Example usage for opennlp.tools.doccat DocumentCategorizer getBestCategory

List of usage examples for opennlp.tools.doccat DocumentCategorizer getBestCategory


In this page you can find the example usage for opennlp.tools.doccat DocumentCategorizer getBestCategory.


String getBestCategory(double[] outcome);

Source Link


get the best category from previously generated outcome probabilities


From source file:com.tamingtext.classifier.maxent.TestMaxent.java

private static void runTest(File[] inputFiles, DocumentCategorizer categorizer, Tokenizer tokenizer,
        ResultAnalyzer resultAnalyzer) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    String line;/*from  w  w  w.ja v a 2 s  .c  o  m*/
    //<start id="maxent.examples.test.execute"/>
    for (File ff : inputFiles) {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ff));
        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] parts = line.split("\t");
            if (parts.length != 2)

            String docText = parts[1]; //<co id="tmt.preprocess"/>
            String[] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(docText);

            double[] probs = categorizer.categorize(tokens); //<co id="tmt.categorize"/>
            String label = categorizer.getBestCategory(probs);
            int bestIndex = categorizer.getIndex(label);
            double score = probs[bestIndex];

            ClassifierResult result //<co id="tmt.collect"/>
                    = new ClassifierResult(label, score);
            resultAnalyzer.addInstance(parts[0], result);

    System.err.println(resultAnalyzer.toString()); //<co id="tmt.summarize"/>
     * <callout arearefs="tmt.preprocess">Preprocess text</callout>
     * <callout arearefs="tmt.categorize">Categorize</callout>
     * <callout arearefs="tmt.collect">Analyze Results</callout>
     * <callout arearefs="tmt.summarize">Present Results</callout>
     * </calloutlist>*/
    //<end id="maxent.examples.test.execute"/>