Example usage for junit.framework Assert fail

List of usage examples for junit.framework Assert fail


In this page you can find the example usage for junit.framework Assert fail.


static public void fail(String message) 

Source Link


Fails a test with the given message.


From source file:de.hybris.platform.test.ThreadPoolTest.java

 * CORE-66PLA-10816 Potential chance to fetch a PoolableThread with pending transaction from previous run
 * /*from  ww  w  . jav  a 2s .c o m*/
 * together with setting logger level for a log4j.logger.de.hybris.platform.util.threadpool=DEBUG prints out
 * information who/where started the stale transaction
public void testTransactionCleanUp() throws Exception {
    final Queue<Transaction> recordedTransactions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>();

    final boolean flagBefore = Config.getBoolean("transaction.monitor.begin", false);
    Config.setParameter("transaction.monitor.begin", "true");
    ThreadPool pool = null;

    try {
        // create own pool since we don't want to mess up the system
        pool = new ThreadPool(Registry.getCurrentTenantNoFallback().getTenantID(), MAX_THREADS);

        final GenericObjectPool.Config config = new GenericObjectPool.Config();
        config.maxActive = MAX_THREADS;
        config.maxIdle = 1;
        config.maxWait = -1;
        config.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK;
        config.testOnBorrow = true;
        config.testOnReturn = true;
        config.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 30 * 1000; // keep idle threads for at most 30 sec

        final int maxSize = pool.getMaxActive();
        final int activeBefore = pool.getNumActive();
        final List<NoClosingTransactionProcess> started = new ArrayList<NoClosingTransactionProcess>(maxSize);
        for (int i = activeBefore; i < maxSize; i++) {
            final PoolableThread poolableThread = pool.borrowThread();
            final NoClosingTransactionProcess noClosingTransactionProcess = new NoClosingTransactionProcess();

        transacationStartingBarrier.await(); //await for all transacations to start

        //record all started  transactions
        for (final NoClosingTransactionProcess singleStarted : started) {

        finishedStaleTransactionLatch.await(180, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        Thread.sleep(1000);//give them 1 second to finish

        final List<HasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess> ranAfter = new ArrayList<HasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess>(
        Transaction recordedTransaction = recordedTransactions.poll();
        do {
            final PoolableThread poolableThread = pool.borrowThread();
            final HasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess hasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess = new HasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess(
            recordedTransaction = recordedTransactions.poll();
        } while (recordedTransaction != null);
        //still can borrow

        //verify if really Thread had a non started transaction on the enter
        for (final HasNoCurrentRunningTransactionProcess singleRanAfter : ranAfter) {
            if (singleRanAfter.getException() != null) {
                Assert.fail("Some of the thread(s) captured not finshied transaction in the pool ");
    } finally {
        if (pool != null) {
            try {
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                // can't help it
        Config.setParameter("transaction.monitor.begin", BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(flagBefore));


From source file:com.imaginary.home.cloud.CloudTest.java

private void setupLocation() throws Exception {
    if (apiKeyId == null) {
        setupUser();//from   ww w. j a v a2s .  co m
    HashMap<String, Object> lstate = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    long key = (System.currentTimeMillis() % 100000);

    lstate.put("name", "My Home " + key);
    lstate.put("description", "Integration test location");
    lstate.put("timeZone", TimeZone.getDefault().getID());

    HttpClient client = getClient();

    HttpPost method = new HttpPost(cloudAPI + "/location");
    long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    method.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    method.addHeader("x-imaginary-version", VERSION);
    method.addHeader("x-imaginary-timestamp", String.valueOf(timestamp));
    method.addHeader("x-imaginary-api-key", apiKeyId);
    method.addHeader("x-imaginary-signature", CloudService.sign(apiKeySecret.getBytes("utf-8"),
            "post:/location:" + apiKeyId + ":" + timestamp + ":" + VERSION));

    //noinspection deprecation
    method.setEntity(new StringEntity((new JSONObject(lstate)).toString(), "application/json", "UTF-8"));

    HttpResponse response;
    StatusLine status;

    try {
        response = client.execute(method);
        status = response.getStatusLine();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CommunicationException(e);
    if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED) {
        String json = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
        JSONObject u = new JSONObject(json);

        locationId = (u.has("locationId") && !u.isNull("locationId")) ? u.getString("locationId") : null;
    } else {
        Assert.fail("Failed to create location (" + status.getStatusCode() + ": "
                + EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));

From source file:net.malariagen.gatk.test.WalkerTest.java

 * execute the test, given the following:
 * @param name     the name of the test//from w  ww  .  j  ava  2s  .  co m
 * @param args     the argument list
 * @param expectedException the expected exception or null
public static void executeTest(String name, String args, Class<?> expectedException) {
    CommandLineGATK instance = new CommandLineGATK();
    String[] command = Utils.escapeExpressions(args);
    // add the logging level to each of the integration test commands
    //       command = Utils.appendArray(command, "-et", ENABLE_REPORTING ? "STANDARD" : "NO_ET");
    // run the executable
    boolean gotAnException = false;
    try {
                String.format("Executing test %s with GATK arguments: %s", name, Utils.join(" ", command)));
        CommandLineExecutable.start(instance, command);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        gotAnException = true;
        if (expectedException != null) {
            // we expect an exception
            System.out.println(String.format("Wanted exception %s, saw %s", expectedException, e.getClass()));
            if (expectedException.isInstance(e)) {
                // it's the type we expected
                System.out.println(String.format("  => %s PASSED", name));
            } else {
                Assert.fail(String.format("Test %s expected exception %s but got %s instead", name,
                        expectedException, e.getClass()));
        } else {
            // we didn't expect an exception but we got one :-(
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // catch failures from the integration test
    if (expectedException != null) {
        if (!gotAnException)
            // we expected an exception but didn't see it
            Assert.fail(String.format("Test %s expected exception %s but none was thrown", name,
    } else {
        if (CommandLineExecutable.result != 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error running the GATK with arguments: " + args);

From source file:BQJDBC.QueryResultTest.BQForwardOnlyResultSetFunctionTest.java

public void TestResultSetgetFloat() {
    try {// w w w . j a v  a 2s.co m
        Assert.assertEquals(new Float(42), BQForwardOnlyResultSetFunctionTest.Result.getFloat(2));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());
        Assert.fail("SQLException" + e.toString());

From source file:BQJDBC.QueryResultTest.BQScrollableResultSetFunctionTest.java

 * Makes a new Bigquery Connection to URL in file and gives back the
 * Connection to static con member.//from   w w w.j  a  va 2s .com
public void NewConnection() {

    try {
        if (BQScrollableResultSetFunctionTest.con == null
                || !BQScrollableResultSetFunctionTest.con.isValid(0)) {
            this.logger.info("Testing the JDBC driver");
            try {
                BQScrollableResultSetFunctionTest.con = DriverManager.getConnection(
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.logger.error("Error in connection" + e.toString());
                Assert.fail("General Exception:" + e.toString());
            this.logger.info(((BQConnection) BQScrollableResultSetFunctionTest.con).getURLPART());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.debug("Oops something went wrong", e);

From source file:io.fabric8.quickstarts.restdsl.spark.CrmIT.java

 * HTTP PUT http://localhost:8181/cxf/crm/customerservice/customers is used to upload the contents of
 * the update_customer.xml file to update the customer information for customer 123.
 * <p/>//w w  w. ja  v  a 2s .c  o m
 * On the server side, it matches the CustomerService's updateCustomer() method
 * @throws Exception
public void putCustomerTest() throws IOException {

    LOG.info("Sent HTTP PUT request to update customer info");

    String inputFile = this.getClass().getResource("/update_customer.xml").getFile();
    File input = new File(inputFile);
    PutMethod put = new PutMethod(CUSTOMER_SERVICE_URL);
    RequestEntity entity = new FileRequestEntity(input, "application/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1");
    HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
    int result = 0;
    try {
        result = httpclient.executeMethod(put);
        LOG.info("Response status code: " + result);
        LOG.info("Response body: ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error connecting to {}", CUSTOMER_SERVICE_URL);
                "You should build the 'rest' quick start and deploy it to a local Fabric8 before running this test");
        LOG.error("Please read the README.md file in 'rest' quick start root");
        Assert.fail("Connection error");
    } finally {
        // Release current connection to the connection pool once you are
        // done

    Assert.assertEquals(result, 200);

From source file:com.mnxfst.testing.server.cfg.TestPTestServerConfigurationParser.java

public void testEvaluateNodeListAndCheckForHandlers()
        throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, XPathExpressionException {
    PTestServerConfigurationParser p = new PTestServerConfigurationParser();
    Document document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder()
            .parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(
    NodeList result = p.evaluateNodeList(p.xpathExpressionAllHandlerSettings, document);
    Assert.assertNotNull("The result must not be null", result);
    Assert.assertEquals("The result length must be 2", 2, result.getLength());

    for (int i = 0; i < result.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = result.item(i);
        String path = p.evaluateString(p.xpathExpressionHandlerPath, node);
        String clazz = p.evaluateString(p.xpathExpressionHandlerClass, node);

        if (path != null && path.equals("/test"))
            Assert.assertEquals("The type must be java.lang.String", String.class.getName(), clazz);
        else if (path != null && path.equals("/anotherTest"))
            Assert.assertEquals("The type must be java.lang.Integer", Integer.class.getName(), clazz);
        else// ww w . j  a  va2s .  c om
            Assert.fail("Invalid path '" + path + "'");

From source file:BQJDBC.QueryResultTest.BQForwardOnlyResultSetFunctionTest.java

public void TestResultSetgetInteger() {
    try {//from   ww  w .  j  a  v a2  s.c om
        Assert.assertEquals(42, BQForwardOnlyResultSetFunctionTest.Result.getInt(2));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());
        Assert.fail("SQLException" + e.toString());

From source file:BQJDBC.QueryResultTest.Timeouttest.java

public void QueryResultTest06() {
    final String sql = "SELECT corpus_date,SUM(word_count) FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare GROUP BY corpus_date ORDER BY corpus_date DESC LIMIT 5;";
    final String description = "A query which gets how many words Shapespeare wrote in a year (5 years displayed descending)";
    String[][] expectation = new String[][] { { "1612", "1611", "1610", "1609", "1608" },
            { "26265", "17593", "26181", "57073", "19846" } };

    this.logger.info("Test number: 06");
    this.logger.info("Running query:" + sql);

    java.sql.ResultSet Result = null;
    try {// w w  w . j  a  v a 2  s . c  o m
        Result = Timeouttest.con.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());
        Assert.fail("SQLException" + e.toString());



    try {
        Assert.assertTrue("Comparing failed in the String[][] array",
                this.comparer(expectation, BQSupportMethods.GetQueryResult(Result)));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());

From source file:BQJDBC.QueryResultTest.QueryResultTest.java

public void QueryResultTest06() {
    final String sql = "SELECT corpus_date,SUM(word_count) FROM publicdata:samples.shakespeare GROUP BY corpus_date ORDER BY corpus_date DESC LIMIT 5;";
    final String description = "A query which gets how many words Shapespeare wrote in a year (5 years displayed descending)";
    String[][] expectation = new String[][] { { "1612", "1611", "1610", "1609", "1608" },
            { "26265", "17593", "26181", "57073", "19846" } };

    this.logger.info("Test number: 06");
    this.logger.info("Running query:" + sql);

    java.sql.ResultSet Result = null;
    try {/*from   ww  w.  j  a v a2  s . c om*/
        Result = QueryResultTest.con.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());
        Assert.fail("SQLException" + e.toString());

    try {
        Assert.assertTrue("Comparing failed in the String[][] array",
                this.comparer(expectation, BQSupportMethods.GetQueryResult(Result)));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        this.logger.error("SQLexception" + e.toString());