Example usage for Java javax.xml.soap SOAPFault fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
SOAPElement | addChildElement(Name name) Creates a new SOAPElement object initialized with the given Name object and adds the new element to this SOAPElement object. |
Detail | addDetail() Creates an optional Detail object and sets it as the Detail object for this SOAPFault object. |
Iterator | getChildElements() Returns an Iterator over all the immediate child Node s of this element. |
Detail | getDetail() Returns the optional detail element for this SOAPFault object. |
NodeList | getElementsByTagName(String name) Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in document order. |
String | getFaultActor() Gets the fault actor for this SOAPFault object. |
String | getFaultCode() Gets the fault code for this SOAPFault object. |
Name | getFaultCodeAsName() Gets the mandatory SOAP 1.1 fault code for this SOAPFault object as a SAAJ Name object. |
QName | getFaultCodeAsQName() Gets the fault code for this SOAPFault object as a QName object. |
Iterator | getFaultReasonTexts() Returns an Iterator over a sequence of String objects containing all of the Reason Text items for this SOAPFault . |
String | getFaultString() Gets the fault string for this SOAPFault object. |
String | getTextContent() This attribute returns the text content of this node and its descendants. |
void | setFaultCode(Name faultCodeQName) Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void | setFaultCode(QName faultCodeQName) Sets this SOAPFault object with the given fault code. |
void | setFaultCode(String faultCode) Sets this SOAPFault object with the give fault code. |
void | setFaultString(String faultString) Sets the fault string for this SOAPFault object to the given string. |
String | toString() Returns a string representation of the object. |