List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.beanutils PropertyUtils getPropertyDescriptors
public static PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(Object bean)
Retrieve the property descriptors for the specified bean, introspecting and caching them the first time a particular bean class is encountered.
For more details see PropertyUtilsBean
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/** * @param businessObject - business object to validate *///from ww w .j a v a2 s .c o m public void validateBusinessObjectsRecursively(Object businessObject, int depth) { if (KRADUtils.isNull(businessObject)) { return; } // validate primitives and any specific bo validation validateBusinessObject(businessObject); // call method to recursively find business objects and validate validateBusinessObjectsFromDescriptors(businessObject, PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(businessObject.getClass()), depth); }
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@Override public void setObjectPropertyDeep(Object bo, String propertyName, Class type, Object propertyValue) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { DataObjectWrapper<Object> dataObjectWrapper = dataObjectService.wrap(bo); // Base return cases to avoid null pointers & infinite loops if (KRADUtils.isNull(bo) || !PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyName) || (propertyValue != null/*from w w w . java2 s . c o m*/ && propertyValue.equals(dataObjectWrapper.getPropertyValueNullSafe(propertyName))) || (type != null && !type.equals(KRADUtils.easyGetPropertyType(bo, propertyName)))) { return; } // Set the property in the BO KRADUtils.setObjectProperty(bo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); // Now drill down and check nested BOs and BO lists PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(bo.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i]; // Business Objects if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (BusinessObject.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName())) { Object nestedBo = dataObjectWrapper.getPropertyValueNullSafe(propertyDescriptor.getName()); if (nestedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(nestedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); } } // Lists else if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (List.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && dataObjectWrapper.getPropertyValueNullSafe(propertyDescriptor.getName()) != null) { List propertyList = (List) dataObjectWrapper.getPropertyValueNullSafe(propertyDescriptor.getName()); for (Object listedBo : propertyList) { if (listedBo != null && listedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(listedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); } } // end for } } // end for }
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/** * Given a BusinessObject class and an attribute name, determines the class of that attribute on the BusinessObject class * @param boClass a class extending BusinessObject * @param attributeKey the name of a field on that class * @return the Class of the given attribute *///from w w w . ja v a2s . c o m private static Class<?> thieveAttributeType(Class<?> boClass, String attributeKey) { for (PropertyDescriptor prop : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(boClass)) { if (prop.getName().equals(attributeKey)) { return prop.getPropertyType(); } } return null; }
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/** * Recursive; sets all occurences of the property in the object, its nested objects and its object lists with the * given value.//w w w . j av a 2 s. c om * * @param bo * @param propertyName * @param type * @param propertyValue * @throws NoSuchMethodException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws IllegalAccessException */ public static void setObjectPropertyDeep(Object bo, String propertyName, Class type, Object propertyValue) throws FormatException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { // Base return cases to avoid null pointers & infinite loops if (isNull(bo) || !PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyName) || (propertyValue != null && propertyValue.equals(getPropertyValue(bo, propertyName))) || (type != null && !type.equals(easyGetPropertyType(bo, propertyName)))) { return; } // need to materialize the updateable collections before resetting the property, because it may be used in the retrieval materializeUpdateableCollections(bo); // Set the property in the BO setObjectProperty(bo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); // Now drill down and check nested BOs and BO lists PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(bo.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i]; // Business Objects if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (BusinessObject.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName())) { Object nestedBo = getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()); if (nestedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(nestedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); } } // Lists else if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (List.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()) != null) { List propertyList = (List) getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()); for (Object listedBo : propertyList) { if (listedBo != null && listedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(listedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); } } // end for } } // end for }
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public static void setObjectPropertyDeep(Object bo, String propertyName, Class type, Object propertyValue, int depth) throws FormatException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { // Base return cases to avoid null pointers & infinite loops if (depth == 0 || isNull(bo) || !PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyName)) { return;/* w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } // need to materialize the updateable collections before resetting the property, because it may be used in the retrieval try { materializeUpdateableCollections(bo); } catch (ClassNotPersistableException ex) { //Not all classes will be persistable in a collection. For e.g. externalizable business objects."Not persistable dataObjectClass: " + bo.getClass().getName() + ", field: " + propertyName); } // Set the property in the BO setObjectProperty(bo, propertyName, type, propertyValue); // Now drill down and check nested BOs and BO lists PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(bo.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i]; // Business Objects if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (BusinessObject.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && PropertyUtils.isReadable(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName())) { Object nestedBo = getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()); if (nestedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(nestedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue, depth - 1); } } // Lists else if (propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType() != null && (List.class).isAssignableFrom(propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType()) && getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()) != null) { List propertyList = (List) getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()); // Complete Hibernate Hack - fetches the proxied List into the PersistenceContext and sets it on the BO Copy. // if (propertyList instanceof PersistentBag) { // try { // PersistentBag bag = (PersistentBag) propertyList; // PersistableBusinessObject pbo = // (PersistableBusinessObject) KRADServiceLocator.getEntityManagerFactory() // .createEntityManager().find(bo.getClass(), bag.getKey()); // Field field1 = pbo.getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyDescriptor.getName()); // Field field2 = bo.getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyDescriptor.getName()); // field1.setAccessible(true); // field2.setAccessible(true); // field2.set(bo, field1.get(pbo)); // propertyList = (List) getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptor.getName()); // ; // } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); // } // } // End Complete Hibernate Hack for (Object listedBo : propertyList) { if (listedBo != null && listedBo instanceof BusinessObject) { setObjectPropertyDeep(listedBo, propertyName, type, propertyValue, depth - 1); } } // end for } } // end for }
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/** * This method checks for updateable collections on the business object provided and materializes the corresponding * collection proxies/* w ww .j a v a 2 s . com*/ * * @param bo The business object for which you want unpdateable, proxied collections materialized * @throws FormatException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws NoSuchMethodException */ public static void materializeUpdateableCollections(Object bo) throws FormatException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { if (isNotNull(bo)) { PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(bo.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) { if (KNSServiceLocator.getPersistenceStructureService().hasCollection(bo.getClass(), propertyDescriptors[i].getName()) && KNSServiceLocator.getPersistenceStructureService().isCollectionUpdatable(bo.getClass(), propertyDescriptors[i].getName())) { Collection updateableCollection = (Collection) getPropertyValue(bo, propertyDescriptors[i].getName()); if ((updateableCollection != null) && ProxyHelper.isCollectionProxy(updateableCollection)) { materializeObjects(updateableCollection); } } } } }
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private Object cloneEntityOfDomain(String entityId, String domainTypeName) { DomainTypeAdministrationConfiguration domainTypeConfiguration = configuration.forEntityName(domainTypeName); DynamicJpaRepository repository = domainTypeConfiguration.getRepository(); PersistentEntity persistentEntity = domainTypeConfiguration.getPersistentEntity(); Serializable id = (Serializable) conversionService.convert(entityId, persistentEntity.getIdProperty().getActualType()); Object found = repository.findOne(id); if (found != null) { try {/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om*/ Object newInstance = null; if (found instanceof CloneableEntity) { newInstance = CloneableEntity.class.cast(found).clone(); } else { newInstance = domainTypeConfiguration.getDomainType().newInstance(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(found, newInstance, persistentEntity.getIdProperty().getName()); PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(newInstance); for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) { if (propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod() != null && propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod() != null) { Object value = propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(newInstance); Object newValue = null; try { if (value instanceof SortedSet) { newValue = new TreeSet(SortedSet.class.cast(value)); } else if (value instanceof Set) { newValue = new HashSet(Set.class.cast(value)); } else if (value instanceof SortedMap) { newValue = new TreeMap(SortedMap.class.cast(value)); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { newValue = new ArrayList(Collection.class.cast(value)); } else if (value instanceof Map) { newValue = new HashMap(Map.class.cast(value)); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Can't clone " + propertyDescriptor.getName(), t); } } if (newValue != null) { propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(newInstance, newValue); } } } } Object saved = repository.saveAndFlush(newInstance); PersistentProperty idProperty = persistentEntity.getIdProperty(); Field idField = idProperty.getField(); idField.setAccessible(true); return idProperty.usePropertyAccess() ? idProperty.getGetter().invoke(saved) : idField.get(saved); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } else { return null; } }
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/** * Returns the property descriptor for the given class and the property. * /*from w ww. java 2s. c o m*/ * @param componentClass * @param property * @return */ protected PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(Class<?> componentClass, String property) { PropertyDescriptor result = null; for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(componentClass)) { if (descriptor.getName().equals(property)) { result = descriptor; break; } } return result; }
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private void deepLoadDomainObject(AbstractObject<?> object, Object guideObj) { PropertyDescriptor[] properties = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(unproxy(object)); for (PropertyDescriptor property : properties) { String pName = property.getName(); if (PropertyUtils.isWriteable(object, pName) && PropertyUtils.isReadable(object, pName)) { try { Object propGuideObject = property.getReadMethod().invoke(guideObj); if (null != propGuideObject) { Object unproxied = deepLoad(property.getReadMethod().invoke(object), propGuideObject); property.getWriteMethod().invoke(object, unproxied); }//from w w w. j av a 2s .c o m } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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public void evaluaTodo(ViewValidIndicator evaluacionGeneral) { try {// ww w . ja v a 2s.c om for (PropertyDescriptor x : PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(this)) { if (EstatusValidacion.class.isAssignableFrom(x.getPropertyType())) { EstatusValidacion arg = (EstatusValidacion) PropertyUtils.getProperty(this, x.getName()); if (!arg.isValido()) { evaluacionGeneral.setValido(false); return; } } } evaluacionGeneral.setValido(true); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No se logro evaluar", ex); } }