List of usage examples for javax.xml.xpath XPathConstants BOOLEAN
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The XPath 1.0 boolean data type.
Maps to Java Boolean .
From source
/** * CSS should be placed in linked files and not mixed with the HTML source code. *///from w ww .j a va 2 s.c o m public void validateRpd9s1() { String exprString = "//@style"; assertFalse(Type.ERROR, "rpd9s1.attr", ((Boolean) evaluate(getElement(ELEM_BODY), exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN))); assertFalse(Type.ERROR, "rpd9s1.tag", getChildren(getElement(ELEM_BODY), "style").getNodeList().getLength() > 0); }
From source
/** * @param table Table to analyze/* w ww. ja v a2 s.c om*/ * @return true if the table contains th with ids and td */ private boolean hasTableHeadersAndIds(Node table) { boolean hasHeadersAndIds = false; String exprString = "//td[@headers]"; hasHeadersAndIds = (Boolean) evaluate(table, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); exprString = "//th[@id]"; hasHeadersAndIds = hasHeadersAndIds && (Boolean) evaluate(table, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); return hasHeadersAndIds; }
From source
/** * Use the label element to explicitly associate text with an input field in a form. *///from w ww . ja v a2s . co m public void validateRpd13s1() { String message = "rpd13s1.label"; // type = text|password|checkbox|radio|submit|reset|file|hidden|image|button List<String> inputWithoutLabels = Arrays.asList(SUBMIT, RESET, IMAGE, BUTTON, HIDDEN); for (Node input : getElements(ELEM_INPUT)) { // Some inputs doesn't need a label. if (!inputWithoutLabels.contains(getAttributeValue(input, ATTR_TYPE))) { // Labelled inputs must have an ID. String id = getAttributeValue(input, ATTR_ID); assertFalse(Type.ERROR, message, id == null); if (id != null) { // Looking for the label associated to the input. String exprString = "//label[@for='" + id + "']"; assertTrue(Type.ERROR, message, (Boolean) evaluate(this.document, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)); } } } }
From source
/** * Avoid automatic redirection during interaction with forms. *///from ww w . j a va 2s . c o m public void validateRpd13s4() { for (Node form : getElements(ELEM_FORM)) { boolean hasSubmit = false; boolean hasDynamicSelect = false; String exprString = "//input[@type='submit']"; hasSubmit = (Boolean) evaluate(form, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); exprString = "//input[@type='image']"; hasSubmit = hasSubmit || (Boolean) evaluate(this.document, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); assertTrue(Type.ERROR, "rpd13s4.submit", hasSubmit); exprString = "//select[@onchange]"; hasDynamicSelect = (Boolean) evaluate(form, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); if (hasDynamicSelect) { addError(Type.WARNING, -1, -1, ""); } } }
From source
/** * Do not add any reset buttons to forms. *///from w ww .j a v a 2 s . c om public void validateRpd13s18() { String exprString = "//input[@type='reset']"; assertFalse(Type.ERROR, "rpd13s18.reset", (Boolean) evaluate(this.document, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)); }
From source
/** * Check if an element has an child element with the given tag name. * /* w w w. ja v a2 s . c om*/ * @param element element to analyze * @param tagName tag name to search for * @return true if the element has an child element with the given tag name */ public boolean hasChildElement(Node element, String tagName) { String exprString = XPATH_CATCHALL + tagName; return (Boolean) evaluate(element, exprString, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); }
From source
private boolean eval(String expr, String content) { try {// w ww . j a v a2s . c o m NodeList ret = Tools.extractXPath(expr, content); return !(ret == null || ret.getLength() == 0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // may be evaluatable as BOOLEAN LOG.debug("XPath does not evaluate to a node list. " + "Trying to match to boolean: " + expr, e); } Boolean b = (Boolean) Tools.extractXPath(expr, content, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); return b; }
From source
public void indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(String indexLocationDirectory, String dbHost, int dbPort, String dbPassword, String dbName) throws Exception { // I'm upgrading so the baseline is the current nodes number int countNodes = getCountDocuments(); String driverXml = ""; String connectionString = ""; Collection coll;/* w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ IndexWriter w = null; Map<String, XPathExpression> fieldXpe = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();"indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(generic) is starting for [{}], and initially I have[{}] ... ", new Object[] { indexId, countNodes }); try { Directory indexTempDirectory = File(indexLocationDirectory, indexId)); w = openIndex(indexTempDirectory, indexAnalyzer); HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance() .getPreferences().getConfSubset("bs.xmldatabase"); if (null != connsConf) { driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver"); connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName; } else { logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!"); } logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString); coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString); XPathQueryService service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0"); DocumentInfo source = null; Configuration config = ((SaxonEngine) Application.getAppComponent("SaxonEngine")).trFactory .getConfiguration(); XPath xp = new XPathEvaluator(config); for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) { fieldXpe.put(, xp.compile(field.path)); logger.debug("Field Path->[{}]", field.path); } // the xmldatabase is not very correct and have memory problem for // queires with huge results, so its necessary to implement our own // iteration mechanism // // // I will collect all the results // ResourceSet set = service.query(this.env.indexDocumentPath); long numberResults = 0; ResourceSet set = service.query("count(" + indexDocumentPath + ")"); if (set.getIterator().hasMoreResources()) { numberResults = Integer.parseInt((String) set.getIterator().nextResource().getContent()); } // TODO:######################################Change this after - // this is just a performance test // float percentage=0.1F; // numberResults=Math.round(numberResults * percentage); logger.debug("Number of results->" + numberResults); long pageSizeDefault = 50000; if (numberResults > 1000000) { pageSizeDefault = 1000000; } long pageNumber = 1; int count = 0; Map<String, AttsInfo[]> cacheAtt = new HashMap<String, AttsInfo[]>(); Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAtt = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>(); Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAttValue = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>(); while ((pageNumber * pageSizeDefault) <= (numberResults + pageSizeDefault - 1)) { // calculate the last hit long pageInit = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSizeDefault + 1; long pageSize = (pageNumber * pageSizeDefault < numberResults) ? pageSizeDefault : (numberResults - pageInit + 1); service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0"); // xquery paging using subsequence function long time = System.nanoTime(); // TODO: I'm assuming that there is always an attribute @id in // each element set = service.query("for $x in(subsequence(" + indexDocumentPath + "/@id," + pageInit + "," + pageSize + ")) return string($x)"); double ms = (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000d;"Query XMLDB took ->[{}]", ms); ResourceIterator iter = set.getIterator(); XPath xp2; XPathExpression xpe2; List documentNodes; StringReader reader; // cache of distinct attributes fora each sample group while (iter.hasMoreResources()) { count++; logger.debug("its beeing processed the number ->" + count); String idToProcess = (String) iter.nextResource().getContent(); logger.debug("@id that is being processed->" + idToProcess); // I need to get the sample ResourceSet setid = service.query(indexDocumentPath + "[@id='" + idToProcess + "']"); ResourceIterator iterid = setid.getIterator(); while (iterid.hasMoreResources()) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); xml.append((String) iterid.nextResource().getContent()); // logger.debug(xml.toString()); reader = new StringReader(xml.toString()); source = config.buildDocument(new StreamSource(reader)); // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]", // PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) source, config)); Document d = new Document(); xp2 = new XPathEvaluator(source.getConfiguration()); int position = indexDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/"); // TODO: I also need to change this String pathRoot = ""; if (position != -1) { pathRoot = indexDocumentPath.substring(position); } else { pathRoot = indexDocumentPath; } // logger.debug("PathRoot->[{}]",pathRoot); xpe2 = xp2.compile(pathRoot); documentNodes = (List) xpe2.evaluate(source, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (Object node : documentNodes) { // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo)node,config)); String idElement = (String) fieldXpe.get("id").evaluate(node, XPathConstants.STRING); // I need to see if it already exists // I will also add this document if it is nor marked // as "todelete" Boolean toDelete = (Boolean) fieldXpe.get("delete").evaluate(node, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); // TODO:######################################Change // this after - this is just a performance test int deletePercentage = 10; toDelete = (count % deletePercentage) == 0 ? true : false; logger.debug( "Incremental Update - The document [{}] is being processed and is marked to delete?[{}]", new Object[] { idElement, toDelete }); // I will always try to delete the document (i don't // know if it is new or if it was changed) Term idTerm = new Term("id", idElement.toLowerCase()); int countToDelete = getIndexReader().docFreq(idTerm); if (countToDelete > 0) { // if has more than one, I have to send an email // to warn if (countToDelete > 1) { Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null, "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update - Removing more than one document! id-> " + idElement, " documents found:" + countToDelete); // I will launch an exception throw new Exception( "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update - Removing more than one document in incremental update id-> " + idElement + " documents found:" + countToDelete); } logger.debug("The document with id [{}] is being deleted from Lucene", idElement); w.deleteDocuments(idTerm); // need to remove one from the number of // documents count countNodes--; } // the element doesn't exist on GUI else { // if it is marked to delete I will just an // warning email - it's possible that it was // inserted and deleted on the Backend but it // had never been sent to the GUI before if (toDelete) { Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null, "BIOSAMPLES WARNING - Incremental Update - Id marked for deletion but the id doesn't exist on the GUI! id-> " + idElement, ""); } } // if (toDelete) { // logger.debug( // "The document with id [{}] was marked to deletion so I will not process it", // idElement); // } else { // I just process it is it is not for deletion) if (!toDelete) { try { d = processEntryIndex(node, config, service, fieldXpe); } catch (Exception x) { String xmlError = PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) node, config); logger.error("XML that was being processed when the error occurred DB->[{}]", xmlError); // to avoid the next running to stop // because its not able to delete the // newSetup directory w.close(); throw new Exception("Xml that is being processed:" + xmlError, x); } countNodes++; addIndexDocument(w, d); } } // } documentNodes = null; source = null; reader = null; xml = null; // logger.debug("count->[{}]", countNodes); } } logger.debug("until now it were processed->[{}]", pageNumber * pageSizeDefault); pageNumber++; // if (coll != null) { // try { // // coll.close(); // } catch (Exception e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } set = null; } setCountDocuments(countNodes); // add metadata to the lucene index Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("numberDocs", Integer.toString(countNodes)); map.put("date", Long.toString(System.nanoTime())); // logger.debug(Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation()); // I cannot call directly // getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation(), // because I can be working in a did String dbInfo = ((XmlDbConnectionPool) Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool")) .getDBInfo(dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName); // TODO: I need to put here what I have before - to track all the // changes (old numberDocs + old date + oldDBInfo) map.put("DBInfo", dbInfo + "<BR>##################################################<BR>" + getMetadataInformation()); commitIndex(w, map); } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("Caught an exception:", x); w.close(); throw x; } }
From source
public void indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(String indexLocationDirectory, String dbHost, int dbPort, String dbPassword, String dbName) throws Exception { // I'm upgrading so the baseline is the current nodes number int countNodes = getCountDocuments(); String driverXml = ""; String connectionString = ""; Collection coll;//from ww w.j a va2 s. com IndexWriter w = null; Map<String, XPathExpression> fieldXpe = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>();"indexIncrementalFromXmlDB(generic) is starting for [{}], and initially I have[{}] ... ", new Object[] { indexId, countNodes }); try { Directory indexTempDirectory = File(indexLocationDirectory, indexId)); w = openIndex(indexTempDirectory, indexAnalyzer); HierarchicalConfiguration connsConf = (HierarchicalConfiguration) Application.getInstance() .getPreferences().getConfSubset("bs.xmldatabase"); if (null != connsConf) { driverXml = connsConf.getString("driver"); connectionString = connsConf.getString("base") + "://" + dbHost + ":" + dbPort + "/" + dbName; } else { logger.error("bs.xmldatabase Configuration is missing!!"); } logger.debug("connectionString->" + connectionString); coll = DatabaseManager.getCollection(connectionString); XPathQueryService service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0"); DocumentInfo source = null; Configuration config = ((SaxonEngine) Application.getAppComponent("SaxonEngine")).trFactory .getConfiguration(); XPath xp = new XPathEvaluator(config); for (FieldInfo field : fields.values()) { fieldXpe.put(, xp.compile(field.path)); logger.debug("Field Path->[{}]", field.path); } // the xmldatabase is not very correct and have memory problem for // queires with huge results, so its necessary to implement our own // iteration mechanism // // // I will collect all the results // ResourceSet set = service.query(this.env.indexDocumentPath); long numberResults = 0; ResourceSet set = service.query("count(" + indexDocumentPath + ")"); if (set.getIterator().hasMoreResources()) { numberResults = Integer.parseInt((String) set.getIterator().nextResource().getContent()); } // TODO:######################################Change this after - // this is just a performance test // float percentage=0.1F; // numberResults=Math.round(numberResults * percentage); logger.debug("Number of results->" + numberResults); long pageSizeDefault = 50000; if (numberResults > 1000000) { pageSizeDefault = 1000000; } long pageNumber = 1; int count = 0; Map<String, AttsInfo[]> cacheAtt = new HashMap<String, AttsInfo[]>(); Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAtt = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>(); Map<String, XPathExpression> cacheXpathAttValue = new HashMap<String, XPathExpression>(); while ((pageNumber * pageSizeDefault) <= (numberResults + pageSizeDefault - 1)) { // calculate the last hit long pageInit = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSizeDefault + 1; long pageSize = (pageNumber * pageSizeDefault < numberResults) ? pageSizeDefault : (numberResults - pageInit + 1); service = (XPathQueryService) coll.getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0"); // xquery paging using subsequence function long time = System.nanoTime(); // TODO: I'm assuming that there is always an attribute @id in // each element set = service.query("for $x in(subsequence(" + indexDocumentPath + "/@id," + pageInit + "," + pageSize + ")) return string($x)"); double ms = (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000d;"Query XMLDB took ->[{}]", ms); ResourceIterator iter = set.getIterator(); XPath xp2; XPathExpression xpe2; List documentNodes; StringReader reader; // cache of distinct attributes fora each sample group while (iter.hasMoreResources()) { count++; logger.debug("its beeing processed the number ->" + count); String idToProcess = (String) iter.nextResource().getContent(); logger.debug("@id that is being processed->" + idToProcess); // I need to get the sample ResourceSet setid = service.query(indexDocumentPath + "[@id='" + idToProcess + "']"); ResourceIterator iterid = setid.getIterator(); while (iterid.hasMoreResources()) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(); xml.append((String) iterid.nextResource().getContent()); // logger.debug(xml.toString()); reader = new StringReader(xml.toString()); source = config.buildDocument(new StreamSource(reader)); // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]", // PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) source, config)); Document d = new Document(); xp2 = new XPathEvaluator(source.getConfiguration()); int position = indexDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/"); // TODO: I also need to change this String pathRoot = ""; if (position != -1) { pathRoot = indexDocumentPath.substring(position); } else { pathRoot = indexDocumentPath; } // logger.debug("PathRoot->[{}]",pathRoot); xpe2 = xp2.compile(pathRoot); documentNodes = (List) xpe2.evaluate(source, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (Object node : documentNodes) { // logger.debug("XML DB->[{}]",PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo)node,config)); String idElement = (String) fieldXpe.get("id").evaluate(node, XPathConstants.STRING); // I need to see if it already exists // I will also add this document if it is nor marked // as "todelete" Boolean toDelete = (Boolean) fieldXpe.get("delete").evaluate(node, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN); // TODO:######################################Change // this after - this is just a performance test int deletePercentage = 10; toDelete = (count % deletePercentage) == 0 ? true : false; logger.debug( "Incremental Update - The document [{}] is being processed and is marked to delete?[{}]", new Object[] { idElement, toDelete }); // I will always try to delete the document (i don't // know if it is new or if it was changed) Term idTerm = new Term("id", idElement.toLowerCase()); int countToDelete = getIndexReader().docFreq(idTerm); if (countToDelete > 0) { // if has more than one, I have to send an email // to warn if (countToDelete > 1) { Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null, "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update - Removing more than one document! id-> " + idElement, " documents found:" + countToDelete); // I will launch an exception throw new Exception( "BIOSAMPLES ERROR - Incremental Update - Removing more than one document in incremental update id-> " + idElement + " documents found:" + countToDelete); } logger.debug("The document with id [{}] is being deleted from Lucene", idElement); w.deleteDocuments(idTerm); // need to remove one from the number of // documents count countNodes--; } // the element doesn't exist on GUI else { // if it is marked to delete I will just an // warning email - it's possible that it was // inserted and deleted on the Backend but it // had never been sent to the GUI before if (toDelete) { Application.getInstance().sendEmail(null, null, "BIOSAMPLES WARNING - Incremental Update - Id marked for deletion but the id doesn't exist on the GUI! id-> " + idElement, ""); } } // if (toDelete) { // logger.debug( // "The document with id [{}] was marked to deletion so I will not process it", // idElement); // } else { // I just process it is it is not for deletion) if (!toDelete) { try { d = processEntryIndex(node, config, service, fieldXpe); } catch (Exception x) { String xmlError = PrintUtils.printNodeInfo((NodeInfo) node, config); logger.error("XML that was being processed when the error occurred DB->[{}]", xmlError); // to avoid the next running to stop // because its not able to delete the // newSetup directory w.close(); throw new Exception("Xml that is being processed:" + xmlError, x); } countNodes++; addIndexDocument(w, d); } } // } documentNodes = null; source = null; reader = null; xml = null; // logger.debug("count->[{}]", countNodes); } } logger.debug("until now it were processed->[{}]", pageNumber * pageSizeDefault); pageNumber++; // if (coll != null) { // try { // // coll.close(); // } catch (Exception e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } set = null; } setCountDocuments(countNodes); // add metadata to the lucene index Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("numberDocs", Integer.toString(countNodes)); map.put("date", Long.toString(System.nanoTime())); // logger.debug(Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation()); // I cannot call directly // getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool").getMetaDataInformation(), // because I can be working in a did String dbInfo = ((XmlDbConnectionPool) Application.getInstance().getComponent("XmlDbConnectionPool")) .getDBInfo(dbHost, dbPort, dbPassword, dbName); // TODO: I need to put here what I have before - to track all the // changes (old numberDocs + old date + oldDBInfo) map.put("DBInfo", dbInfo + "<BR>##################################################<BR>" + getMetadataInformation()); commitIndex(w, map); } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("Caught an exception:", x); w.close(); throw x; } }