllMonthsStatsDTO> getAllMonthsStats(Object object) throws ParseException { String[][] temp = (String[][]) object; List<AllMonthsStatsDTO> result = new LinkedList<AllMonthsStatsDTO>(); Map<String, List<String>> tempMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); boolean foundit = false; int countIntegrityMonth = 12; /*// www. j a v a2 s . c o m * for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { * * String tempKey = temp[i][0]; String key = tempKey.substring(0, 4); if * (!tempMap.containsKey(key)) { tempMap.put(key, new * LinkedList<String>()); if (countIntegrityMonth > 0 && * countIntegrityMonth != 12 && i > 0) { while (countIntegrityMonth != * 0) { String check = temp[i - 1][0].substring(0, 4); List<String> * array = tempMap.get(check); array.add(0, null); * countIntegrityMonth--; } countIntegrityMonth = 12; } } * countIntegrityMonth--; List<String> array = tempMap.get(key); * array.add(temp[i][1]); * * if (countIntegrityMonth > 0 && i == temp.length - 1) { while * (countIntegrityMonth != 0) { array.add(null); countIntegrityMonth--; * } } if (countIntegrityMonth == 0) { countIntegrityMonth = 12; } } */ for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { String tempKey = temp[i][0]; String year = tempKey.substring(0, 4); String month = tempKey.substring(5, 7); String key = Integer.parseInt(month) < 7 ? String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(year) - 1) + "/" + year : year + "/" + String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(year) + 1); if (!tempMap.containsKey(key)) { final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < countIntegrityMonth; j++) list.add(null); tempMap.put(key, list); } tempMap.get(key).set(Integer.parseInt(month) - 1, temp[i][1]); } for (String key : tempMap.keySet()) { AllMonthsStatsDTO dto = new AllMonthsStatsDTO(); dto.setYear(key); Integer total = 0; List<String> tempToken = tempMap.get(key); for (String token : tempToken) { if (token != null && !token.isEmpty()) { Integer addendum = Integer.parseInt(token); total += addendum; if (addendum > 0) { foundit = true; } } } if (foundit == true) { dto.setJan(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(0), "0")); dto.setFeb(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(1), "0")); dto.setMar(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(2), "0")); dto.setApr(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(3), "0")); dto.setMay(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(4), "0")); dto.setJun(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(5), "0")); dto.setJul(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(6), "0")); dto.setAug(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(7), "0")); dto.setSep(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(8), "0")); dto.setOct(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(9), "0")); dto.setNov(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(10), "0")); dto.setDec(StringUtils.defaultString(tempToken.get(11), "0")); dto.setTotal(total); result.add(dto); } } // Collections.sort(result); return result; }
From source
/** * Constructs a HashMap with the keys field{1,2,3}, query{1,2,3} and * conjunction{1,2} taking the values from the passed-in argument * defaulting to ""./* w w w . j a v a2 s. c om*/ * * @param request the request-describing object to take the values from * * @return the created HashMap */ public Map<String, String> buildQueryMap(HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, String> queryMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String numFieldStr = request.getParameter("num_search_field"); // for backward compatibility if (numFieldStr == null) { numFieldStr = "3"; } int numField = Integer.parseInt(numFieldStr); for (int i = 1; i < numField; i++) { String queryStr = "query" + i; String fieldStr = "field" + i; String conjunctionStr = "conjunction" + i; queryMap.put(queryStr, StringUtils.defaultString(request.getParameter(queryStr), "")); queryMap.put(fieldStr, StringUtils.defaultString(request.getParameter(fieldStr), "ANY")); queryMap.put(conjunctionStr, StringUtils.defaultString(request.getParameter(conjunctionStr), "AND")); } String queryStr = "query" + numField; String fieldStr = "field" + numField; queryMap.put(queryStr, StringUtils.defaultString(request.getParameter(queryStr), "")); queryMap.put(fieldStr, StringUtils.defaultString(request.getParameter(fieldStr), "ANY")); return (queryMap); }
From source
/** * // w ww. j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param connectionInfo The information to use in initializing the * factory. Must not be <code>null</code>. * @param username The username to use in initializing the factory. * @param password The password to use in initializing the factory. * @param url The connection URL to use in initializing the factory. * @return the created factory. */ private static EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(DatabaseConnectionInfo connectionInfo, String username, String password, String url) { Validate.notNull(connectionInfo); // use the classloader for this bundle when initializing // the EntityManagerFactory Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.CLASSLOADER, Persistor.class.getClassLoader()); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER, connectionInfo.getDriverClassName()); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER, username); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, password); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_URL, StringUtils.defaultString(url, connectionInfo.getConnectionUrl())); properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.BATCH_WRITING, connectionInfo.getBatchWriting()); String batchWritingSize = connectionInfo.getBatchWritingSize(); if (batchWritingSize != null) { properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.BATCH_WRITING_SIZE, batchWritingSize); } return new PersistenceProvider().createEntityManagerFactory(DEFAULT_PU_NAME, properties); }
From source
/** * Add the given node to the result, if it has the matching type and * the name contains the search string./*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * {@inheritDoc} */ protected boolean operate(INodePO node) { FieldName[] searchableFieldNames = getSearchOptions().getSearchableFieldNames(); if (matchingSearchType(node)) { for (FieldName field : searchableFieldNames) { if (field.isSelected()) { try { String fieldValue = StringUtils.defaultString(BeanUtils.getProperty(node, field.getName()), StringConstants.EMPTY); if (matchSearchString(fieldValue)) { // found node with keyword and correct type add(node); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) { // ignore and continue } } } } return true; }