Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_NO_CONTENT

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_NO_CONTENT


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_NO_CONTENT.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_NO_CONTENT.

Click Source Link


<tt>204 No Content</tt> (HTTP/1.0 - RFC 1945)


From source file:org.alfresco.dataprep.SitePagesService.java

 * Remove an event/*from   ww  w .  j  a va 2 s .co m*/
 * @param userName String user name
 * @param password String user password
 * @param siteName String site name
 * @param what String what
 * @param where String event location
 * @param from Date event start date
 * @param to Date event end date
 * @param timeStart String event start time
 * @param timeEnd String event time finish
 * @param allDay boolean all day event
 * @return boolean true if event is removed
 * @throws RuntimeException if site is not found
public boolean removeEvent(final String userName, final String password, final String siteName,
        final String what, final String where, Date from, Date to, String timeStart, String timeEnd,
        final boolean allDay) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName) || StringUtils.isEmpty(password) || StringUtils.isEmpty(siteName)
            || StringUtils.isEmpty(what) || StringUtils.isEmpty(from.toString())
            || StringUtils.isEmpty(to.toString())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter missing");
    String eventName = getEventName(userName, password, siteName, what, where, from, to, timeStart, timeEnd,
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(eventName)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Event not found");
    AlfrescoHttpClient client = alfrescoHttpClientFactory.getObject();
    String reqURL = client.getAlfrescoUrl() + "alfresco/s/calendar/event/" + siteName + "/" + eventName;
    HttpDelete request = new HttpDelete(reqURL);
    HttpResponse response = client.executeRequest(userName, password, request);
    switch (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) {
    case HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT:
        return true;
    case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid site " + siteName);
        logger.error("Unable to delete event: " + response.toString());
    return false;

From source file:org.alfresco.dataprep.SitePagesService.java

 * Delete wiki page//from www.j  a  va2 s.  c om
 * @param userName String user name
 * @param password String password
 * @param siteName String site name
 * @param wikiTitle String wiki title
 * @return true if wiki is removed (204 Status)
public boolean deleteWikiPage(final String userName, final String password, final String siteName,
        String wikiTitle) {
    if (wikiTitle.contains(" ")) {
        wikiTitle = wikiTitle.replaceAll(" ", "_");
    AlfrescoHttpClient client = alfrescoHttpClientFactory.getObject();
    String url = client.getAlfrescoUrl() + "alfresco/s/slingshot/wiki/page/" + siteName + "/" + wikiTitle;
    HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(url);
    HttpResponse response = client.executeRequest(userName, password, delete);
    switch (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) {
    case HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT:
        return true;
    case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
        throw new RuntimeException("Wiki " + wikiTitle + " or site " + siteName + " doesn't exists");
        logger.error("Unable to delete wiki page: " + response.toString());
    return false;

From source file:org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.solr.NodeContentGet.java

 * @param req WebScriptRequest/*from  ww w. j  av a 2 s. c o  m*/
 * @param res WebScriptResponse
 * @throws IOException
public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException {
    ContentReader textReader = null;
    Exception transformException = null;

    String nodeIDString = req.getParameter("nodeId");
    if (nodeIDString == null) {
        throw new WebScriptException("nodeID parameter is required for GetNodeContent");
    long nodeId = Long.valueOf(nodeIDString).longValue();

    String propertyQName = req.getParameter("propertyQName");
    QName propertyName = null;
    if (propertyQName == null) {
        propertyName = ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT;
    } else {
        propertyName = QName.createQName(propertyQName);
    Pair<Long, NodeRef> pair = nodeDAO.getNodePair(nodeId);
    if (pair == null) {
        // If the node does not exists we treat it as if it has no content
        // We could be trying to update the content of a node in the index that has been deleted.
    NodeRef nodeRef = pair.getSecond();

    // check If-Modified-Since header and set Last-Modified header as appropriate
    Date modified = (Date) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED);
    // May be null - if so treat as just changed 
    if (modified == null) {
        modified = new Date();
    long modifiedSince = -1;
    String modifiedSinceStr = req.getHeader("If-Modified-Since");
    if (modifiedSinceStr != null) {
        try {
            modifiedSince = dateFormat.parse(modifiedSinceStr).getTime();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                logger.warn("Browser sent badly-formatted If-Modified-Since header: " + modifiedSinceStr);

        if (modifiedSince > 0L) {
            // round the date to the ignore millisecond value which is not supplied by header
            long modDate = (modified.getTime() / 1000L) * 1000L;
            if (modDate <= modifiedSince) {

    ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(nodeRef, propertyName);
    if (reader == null) {

    try {
        // get the transformer
        TransformationOptions options = new TransformationOptions();
        transformerDebug.pushAvailable(reader.getContentUrl(), reader.getMimetype(),
                MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, options);
        long sourceSize = reader.getSize();
        List<ContentTransformer> transformers = contentService.getActiveTransformers(reader.getMimetype(),
                sourceSize, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, options);
        transformerDebug.availableTransformers(transformers, sourceSize, options, "SolrIndexer");

        if (transformers.isEmpty()) {
            res.setHeader(TRANSFORM_STATUS_HEADER, "noTransform");
        ContentTransformer transformer = transformers.get(0);

        // Perform transformation catering for mimetype AND encoding
        ContentWriter writer = contentService.getTempWriter();
        writer.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // Expect transformers to produce UTF-8

        try {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            transformer.transform(reader, writer, options);
            long transformDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
            res.setHeader(TRANSFORM_DURATION_HEADER, String.valueOf(transformDuration));
        } catch (ContentIOException | UnsupportedTransformationException e) {
            transformException = e;

        if (transformException == null) {
            // point the reader to the new-written content
            textReader = writer.getReader();
            // Check that the reader is a view onto something concrete
            if (textReader == null || !textReader.exists()) {
                transformException = new ContentIOException(
                        "The transformation did not write any content, yet: \n" + "   transformer:     "
                                + transformer + "\n" + "   temp writer:     " + writer);

        if (transformException != null) {
            res.setHeader(TRANSFORM_STATUS_HEADER, "transformFailed");
            res.setHeader(TRANSFORM_EXCEPTION_HEADER, transformException.getMessage());
        } else {
            streamContentImpl(req, res, textReader, null, null, false, modified,
                    String.valueOf(modified.getTime()), null, null);
    } finally {

From source file:org.alfresco.services.solr.GetTextContentResponse.java

private void setStatus() {
    int status = response.getStatus();
    if (status == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {
        this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.NOT_MODIFIED;
    } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) {
        this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.GENERAL_FAILURE;
    } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
        this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.OK;
    } else if (status == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
        if (transformStatusStr == null) {
            this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.UNKNOWN;
        } else {/*from  www  . ja  v a2 s. c  om*/
            if (transformStatusStr.equals("noTransform")) {
                this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.NO_TRANSFORM;
            } else if (transformStatusStr.equals("transformFailed")) {
                this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.TRANSFORM_FAILED;
            } else {
                this.status = SolrApiContentStatus.UNKNOWN;

From source file:org.apache.cloudstack.network.element.SspClient.java

public boolean deleteTenantNetwork(String tenantNetworkUuid) {
    DeleteMethod method = deleteMethod;/*from   w w w  . j a  v a 2 s.c o  m*/
    method.setPath("/ssp.v1/tenant-networks/" + tenantNetworkUuid);

    if (method.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.apache.cloudstack.network.element.SspClient.java

public boolean deleteTenantPort(String tenantPortUuid) {
    DeleteMethod method = deleteMethod;/*from w ww.j  av  a 2 s.c  o m*/
    method.setPath("/ssp.v1/tenant-ports/" + tenantPortUuid);

    if (method.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.apache.cloudstack.network.element.SspClientTest.java

public void deleteNetworkTest() throws Exception {
    String tenant_net_uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();



From source file:org.apache.cloudstack.network.opendaylight.api.resources.Action.java

protected void executeDelete(final String uri) throws NeutronRestApiException {
    try {//from ww  w  .j a  v  a  2  s  . co m
    } catch (NeutronInvalidCredentialsException e) {
        throw new NeutronRestApiException("Invalid credentials!", e);

    NeutronRestFactory factory = NeutronRestFactory.getInstance();

    NeutronRestApi neutronRestApi = factory.getNeutronApi(DeleteMethod.class);
    DeleteMethod deleteMethod = (DeleteMethod) neutronRestApi.createMethod(url, uri);

    try {
        deleteMethod.setRequestHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, JSON_CONTENT_TYPE);

        String encodedCredentials = encodeCredentials();
        deleteMethod.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedCredentials);


        if (deleteMethod.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            String errorMessage = responseToErrorMessage(deleteMethod);
            s_logger.error("Failed to update object : " + errorMessage);
            throw new NeutronRestApiException("Failed to create object : " + errorMessage);
    } catch (NeutronRestApiException e) {
                "NeutronRestApiException caught while trying to execute HTTP Method on the Neutron Controller",
        throw new NeutronRestApiException("API call to Neutron Controller Failed", e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.excalibur.source.factories.HTTPClientSource.java

 * According to RFC2616 (HTTP 1.1) valid responses for a HTTP DELETE
 * are 200 (OK), 202 (Accepted) and 204 (No Content).
 * @param response response code from the HTTP PUT
 * @return true if upload was successful, false otherwise.
 *//* w  w  w. ja va 2  s  .c  o  m*/
private boolean deleteSuccessful(final int response) {
    return response == HttpStatus.SC_OK || response == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED
            || response == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.fs.swift.snative.SwiftNativeFileSystemStore.java

 * List a directory./*from   w w  w.j  av a2 s  .c om*/
 * This is O(n) for the number of objects in this path.
 * @param path path to list
 * @param nameOnly should the status be minimal (name) or should
 * the (expensive) operation be made to ask for it.
 * @return the filestats of all the entities in the directory -or
 * an empty list if no objects were found listed under that prefix
 * @throws IOException IO problems
private List<FileStatus> listDirectory(SwiftObjectPath path, boolean recursive, boolean nameOnly)
        throws IOException {
    final byte[] bytes;
    final ArrayList<FileStatus> files = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
    try {
        if (recursive) {
            bytes = swiftRestClient.findObjectsByPrefix(path, null);
        } else {
            bytes = swiftRestClient.listObjectsInDirectory(path);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("" + "File/Directory not found " + path);
        if (SwiftUtils.isRootDir(path)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            throw e;
    } catch (SwiftInvalidResponseException e) {
        //bad HTTP error code
        if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) {
            //this can come back on a root list if the container is empty
            if (SwiftUtils.isRootDir(path)) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            } else {
                //NO_CONTENT returned on something other than the root directory;
                //see if it is there, and convert to empty list or not found
                //depending on whether the entry exists.
                FileStatus stat = getObjectMetadata(getCorrectSwiftPath(path));

                if (SwiftUtils.isDirectory(stat)) {
                    //it's an empty directory. state that
                    return Collections.emptyList();
                } else {
                    //it's a file -return that as the status
                    return files;
        } else {
            //a different status code: rethrow immediately
            throw e;

    //the byte array contains the files separated by newlines
    final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(new String(bytes), "\n");

    Map<String, Boolean> names = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
    //insert own name as one to skip
    names.put(path.getObject(), true);

    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String pathInSwift = tokenizer.nextToken();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("entry: " + pathInSwift);
        if (!pathInSwift.startsWith("/")) {
            pathInSwift = "/".concat(pathInSwift);
        Path childPath = new Path(pathInSwift);
        if (!names.containsKey(pathInSwift)) {
            names.put(pathInSwift, true);
            names.put(pathInSwift + "/", true);
            //For each entry, get the metadata.
            try {
                FileStatus metadata;
                if (nameOnly) {
                    metadata = new SwiftFileStatus(0, false, 0, 0, 0, childPath);
                } else {
                    metadata = getObjectMetadata(childPath);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                //get Object metadata failed
                LOG.info("Object " + childPath + " was deleted during directory listing");
        } else {
            //hash map
            LOG.debug("skipping adding self to path");
    return files;