Example usage for Java javax.xml.ws BindingProvider fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | USERNAME_PROPERTY Standard property: User name for authentication. |
String | PASSWORD_PROPERTY Standard property: Password for authentication. |
String | ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY Standard property: Target service endpoint address. |
String | SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY Standard property: This boolean property is used by a service client to indicate whether or not it wants to participate in a session with a service endpoint. |
String | SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY Standard property for SOAPAction. |
String | SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY Standard property for SOAPAction. |
Binding | getBinding() Get the Binding for this binding provider. |
Map | getRequestContext() Get the context that is used to initialize the message context for request messages. |
Map | getResponseContext() Get the context that resulted from processing a response message. |