List of usage examples for javax.swing.text Document remove
public void remove(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException;
From source
private void removeTabIfPossilbe(KeyEvent event, JTextComponent component) { try {/*www .j av a2 s. c om*/ Document doc = component.getDocument(); int caretPostion = component.getCaretPosition(); int lineStartIndex = doc.getText(0, caretPostion).lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; lineStartIndex = lineStartIndex < 0 ? 0 : lineStartIndex; lineStartIndex = lineStartIndex >= doc.getLength() ? doc.getLength() - 1 : lineStartIndex; int scanEndIndex = lineStartIndex + 4 <= doc.getLength() ? lineStartIndex + 4 : doc.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < 4 && i + lineStartIndex < scanEndIndex; i++) { if (doc.getText(lineStartIndex, 1).matches(" ")) { doc.remove(lineStartIndex, 1); } else if (doc.getText(lineStartIndex, 1).matches("\t")) { doc.remove(lineStartIndex, 1); break; } else { break; } } event.consume(); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { System.out.println("Could not insert a tab: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * Method for finding (and optionally replacing) a string in the text *///from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om private int findText(String findTerm, String replaceTerm, boolean bCaseSenstive, int iOffset) { JTextComponent jtpFindSource; if (sourceWindowActive || jtpSource.hasFocus()) { jtpFindSource = (JTextComponent) jtpSource; } else { jtpFindSource = (JTextComponent) jtpMain; } int searchPlace = -1; try { Document baseDocument = jtpFindSource.getDocument(); searchPlace = (bCaseSenstive ? baseDocument.getText(0, baseDocument.getLength()).indexOf(findTerm, iOffset) : baseDocument.getText(0, baseDocument.getLength()).toLowerCase() .indexOf(findTerm.toLowerCase(), iOffset)); if (searchPlace > -1) { if (replaceTerm != null) { AttributeSet attribs = null; if (baseDocument instanceof HTMLDocument) { Element element = ((HTMLDocument) baseDocument).getCharacterElement(searchPlace); attribs = element.getAttributes(); } baseDocument.remove(searchPlace, findTerm.length()); baseDocument.insertString(searchPlace, replaceTerm, attribs); jtpFindSource.setCaretPosition(searchPlace + replaceTerm.length()); jtpFindSource.requestFocus();, searchPlace + replaceTerm.length()); } else { jtpFindSource.setCaretPosition(searchPlace + findTerm.length()); jtpFindSource.requestFocus();, searchPlace + findTerm.length()); } } } catch (BadLocationException ble) { logException("BadLocationException in actionPerformed method", ble); new SimpleInfoDialog(this.getWindow(), Translatrix.getTranslationString("Error"), true, Translatrix.getTranslationString("ErrorBadLocationException"), SimpleInfoDialog.ERROR); } return searchPlace; }
From source
public void deleteText() { RSyntaxTextArea textArea = commandArea; boolean beep = true; if ((textArea != null) && (textArea.isEditable())) { try {/*from w w w.j a v a2 s . c o m*/ Document doc = textArea.getDocument(); Caret caret = textArea.getCaret(); int dot = caret.getDot(); int mark = caret.getMark(); if (dot != mark) { doc.remove(Math.min(dot, mark), Math.abs(dot - mark)); beep = false; } else if (dot < doc.getLength()) { int delChars = 1; if (dot < doc.getLength() - 1) { String dotChars = doc.getText(dot, 2); char c0 = dotChars.charAt(0); char c1 = dotChars.charAt(1); if (c0 >= '\uD800' && c0 <= '\uDBFF' && c1 >= '\uDC00' && c1 <= '\uDFFF') { delChars = 2; } } doc.remove(dot, delChars); beep = false; } } catch (Exception bl) { } } if (beep) { UIManager.getLookAndFeel().provideErrorFeedback(textArea); } textArea.requestFocusInWindow(); }
From source
public void popupSelectionMade() { AutoCompleteListItem selectedListItem = (AutoCompleteListItem) autoCompletePopup.getSelectedItem(); if (selectedListItem == null || selectedListItem.isNothingProposed()) { return;/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } String selectedValue = selectedListItem.getInsertionValue(); try { JTextComponent textComponent = queryEditorTextComponent(); Document document = textComponent.getDocument(); int caretPosition = textComponent.getCaretPosition(); String wordAtCursor = queryEditor.getWordToCursor(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(wordAtCursor)) { int wordAtCursorLength = wordAtCursor.length(); int insertionIndex = caretPosition - wordAtCursorLength; if (selectedListItem.isKeyword() && isAllLowerCase(wordAtCursor)) { selectedValue = selectedValue.toLowerCase(); } if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(wordAtCursor.charAt(0))) { // cases where you might have a.column_name or similar insertionIndex++; wordAtCursorLength--; } else if (wordAtCursor.contains(".")) { int index = wordAtCursor.indexOf("."); insertionIndex += index + 1; wordAtCursorLength -= index + 1; } document.remove(insertionIndex, wordAtCursorLength); document.insertString(insertionIndex, selectedValue, null); } else { document.insertString(caretPosition, selectedValue, null); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { debug("Error on autocomplete insertion", e); } finally { autoCompletePopup.hidePopup(); } }
From source
private void removeCommentFromRows(int startRow, int endRow) throws BadLocationException { Document document = queryPane.getDocument(); Matcher matcher = sqlCommentMatcher(); for (int i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) { String text = queryPane.getTextAtRow(i); matcher.reset(text);/*from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ if (matcher.find()) { // retrieve the exact index of '--' since // matcher will return first whitespace int index = text.indexOf(SQL_COMMENT); int startOffset = queryPane.getRowPosition(i); document.remove(startOffset + index, 2); } } }
From source
private void applySuggestion(String str, int start, int end) { if (end < start) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end before start: " + end + " < " + start); }// www. j a va m Document doc = this.textComponent.getDocument(); if (doc != null) { try { if (this.undo != null) { this.undo.startCompoundEdit(); } if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) { ((AbstractDocument) doc).replace(start, end - start, str, null); } else { doc.remove(start, end - start); doc.insertString(start, str, null); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } finally { if (this.undo != null) { this.undo.endCompoundEdit(); } } } }
From source
/** * Replace the entire contents of this tab. *///from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m public void setText(String what) { // Remove all highlights, since these will all end up at the start of the // text otherwise. Preserving them is tricky, so better just remove them. textarea.removeAllLineHighlights(); // Set the caret update policy to NEVER_UPDATE while completely replacing // the current text. Normally, the caret tracks inserts and deletions, but // replacing the entire text will always make the caret end up at the end, // which isn't really useful. With NEVER_UPDATE, the caret will just keep // its absolute position (number of characters from the start), which isn't // always perfect, but the best we can do without making a diff of the old // and new text and some guesswork. // Note that we cannot use textarea.setText() here, since that first removes // text and then inserts the new text. Even with NEVER_UPDATE, the caret // always makes sure to stay valid, so first removing all text makes it // reset to 0. Also note that simply saving and restoring the caret position // will work, but then the scroll position might change in response to the // caret position. DefaultCaret caret = (DefaultCaret) textarea.getCaret(); int policy = caret.getUpdatePolicy(); caret.setUpdatePolicy(DefaultCaret.NEVER_UPDATE); try { Document doc = textarea.getDocument(); int oldLength = doc.getLength(); // The undo manager already seems to group the insert and remove together // automatically, but better be explicit about it. textarea.beginAtomicEdit(); try { doc.insertString(oldLength, what, null); doc.remove(0, oldLength); } catch (BadLocationException e) { System.err.println("Unexpected failure replacing text"); } finally { textarea.endAtomicEdit(); } } finally { caret.setUpdatePolicy(policy); } }
From source
/** * DOCUMENT ME!/*from www. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ */ public void replace() { String replace = PreferenceManager.getString("snr.replace", ""); if ((replace != null) && !replace.equals("")) { int start = buffer.getSelectionStart(); int end = buffer.getSelectionEnd(); if (start != end) { Document doc = buffer.getDocument(); try { doc.remove(start, end - start); doc.insertString(start, replace, null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } }