List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser parse
public CommandLine parse(Options options, String[] arguments, boolean stopAtNonOption) throws ParseException
From source
/** * @param args the command line areactionWithLayoutgumentheaderString */// ww w. j a va 2 s .c o m public static void main(String[] args) { try { CommandLineOptions cmd = new CommandLineOptions(); Options createAAMOptions = cmd.createAAMOptions(); Options createCompareOptions = cmd.createCompareOptions(); Options createAnnotateOptions = cmd.createAnnotateOptions(); DefaultParser parser1 = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine aamLine = parser1.parse(createAAMOptions, args, true); DefaultParser parser2 = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine compareLine = parser2.parse(createCompareOptions, args, true); DefaultParser parser3 = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine annotateLine = parser3.parse(createAnnotateOptions, args, true); /* * Print the Header */ getHeader(); if (aamLine.hasOption('j') && aamLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("AAM") && aamLine.hasOption('Q') && aamLine.hasOption('q') && aamLine.hasOption('f')) { out.println("-- AAM --"); ReactionDecoder rxn = new ReactionDecoder(); rxn.AAMTask(aamLine, createAAMOptions); } else if (compareLine.hasOption('j') && compareLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("COMPARE") && compareLine.hasOption('Q') && compareLine.hasOption('q') && compareLine.hasOption('T') && compareLine.hasOption('t') && compareLine.hasOption('f')) { out.println("-- COMPARE --"); ReactionDecoder rxn = new ReactionDecoder(); rxn.CompareTask(compareLine, createCompareOptions); } else if (annotateLine.hasOption('j') && annotateLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("ANNOTATE") && annotateLine.hasOption('Q') && annotateLine.hasOption('q') && annotateLine.hasOption('f')) { out.println("-- ANNOTATE --"); ReactionDecoder rxn = new ReactionDecoder(); rxn.AnnotateTask(annotateLine, createAnnotateOptions); } else if (aamLine.hasOption('j') && aamLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("AAM")) { out.println("-- AAM USAGE --"); printHelp(out, createAAMOptions); } else if (compareLine.hasOption('j') && compareLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("COMPARE")) { out.println("-- REACTION COMPARE USAGE --"); printHelp(out, createCompareOptions); } else if (compareLine.hasOption('j') && compareLine.getOptionValue("j").equalsIgnoreCase("ANNOTATE")) { out.println("-- REACTION ANNOTATION USAGE --"); printHelp(out, createAnnotateOptions); } else { out.println("-- REACTION DECODER HELP --"); Map<String, Options> options = new TreeMap<>(); options.put("Atom-Atom Mapping (AAM-Tool)", createAAMOptions); options.put("Reaction Annotation (RA-Tool)", createAnnotateOptions); options.put("Reaction Comparison (RC-Tool)", createCompareOptions); printHelp(options, 80, "EC-BLAST", "End of Help", 5, 3, true, out); } } catch (ParseException ex) { getLogger(ReactionDecoder.class.getName()).log(SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger(ReactionDecoder.class.getName()).log(SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
/** * Parses the options in the command line arguments and returns an array of * strings corresponding to the filenames given as arguments only * * @param args// ww w .j a v a 2 s .com * @throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public void parseCommandLineOptions(String[] args) throws ParseException { options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Help page for command usage"); options.addOption("s", false, "SubStructure detection"); options.addOption("a", false, "Add Hydrogen"); options.addOption("x", false, "Match Atom Type"); options.addOption("r", false, "Remove Hydrogen"); options.addOption("z", false, "Ring matching"); options.addOption("b", false, "Match Bond types (Single, Double etc)"); options.addOption(Option.builder("q").argName("query_file").hasArg().desc("Query filename").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("t").argName("target_file").hasArg().desc("Target filename").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("S").argName("suffix").hasArg().desc("Add suffix to the files").build()); options.addOption("g", false, "create png of the mapping"); options.addOption(Option.builder("d").argName("WIDTHxHEIGHT").hasArg() .desc("Dimension of the image in pixels").build()); options.addOption("m", false, "Report all Mappings"); String filterDescr = "Default: 0, Stereo: 1, " + "Stereo+Fragment: 2, Stereo+Fragment+Energy: 3"; options.addOption(Option.builder("f").argName("filter_number").hasArg().desc(filterDescr).build()); options.addOption("A", false, "Appends output to existing files, else creates new files"); options.addOption(Option.builder("N").desc("Do N-way MCS on the target SD file").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("Q").argName("query_type").hasArg().desc("Query type (MOL, SMI, etc.)").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("T").argName("target_type").hasArg() .desc("Target type (MOL, SMI, SMIF, etc.)").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("o").argName("filename").hasArg().desc("Output the substructure to a file").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("O").argName("type").hasArg().desc("Output type (SMI, MOL)").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("I").argName("option=value").hasArg().desc("Image options").build()); DefaultParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args, true); if (line.hasOption('Q')) { queryType = line.getOptionValue("Q"); } //else { // queryType = "MOL"; // } //XXX default type? if (line.hasOption('T')) { targetType = line.getOptionValue("T"); } else { targetType = "MOL"; } if (line.hasOption('a')) { this.setApplyHAdding(true); } if (line.hasOption('r')) { this.setApplyHRemoval(true); } if (line.hasOption('m')) { this.setAllMapping(true); } if (line.hasOption('s')) { this.setSubstructureMode(true); } if (line.hasOption('g')) { this.setImage(true); } if (line.hasOption('b')) { this.setMatchBondType(true); } if (line.hasOption('z')) { this.setMatchRingType(true); } if (line.hasOption('x')) { this.setMatchAtomType(true); } remainingArgs = line.getArgs(); if (line.hasOption('h') || line.getOptions().length == 0) { // System.out.println("Hello"); helpRequested = true; } if (line.hasOption('S')) { String[] suffix_reader = line.getOptionValues('S'); if (suffix_reader.length < 1) { System.out.println("Suffix required!"); helpRequested = true; } setSuffix(suffix_reader[0]); setApplySuffix(true); } if (line.hasOption('f')) { String[] filters = line.getOptionValues('f'); if (filters.length < 1) { System.out.println("Chemical filter required (Ranges: 0 to 3)!"); helpRequested = true; } setChemFilter((int) new Integer(filters[0])); } if (line.hasOption('q')) { queryFilepath = line.getOptionValue('q'); } if (line.hasOption('t')) { targetFilepath = line.getOptionValue('t'); } if (line.hasOption("A")) { this.setAppendMode(true); } if (line.hasOption("N")) { setNMCS(true); } if (line.hasOption("o")) { outputSubgraph = true; outputFilepath = line.getOptionValue("o"); } if (line.hasOption("O")) { outputFiletype = line.getOptionValue("O"); } else { outputFiletype = "MOL"; } if (line.hasOption("d")) { String dimensionString = line.getOptionValue("d"); if (dimensionString.contains("x")) { String[] parts = dimensionString.split("x"); try { setImageWidth(Integer.parseInt(parts[0])); setImageHeight(Integer.parseInt(parts[1])); System.out.println("set image dim to " + getImageWidth() + "x" + getImageHeight()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ParseException("Malformed dimension string " + dimensionString); } } else { throw new ParseException("Malformed dimension string " + dimensionString); } } if (line.hasOption("I")) { imageProperties = line.getOptionProperties("I"); if (imageProperties.isEmpty()) { // used just "-I" by itself isImageOptionHelp = true; } } }