List of usage examples for javax.xml.parsers DocumentBuilder newDocument
public abstract Document newDocument();
From source
protected Document buildDocument() throws Exception { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true);//from ww w. ja v a2 s. com factory.setValidating(true); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); builder.setErrorHandler(new SimpleErrorHandler(builder.getClass().getName())); Document doc = builder.newDocument(); Element e = toXML(doc); doc.appendChild(e); return doc; }
From source
public Boolean processMessage(Long transactionRef) { Boolean result = false;//from w w w. j a v a2 s.c o m String path = ""; String defaultBatchStatus = ""; JDBInterfaceLog il = new JDBInterfaceLog(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBControl ctrl = new JDBControl(getHostID(), getSessionID()); GenericMessageHeader gmh = new GenericMessageHeader(); JDBInterface inter = new JDBInterface(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBUom uoml = new JDBUom(getHostID(), getSessionID()); String batchDateMode = ctrl.getKeyValue("EXPIRY DATE MODE"); inter.getInterfaceProperties("Despatch Confirmation", "Output"); String device = inter.getDevice(); JDBDespatch desp = new JDBDespatch(getHostID(), getSessionID()); desp.setTransactionRef(transactionRef); desp.getDespatchPropertiesFromTransactionRef(); String sourceGLN = JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getLocationDBFrom().getGLN()); String destinationGLN = JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getLocationDBTo().getGLN()); Boolean suppressMessage = false; gmh.setMessageRef(desp.getTransactionRef().toString()); gmh.setInterfaceType(inter.getInterfaceType()); gmh.setMessageInformation("Despatch=" + desp.getDespatchNo()); gmh.setInterfaceDirection(inter.getInterfaceDirection()); gmh.setMessageDate(JUtility.getISOTimeStampStringFormat(JUtility.getSQLDateTime())); String noJourneyPrefix = ctrl.getKeyValueWithDefault("NO JOURNEY PREFIX", "NJ_", "Prefix for No Journey Messages"); if (desp.getDespatchPalletCount() == 0) { setErrorMessage("Message Suppressed - 0 pallets assigned to despatch"); suppressMessage = true; } if (sourceGLN.length() == 0) { setErrorMessage("Message Suppressed - No GLN Source (From) GLN for Location [" + desp.getLocationIDFrom() + "]"); suppressMessage = true; } if (destinationGLN.length() == 0) { setErrorMessage("Message Suppressed - No GLN Destination (To) GLN for Location [" + desp.getLocationIDTo() + "]"); suppressMessage = true; } if (suppressMessage == true) { result = true; il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusWarning, getErrorMessage(), "File Write", ""); } else { if (inter.getFormat().equals("EANCOM")) { if (sourceGLN.endsWith("")) { } int segments = 0; int optional = 0; String document = ""; String despdateShort = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd:HHmm").format(desp.getDespatchDate()); String despdateLong = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm").format(desp.getDespatchDate()); document = document + "UNA:+.? 'UNB+UNOA:3+" + desp.getLocationDBFrom().getGLN() + ":14+" + desp.getLocationDBTo().getGLN() + ":14+"; document = document + despdateShort + "+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "'"; document = document + "UNH+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "+DESADV:D:96A:EN:EAN005'"; document = document + "BGM+351+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "+9'"; document = document + "DTM+11:" + despdateLong + ":203'"; document = document + "RFF+LO:" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "'"; document = document + "RFF+ZCO:'"; if (desp.getLocationDBTo().getMsgJourneyRef().equals("Y")) { if (desp.getJourneyRef().equals("NO JOURNEY")) { document = document + "RFF+SRN:" + noJourneyPrefix + desp.getDespatchNo() + "'"; } else { document = document + "RFF+SRN:" + desp.getJourneyRef() + "'"; } optional++; } document = document + "RFF+ZAF:'"; document = document + "RFF+ZPI:1'"; document = document + "RFF+ZCH:'"; document = document + "NAD+SF+" + desp.getLocationDBFrom().getGLN() + "::9'"; if (desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageLocation().equals("") == false) { if (desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageLocation().equals("") == false) { document = document + "LOC+198+" + desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageLocation() + "::91'"; optional++; } } document = document + "NAD+ST+" + desp.getLocationDBTo().getGLN() + "::9'"; if (desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageLocation().equals("") == false) { if (desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageLocation().equals("") == false) { document = document + "LOC+195+" + desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageLocation() + "::91'"; optional++; } } document = document + "TDT+20++30+31+::9:" + JUtility.stripEANCOMSpecialCharacters( JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getHaulier())) + "+++:::" + JUtility.stripEANCOMSpecialCharacters( JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getTrailer())) + "'"; if (desp.getLoadNo().equals("")) { desp.setLoadNo("123"); } document = document + "EQD+CN+" + JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(StringUtils.left(desp.getTrailer(), 10)) + "'"; // NEXT 2 LINES COMMENTS NEED TO BE RESTORED FOR SAP EWM // Next line needs commenting pre SAP EWM document = document + "SEL+" + JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(StringUtils.left(desp.getLoadNo(), 10)) + "+CA'"; document = document + "SEL+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "+CU'"; // Next line needs amending pre SAP EWM segments = 14 + optional; //segments = 13 + optional; JDBPalletHistory palhist = new JDBPalletHistory(getHostID(), getSessionID()); ResultSet rs = palhist.getInterfacingData(transactionRef, "DESPATCH", "TO", Long.valueOf(0), "SSCC", "asc"); int x = 1; try { rs.beforeFirst(); while ( { palhist.getPropertiesfromResultSet(rs); document = document + "CPS+" + JUtility.padString(String.valueOf(x).trim(), false, 4, "0") + "'"; document = document + "PAC+1++202'"; document = document + "PCI+33E'"; document = document + "GIN+BJ+" + palhist.getPallet().getSSCC() + "'"; document = document + "LIN+1++" + palhist.getPallet().getEAN() + ":EN'"; document = document + "PIA+1+" + palhist.getPallet().getVariant() + ":PV+" + palhist.getPallet().getMaterial() + ":SA'"; NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); String outqty = formatter.format(palhist.getPallet().getQuantity()); // -1234.567000 document = document + "QTY+12:" + outqty + ":" + palhist.getPallet().getUom() + "'"; document = document + "DLM+++0::9'"; // String batchExpiryLong = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(palhist.getPallet().getMaterialBatchExpiryDate()); String batchExpiryLong = ""; if (batchDateMode.equals("BATCH")) { batchExpiryLong = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") .format(palhist.getPallet().getMaterialBatchExpiryDate()); } if (batchDateMode.equals("SSCC")) { batchExpiryLong = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") .format(palhist.getPallet().getBatchExpiry()); } String dateOfManufactureLong = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd") .format(palhist.getPallet().getDateOfManufacture()); document = document + "DTM+361:" + batchExpiryLong + ":102'"; document = document + "DTM+94:" + dateOfManufactureLong + ":102'"; document = document + "RFF+AAJ:" + palhist.getPallet().getDespatchNo() + ":1'"; defaultBatchStatus = palhist.getPallet().getMaterialBatchStatus(); if (defaultBatchStatus.equals("Unrestricted")) { document = document + "RFF+ZBR:'"; } else { document = document + "RFF+ZBR:B'"; } document = document + "RFF+ZRB:'"; document = document + "RFF+ZSR:'"; document = document + "RFF+ZRC:'"; document = document + "RFF+ZRT:'"; document = document + "PCI+36E'"; document = document + "GIN+BX+" + palhist.getPallet().getBatchNumber() + "'"; segments = segments + 18; x++; } rs.close(); segments = segments + 1; document = document + "UNT+" + String.valueOf(segments).trim() + "+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "'"; document = document + "UNZ+1+" + desp.getDespatchNo() + "'"; if (device.equals("Disk") | device.equals("Email")) { path = inter.getRealPath(); if (fio.writeToDisk(path, document, transactionRef, "_" + desp.getLocationIDTo().replace(" ", "_") + "_DespatchConfirmation.txt") == true) { result = true; il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusSuccess, "Processed OK", "File Write", fio.getFilename()); setErrorMessage(""); if (device.equals("Email")) { ogm = new JeMailOutGoingMessage(inter, transactionRef, fio); ogm.sendEmail(); } } else { result = false; il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusError, fio.getErrorMessage(), "File Write", fio.getFilename()); setErrorMessage(fio.getErrorMessage()); } } } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (inter.getFormat().equals("XML")) { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.newDocument(); Element message = (Element) document.createElement("message"); Element hostUniqueID = addElement(document, "hostRef", Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()).getUniqueID()); message.appendChild(hostUniqueID); Element messageRef = addElement(document, "messageRef", String.valueOf(transactionRef)); message.appendChild(messageRef); Element messageType = addElement(document, "interfaceType", "Despatch Confirmation"); message.appendChild(messageType); Element messageInformation = addElement(document, "messageInformation", "Despatch=" + desp.getDespatchNo()); message.appendChild(messageInformation); Element messageDirection = addElement(document, "interfaceDirection", "Output"); message.appendChild(messageDirection); Element messageDate = addElement(document, "messageDate", JUtility.getISOTimeStampStringFormat(JUtility.getSQLDateTime())); message.appendChild(messageDate); Element despatchConfirmation = (Element) document.createElement("despatchConfirmation"); Element noofpallets = addElement(document, "numberOfPallets", String.valueOf(desp.getTotalPallets())); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(noofpallets); Element haulier = addElement(document, "haulier", String.valueOf(JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getHaulier()))); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(haulier); Element trailer = addElement(document, "trailer", String.valueOf(JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getTrailer()))); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(trailer); Element load = addElement(document, "loadNo", String.valueOf(JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getLoadNo()))); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(load); Element journey = addElement(document, "journeyRef", String.valueOf(JUtility.replaceNullStringwithBlank(desp.getJourneyRef()))); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(journey); Element despatch = addElement(document, "despatchNo", desp.getDespatchNo()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(despatch); Element despatchDate = addElement(document, "despatchDate", JUtility.getISOTimeStampStringFormat(desp.getDespatchDate())); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(despatchDate); Element locationFrom = addElement(document, "fromLocation", desp.getLocationIDFrom()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFrom); Element locationFromPlant = addElement(document, "fromPlant", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getPlant()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromPlant); Element locationFromWarehouse = addElement(document, "fromWarehouse", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getWarehouse()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromWarehouse); Element locationFromStorageSection = addElement(document, "fromStorageSection", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageSection()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromStorageSection); Element locationFromStorageType = addElement(document, "fromStorageType", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageType()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromStorageType); Element locationFromStorageBin = addElement(document, "fromStorageBin", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageBin()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromStorageBin); Element locationFromGLN = addElement(document, "fromGLN", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getGLN()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromGLN); Element locationFromStorageLocation = addElement(document, "fromStorageLocation", desp.getLocationDBFrom().getStorageLocation()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationFromStorageLocation); Element locationTo = addElement(document, "toLocation", desp.getLocationIDTo()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationTo); Element locationToPlant = addElement(document, "toPlant", desp.getLocationDBTo().getPlant()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToPlant); Element locationToWarehouse = addElement(document, "toWarehouse", desp.getLocationDBTo().getWarehouse()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToWarehouse); Element locationToStorageSection = addElement(document, "toStorageSection", desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageSection()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToStorageSection); Element locationToStorageType = addElement(document, "toStorageType", desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageType()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToStorageType); Element locationToStorageBin = addElement(document, "toStorageBin", desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageBin()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToStorageBin); Element locationToGLN = addElement(document, "toGLN", desp.getLocationDBTo().getGLN()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToGLN); Element locationToStorageLocation = addElement(document, "toStorageLocation", desp.getLocationDBTo().getStorageLocation()); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(locationToStorageLocation); Element contents = (Element) document.createElement("contents"); despatchConfirmation.appendChild(contents); JDBPalletHistory palhist = new JDBPalletHistory(getHostID(), getSessionID()); ResultSet rs = palhist.getInterfacingData(transactionRef, "DESPATCH", "TO", Long.valueOf(0), "SSCC", "asc"); int x = 1; try { rs.beforeFirst(); while ( { palhist.getPropertiesfromResultSet(rs); Element pallet = (Element) document.createElement("pallet"); Element item = addElement(document, "item", String.valueOf(x)); pallet.appendChild(item); x++; Element sscc = addElement(document, "SSCC", palhist.getPallet().getSSCC()); pallet.appendChild(sscc); Element processOrder = addElement(document, "processOrder", palhist.getPallet().getProcessOrder()); pallet.appendChild(processOrder); Element material = addElement(document, "material", palhist.getPallet().getMaterial()); pallet.appendChild(material); Element materialDescription = addElement(document, "materialDescription", palhist.getPallet().getMaterialObj().getDescription()); pallet.appendChild(materialDescription); Element ean = addElement(document, "ean", palhist.getPallet().getEAN()); pallet.appendChild(ean); Element variant = addElement(document, "variant", palhist.getPallet().getVariant()); pallet.appendChild(variant); Element qty = addElement(document, "quantity", palhist.getPallet().getQuantity().toString()); pallet.appendChild(qty); String paluom = palhist.getPallet().getUom(); paluom = uoml.convertUom(inter.getUOMConversion(), paluom); Element uom = addElement(document, "UOM", paluom); pallet.appendChild(uom); Element status = addElement(document, "status", palhist.getPallet().getStatus()); pallet.appendChild(status); String expiryDateStr = ""; if (batchDateMode.equals("BATCH")) { expiryDateStr = JUtility.getISOTimeStampStringFormat( palhist.getPallet().getMaterialBatchExpiryDate()); } if (batchDateMode.equals("SSCC")) { expiryDateStr = JUtility .getISOTimeStampStringFormat(palhist.getPallet().getBatchExpiry()); } Element expiryDate = addElement(document, "bestBefore", expiryDateStr); pallet.appendChild(expiryDate); Element dom = addElement(document, "productionDate", JUtility .getISOTimeStampStringFormat(palhist.getPallet().getDateOfManufacture())); pallet.appendChild(dom); Element batch = addElement(document, "batch", palhist.getPallet().getBatchNumber()); pallet.appendChild(batch); Element batchStatus = addElement(document, "batchStatus", palhist.getPallet().getMaterialBatchStatus()); pallet.appendChild(batchStatus); contents.appendChild(pallet); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } Element messageData = (Element) document.createElement("messageData"); messageData.appendChild(despatchConfirmation); message.appendChild(messageData); document.appendChild(message); JXMLDocument xmld = new JXMLDocument(); xmld.setDocument(document); gmh.decodeHeader(xmld); if (device.equals("Disk") | device.equals("Email")) { path = inter.getRealPath(); if (fio.writeToDisk(path, document, transactionRef, "_" + desp.getLocationIDTo().replace(" ", "_") + "_DespatchConfirmation.xml") == true) { result = true; il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusSuccess, "Processed OK", "File Write", fio.getFilename()); setErrorMessage(""); if (device.equals("Email")) { ogm = new JeMailOutGoingMessage(inter, transactionRef, fio); ogm.sendEmail(); } } else { result = false; il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusError, fio.getErrorMessage(), "File Write", fio.getFilename()); setErrorMessage(fio.getErrorMessage()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error sending message. " + ex.getMessage()); result = false; } } } return result; }
From source
/** * Convert the result set into an XML structure. * * @param items//from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om * @param withHistory * @param locale * @param personBean * @param filterName * @param filterExpression * @param useProjectSpecificID * @param outfileName * @return */ public Document convertToDOM(List<ReportBean> items, boolean withHistory, Locale locale, TPersonBean personBean, String filterName, String filterExpression, boolean useProjectSpecificID, String outfileName) { Document doc = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // root elements doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("pdfFile"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); // set attribute to staff element Attr attr = doc.createAttribute("file"); outfileName = outfileName.replace(".tex", ".pdf"); attr.setValue(latexTmpDir + File.separator + outfileName); rootElement.setAttributeNode(attr); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { LOGGER.error("Creating the DOM document failed with FactoryConfigurationError:" + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return null; } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOGGER.error("Creating the DOM document failed with ParserConfigurationException: " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return null; } return doc; }
From source
/** * @param element// w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m * @return * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public org.dom4j.Element convert(org.w3c.dom.Element element) throws ParserConfigurationException { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); org.w3c.dom.Document doc1 = builder.newDocument(); doc1.appendChild(doc1.importNode(element, true)); // Convert w3c document to dom4j document reader = new; org.dom4j.Document doc2 =; return doc2.getRootElement(); }
From source
public ShapeChangeResult(Options o) { init();/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ options = o; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); dbf.setValidating(true); dbf.setAttribute(Options.JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE, Options.W3C_XML_SCHEMA); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); document = db.newDocument(); root = document.createElementNS(Options.SCRS_NS, "ShapeChangeResult"); document.appendChild(root); root.setAttribute("resultCode", "0"); root.setAttribute("xmlns:r", Options.SCRS_NS); root.setAttribute("start", (new Date()).toString()); String version = "[dev]"; InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/"); if (stream != null) { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(stream); version = properties.getProperty("sc.version"); } root.setAttribute("version", version); messages = document.createElementNS(Options.SCRS_NS, "Messages"); root.appendChild(messages); resultFiles = document.createElementNS(Options.SCRS_NS, "Results"); root.appendChild(resultFiles); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { System.err.println("Bootstrap Error: XML parser was unable to be configured."); String m = e.getMessage(); if (m != null) { System.err.println(m); } e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Bootstrap Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(1); } outputFormat.setProperty("encoding", "UTF-8"); outputFormat.setProperty("indent", "yes"); outputFormat.setProperty("{}indent-amount", "2"); }
From source
/** * Add a definition for a DNS server to an existing deployment. VM's in this * deployment will be programmed to use this DNS server for all DNS * resolutions// w w w. jav a 2 s .co m * * @param serviceName Required. The name of the service. * @param deploymentName Required. The name of the deployment. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Add DNS Server * operation. * @throws ParserConfigurationException Thrown if there was an error * configuring the parser for the response body. * @throws SAXException Thrown if there was an error parsing the response * body. * @throws TransformerException Thrown if there was an error creating the * DOM transformer. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return The response body contains the status of the specified * asynchronous operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is * inprogress, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the * HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. * If the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes the * HTTP status code for the successful request. If the asynchronous * operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for * the failed request and error information regarding the failure. */ @Override public OperationStatusResponse beginAddingDNSServer(String serviceName, String deploymentName, DNSAddParameters parameters) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (serviceName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("serviceName"); } if (deploymentName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("deploymentName"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("serviceName", serviceName); tracingParameters.put("deploymentName", deploymentName); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "beginAddingDNSServerAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/services/hostedservices/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(serviceName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/deployments/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(deploymentName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/dnsservers"; String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpPost httpRequest = new HttpPost(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); httpRequest.setHeader("x-ms-version", "2015-04-01"); // Serialize Request String requestContent = null; DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document requestDoc = documentBuilder.newDocument(); Element dnsServerElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "DnsServer"); requestDoc.appendChild(dnsServerElement); if (parameters.getName() != null) { Element nameElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "Name"); nameElement.appendChild(requestDoc.createTextNode(parameters.getName())); dnsServerElement.appendChild(nameElement); } if (parameters.getAddress() != null) { Element addressElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "Address"); addressElement.appendChild(requestDoc.createTextNode(parameters.getAddress().getHostAddress())); dnsServerElement.appendChild(addressElement); } DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(requestDoc); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(stringWriter); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult); requestContent = stringWriter.toString(); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestContent); httpRequest.setEntity(entity); httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromXml(httpRequest, requestContent, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result OperationStatusResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response result = new OperationStatusResponse(); result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } }
From source
/** * get the XML string of the results of an SQL Query * /*ww w . ja v a2 s .c o m*/ * @param request * the servlet request * @param conn * the DB connection * @return the XML string to be saved in a file */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String saveXML(HttpServletRequest request, Connection conn) { String sql = request.getParameter("sql"); JSONObject json; String phenotypes = ""; try { // get the query results json = new JSONObject(sql); String sqlQuery = Utils.getPhenotypesSQL(json);; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlQuery); Utils.loadValues(stmt, json, "", false); JSONArray group = new JSONArray(request.getParameter("template")); JSONArray rows = Utils.executeSQL(stmt); stmt.close(); // create the document builder DocumentBuilderFactory dbfac = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbfac.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); Element root = doc.createElement("Phenotypes"); doc.appendChild(root); // append the query results to the document JSONObject res = Utils.toJSONObject(group, rows); Utils.toXML(doc, root, res); // transform the document to an XML string TransformerFactory transfac = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer(); trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(sw); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); trans.transform(source, result); phenotypes = sw.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TransformerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return phenotypes; }
From source
/** * Updates a definition for an existing DNS server. Updates to address is * the only change allowed. DNS server name cannot be changed * * @param serviceName Required. The name of the service. * @param deploymentName Required. The name of the deployment. * @param dnsServerName Required. The name of the dns server. * @param parameters Required. Parameters supplied to the Update DNS Server * operation.//w w w . j a v a2 m * @throws ParserConfigurationException Thrown if there was an error * configuring the parser for the response body. * @throws SAXException Thrown if there was an error parsing the response * body. * @throws TransformerException Thrown if there was an error creating the * DOM transformer. * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception of some sort has * occurred. This class is the general class of exceptions produced by * failed or interrupted I/O operations. * @throws ServiceException Thrown if an unexpected response is found. * @return The response body contains the status of the specified * asynchronous operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is * inprogress, or has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the * HTTP status code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. * If the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes the * HTTP status code for the successful request. If the asynchronous * operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP status code for * the failed request and error information regarding the failure. */ @Override public OperationStatusResponse beginUpdatingDNSServer(String serviceName, String deploymentName, String dnsServerName, DNSUpdateParameters parameters) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, IOException, ServiceException { // Validate if (serviceName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("serviceName"); } if (deploymentName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("deploymentName"); } if (dnsServerName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("dnsServerName"); } if (parameters == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters"); } // Tracing boolean shouldTrace = CloudTracing.getIsEnabled(); String invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Long.toString(CloudTracing.getNextInvocationId()); HashMap<String, Object> tracingParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tracingParameters.put("serviceName", serviceName); tracingParameters.put("deploymentName", deploymentName); tracingParameters.put("dnsServerName", dnsServerName); tracingParameters.put("parameters", parameters); CloudTracing.enter(invocationId, this, "beginUpdatingDNSServerAsync", tracingParameters); } // Construct URL String url = ""; url = url + "/"; if (this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId() != null) { url = url + URLEncoder.encode(this.getClient().getCredentials().getSubscriptionId(), "UTF-8"); } url = url + "/services/hostedservices/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(serviceName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/deployments/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(deploymentName, "UTF-8"); url = url + "/dnsservers/"; url = url + URLEncoder.encode(dnsServerName, "UTF-8"); String baseUrl = this.getClient().getBaseUri().toString(); // Trim '/' character from the end of baseUrl and beginning of url. if (baseUrl.charAt(baseUrl.length() - 1) == '/') { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, (baseUrl.length() - 1) + 0); } if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { url = url.substring(1); } url = baseUrl + "/" + url; url = url.replace(" ", "%20"); // Create HTTP transport objects HttpPut httpRequest = new HttpPut(url); // Set Headers httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); httpRequest.setHeader("x-ms-version", "2015-04-01"); // Serialize Request String requestContent = null; DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document requestDoc = documentBuilder.newDocument(); Element dnsServerElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "DnsServer"); requestDoc.appendChild(dnsServerElement); if (parameters.getName() != null) { Element nameElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "Name"); nameElement.appendChild(requestDoc.createTextNode(parameters.getName())); dnsServerElement.appendChild(nameElement); } if (parameters.getAddress() != null) { Element addressElement = requestDoc.createElementNS("", "Address"); addressElement.appendChild(requestDoc.createTextNode(parameters.getAddress().getHostAddress())); dnsServerElement.appendChild(addressElement); } DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(requestDoc); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(stringWriter); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult); requestContent = stringWriter.toString(); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestContent); httpRequest.setEntity(entity); httpRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml"); // Send Request HttpResponse httpResponse = null; try { if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.sendRequest(invocationId, httpRequest); } httpResponse = this.getClient().getHttpClient().execute(httpRequest); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.receiveResponse(invocationId, httpResponse); } int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) { ServiceException ex = ServiceException.createFromXml(httpRequest, requestContent, httpResponse, httpResponse.getEntity()); if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } // Create Result OperationStatusResponse result = null; // Deserialize Response result = new OperationStatusResponse(); result.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (httpResponse.getHeaders("x-ms-request-id").length > 0) { result.setRequestId(httpResponse.getFirstHeader("x-ms-request-id").getValue()); } if (shouldTrace) { CloudTracing.exit(invocationId, result); } return result; } finally { if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { httpResponse.getEntity().getContent().close(); } } }
From source
/** * print annotations in Semeval-absa 2015 format * * @param savePath string : path for the file to save the data * @throws ParserConfigurationException/*from w ww .j ava2s .c o m*/ */ public void print2Semeval2015format(String savePath) throws ParserConfigurationException { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // root elements org.w3c.dom.Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); org.w3c.dom.Element rootElement = doc.createElement("Reviews"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); for (String rev : getReviews().keySet()) { // review elements org.w3c.dom.Element review = doc.createElement("Review"); rootElement.appendChild(review); // set id attribute to sentence element review.setAttribute("rid", rev); // Sentences element org.w3c.dom.Element sentences = doc.createElement("sentences"); review.appendChild(sentences); List<String> processed = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String sent : this.revSents.get(rev)) { if (processed.contains(sent)) { continue; } else { processed.add(sent); } //System.err.println("creating elements for sentence "+sent); // sentence elements org.w3c.dom.Element sentence = doc.createElement("sentence"); sentences.appendChild(sentence); // set attribute to sentence element sentence.setAttribute("id", sent); // text element of the current sentence org.w3c.dom.Element text = doc.createElement("text"); sentence.appendChild(text); text.setTextContent(getSentences().get(sent)); // Opinions element org.w3c.dom.Element opinions = doc.createElement("Opinions"); sentence.appendChild(opinions); for (Opinion op : getSentenceOpinions(sent)) { if (op.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) { continue; } // opinion elements org.w3c.dom.Element opinion = doc.createElement("Opinion"); opinions.appendChild(opinion); // set attributes to the opinion element opinion.setAttribute("target", op.getTarget()); opinion.setAttribute("category", op.getCategory()); opinion.setAttribute("polarity", op.getPolarity()); opinion.setAttribute("from", op.getFrom().toString()); opinion.setAttribute("to", op.getTo().toString()); } } } // write the content into xml file try { TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(savePath)); // Output to console for testing //StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out); transformer.transform(source, result); System.err.println("File saved to run.xml"); } catch (TransformerException e) { System.err.println("CorpusReader: error when trying to print generated xml result file."); e.printStackTrace(); } }