Example usage for javax.swing.table TableModel interface-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing.table TableModel interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing.table TableModel interface-usage.


From source file blue.components.lines.Line.java

 * This Line class is used in a number of places in blue. For situations like
 * the BSB/ObjectBuilder LineObject or the LineObject SoundObject, the values of
 * points are closed on both ends with a minimum of two points required for use
 * at x values 0.0 and 1.0. For non-rightbound lines such as Automations, x
 * values are set to any positive value or 0.

From source file com.alvermont.terraj.util.ui.HiddenTableModel.java

 * A table model that can show or hide selected columns of the data.
 * Modified and extended from the original version by Vincent Oberle
 * available at: http://www.codeguru.com/java/articles/660.shtml
 * This version supports more operations.

From source file blue.Arrangement.java

 * @author steven
 * Selected instruments from instrument library to use for CSD generation.
 * Instruments are held in a TreeMap.

From source file org.jdal.swing.ListTableModel.java

 * TableModel that use a List of Objects to hold data.
 * @author Jose Luis Martin - (jlm@joseluismartin.info)
 * @see org.jdal.swing.PageableTable
 * @since 1.0