Example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_FORBIDDEN

List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_FORBIDDEN


In this page you can find the example usage for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_FORBIDDEN.



To view the source code for org.apache.commons.httpclient HttpStatus SC_FORBIDDEN.

Click Source Link


<tt>403 Forbidden</tt> (HTTP/1.0 - RFC 1945)


From source file:org.picketlink.test.authentication.web.BasicAuthenticationSchemeFromAjaxClientTestCase.java

public void testUnsuccessfulAuthentication() throws Exception {
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(getProtectedResourceURL());

    prepareAjaxRequest(request);//from  ww w. j ava 2 s . co  m

    WebResponse response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());

    prepareAuthenticationRequest(request, DEFAULT_USERNAME, "bad_passwd");

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());

From source file:org.picketlink.test.authentication.web.ClientCertAuthenticationSchemeTestCase.java

public void testSuccessfulAuthentication() throws Exception {
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(getProtectedResourceURL());
    WebResponse response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());


    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Protected Page", response.getContentAsString());

    request.setUrl(getContextPath());// ww w.  ja  v a  2  s . com
    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Index Page", response.getContentAsString());

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Protected Page", response.getContentAsString());

From source file:org.picketlink.test.authentication.web.DigestAuthenticationSchemeFromAjaxClientTestCase.java

public void testSuccessfulAuthentication() throws Exception {
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(getProtectedResourceURL());

    prepareAjaxRequest(request);/*w  w  w .ja  va 2  s. c om*/

    WebResponse response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());

    String authenticateHeader = response.getResponseHeaderValue("WWW-Authenticate");

    assertTrue(authenticateHeader.contains("Digest realm=\"Test Realm\""));

    prepareAuthenticationRequest(request, response, "john", "passwd");

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Protected Page", response.getContentAsString());

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Index Page", response.getContentAsString());

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, response.getStatusCode());
    assertEquals("Protected Page", response.getContentAsString());

From source file:org.picketlink.test.authentication.web.DigestAuthenticationSchemeFromAjaxClientTestCase.java

public void testUnsuccessfulAuthentication() throws Exception {
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    WebRequestSettings request = new WebRequestSettings(getProtectedResourceURL());

    prepareAjaxRequest(request);//  w w  w.  j av a2 s.  c om

    WebResponse response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());
    prepareAuthenticationRequest(request, response, "john", "bad_passwd");

    response = client.loadWebResponse(request);

    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, response.getStatusCode());

From source file:org.projectforge.web.address.PhoneLookUpServlet.java

protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    final String number = req.getParameter("nr");
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(number) == true || StringUtils.containsOnly(number, "+1234567890 -/") == false) {
        log.warn(//from  w w  w .  j ava2s  .c  o m
                "Bad request, request parameter nr not given or contains invalid characters (only +0123456789 -/ are allowed): "
                        + number);

    final String key = req.getParameter("key");
    final String expectedKey = ConfigXml.getInstance().getPhoneLookupKey();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(expectedKey) == true) {
                "Servlet call for receiving phonelookups ignored because phoneLookupKey is not given in config.xml file.");
    if (expectedKey.equals(key) == false) {
        log.warn("Servlet call for phonelookups ignored because phoneLookupKey does not match given key: "
                + key);

    final String searchNumber = NumberHelper.extractPhonenumber(number);
    final AddressDao addressDao = (AddressDao) Registry.instance().getDao(AddressDao.class);

    final BaseSearchFilter filter = new BaseSearchFilter();
    filter.setSearchString("*" + searchNumber);
    final QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter(filter);

    final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    // Use internal get list method for avoiding access checking (no user is logged-in):
    final List<AddressDO> list = addressDao.internalGetList(queryFilter);
    if (list != null && list.size() >= 1) {
        AddressDO result = list.get(0);
        if (list.size() > 1) {
            // More than one result, therefore find the newest one:
            buf.append("+"); // Mark that more than one entry does exist.
            for (final AddressDO matchingUser : list) {
                if (matchingUser.getLastUpdate().after(result.getLastUpdate()) == true) {
                    result = matchingUser;
        final String fullname = result.getFullName();
        final String organization = result.getOrganization();
        StringHelper.listToString(buf, "; ", fullname, organization);
    } else {
        /* mit Thomas abgesprochen. */

From source file:org.rhq.enterprise.server.legacy.rss.DownloadPatchTest.java

public void testAccessDownloadsNoUser() throws Exception {
    int statusCode = accessDownload("", "", "");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, statusCode);

From source file:org.rhq.enterprise.server.legacy.rss.DownloadPatchTest.java

public void testAccessDownloadsNoPassword() throws Exception {
    int statusCode = accessDownload("fmerenda@jboss.org", "", "");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, statusCode);

From source file:org.rhq.enterprise.server.legacy.rss.DownloadPatchTest.java

public void testAccessDownloadsInvalidPassword() throws Exception {
    int statusCode = accessDownload("fmerenda@jboss.org", "xxxxx", "");
    assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, statusCode);

From source file:org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugins.url.HttpProvider.java

 * Given any URL, will return a stream to that URL using the HTTP client and GET method
 * for the authentication as defined in this content source's configuration.
 * /*from  w ww .  j  a  v  a  2  s .  c o m*/
 * @param url the URL whose stream of content is returned
 * @return stream containing the content for the given URL
 * @throws Exception if cannot get the streamed content
protected InputStream getInputStreamForUrl(URL url) throws Exception {
    String fullLocation = url.toString();

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    HttpMethodBase method = new GetMethod(fullLocation);
    prepareHttpClient(client, method);
    int status = client.executeMethod(method);

    switch (status) {
    case HttpStatus.SC_OK: {
        break; // good to go

    case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: {
        throw new Exception("Could not find the content at URL [" + fullLocation
                + "]. Make sure the content source defines a valid URL.");

    case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED:
    case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN: {
        throw new Exception("Invalid login credentials specified for user [" + username + "]. Make sure "
                + "this user is valid and the password specified for this content source is correct.");

    default: {
        throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve content. status code=" + status);

    InputStream stream = method.getResponseBodyAsStream();

    return stream;

From source file:org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.storage.remote.commonshttpclient.CommonsHttpClientRemoteStorage.java

 * Execute method. In case of any exception thrown by HttpClient, it will release the connection. In other cases it
 * is the duty of caller to do it, or process the input stream.
 * /*from w  w w .  jav a2s  .  co m*/
 * @param method the method
 * @return the int
protected int doExecuteMethod(ProxyRepository repository, ResourceStoreRequest request, HttpMethod method,
        URL remoteUrl) throws RemoteStorageException {
    URI methodURI = null;

    try {
        methodURI = method.getURI();
    } catch (URIException e) {
        getLogger().debug("Could not format debug log message", e);

    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
        getLogger().debug("Invoking HTTP " + method.getName() + " method against remote location " + methodURI);

    RemoteStorageContext ctx = getRemoteStorageContext(repository);

    HttpClient httpClient = (HttpClient) ctx.getContextObject(CTX_KEY_CLIENT);

    HostConfiguration httpConfiguration = (HostConfiguration) ctx.getContextObject(CTX_KEY_HTTP_CONFIGURATION);

    method.setRequestHeader(new Header("user-agent", formatUserAgentString(ctx, repository)));
    method.setRequestHeader(new Header("accept", "*/*"));
    method.setRequestHeader(new Header("accept-language", "en-us"));
    method.setRequestHeader(new Header("accept-encoding", "gzip, identity"));
    method.setRequestHeader(new Header("cache-control", "no-cache"));

    // HTTP keep alive should not be used, except when NTLM is used
    Boolean isNtlmUsed = (Boolean) ctx.getContextObject(HttpClientProxyUtil.NTLM_IS_IN_USE_KEY);

    if (isNtlmUsed == null || !isNtlmUsed) {
        method.setRequestHeader(new Header("Connection", "close"));
        method.setRequestHeader(new Header("Proxy-Connection", "close"));


    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ctx.getRemoteConnectionSettings().getQueryString())) {

    int resultCode;

    try {
        resultCode = httpClient.executeMethod(httpConfiguration, method);

        final Header httpServerHeader = method.getResponseHeader("server");
                httpServerHeader == null ? null : httpServerHeader.getValue());

        Header proxyReturnedErrorHeader = method.getResponseHeader(NEXUS_MISSING_ARTIFACT_HEADER);
        boolean proxyReturnedError = proxyReturnedErrorHeader != null
                && Boolean.valueOf(proxyReturnedErrorHeader.getValue());

        if (resultCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) {
            throw new RemoteAccessDeniedException(repository, remoteUrl,
        } else if (resultCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) {
            throw new RemoteAuthenticationNeededException(repository,
        } else if (resultCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK && proxyReturnedError) {
            throw new RemoteStorageException(
                    "Invalid artifact found, most likely a proxy redirected to an HTML error page.");
    } catch (RemoteStorageException e) {

        throw e;
    } catch (HttpException ex) {

        throw new RemoteStorageException("Protocol error while executing " + method.getName()
                + " method. [repositoryId=\"" + repository.getId() + "\", requestPath=\""
                + request.getRequestPath() + "\", remoteUrl=\"" + methodURI + "\"]", ex);
    } catch (IOException ex) {

        throw new RemoteStorageException("Transport error while executing " + method.getName()
                + " method [repositoryId=\"" + repository.getId() + "\", requestPath=\""
                + request.getRequestPath() + "\", remoteUrl=\"" + methodURI + "\"]", ex);

    return resultCode;