Example usage for Java javax.xml.registry BusinessLifeCycleManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Classification | createClassification(ClassificationScheme scheme, String name, String value) Creates a Classification instance for an external Classification using the specified String name and String value that identify a taxonomy element within the specified ClassificationScheme. |
ClassificationScheme | createClassificationScheme(String name, String description) Creates a ClassificationScheme given the specified String parameters. |
Concept | createConcept(RegistryObject parent, String name, String value) Creates a Concept instance using the specified parameters, where the name is a String. |
EmailAddress | createEmailAddress(String address) Creates an EmailAddress instance using an address as the parameter. |
ExternalLink | createExternalLink(String externalURI, String description) Creates an ExternalLink instance using the specified parameters, where the description is a String. |
InternationalString | createInternationalString(String s) Creates an InternationalString instance using a String parameter and the default Locale. |
Key | createKey(String id) Creates a Key instance from an ID. |
Object | createObject(String interfaceName) Creates instances of information model interfaces (factory method). |
Organization | createOrganization(String name) Creates an Organization instance using the specified name, where the name is a String. |
PersonName | createPersonName(String fullName) Creates a PersonName instance using the specified full name. |
PostalAddress | createPostalAddress(String streetNumber, String street, String city, String stateOrProvince, String country, String postalCode, String type) Creates a PostalAddress instance using the specified parameters. |
Service | createService(String name) Creates a Service instance using the specified name, where the name is a String. |
ServiceBinding | createServiceBinding() Creates an empty ServiceBinding instance. |
SpecificationLink | createSpecificationLink() Creates an empty SpecificationLink instance. |
TelephoneNumber | createTelephoneNumber() Creates an empty TelephoneNumber instance. |
User | createUser() Creates an empty User instance. |
BulkResponse | deleteClassificationSchemes(Collection schemeKeys) Deletes the ClassificationSchemes corresponding to the specified Keys. |
BulkResponse | deleteConcepts(Collection conceptKeys) Deletes the Concepts corresponding to the specified Keys. |
BulkResponse | deleteObjects(Collection keys) Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry using the object keys. |
BulkResponse | deleteOrganizations(Collection organizationKeys) Deletes the organizations corresponding to the specified Keys. |
RegistryService | getRegistryService() Returns the parent RegistryService that created this object. |
BulkResponse | saveClassificationSchemes(Collection schemes) Saves the specified ClassificationScheme instances. |
BulkResponse | saveConcepts(Collection concepts) Saves the specified Concepts. |
BulkResponse | saveOrganizations(Collection organizations) Saves the specified Organizations. |