Example usage for javax.transaction UserTransaction begin

List of usage examples for javax.transaction UserTransaction begin


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.transaction UserTransaction begin.


void begin() throws NotSupportedException, SystemException;

Source Link


Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread.


From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.personalization.importer.ArchiveImporterJob.java

public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
    logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] BEGIN");
    if (!running) {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (!running) {
                running = true;//from w  w  w.  ja va 2  s.  c o m
            } else {
                logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] job already running 1");
                logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] END");
    } else {
        logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] job already running 2");
        logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] END");

    logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] START");

    JobBusinessInterface jobManager = null;
    BatchJob batchJob = null;
    try {
        // Chiedo un'istanza di JobManager
        jobManager = (JobBusinessInterface) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()

        // In caso di successo
        if (jobManager != null) {
            List<Repository> repositories = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getRepositories();
            for (Repository repository : repositories) {
                logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] import archive on repository '" + repository.getId()
                        + "'");

                // Faccio la lista dei job di tipo ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_IMPORTER_JOB_REF, attivi
                // Possono essere
                // Ready - da processare
                // Running - in esecuzione : sto importando il file
                // Finished - ho finito

                // In questo stato, essendo un job singleton, dovrei avere solo stati ready (nuovi job) o finished (job finiti)
                // Se icontro un RUNNING, sicuramente si tratta di una condizione di errore, riporto a ready il job, e faccio in
                // modo che l'algoritmo sottostante continui l'importazione in modo incrementale

                // Prendo tutti i job di un certo esecutore: in futuro, se la cosa dovesse dare problemi di performance
                // aggiungere un filtro sullo status RUNNING
                BatchJob[] bjs = jobManager.getJobsByExecutor(ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_IMPORTER_JOB_REF);
                if (bjs != null) {
                    // Se ho dei BatchJob
                    for (BatchJob bj : bjs) {
                        logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] job status " + bj.getId() + ":"
                                + bj.getStatus());
                        // Se lo stato e' running
                        if (bj.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(JobStatus.RUNNING)) {
                            logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] update status to ready " + bj.getId());
                            // Reimposto lo stato a ready
                } else {
                    logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] BatchJob NULL per "
                            + ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_IMPORTER_JOB_REF);

                // A questo punto, sono in una situazione consistente, con dei job ready
                // I job ready possono essere sia nuovi job, che resume di situazioni precedenti
                while ((batchJob = jobManager.getNextJob(ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_IMPORTER_JOB_REF)) != null) {

                    // Prendo il prossimo job
                    logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] start batchJob " + batchJob.getId());
                    if (batchJob != null) {
                        try {
                            // Estraggo i parametri di esecuzione
                            BatchJobParam pName = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_NAME);
                            BatchJobParam pFormat = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_FORMAT);
                            BatchJobParam pStore = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_CONTENTSTORE_DIR);
                            String importDirectory = (String) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()

                            // verifico se sono corretti
                            checkParam(batchJob, pName, "Archive name not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pFormat, "Archive format not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pStore, "Archive store not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, importDirectory, "importDirectory null");

                            // Validati i parametri di estrazione del fie, procedo con lo
                            // spostamento da TEMP alla directory di import, ed esplodo il file

                            // Sposto il file dalla temp alla workdir del progetto
                            String cFrom = pStore.getValue() + File.separator + pName.getValue();
                            File oFrom = new File(cFrom);
                            logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] From:" + cFrom);

                            // Crea la directory di output se non esiste
                            File oDir = new File(importDirectory);
                            if (!oDir.exists()) {

                            // File di importazione
                            String cFile = importDirectory + File.separator + pName.getValue();
                            File oFile = new File(cFile);
                            logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] Import:" + cFile);

                            // Se esiste il file, lo sposto nella dir dove deve essere processato
                            if (oFrom.exists()) {
                                // Provo lo spostamento, perche' piu' veloce
                                if (!oFrom.renameTo(oFile)) {
                                    // Se fallisce provo la copia, piu' lenta
                                    if (!copyFile(oFrom, oFile)) {
                                                "Unable to copy from (" + cFrom + ") to (" + cFile + ")");
                                        throw new EcmEngineException(
                                                "ArchiveImporterJob: " + batchJob.getMessage());
                                    } else {
                                        // Se la copia va a buon fine, cancello il file

                            // Prima cosa, provo a caricare in RAM il file indicato.
                            // Attenzione: vista la dimensione a 256 char dei parametri dei job,
                            // ho preferito spezzare path e nome file in due variabili diverse, in modo
                            // da all'ungare il piu' possibile la lunghezza del path utilizzabile

                            // Una volta processato il file, lo rinomino in processed, per poterne tenere traccia
                            // I processed andrebbero alimintati ogni tanto, per ridurne la coda
                            // Alternativamente, si puo' variare il codice per rinominarli al posto di rinominare
                            // Un'altra ragione della rinomina e' data dal fatto che, in caso di zip corrotti, puo' accadere che
                            // il file risulti importato, ma non presente, senza nessun messaggio d'errore
                            String cFileRenamed = cFile + ".processed";
                            File oFileRenamed = new File(cFileRenamed);

                            // Il temp path lo formo col nome del file compresso +".extract", in modo da avere l'univocita' data gia
                            // dal nome file
                            String tempPath = cFile + ".extract";
                            File tmpWorkDir = new File(tempPath);

                            // Se il file non esiste
                            if (!oFile.exists()) {
                                        "[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] File di importazione non presente, controllo directory di esplosione");

                                // Se ho la dir di estrazione, vuol dire che stavo importando e c'e' stato un errore
                                // Quindi do errore solo se non esiste manco la dir di output
                                if (!tmpWorkDir.exists()) {
                                    batchJob.setMessage("Archive not found");
                                    throw new EcmEngineException("ArchiveImporterJob: " + batchJob.getMessage()
                                            + " (" + cFile + ")");
                                } else {
                                            "[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] Directory di importazione presente, procedo con l'importazione");

                            // Se sono qui, posso avere il file o la dir di esplosione

                            // Se ho il file, prendo il contenuto da disco e lo decomprimo
                            if (oFile.exists()) {
                                byte[] content = getBinary(cFile);
                                logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] Content size: " + content.length);

                                // La directory la creo solo se non esiste, devo infatti gestire il caso che sia gia' creata
                                // e sto andando in aggiornamento
                                if (!tmpWorkDir.exists()) {
                                    if (!tmpWorkDir.mkdirs()) {
                                        batchJob.setMessage("Cant' creare working dir");
                                        throw new EcmEngineException("ArchiveImporterJob: "
                                                + batchJob.getMessage() + " (" + tempPath + ")");

                                // A questo punto, estraggo i file presenti nello zip
                                String cFormat = pFormat.getValue();

                                logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] estrazione archivio (" + cFile
                                        + ")(" + cFormat + ") in " + tempPath);
                                if (ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_FORMAT_TAR.equals(cFormat)) {
                                    extractTar(new ByteArrayInputStream(content), tempPath);

                                } else if (ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_FORMAT_TAR_GZ.equals(cFormat)) {
                                    extractTarGz(new ByteArrayInputStream(content), tempPath);

                                } else if (ECMENGINE_ARCHIVE_FORMAT_ZIP.equals(cFormat)) {
                                    extractZip(new ByteArrayInputStream(content), tempPath);

                                } else {
                                    // In caso di formato non gestito, esco con errore
                                    batchJob.setMessage("Format not supported");
                                    throw new EcmEngineException("ArchiveImporterJob: " + batchJob.getMessage()
                                            + " (" + cFormat + ")");

                                // A questo punto, ho l'esplosione dello ZIP
                                // Una volta esploso in modo corretto, cancello eventuali copie non previste
                                // e rinomino il file

                                // A fine processo, cancello i file interessati dalla import
                                // Commentare questa riga se si volesse verificare come mai non viene importato un file

                            // Creo i service e verifico siano presi in modo corretto
                            transactionService = (TransactionService) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()
                            namespaceService = (NamespaceService) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()
                            contentService = (ContentService) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()
                            nodeService = (NodeService) context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap()
                            authenticationService = (AuthenticationService) context.getJobDetail()

                            checkParam(batchJob, transactionService, "transactionService null");
                            checkParam(batchJob, namespaceService, "namespaceService null");
                            checkParam(batchJob, contentService, "contentService null");
                            checkParam(batchJob, nodeService, "nodeService null");
                            checkParam(batchJob, authenticationService, "authenticationService null");

                            // Vengono presi i parametri del batch e ne viene controllata la conguenza, uscendo in caso di errore
                            BatchJobParam pUID = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_UID);
                            BatchJobParam pStoreProtocol = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_STORE_PROTOCOL);
                            BatchJobParam pStoreIdentifier = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_STORE_IDENTIFIER);
                            BatchJobParam pUser = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_USER);
                            BatchJobParam pPassword = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_PASSWORD);

                            BatchJobParam pContentType = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
                            BatchJobParam pNameProperty = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_CONTENT_NAME_PROPERTY);
                            BatchJobParam pContainerType = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_CONTAINER_TYPE);
                            BatchJobParam pContainerNameProperty = batchJob
                            BatchJobParam pContainerAssocType = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_CONTAINER_ASSOC_TYPE);
                            BatchJobParam pParentAssocType = batchJob.getParam(PARAM_PARENT_ASSOC_TYPE);

                            checkParam(batchJob, pUID, "Node UID not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pStoreProtocol, "Store Protocol not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pStoreIdentifier, "Store Identifier not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pUser, "User not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pPassword, "Password not found");

                            checkParam(batchJob, pContentType, "Content Type not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pNameProperty, "Content Name not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pContainerType, "Container Type not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pContainerNameProperty, "Container Name not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pContainerAssocType, "Container Assoc not found");
                            checkParam(batchJob, pParentAssocType, "Parent Assoc not found");

                            // Trasformazione dei parametri in QName
                            QName contentTypeQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(pContentType.getValue());
                            QName contentNamePropertyQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(pNameProperty.getValue());
                            QName containerTypeQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(pContainerType.getValue());
                            QName containerNamePropertyQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(
                            QName containerAssocTypeQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(
                            QName parentAssocTypeQName = resolvePrefixNameToQName(pParentAssocType.getValue());

                            // Prendo un oggetto UserTransaction
                            UserTransaction transaction = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

                            try {
                                // Inizio la transazione

                                // Cambio l'utente, con l'utente che ha deve importare

                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                throw e;

                            } finally {
                                // Anche se non ho fatto
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {

                            // Creo un nodo, usando l'UID del folder dove devo mettere i dati
                            StoreRef sr = new StoreRef(pStoreProtocol.getValue(), pStoreIdentifier.getValue());
                            // DictionarySvc.SPACES_STORE
                            NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(sr, pUID.getValue());

                            // Attivo l'importazione ricorsiva
                            int nContent = handleRootFolder(tmpWorkDir, nodeRef, parentAssocTypeQName,
                                    containerTypeQName, containerNamePropertyQName, containerAssocTypeQName,
                                    contentTypeQName, contentNamePropertyQName);

                            // Reimposto lo status e vado al prossimo JOB
                            batchJob.setMessage("Content nuovi: " + nContent + " Datafile " + pName.getValue()
                                    + ".processed");

                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            logger.error("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] ERROR", e);
                            try {
                                // Reimposto il getMessage(), nel caso arrivi vuoto
                                if (batchJob.getMessage().length() == 0) {

                                // Reimposto lo status e vado al prossimo JOB
                            } catch (Exception ee) {
                                // TODO: vedere se e' giusto tenerlo muto

                        } finally {
                            // Non posso toccare lo stato a ready, altrimenti vado in loop

        } else {
            logger.error("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] JobManager NULL per " + ECMENGINE_JOB_MANAGER_BEAN);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] ERROR", e);
        throw new JobExecutionException(e);
    } finally {
        running = false;
        logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] END");

    logger.debug("[ArchiveImporterJob::execute] END run");


From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

private List<NodeRef> searchNodeWithProp()
        throws DictionaryRuntimeException, NotSupportedException, SystemException, SecurityException,
        IllegalStateException, RollbackException, HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicRollbackException {

    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] BEGIN");
    //1) ricerca dei nodi spostati
    //a partire dalla company_home(radice) prendere ogni nodo figlio
    // e verificare se possiede un aspect con proprieta` di valore "spostabile"
    // oppure e` possibile fare una ricerca con lucene e prendere i nodi con quel particolare aspect
    // Utilizzare searchService per puntare direttamente ai nodi che hanno un certo aspect

    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] Ricerca nel repository : "
            + RepositoryManager.getCurrentRepository());

    StoreRef spacesStore = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, "SpacesStore");

    //proprieta ecm-sys:stato (dell'aspect ecm-sys:state)
    SearchParameters searchParams = new SearchParameters();
    searchParams.addStore(spacesStore);/*from   ww w.  j  av  a2s .c  o m*/
    //ricerca per aspect e poi filtrare sulla property relativa

    //ricerca direttamente per property


    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    List<NodeRef> listaNodi = null;
    //List<NodeRef> nodiConProp = null;

    UserTransaction userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

    try {

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] searchService is "
                + (searchService != null ? " <> null" : " null"));
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] Query : " + searchParams.getQuery());
        resultSet = searchService.query(searchParams);
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] Risultati trovati: " + resultSet.length());

        if (resultSet.length() > 0) {
            listaNodi = resultSet.getNodeRefs();


        QName stateProp = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:stato");
        String valoreStatoNodo = "spostabile";
        if (resultSet.length() > 0){
           listaNodi = resultSet.getNodeRefs();
              Map<QName,Serializable> propMap = null;
              nodiConProp = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
              for (NodeRef ref : listaNodi) {
          propMap = nodeService.getProperties(ref);
          if(propMap.containsKey(stateProp) && propMap.containsValue(valoreStatoNodo))
        resultSet = searchService.query(searchParams);
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] Query per XPATH : "+searchParams.getQuery());
           logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] resultSet per XPATH diverso da Null");
           logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] Numero Risultati trovati : "
           if (resultSet.getNodeRefs()!=null && resultSet.getNodeRefs().size()>0){
              NodeRef nodo = resultSet.getNodeRef(0);
              Map<QName,Serializable> prop = nodeService.getProperties(nodo);
              String valore =(String) prop.get(stateProp);
              logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] valore property 'ecm-sys:stato' e` : "
    } finally {
        if (resultSet != null) {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::searchNodeWithProp] END");
    return listaNodi;

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

private void moveIntraRepo(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, String sourceRepository, String idSourceNode,
        String idDestinationParent)
        throws NotSupportedException, SystemException, DictionaryRuntimeException, SecurityException,
        IllegalStateException, RollbackException, HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicRollbackException {

    //riclassificazioni(voci di titolario differenti)
    //spostamenti (la stessa voce di titolario)
    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] BEGIN");

    Node result = null;/*from   w  w w. j  a  v a  2 s . c om*/

    String logCtx = "S: " + idSourceNode + " - D: " + idDestinationParent;

    try {

        UserTransaction userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Spostamento da Corrente a Corrente");

        StoreRef spacesStore = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, "SpacesStore");

        NodeRef destinationParentRef = new NodeRef(spacesStore, idDestinationParent);

        ChildAssociationRef sourceParentRef = nodeService.getPrimaryParent(sourceNodeRef);

        QName destinationQName = sourceParentRef.getQName();
        QName destinationAssocTypeQName = sourceParentRef.getTypeQName();

                "[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Nome Nuova Associazione : " + destinationQName.toString());

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Tipo Nuova Associazione : "
                + destinationAssocTypeQName.toString());

        NodeRef copyNodeRef = copyService.copyAndRename(sourceNodeRef, destinationParentRef,
                destinationAssocTypeQName, destinationQName, true);
        //NodeRef copyNodeRef = copyService.copy(sourceNodeRef, destinationParentRef, destinationAssocTypeQName,destinationQName, true);

        result = new Node(copyNodeRef.getId());
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx, "Nodo Copia creato.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Uid Nodo Copia creato: " + result.getUid());

        QName stateAspect = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:state");
        nodeService.removeAspect(copyNodeRef, stateAspect);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx, "Rimosso Aspect 'state' dal Nodo copiato.");
                "[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Rimosso Aspect 'state' dal nodo : " + copyNodeRef.getId());

        QName destinationAspect = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:destination");
        nodeService.removeAspect(copyNodeRef, destinationAspect);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx,
                "Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal Nodo copiato.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal nodo : "
                + copyNodeRef.getId());

        //in questo caso (da corrente a corrente) cosa fare dell'aggragazione sorgente??
        // si deve distinguere tra riclassificazione e spostamento?
        // a quanto pare in caso di riclassificazione l' aggregazione nella source deve rimanere
        // ma senza contenuti;
        // in caso di spostamento invece l'aggregazione va spostata in destination e cancellata
        // dalla source
        // Riclassificazione : --> metodo copy di copyService e succesive modifiche all'aggregazione
        //in source:
        //assume uno stato &quot;R&quot; = riclassificato
        //e` vuoto di contenuti,conserva i suoi metadati

        // Spostamento : --> metodo moveNode di nodeService?? questo metodo va bene?? Non copia i figli?

        //Implementazione solo di Riclassificazione
        //Cancello i nodi figli del nodo source(basta questo??)
        List<ChildAssociationRef> childAssociations = nodeService.getChildAssocs(sourceNodeRef);

        int size = childAssociations != null ? childAssociations.size() : 0;

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Cancellare " + size + " nodi figli.");
        if (size > 0) {
            for (ChildAssociationRef childAssoc : childAssociations) {
                if (childAssoc != null) {
                    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Associazione child eliminata.");
                    dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx, "Associazione child eliminata.");

        //<property name="ecm-sys:stato"> proprieta dell'aspect "state"
        QName stateProp = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:stato");
        String valoreStatoNodo = "riclassificato";

        //add aspect ecm-sys:state con proprieta ecm-sys:stato di valore "ri-classificato"
        //al nodo source
        //nodeService.addAspect(sourceNodeRef, stateAspect, stateAspectProps);

        //in realta l'aspect e` gia esistente; bisogna modificare il valore
        // della proprieta da spostabile a ri-classificato
        nodeService.setProperty(sourceNodeRef, stateProp, valoreStatoNodo);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx,
                "Modificata property 'stato' dell'Aspect 'state' del nodo.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] Modificata property 'stato' dell'Aspect 'state' "
                + "del nodo : " + sourceNodeRef.getId());


        insertAudit("MoveAggregationJob", "moveIntraRepo", logCtx, result.getUid(), "Source :"
                + sourceNodeRef.getId() + " -- Destination Parent : " + destinationParentRef.getId());
    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveIntraRepo] END");

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

 * Copies the target associations onto the destination node reference.
 * @param sourceNodeRef   the destination node reference
 * @param destinationNodeRef   the destination node reference    *
 * @throws NodeRuntimeException//ww w .  j a  v a  2  s. c om
private void copyTargetAssociations(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef destinationNodeRef, String sourceRepo,
        String destRepo) throws NodeRuntimeException {
    try {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] BEGIN");

        UserTransaction userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        UserTransaction userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        List<AssociationRef> nodeAssocRefs = nodeService.getTargetAssocs(sourceNodeRef,


        if (nodeAssocRefs != null) {



            //authenticate as the system user

            for (AssociationRef assocRef : nodeAssocRefs) {
                NodeRef targetRef = assocRef.getTargetRef();

                boolean exists = false;
                for (AssociationRef assocRef2 : nodeService.getTargetAssocs(destinationNodeRef,
                        assocRef.getTypeQName())) {
                    if (targetRef.equals(assocRef2.getTargetRef()) == true) {
                        exists = true;

                if (exists == false) {
                    // Add the association(aggiunge le associazioni di tipo reference verso il nodo che si trova
                    //nel corrente ma questo nodo non viene ricreato nel deposito; Cosa fare? )
                    // crea la relazione verso il nodo presente in corrente , ma non crea il nodo in deposito
                    nodeService.createAssociation(destinationNodeRef, targetRef, assocRef.getTypeQName());
    } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (SystemException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (RollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyTargetAssociations] END");

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

 * Copies the permissions of the source node reference onto the destination node reference
 * @param sourceNodeRef         the source node reference
 * @param destinationNodeRef   the destination node reference
 * @throws AuthenticationRuntimeException
 * @throws PermissionRuntimeException// www.  j  a  v a  2s.c  om
private void copyPermissions(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef destinationNodeRef, String sourceRepo,
        String destRepo) throws PermissionRuntimeException, AuthenticationRuntimeException {
    try {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] BEGIN");

        UserTransaction userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        UserTransaction userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        AccessStatus accessStatus = permissionService.hasPermission(sourceNodeRef,


        if (accessStatus == AccessStatus.ALLOWED) {
            userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();


            // Get the permission details of the source node reference
            Set<AccessPermission> permissions = permissionService.getAllSetPermissions(sourceNodeRef);
            boolean includeInherited = permissionService.getInheritParentPermissions(sourceNodeRef);




            // authenticate as the system user

            AccessStatus writePermission = permissionService.hasPermission(destinationNodeRef,
            if (writePermission.equals(AccessStatus.ALLOWED)
                    || authenticationService.isCurrentUserTheSystemUser()) {
                // Set the permission values on the destination node
                for (AccessPermission permission : permissions) {
                    permissionService.setPermission(destinationNodeRef, permission.getAuthority(),
                permissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(destinationNodeRef, includeInherited);


    } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SystemException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (RollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyPermissions] END");

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

 * Copies the child associations onto the destiantion node reference.
 * <p>//from w w  w  .  j a  v a  2  s . c o  m
 * If copyChildren is true then the nodes at the end of a primary assoc will be copied before they
 * are associated.
 * @param sourceNodeRef         the source node reference
 * @param destinationNodeRef   the destination node reference
 * @param copyChildren         indicates whether to copy the primary children
 * @throws AuthenticationRuntimeException
 * @throws PermissionRuntimeException
 * @throws NodeRuntimeException
private void copyChildAssociations(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef destinationNodeRef, boolean copyChildren,
        Map<NodeRef, NodeRef> copiedChildren, String sourceRepo, String destRepo)
        throws NodeRuntimeException, PermissionRuntimeException, AuthenticationRuntimeException {

    try {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] BEGIN");

        UserTransaction userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        UserTransaction userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        List<ChildAssociationRef> childAssocs = nodeService.getChildAssocs(sourceNodeRef);


        if (childAssocs != null) {
                    "[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Nodi figli da ricreare in Repo Secondary: "
                            + childAssocs.size());
            for (ChildAssociationRef childAssoc : childAssocs) {
                if (copyChildren == true) {
                    if (childAssoc.isPrimary() == true) {
                                + " Nodo figlio primario da ricreare in Repo Secondary.");
                        // Do not recurse further, if we've already copied this node
                        if (copiedChildren.containsKey(childAssoc.getChildRef()) == false
                                && copiedChildren.containsValue(childAssoc.getChildRef()) == false) {
                            // Copy the child
                            recursiveCopy(childAssoc.getChildRef(), childAssoc.getParentRef(),
                                    destinationNodeRef, childAssoc.getTypeQName(), childAssoc.getQName(),
                                    copyChildren, copiedChildren, sourceRepo, destRepo);
                    } else {
                                "[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Nodo figlio Non Primario da ricreare.");

                        //Add the child (I figli non primari non vengono ricreati nel deposito)Cosa fare??
                        //TODO: NB i figli secondari non vengono ricreati, ma solo viene creata la relazione
                        //tra padre e figlio( e il figlio si trova nel deposito)
                        NodeRef childRef = childAssoc.getChildRef();



                        // authenticate as the system user

                        nodeService.addChild(destinationNodeRef, childRef, childAssoc.getTypeQName(),

    } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (SystemException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (RollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());

    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::copyChildAssociations] END");

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

 * Recursive copy algorithm/*from w w  w . j ava2  s .  c o m*/
 * @throws NodeRuntimeException
 * @throws AuthenticationRuntimeException
 * @throws PermissionRuntimeException
private NodeRef recursiveCopy(NodeRef sourceNodeRef, NodeRef sourceParentRef, NodeRef destinationParentRef,
        QName destinationAssocTypeQName, QName destinationQName, boolean copyChildren,
        Map<NodeRef, NodeRef> copiedChildren, String sourceRepo, String destRepo)
        throws NodeRuntimeException, PermissionRuntimeException, AuthenticationRuntimeException {

    NodeRef destinationNodeRef = null;

    UserTransaction userTxSource = null;

    UserTransaction userTxDest = null;

    try {

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] BEGIN");

        userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();


        Map<QName, Serializable> properties = null;
        Set<QName> sourceAspects = null;


        //authenticate as the system user

        QName sourceType = nodeService.getType(sourceNodeRef);
        properties = nodeService.getProperties(sourceNodeRef);
        sourceAspects = nodeService.getAspects(sourceNodeRef);


        // Create the new node
        userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        boolean esisteStore = nodeService.exists(destinationParentRef.getStoreRef());

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Lo Store Destination esiste ? : " + esisteStore);

        final boolean destExists = nodeService.exists(destinationParentRef);

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] " + "Repository di Destinazione : "
                + RepositoryManager.getCurrentRepository());
                "[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] '" + destinationParentRef + "' esiste: " + destExists);

        ChildAssociationRef destinationChildAssocRef = nodeService.createNode(destinationParentRef,
                destinationAssocTypeQName, destinationQName, sourceType, null);

        destinationNodeRef = destinationChildAssocRef.getChildRef();

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Nodo spostato: " + destinationNodeRef.getId());

        copiedChildren.put(sourceNodeRef, destinationNodeRef);

        for (QName aspect : sourceAspects) {
            nodeService.addAspect(destinationNodeRef, aspect, null);
            logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Aspect copiato: " + aspect);

        //setto sul nuovo nodo appena creato tutte le properties, anche quelle degli aspects
        nodeService.setProperties(destinationNodeRef, properties);
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Property copiate: " + properties.size());

        // Prevent any rules being fired on the new destination node

        //   Apply the copy aspect to the new node
        //Map<QName, Serializable> copyProperties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
        //copyProperties.put(ContentModel.PROP_COPY_REFERENCE, sourceNodeRef);
        //nodeService.addAspect(destinationNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_COPIEDFROM, copyProperties);

        // Copy the aspects
        //copyAspects(destinationNodeRef, copyDetails);


        // Copy the associations
        copyAssociations(sourceNodeRef, destinationNodeRef, copyChildren, copiedChildren, sourceRepo, destRepo);

        // Copy permissions
        copyPermissions(sourceNodeRef, destinationNodeRef, sourceRepo, destRepo);

    } catch (NotSupportedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SystemException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (RollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (HeuristicMixedException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (HeuristicRollbackException e) {
        logger.error("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] Eccezione: " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::recursiveCopy] END");
    return destinationNodeRef;

From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.job.move.MoveAggregationJob.java

private void moveCrossRepo(String sourceRepository, String idSourceNode, String destinationRepository,
        String idDestinationParent, NodeRef sourceNodeRef)
        throws NotSupportedException, SystemException, NodeRuntimeException, PermissionRuntimeException,
        AuthenticationRuntimeException, DictionaryRuntimeException, SecurityException, IllegalStateException,
        RollbackException, HeuristicMixedException, HeuristicRollbackException {

    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] BEGIN");

    Node result = null;// w  ww .ja  va2 s  .co m

    UserTransaction userTxSource = null;

    UserTransaction userTxDest = null;

    String logCtx = "S: " + idSourceNode + " - SourceRepo: " + sourceRepository + " - D: " + idDestinationParent
            + " - DestRepo: " + destinationRepository;

    try {

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] " + logCtx);

        userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        ChildAssociationRef sourceParentRef = nodeService.getPrimaryParent(sourceNodeRef);

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Nodo Source Padre : "
                + sourceParentRef.getParentRef().getId());

        QName destinationQName = sourceParentRef.getQName();
        QName destinationAssocTypeQName = sourceParentRef.getTypeQName();


        userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();



        //authenticate as the system user

        StoreRef spacesStoreDest = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE, "SpacesStore");

        NodeRef destinationParentRef = new NodeRef(spacesStoreDest, idDestinationParent);

        boolean exist = nodeService.exists(destinationParentRef);

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Nodo Destination Padre: "
                + destinationParentRef.getId() + " esiste? " + exist);



        userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();


        Map<NodeRef, NodeRef> copiedChildren = new HashMap<NodeRef, NodeRef>();


        //authenticate as the system user

        NodeRef parentRef = sourceParentRef.getParentRef();


        boolean copyChildren = true;
        NodeRef destinationNodeRef = null;

        //recursiveCopy -->permette di ricreare in deposito la stessa struttura in corrente
        //in realta crea i figli primari , invece i figli secondari e i nodi target delle associazioni
        //normali non vengono create nel deposito ma viene creata uan relazione verso il nodo
        //originario presente in corrente.
        //Eliminare o non fare creare relazioni dal secondario verso nodi del primario
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Inizio metodo ricorsivo : 'recursiveCopy'");

        destinationNodeRef = recursiveCopy(sourceNodeRef, parentRef, destinationParentRef,
                destinationAssocTypeQName, destinationQName, copyChildren, copiedChildren, sourceRepository,

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Fine metodo ricorsivo : 'recursiveCopy'");

        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx, "Nodo Copia creato.");

        if (destinationNodeRef != null) {
            result = new Node(destinationNodeRef.getId(), destinationRepository);

            logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Uid Nodo Copia creato: " + result.getUid());

        userTxDest = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        //Dal nodo padre sposato sul deposito elimino gli aspect state e destination

        //authenticate as the system user

        QName stateAspect = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:state");
        nodeService.removeAspect(destinationNodeRef, stateAspect);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx, "Rimosso Aspect 'state' dal Nodo spostato.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Rimosso Aspect 'state' dal nodo : "
                + destinationNodeRef.getId());

        QName destinationAspect = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:destination");
        nodeService.removeAspect(destinationNodeRef, destinationAspect);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx,
                "Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal Nodo spostato.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal nodo : "
                + destinationNodeRef.getId());



        userTxSource = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        //Cancello i nodi figli del nodo source

        //authenticate as the system user

        List<ChildAssociationRef> childAssociations = nodeService.getChildAssocs(sourceNodeRef);

        int size = childAssociations != null ? childAssociations.size() : 0;

        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Cancello " + size + " nodi/o figli.");
        if (size > 0) {
            for (ChildAssociationRef childAssoc : childAssociations) {
                if (childAssoc != null) {
                    logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Associazione child eliminata.");
                    dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx, "Associazione child eliminata.");

        //aspect ecm-sys:state
        //<property name="ecm-sys:stato">

        //aspect ecm-sys:state
        //<property name="ecm-sys:stato"> proprieta dell'aspect

        QName stateProp = resolvePrefixNameToQName("ecm-sys:stato");
        String valoreStatoNodo = "spostato";

        //setto la proprieta ecm-sys:stato dell'aspect ecm-sys:state
        //del nodo source con valore "spostato"
        nodeService.setProperty(sourceNodeRef, stateProp, valoreStatoNodo);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx,
                "Modificata property 'stato' dell'Aspect 'state'");

        //TODO: in realta l'aggregazione deve essere Cancellata del tutto e non disabilitata
        //con l'aggiunta di un aspect; si dovrebbe cancellare l'aggregazione solo dopo che
        //il job di spostamento e` andato a buon fine.
                "[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Modificata property 'stato' dell'Aspect 'state' del nodo : "
                        + sourceNodeRef.getId());

        //Dal nodo sorgente presente nel corrente elimino l'aspect destination
        nodeService.removeAspect(sourceNodeRef, destinationAspect);
        dumpElapsed("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx, "Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal Nodo.");
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] Rimosso Aspect 'destination' dal nodo : "
                + sourceNodeRef.getId());


        insertAudit("MoveAggregationJob", "moveCrossRepo", logCtx, result.getUid(),
                "Source: " + sourceNodeRef.getId() + " RepoSource: " + sourceRepository + " -- Dest Parent: "
                        + destinationParentRef.getId() + " RepoDest: " + destinationRepository);

    } finally {
        logger.debug("[MoveAggregationJob::moveCrossRepo] END");

From source file:fr.openwide.talendalfresco.rest.server.command.LoginCommand.java

private User authenticate(String username, String password, String ticket) {

    // case of existing session user : getting alfresco ticket
    User existingSessionUser = null;/*from   w w w  .  jav  a 2 s.  com*/
    HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(false);
    if (session != null) {
        existingSessionUser = (User) session.getAttribute(AuthenticationHelper.AUTHENTICATION_USER);
        if (existingSessionUser != null) {
            String existingSessionTicket = existingSessionUser.getTicket();
            // alternatives :
            // 1. using alfresco ticket rather than sso ticket to speed up things
            // NB. this means that before logging in a different user an explicit logout must be done
            // 2. using sso ticket rather than alfresco one
            // this requires never to give the ticket but when we want to relog, which is bothersome
            if (existingSessionTicket != null) {
                ticket = existingSessionTicket;

    UserTransaction tx = null;
    try {
        // Authenticate via the authentication service, then save the details of user in an object
        // in the session - this is used by the servlet filter etc. on each page to check for login
        if (username != null && password != null) {
            // authentication using login (alfresco or sso), since user/pwd params (even empty ones) have been supplied
            // validation :
            RestServerHelper.validateUsername(session, username);
            RestServerHelper.validatePassword(session, password);
            // login :
            authenticationService.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray());

        } else if (ticket != null && ticket.length() != 0) {
            // authentication using ticket (alfresco or sso), since non empty ticket has been supplied

        } else {
                    RestServerHelper.getMessage(session, RestServerHelper.MSG_ERROR_MISSING) + " : " + username,
            return null;

        // Set the user name as stored by the back end 
        username = authenticationService.getCurrentUserName();

        if (existingSessionUser != null && existingSessionUser.getUserName().equals(username)) {
            // user was already logged in, nothing else to do
            return existingSessionUser;

        // now setting up logged in user elements
        // using non propagated tx because already inside a tx (commandServlet)
        tx = transactionService.getNonPropagatingUserTransaction();

        // remove the session invalidated flag (used to remove last username cookie by AuthenticationFilter)
        if (session != null) {

        // setup User object and Home space ID
        User user = new User(username, authenticationService.getCurrentTicket(),

        NodeRef homeSpaceRef = (NodeRef) nodeService.getProperty(personService.getPerson(username),

        // check that the home space node exists - else user cannot login
        if (nodeService.exists(homeSpaceRef) == false) {
            throw new InvalidNodeRefException(homeSpaceRef);

        tx = null; // clear this so we know not to rollback 

        // put the User object in the Session - the authentication servlet will then allow
        // the app to continue without redirecting to the login page
        if (session == null) {
            session = httpRequest.getSession(true); // creating session if none yet
        session.setAttribute(AuthenticationHelper.AUTHENTICATION_USER, user);

        // Set the current locale for Alfresco web app. NB. session exists now.
        I18NUtil.setLocale(Application.getLanguage(session, true));

        return user;

    } catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
                RestServerHelper.getMessage(session, RestServerHelper.MSG_ERROR_UNKNOWN_USER) + " : "
                        + username,

    } catch (InvalidNodeRefException inre) {
                RestServerHelper.getMessage(session, Repository.ERROR_NOHOME) + " : "
                        + inre.getNodeRef().getId() + " (" + username + ")",

    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // Some other kind of serious failure
        xmlResult.setError("Unknown technical error when authenticating user " + username, null);

    } finally {
        try {
            if (tx != null) {
        } catch (Exception tex) {

    return null;

From source file:com.flexive.tests.embedded.persistence.StructureTest.java

@Test(groups = { "ejb", "structure" })
public void assignmentGroupProperty() throws Exception {
    Context c = EJBLookup.getInitialContext();
    UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction) c.lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
    FxString desc = new FxString("group description...");
    desc.setTranslation(2, "gruppen beschreibung");
    final String GROUPNAME = "GROUPTEST" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
    FxGroupEdit ge = FxGroupEdit.createNew(GROUPNAME, desc, new FxString("hint..."), true,
            FxMultiplicity.of(0, FxMultiplicity.N));
    ae.createGroup(ge, "/");
    ae.createGroup(ge, "/" + GROUPNAME);
    ae.createGroup(ge, "/" + GROUPNAME + "/SUBGROUP");
    desc.setTranslation(1, "property description...");
    desc.setTranslation(2, "attribut beschreibung...");
    FxPropertyEdit pe = FxPropertyEdit.createNew("testproperty", desc, new FxString("property hint"), true,
            FxMultiplicity.of(1, 1), true, env().getACL(1), FxDataType.Number, new FxString("123"), true, null,
            null, null);//from w  w w. ja va2  s .co  m
    ae.createProperty(pe, "/" + GROUPNAME + "/SUBGROUP");
    FxGroupAssignment ga = (FxGroupAssignment) env().getAssignment("ROOT/" + GROUPNAME);
    FxGroupAssignmentEdit gae = FxGroupAssignmentEdit.createNew(ga, env().getType("ROOT"), "GTEST", "/");
    ae.save(gae, true);