List of usage examples for javax.swing JLabel setForeground
@BeanProperty(preferred = true, visualUpdate = true, description = "The foreground color of the component.") public void setForeground(Color fg)
From source
private void openChipOptionsDialog(final int chip) { // ------------------------ Disassembly options JPanel disassemblyOptionsPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("", "[left,grow][left,grow]")); // Prepare sample code area final RSyntaxTextArea listingArea = new RSyntaxTextArea(20, 90); SourceCodeFrame.prepareAreaFormat(chip, listingArea); final List<JCheckBox> outputOptionsCheckBoxes = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>(); ActionListener areaRefresherListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { Set<OutputOption> sampleOptions = EnumSet.noneOf(OutputOption.class); dumpOptionCheckboxes(outputOptionsCheckBoxes, sampleOptions); int baseAddress = framework.getPlatform(chip).getCpuState().getResetAddress(); int lastAddress = baseAddress; Memory sampleMemory = new DebuggableMemory(false);, 0x100, true, true, true); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Disassembler disassembler; if (chip == Constants.CHIP_FR) { sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x1781); // PUSH RP lastAddress += 2;// w w w . jav a 2 s . com sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x8FFE); // PUSH (FP,AC,R12,R11,R10,R9,R8) lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x83EF); // ANDCCR #0xEF lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x9F80); // LDI:32 #0x68000000,R0 lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x6800); lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x0000); lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x2031); // LD @(FP,0x00C),R1 lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0xB581); // LSL #24,R1 lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x1A40); // DMOVB R13,@0x40 lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x9310); // ORCCR #0x10 lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x8D7F); // POP (R8,R9,R10,R11,R12,AC,FP) lastAddress += 2; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress, 0x0781); // POP RP lastAddress += 2; disassembler = new Dfr(); disassembler.setDebugPrintWriter(new PrintWriter(new StringWriter())); // Ignore disassembler.setOutputFileName(null); disassembler.processOptions(new String[] { "-m", "0x" + Format.asHex(baseAddress, 8) + "-0x" + Format.asHex(lastAddress, 8) + "=CODE" }); } else { sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress, 0x340B0001); // li $t3, 0x0001 lastAddress += 4; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress, 0x17600006); // bnez $k1, 0xBFC00020 lastAddress += 4; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress, 0x00000000); // nop lastAddress += 4; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress, 0x54400006); // bnezl $t4, 0xBFC00028 lastAddress += 4; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress, 0x3C0C0000); // ?lui $t4, 0x0000 lastAddress += 4; int baseAddress16 = lastAddress; int lastAddress16 = baseAddress16; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress16, 0xF70064F6); // save $ra,$s0,$s1,$s2-$s7,$fp, 0x30 lastAddress16 += 4; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress16, 0x6500); // nop lastAddress16 += 2; sampleMemory.store32(lastAddress16, 0xF7006476); // restore $ra,$s0,$s1,$s2-$s7,$fp, 0x30 lastAddress16 += 4; sampleMemory.store16(lastAddress16, 0xE8A0); // ret lastAddress16 += 2; disassembler = new Dtx(); disassembler.setDebugPrintWriter(new PrintWriter(new StringWriter())); // Ignore disassembler.setOutputFileName(null); disassembler.processOptions(new String[] { "-m", "0x" + Format.asHex(baseAddress, 8) + "-0x" + Format.asHex(lastAddress, 8) + "=CODE:32", "-m", "0x" + Format.asHex(baseAddress16, 8) + "-0x" + Format.asHex(lastAddress16, 8) + "=CODE:16" }); } disassembler.setOutputOptions(sampleOptions); disassembler.setMemory(sampleMemory); disassembler.initialize(); disassembler.setOutWriter(writer); disassembler.disassembleMemRanges(); disassembler.cleanup(); listingArea.setText(""); listingArea.append(writer.toString()); listingArea.setCaretPosition(0); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }; int i = 1; for (OutputOption outputOption : OutputOption.allFormatOptions) { JCheckBox checkBox = makeOutputOptionCheckBox(chip, outputOption, prefs.getOutputOptions(chip), false); if (checkBox != null) { outputOptionsCheckBoxes.add(checkBox); disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(checkBox, (i % 2 == 0) ? "wrap" : ""); checkBox.addActionListener(areaRefresherListener); i++; } } if (i % 2 == 0) { disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel(), "wrap"); } // Force a refresh areaRefresherListener.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(outputOptionsCheckBoxes.get(0), 0, "")); // disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Sample output:", SwingConstants.LEADING), "gapbottom 1, span, split 2, aligny center"); // disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "span 2,wrap"); disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "span 2, gapleft rel, growx, wrap"); disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Sample output:"), "span 2,wrap"); disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JScrollPane(listingArea), "span 2,wrap"); disassemblyOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Tip: hover over the option checkboxes for help"), "span 2, center, wrap"); // ------------------------ Emulation options JPanel emulationOptionsPanel = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout(5, VerticalLayout.LEFT)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel()); JLabel warningLabel = new JLabel( "NOTE: these options only take effect after reloading the firmware (or performing a 'Stop and reset')"); warningLabel.setBackground(Color.RED); warningLabel.setOpaque(true); warningLabel.setForeground(Color.WHITE); warningLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); emulationOptionsPanel.add(warningLabel); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel()); final JCheckBox writeProtectFirmwareCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Write-protect firmware"); writeProtectFirmwareCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isFirmwareWriteProtected(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(writeProtectFirmwareCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel( "If checked, any attempt to write to the loaded firmware area will result in an Emulator error. This can help trap spurious writes")); final JCheckBox dmaSynchronousCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Make DMA synchronous"); dmaSynchronousCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isDmaSynchronous(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(dmaSynchronousCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel( "If checked, DMA operations will be performed immediately, pausing the CPU. Otherwise they are performed in a separate thread.")); final JCheckBox autoEnableTimersCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Auto enable timers"); autoEnableTimersCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isAutoEnableTimers(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(autoEnableTimersCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel .add(new JLabel("If checked, timers will be automatically enabled upon reset or firmware load.")); // Log memory messages final JCheckBox logMemoryMessagesCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Log memory messages"); logMemoryMessagesCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isLogMemoryMessages(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(logMemoryMessagesCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel .add(new JLabel("If checked, messages related to memory will be logged to the console.")); // Log serial messages final JCheckBox logSerialMessagesCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Log serial messages"); logSerialMessagesCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isLogSerialMessages(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(logSerialMessagesCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel.add( new JLabel("If checked, messages related to serial interfaces will be logged to the console.")); // Log register messages final JCheckBox logRegisterMessagesCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Log register messages"); logRegisterMessagesCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isLogRegisterMessages(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(logRegisterMessagesCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel( "If checked, warnings related to unimplemented register addresses will be logged to the console.")); // Log pin messages final JCheckBox logPinMessagesCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Log pin messages"); logPinMessagesCheckBox.setSelected(prefs.isLogPinMessages(chip)); emulationOptionsPanel.add(logPinMessagesCheckBox); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel( "If checked, warnings related to unimplemented I/O pins will be logged to the console.")); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL)); // Alt mode upon Debug JPanel altDebugPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); Object[] altDebugMode = EnumSet.allOf(EmulationFramework.ExecutionMode.class).toArray(); final JComboBox altModeForDebugCombo = new JComboBox(new DefaultComboBoxModel(altDebugMode)); for (int j = 0; j < altDebugMode.length; j++) { if (altDebugMode[j].equals(prefs.getAltExecutionModeForSyncedCpuUponDebug(chip))) { altModeForDebugCombo.setSelectedIndex(j); } } altDebugPanel.add(new JLabel(Constants.CHIP_LABEL[1 - chip] + " mode when " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " runs in sync Debug: ")); altDebugPanel.add(altModeForDebugCombo); emulationOptionsPanel.add(altDebugPanel); emulationOptionsPanel .add(new JLabel("If 'sync mode' is selected, this is the mode the " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[1 - chip] + " chip will run in when running the " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " in Debug mode")); // Alt mode upon Step JPanel altStepPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); Object[] altStepMode = EnumSet.allOf(EmulationFramework.ExecutionMode.class).toArray(); final JComboBox altModeForStepCombo = new JComboBox(new DefaultComboBoxModel(altStepMode)); for (int j = 0; j < altStepMode.length; j++) { if (altStepMode[j].equals(prefs.getAltExecutionModeForSyncedCpuUponStep(chip))) { altModeForStepCombo.setSelectedIndex(j); } } altStepPanel.add(new JLabel(Constants.CHIP_LABEL[1 - chip] + " mode when " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " runs in sync Step: ")); altStepPanel.add(altModeForStepCombo); emulationOptionsPanel.add(altStepPanel); emulationOptionsPanel .add(new JLabel("If 'sync mode' is selected, this is the mode the " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[1 - chip] + " chip will run in when running the " + Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " in Step mode")); // ------------------------ Prepare tabbed pane JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab(Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " Disassembly Options", null, disassemblyOptionsPanel); tabbedPane.addTab(Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " Emulation Options", null, emulationOptionsPanel); if (chip == Constants.CHIP_TX) { JPanel chipSpecificOptionsPanel = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout(5, VerticalLayout.LEFT)); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Eeprom status upon startup:")); ActionListener eepromInitializationRadioActionListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { prefs.setEepromInitMode(Prefs.EepromInitMode.valueOf(e.getActionCommand())); } }; JRadioButton blank = new JRadioButton("Blank"); blank.setActionCommand(; blank.addActionListener(eepromInitializationRadioActionListener); if (Prefs.EepromInitMode.BLANK.equals(prefs.getEepromInitMode())) blank.setSelected(true); JRadioButton persistent = new JRadioButton("Persistent across sessions"); persistent.setActionCommand(; persistent.addActionListener(eepromInitializationRadioActionListener); if (Prefs.EepromInitMode.PERSISTENT.equals(prefs.getEepromInitMode())) persistent.setSelected(true); JRadioButton lastLoaded = new JRadioButton("Last Loaded"); lastLoaded.setActionCommand(; lastLoaded.addActionListener(eepromInitializationRadioActionListener); if (Prefs.EepromInitMode.LAST_LOADED.equals(prefs.getEepromInitMode())) lastLoaded.setSelected(true); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(blank); group.add(persistent); group.add(lastLoaded); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(blank); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(persistent); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(lastLoaded); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(new JLabel("Front panel type:")); final JComboBox frontPanelNameCombo = new JComboBox(new String[] { "D5100_small", "D5100_large" }); if (prefs.getFrontPanelName() != null) { frontPanelNameCombo.setSelectedItem(prefs.getFrontPanelName()); } frontPanelNameCombo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { prefs.setFrontPanelName((String) frontPanelNameCombo.getSelectedItem()); } }); chipSpecificOptionsPanel.add(frontPanelNameCombo); emulationOptionsPanel.add(new JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL)); tabbedPane.addTab(Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " specific options", null, chipSpecificOptionsPanel); } // ------------------------ Show it if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, tabbedPane, Constants.CHIP_LABEL[chip] + " options", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION)) { // save output options dumpOptionCheckboxes(outputOptionsCheckBoxes, prefs.getOutputOptions(chip)); // apply TxCPUState.initRegisterLabels(prefs.getOutputOptions(chip)); // save other prefs prefs.setFirmwareWriteProtected(chip, writeProtectFirmwareCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setDmaSynchronous(chip, dmaSynchronousCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setAutoEnableTimers(chip, autoEnableTimersCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setLogRegisterMessages(chip, logRegisterMessagesCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setLogSerialMessages(chip, logSerialMessagesCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setLogPinMessages(chip, logPinMessagesCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setLogMemoryMessages(chip, logMemoryMessagesCheckBox.isSelected()); prefs.setAltExecutionModeForSyncedCpuUponDebug(chip, (EmulationFramework.ExecutionMode) altModeForDebugCombo.getSelectedItem()); prefs.setAltExecutionModeForSyncedCpuUponStep(chip, (EmulationFramework.ExecutionMode) altModeForStepCombo.getSelectedItem()); } }
From source
private void btnAddFieldStationActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnAddFieldStationActionPerformed JTextField id = new JTextField(); JTextField name = new JTextField(); //Space is needed to expand dialog JLabel verified = new JLabel(" "); JButton okButton = new JButton("Ok"); JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); okButton.setEnabled(false);/*from www .j a v a 2 s .com*/ okButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { String idText = id.getText(); String nameText = name.getText(); addFieldStation(id.getText(), name.getText()); JOptionPane.getRootFrame().dispose(); listUserStations.setSelectedValue(server.getFieldStation(idText), false); } }); cancelButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { JOptionPane.getRootFrame().dispose(); } }); id.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent key) { boolean theid = id.getText().equals(""); boolean thename = name.getText().equals(""); if (server.verifyFieldStation(id.getText()) && !theid && !thename) { verified.setText(" Verified"); verified.setForeground(new Color(0, 102, 0)); okButton.setEnabled(true); } else { verified.setText(" Not Verified"); verified.setForeground(Color.RED); okButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); name.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent key) { boolean theid = id.getText().equals(""); boolean thename = name.getText().equals(""); if (server.verifyFieldStation(id.getText()) && !theid && !thename) { verified.setText(" Verified"); verified.setForeground(new Color(0, 102, 0)); okButton.setEnabled(true); } else { verified.setText(" Not Verified"); verified.setForeground(Color.RED); okButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); Object[] message = { "Field Station ID:", id, "Field Station Name:", name, verified }; int inputFields = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, message, "Add Field Station", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { okButton, cancelButton }, null); if (inputFields == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { System.out.print("Added Field Station!"); } }
From source
public void testResults(String tmpstr) { StringTokenizer tokens;/*ww w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ int i = 0; String sysvar, strval; int sysval, Zero = 0, bwdelay, minwin; double sysval2, j; String osName, osArch, osVer, javaVer, javaVendor, client; tokens = new StringTokenizer(tmpstr); sysvar = null; strval = null; while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { if (++i % 2 == 1) { sysvar = tokens.nextToken(); } else { strval = tokens.nextToken(); diagnosis.append(sysvar + " " + strval + "\n"); //we load all the key value pairs to the report, too //may come in handy in the future //TODO: strip the trailing ':' from sysvar report.put("web100_" + sysvar.replaceAll(":$", ""), strval); emailText += sysvar + " " + strval + "\n%0A"; if (strval.indexOf(".") == -1) { sysval = Integer.parseInt(strval); save_int_values(sysvar, sysval); } else { sysval2 = Double.valueOf(strval).doubleValue(); save_dbl_values(sysvar, sysval2); } } } // Grab some client details from the applet environment osName = System.getProperty(""); pub_osName = osName; osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch"); pub_osArch = osArch; osVer = System.getProperty("os.version"); pub_osVer = osVer; javaVer = System.getProperty("java.version"); pub_javaVer = javaVer; javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor"); if (osArch.startsWith("x86") == true) { client = messages.getString("pc"); } else { client = messages.getString("workstation"); } // Calculate some variables and determine path conditions // Note: calculations now done in server and the results are shipped // back to the client for printing. if (CountRTT > 0) { // Now write some messages to the screen if (c2sData < 3) { if (c2sData < 0) { results.append(messages.getString("unableToDetectBottleneck") + "\n"); emailText += "Server unable to determine bottleneck link type.\n%0A"; pub_AccessTech = "Connection type unknown"; } else { results.append(messages.getString("your") + " " + client + " " + messages.getString("connectedTo") + " "); emailText += messages.getString("your") + " " + client + " " + messages.getString("connectedTo") + " "; if (c2sData == 1) { results.append(messages.getString("dialup") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("dialup") + "\n%0A"; mylink = .064; pub_AccessTech = "Dial-up Modem"; } else { results.append(messages.getString("cabledsl") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("cabledsl") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 3; pub_AccessTech = "Cable/DSL modem"; } } } else { results.append(messages.getString("theSlowestLink") + " "); emailText += messages.getString("theSlowestLink") + " "; if (c2sData == 3) { results.append(messages.getString("10mbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("10mbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 10; pub_AccessTech = "10 Mbps Ethernet"; } else if (c2sData == 4) { results.append(messages.getString("45mbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("45mbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 45; pub_AccessTech = "45 Mbps T3/DS3 subnet"; } else if (c2sData == 5) { results.append("100 Mbps "); emailText += "100 Mbps "; mylink = 100; pub_AccessTech = "100 Mbps Ethernet"; if (half_duplex == 0) { results.append(messages.getString("fullDuplex") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("fullDuplex") + "\n%0A"; } else { results.append(messages.getString("halfDuplex") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("halfDuplex") + "\n%0A"; } } else if (c2sData == 6) { results.append(messages.getString("622mbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("622mbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 622; pub_AccessTech = "622 Mbps OC-12"; } else if (c2sData == 7) { results.append(messages.getString("1gbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("1gbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 1000; pub_AccessTech = "1.0 Gbps Gigabit Ethernet"; } else if (c2sData == 8) { results.append(messages.getString("2.4gbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("2.4gbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 2400; pub_AccessTech = "2.4 Gbps OC-48"; } else if (c2sData == 9) { results.append(messages.getString("10gbps") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("10gbps") + "\n%0A"; mylink = 10000; pub_AccessTech = "10 Gigabit Ethernet/OC-192"; } } if (mismatch == 1) { results.append(messages.getString("oldDuplexMismatch") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("oldDuplexMismatch") + "\n%0A"; } else if (mismatch == 2) { results.append(messages.getString("duplexFullHalf") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("duplexFullHalf") + "\n%0A"; } else if (mismatch == 4) { results.append(messages.getString("possibleDuplexFullHalf") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("possibleDuplexFullHalf") + "\n%0A"; } else if (mismatch == 3) { results.append(messages.getString("duplexHalfFull") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("duplexHalfFull") + "\n%0A"; } else if (mismatch == 5) { results.append(messages.getString("possibleDuplexHalfFull") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("possibleDuplexHalfFull") + "\n%0A"; } else if (mismatch == 7) { results.append(messages.getString("possibleDuplexHalfFullWarning") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("possibleDuplexHalfFullWarning") + "\n%0A"; } if (mismatch == 0) { if (bad_cable == 1) { results.append(messages.getString("excessiveErrors ") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("excessiveErrors") + "\n%0A"; } if (congestion == 1) { results.append(messages.getString("otherTraffic") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("otherTraffic") + "\n%0A"; } if (((2 * rwin) / rttsec) < mylink) { j = (float) ((mylink * avgrtt) * 1000) / 8 / 1024; if (j > (float) MaxRwinRcvd) { results.append(messages.getString("receiveBufferShouldBe") + " " + prtdbl(j) + messages.getString("toMaximizeThroughput") + " \n"); emailText += messages.getString("receiveBufferShouldBe") + " " + prtdbl(j) + messages.getString("toMaximizeThroughput") + "\n%0A"; } } } if ((tests & TEST_C2S) == TEST_C2S) { if (sc2sspd < (c2sspd * (1.0 - VIEW_DIFF))) { // TODO: distinguish the host buffering from the middleboxes buffering JLabel info = new JLabel(messages.getString("information")); info.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { showBufferedBytesInfo(); } }); info.setForeground(Color.BLUE); info.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); info.setAlignmentY((float) 0.8); results.insertComponent(info); results.append(messages.getString("c2sPacketQueuingDetected") + "\n"); } } if ((tests & TEST_S2C) == TEST_S2C) { if (s2cspd < (ss2cspd * (1.0 - VIEW_DIFF))) { // TODO: distinguish the host buffering from the middleboxes buffering JLabel info = new JLabel(messages.getString("information")); info.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { showBufferedBytesInfo(); } }); info.setForeground(Color.BLUE); info.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); info.setAlignmentY((float) 0.8); results.insertComponent(info); results.append(messages.getString("s2cPacketQueuingDetected") + "\n"); } } statistics.append("\n\t------ " + messages.getString("clientInfo") + "------\n"); statistics.append(messages.getString("osData") + " " + messages.getString("name") + " = " + osName + ", " + messages.getString("architecture") + " = " + osArch); statistics.append(", " + messages.getString("version") + " = " + osVer + "\n"); statistics.append(messages.getString("javaData") + ": " + messages.getString("vendor") + " = " + javaVendor + ", " + messages.getString("version") + " = " + javaVer + "\n"); report.put("os_name", osName); report.put("os_architecture", osArch); report.put("os_version", osVer); statistics.append("Java data: Vendor = " + javaVendor + ", Version = " + javaVer + "\n"); report.put("java_vendor", javaVendor); report.put("java_version", javaVer); // statistics.append(" java.class.version=" + System.getProperty("java.class.version") + "\n"); statistics.append("\n\t------ " + messages.getString("web100Details") + " ------\n"); if (c2sData == -2) statistics.append(messages.getString("insufficient") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == -1) statistics.append(messages.getString("ipcFail") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("rttFail") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 1) statistics.append(messages.getString("foundDialup") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 2) statistics.append(messages.getString("foundDsl") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 3) statistics.append(messages.getString("found10mbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 4) statistics.append(messages.getString("found45mbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 5) statistics.append(messages.getString("found100mbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 6) statistics.append(messages.getString("found622mbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 7) statistics.append(messages.getString("found1gbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 8) statistics.append(messages.getString("found2.4gbps") + "\n"); else if (c2sData == 9) statistics.append(messages.getString("found10gbps") + "\n"); if (half_duplex == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("linkFullDpx") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("linkHalfDpx") + "\n"); if (congestion == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("congestNo") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("congestYes") + "\n"); if (bad_cable == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("cablesOk") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("cablesNok") + "\n"); if (mismatch == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("duplexOk") + "\n"); else if (mismatch == 1) { statistics.append(messages.getString("duplexNok") + " "); emailText += messages.getString("duplexNok") + " "; } else if (mismatch == 2) { statistics.append(messages.getString("duplexFullHalf") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("duplexFullHalf") + "\n%0A "; } else if (mismatch == 3) { statistics.append(messages.getString("duplexHalfFull") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("duplexHalfFull") + "\n%0A "; } statistics.append("\n" + messages.getString("web100rtt") + " = " + prtdbl(avgrtt) + " " + "ms" + "; "); emailText += "\n%0A" + messages.getString("web100rtt") + " = " + prtdbl(avgrtt) + " " + "ms" + "; "; statistics.append(messages.getString("packetsize") + " = " + CurrentMSS + " " + messages.getString("bytes") + "; " + messages.getString("and") + " \n"); emailText += messages.getString("packetsize") + " = " + CurrentMSS + " " + messages.getString("bytes") + "; " + messages.getString("and") + " \n%0A"; report.put("rtt", prtdbl(avgrtt)); rttLbl.setText(prtdbl(avgrtt)); rttLbl.setText(String.format(padding + "%.0f msec", avgrtt)); report.put("mss", Integer.toString(CurrentMSS)); report.put("retransmissions", Integer.toString(PktsRetrans)); report.put("sack_blocks", Integer.toString(SACKsRcvd)); report.put("duplicate_acks", Integer.toString(DupAcksIn)); report.put("timeouts", Integer.toString(Timeouts)); report.put("wait_seconds", Double.toString(waitsec)); report.put("out_of_order", Double.toString(order)); report.put("loss", Double.toString(loss)); report.put("jitter", get_jitter()); lossLbl.setText(String.format(padding + "%.0f %%", loss * 100)); jitterLbl.setText(padding + get_jitter() + " msec"); if (PktsRetrans > 0) { statistics.append(PktsRetrans + " " + messages.getString("pktsRetrans")); statistics.append(", " + DupAcksIn + " " + messages.getString("dupAcksIn")); statistics.append(", " + messages.getString("and") + " " + SACKsRcvd + " " + messages.getString("sackReceived") + "\n"); emailText += PktsRetrans + " " + messages.getString("pktsRetrans"); emailText += ", " + DupAcksIn + " " + messages.getString("dupAcksIn"); emailText += ", " + messages.getString("and") + " " + SACKsRcvd + " " + messages.getString("sackReceived") + "\n%0A"; if (Timeouts > 0) { statistics.append(messages.getString("connStalled") + " " + Timeouts + " " + messages.getString("timesPktLoss") + "\n"); } statistics.append(messages.getString("connIdle") + " " + prtdbl(waitsec) + " " + messages.getString("seconds") + " (" + prtdbl((waitsec / timesec) * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ")\n"); emailText += messages.getString("connStalled") + " " + Timeouts + " " + messages.getString("timesPktLoss") + "\n%0A"; emailText += messages.getString("connIdle") + " " + prtdbl(waitsec) + " " + messages.getString("seconds") + " (" + prtdbl((waitsec / timesec) * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ")\n%0A"; } else if (DupAcksIn > 0) { statistics.append(messages.getString("noPktLoss1") + " - "); statistics.append(messages.getString("ooOrder") + " " + prtdbl(order * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("noPktLoss1") + " - "; emailText += messages.getString("ooOrder") + " " + prtdbl(order * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + "\n%0A"; } else { statistics.append(messages.getString("noPktLoss2") + ".\n"); emailText += messages.getString("noPktLoss2") + ".\n%0A"; } if ((tests & TEST_C2S) == TEST_C2S) { if (c2sspd > sc2sspd) { if (sc2sspd < (c2sspd * (1.0 - VIEW_DIFF))) { statistics.append(messages.getString("c2s") + " " + messages.getString("qSeen") + ": " + prtdbl(100 * (c2sspd - sc2sspd) / c2sspd) + "%\n"); } else { statistics.append(messages.getString("c2s") + " " + messages.getString("qSeen") + ": " + prtdbl(100 * (c2sspd - sc2sspd) / c2sspd) + "%\n"); } } } if ((tests & TEST_S2C) == TEST_S2C) { if (ss2cspd > s2cspd) { if (s2cspd < (ss2cspd * (1.0 - VIEW_DIFF))) { statistics.append(messages.getString("s2c") + " " + messages.getString("qSeen") + ": " + prtdbl(100 * (ss2cspd - s2cspd) / ss2cspd) + "%\n"); } else { statistics.append(messages.getString("s2c") + " " + messages.getString("qSeen") + ": " + prtdbl(100 * (ss2cspd - s2cspd) / ss2cspd) + "%\n"); } } } if (rwintime > .015) { statistics.append(messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitRx") + " " + prtdbl(rwintime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n"); emailText += messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitRx") + " " + prtdbl(rwintime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n%0A"; pub_pctRcvrLimited = rwintime * 100; // I think there is a bug here, it sometimes tells you to increase the buffer // size, but the new size is smaller than the current. if (((2 * rwin) / rttsec) < mylink) { statistics.append(" " + messages.getString("incrRxBuf") + " (" + prtdbl(MaxRwinRcvd / 1024) + " KB) " + messages.getString("willImprove") + "\n"); } } if (sendtime > .015) { statistics.append(messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitTx") + " " + prtdbl(sendtime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n"); emailText += messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitTx") + " " + prtdbl(sendtime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n%0A"; if ((2 * (swin / rttsec)) < mylink) { statistics.append(" " + messages.getString("incrTxBuf") + " (" + prtdbl(Sndbuf / 2048) + " KB) " + messages.getString("willImprove") + "\n"); } } if (cwndtime > .005) { statistics.append(messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitNet") + " " + prtdbl(cwndtime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n"); emailText += messages.getString("thisConnIs") + " " + messages.getString("limitNet") + " " + prtdbl(cwndtime * 100) + messages.getString("pctOfTime") + ".\n%0A"; // if (cwndtime > .15) // statistics.append(" Contact your local network administrator to report a network problem\n"); // if (order > .15) // statistics.append(" Contact your local network admin and report excessive packet reordering\n"); } if ((spd < 4) && (loss > .01)) { statistics.append(messages.getString("excLoss") + "\n"); } statistics.append("\n" + messages.getString("web100tcpOpts") + " \n"); statistics.append("RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgment: "); if (SACKEnabled == Zero) statistics.append(messages.getString("off") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("on") + "\n"); statistics.append("RFC 896 Nagle Algorithm: "); if (NagleEnabled == Zero) statistics.append(messages.getString("off") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("on") + "\n"); statistics.append("RFC 3168 Explicit Congestion Notification: "); if (ECNEnabled == Zero) statistics.append(messages.getString("off") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("on") + "\n"); statistics.append("RFC 1323 Time Stamping: "); if (TimestampsEnabled == 0) statistics.append(messages.getString("off") + "\n"); else statistics.append(messages.getString("on") + "\n"); statistics.append("RFC 1323 Window Scaling: "); if (MaxRwinRcvd < 65535) WinScaleRcvd = 0; if ((WinScaleRcvd == 0) || (WinScaleRcvd > 20)) { statistics.append(messages.getString("off") + "\n"); report.put("window_scaling", "0"); } else { statistics.append(messages.getString("on") + "; " + messages.getString("scalingFactors") + " - " + messages.getString("server") + "=" + WinScaleRcvd + ", " + messages.getString("client") + "=" + WinScaleSent + "\n"); report.put("window_scaling", "1"); } statistics.append("\n"); if ((tests & TEST_SFW) == TEST_SFW) { switch (c2sResult) { case SFW_NOFIREWALL: statistics.append(messages.getString("server") + " '" + host + "' " + messages.getString("firewallNo") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("server") + " '" + host + "' " + messages.getString("firewallNo") + "\n%0A"; break; case SFW_POSSIBLE: statistics.append(messages.getString("server") + " '" + host + "' " + messages.getString("firewallYes") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("server") + " '" + host + "' " + messages.getString("firewallYes") + "\n%0A"; break; case SFW_UNKNOWN: case SFW_NOTTESTED: break; } switch (s2cResult) { case SFW_NOFIREWALL: statistics .append(messages.getString("client2") + " " + messages.getString("firewallNo") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("client2") + " " + messages.getString("firewallNo") + "\n%0A"; break; case SFW_POSSIBLE: statistics .append(messages.getString("client2") + " " + messages.getString("firewallYes") + "\n"); emailText += messages.getString("client2") + " " + messages.getString("firewallYes") + "\n%0A"; break; case SFW_UNKNOWN: case SFW_NOTTESTED: break; } } // diagnosis.append("\nEstimate = " + prtdbl(estimate) + " based on packet size = " // + (CurrentMSS*8/1024) + "kbits, RTT = " + prtdbl(avgrtt) + "msec, " + "and loss = " + loss + "\n"); diagnosis.append("\n"); diagnosis.append(messages.getString("theoreticalLimit") + " " + prtdbl(estimate) + " " + "Mbps\n"); emailText += messages.getString("theoreticalLimit") + " " + prtdbl(estimate) + " Mbps\n%0A"; diagnosis.append(messages.getString("ndtServerHas") + " " + prtdbl(Sndbuf / 2048) + " " + messages.getString("kbyteBufferLimits") + " " + prtdbl(swin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n"); emailText += messages.getString("ndtServerHas") + " " + prtdbl(Sndbuf / 2048) + " " + messages.getString("kbyteBufferLimits") + " " + prtdbl(swin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n%0A"; diagnosis.append(messages.getString("yourPcHas") + " " + prtdbl(MaxRwinRcvd / 1024) + " " + messages.getString("kbyteBufferLimits") + " " + prtdbl(rwin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n"); emailText += messages.getString("yourPcHas") + " " + prtdbl(MaxRwinRcvd / 1024) + " " + messages.getString("kbyteBufferLimits") + " " + prtdbl(rwin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n%0A"; diagnosis.append(messages.getString("flowControlLimits") + " " + prtdbl(cwin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n"); emailText += messages.getString("flowControlLimits") + " " + prtdbl(cwin / rttsec) + " Mbps\n%0A"; diagnosis.append("\n" + messages.getString("clientDataReports") + " '" + prttxt(c2sData) + "', " + messages.getString("clientAcksReport") + " '" + prttxt(c2sAck) + "'\n" + messages.getString("serverDataReports") + " '" + prttxt(s2cData) + "', " + messages.getString("serverAcksReport") + " '" + prttxt(s2cAck) + "'\n"); pub_diagnosis = diagnosis.getText(); } }
From source
public void drawTable(Graphics gr, Point UL, Dataset dataset, int[] selection, Graphics navgGr, int countNavUnit) { Font f = getTableFont(squareL - 1); AnnotationManager annManager = AnnotationManager.getAnnotationManager(); String[] rowIds = dataset.getRowIds(); Set<String> annotations = dataset.getRowAnnotationNamesInUse(); if (annotations == null) { annotations = annManager.getManagedRowAnnotationNames(); }//ww w .j ava 2 s . c o m String[][] inf; // row annotation matrix String[] headers; // header of the row annotation matrix if (annotations.isEmpty()) { inf = new String[dataset.getDataLength()][1]; for (int i = 0; i < inf.length; i++) { inf[i][0] = rowIds[i]; } headers = new String[] { "Row ID" }; } else { headers = annotations.toArray(new String[annotations.size()]); inf = new String[dataset.getDataLength()][annotations.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { //ann manager need to re implemeinted? AnnotationLibrary anns = annManager.getRowAnnotations(headers[i]); for (int j = 0; j < inf.length; j++) { inf[j][i] = rowIds[j];//anns.getAnnotation(rowIds[j]);// } } } Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) gr; Graphics2D g2dNav = (Graphics2D) navgGr; g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2dNav.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); int X = UL.x; int Y = UL.y; // int H = squareL; int L = dataset.getDataLength(); int W = headers.length; JLabel l = new JLabel(" "); JLabel lNav = new JLabel(" "); // l.setFont(f); // l.setIconTextGap(2); javax.swing.border.Border UB = javax.swing.BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.WHITE); javax.swing.border.Border LB = javax.swing.BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 0, 0, Color.WHITE); // Color borderColor = hex2Rgb("#e3e3e3"); javax.swing.border.Border navBorder = javax.swing.BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(2, 0, 0, 0, Color.WHITE); l.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(200, squareL)); lNav.setSize(new Dimension(2, 5)); lNav.setBorder(navBorder); boolean drawTableHeader = false; //if there is not enough room for a header.. skip header. // if (UL.y < squareL) { // drawTableHeader = false; // } if (Wd == null) { Wd = new int[inf[0].length]; WdSUM = new int[inf[0].length]; if (drawTableHeader) { for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { l.setText(headers[i]); l.validate(); if (l.getPreferredSize().width > Wd[i]) { Wd[i] = l.getPreferredSize().width + 16; } } } for (String[] inf1 : inf) { for (int j = 0; j < Wd.length; j++) { if (squareL < 6) { Wd[j] = 5; continue; } l.setText(inf1[j]); l.validate(); if (l.getPreferredSize().width > Wd[j]) { Wd[j] = l.getPreferredSize().width + 16; } } } WdSUM[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Wd.length; i++) { WdSUM[i] = -1; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { WdSUM[i] += Wd[j] + 3; } } } Rectangle BNDS = new Rectangle(); l.setBackground(Color.WHITE); l.setOpaque(true); lNav.setBackground(Color.WHITE); lNav.setOpaque(true); if (sideTree == null) { return; } f = getTableFont(squareL - 1); l.setFont(f); int[] LArr = sideTree.arrangement; int Rindex = 0; //draw the table header.. (if wanted) // if (drawTableHeader) { // // l.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // l.setForeground(Color.white); // // for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { // X = UL.x + WdSUM[j]; // Y = UL.y; // BNDS.setBounds(X, Y, Wd[j], squareL + 1); // // if (gr.getClipBounds() != null && !gr.getClipBounds().intersects(BNDS)) { // continue; // } // gr.translate(X, Y); // l.setBounds(0, 0, Wd[j] + 1, squareL + 1); // l.setBorder(LB); // // if (squareL >= 6) { // l.setText(headers[j]); // } // l.validate(); // l.paint(gr); // gr.translate(-X, -Y); // } // } l.setForeground(Color.WHITE); boolean[] sel = selectedRows((selection == null ? null : selection), dataset); boolean coloredNav = false; int navCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { Rindex = LArr[i]; for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { X = UL.x + WdSUM[j]; Y = UL.y + (squareL * (i + 1)); BNDS.setBounds(X, Y, Wd[j], squareL + 1); if (gr.getClipBounds() != null && !gr.getClipBounds().intersects(BNDS)) { continue; } if (sel[LArr[i]]) { for (Group group : dataset.getRowGroups()) { if (group.isActive()) { if (group.hasMember(Rindex)) { l.setBackground(group.getColor()); if (!coloredNav) { lNav.setBackground(Color.RED); lNav.setForeground(Color.RED); coloredNav = true; } break; } } } // l.setBackground(new Color(225, 225, 255)); } else { // // if (!coloredNav) { // lNav.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // lNav.setForeground(Color.WHITE); // } l.setBackground(Color.WHITE); } if (i != 0) gr.translate(X, Y); l.setBounds(0, 0, Wd[j] + 1, squareL + 1); if (i < L - 1) { l.setBorder(UB); } else { l.setBounds(0, 0, Wd[j] + 1, squareL + 1); l.setBorder(LB); } if (squareL >= 6) { l.setText(inf[Rindex][j]); } l.validate(); l.paint(gr); gr.translate(-X, -Y); } if (navCounter >= countNavUnit) { navCounter = 0; lNav.validate(); lNav.paint(navgGr); navgGr.translate(2, 0); coloredNav = false; lNav.setBackground(Color.WHITE); lNav.setForeground(Color.WHITE); } navCounter++; } // if (squareL < 6) { // return; // } // // l.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // f = getTableFont(squareL - 2); // //f = new Font("Arial",1,squareL-2); // l.setFont(f); // // // for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) { // X = UL.x + WdSUM[j]; // Y = UL.y; // // BNDS.setBounds(X, Y, Wd[j], squareL + 1); // if (gr.getClipBounds() != null && !gr.getClipBounds().intersects(BNDS)) { // continue; // } // // gr.translate(X, Y); // l.setBounds(0, 0, Wd[j], squareL + 1); //// l.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createLineBorder(GridCol)); // l.setText(headers[j]); // l.validate(); // gr.translate(-X, -Y); // } }
From source
private JPanel getLabelPanel(String msg) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); Font font = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 12); panel.setFont(font);/*from w w w. j a va2 s . com*/ panel.setOpaque(true); JLabel label = new JLabel(msg, JLabel.LEFT); label.setForeground(Color.RED); label.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.LEFT); panel.add(label); return panel; }
From source
public void PanelUsuarios() { int i = 0;/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . com*/ int Altura = 0; Color gris = new Color(44, 44, 44); Color azul = new Color(0, 153, 255); Color rojo = new Color(221, 76, 76); try { //Consultamos todos los clientes ResultSet Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT * FROM usuarios where Tipo!='Administrador';"); //Ciclo para crear un panel para cada uno while ( { //Creamos un panel con alineacion a la izquierda JPanel Panel = new JPanel(); Panel.setLayout(null); jPanel12.add(Panel); //Tamao del panel Panel.setSize(500, 200); // La posicion y del panel ira incrementando para que no se encimen Altura = 40 + (i * 220); Panel.setLocation(175, Altura); Panel.setBackground(Color.white); Panel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder(javax.swing.border.BevelBorder.RAISED)); //Creamos label para mostrar los datos del cliente, el codigo html es para que al llegar al final del panel //se pase a la siguiente linea y para el margen izquierdo JLabel Foto = new JLabel(); Foto.setSize(150, 150); File FotoPerfil = new File("Imagenes/Fotos Perfil/" + Comandos.getInt("id") + ".png"); File FotoPerfil2 = new File("Imagenes/Fotos Perfil/" + Comandos.getInt("id") + ".jpg"); if (FotoPerfil.exists()) { ImageIcon Imagen = new ImageIcon("Imagenes/Fotos Perfil/" + Comandos.getInt("id") + ".png"); Image ImagenEscalada = Imagen.getImage().getScaledInstance(Foto.getWidth(), Foto.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); Icon IconoEscalado = new ImageIcon(ImagenEscalada); Foto.setIcon(IconoEscalado); } else if (FotoPerfil2.exists()) { ImageIcon Imagen = new ImageIcon("Imagenes/Fotos Perfil/" + Comandos.getInt("id") + ".jpg"); Image ImagenEscalada = Imagen.getImage().getScaledInstance(Foto.getWidth(), Foto.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); Icon IconoEscalado = new ImageIcon(ImagenEscalada); Foto.setIcon(IconoEscalado); } else { ImageIcon Imagen = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Imagen/Default.png")); Image ImagenEscalada = Imagen.getImage().getScaledInstance(Foto.getWidth(), Foto.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); Icon IconoEscalado = new ImageIcon(ImagenEscalada); Foto.setIcon(IconoEscalado); } JLabel Nombre = new JLabel(); Nombre.setText("Nombre de Usuario: " + Comandos.getString("Nombre")); JLabel Contrasena = new JLabel(); Contrasena.setText(("Contrasea: " + Comandos.getString("contrasena"))); JButton Editar = new JButton(); Editar.setText("Editar"); Editar.setName(Comandos.getString("id")); Editar.setBackground(azul); JButton Eliminar = new JButton(); Eliminar.setText("Eliminar"); Eliminar.setName(Comandos.getString("id")); Eliminar.setBackground(rojo); MouseListener mlEditar = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { presionadoactual = 24; Color azul = new Color(0, 182, 230); jButton24.setBackground(azul); JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); System.out.println(source.getName()); jPanel17.setVisible(false); jButton30.setLocation(470, 480); jButton31.setLocation(270, 480); jLabel2.setToolTipText(null); jTabbedPane2.setSelectedIndex(5); editando = true; PerfilUsuario(Integer.parseInt(source.getName())); Color gris = new Color(44, 44, 44); jButton4.setBackground(gris); } }; MouseListener mlEliminar = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); System.out.println(source.getName()); Funcion.Update(st, "DELETE FROM usuarios WHERE id = " + source.getName() + ";"); jPanel12.removeAll(); PanelUsuarios(); jPanel12.repaint(); } }; Editar.addMouseListener(mlEditar); Eliminar.addMouseListener(mlEliminar); //Fuente del texto; Nombre.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Nombre.setForeground(gris); Contrasena.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Contrasena.setForeground(gris); Editar.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Editar.setForeground(Color.white); Eliminar.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Eliminar.setForeground(Color.white); //Aadimos los label al panel correspondiente del cliente Panel.add(Foto); Panel.add(Nombre); Panel.add(Contrasena); Panel.add(Editar); Panel.add(Eliminar); Foto.setLocation(10, 20); Nombre.setLocation(170, 30); Nombre.setSize(300, 45); Contrasena.setLocation(170, 60); Contrasena.setSize(300, 45); Editar.setLocation(170, 100); Editar.setSize(120, 40); Eliminar.setLocation(315, 100); Eliminar.setSize(120, 40); i++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Dependiendo de cuantos clientes se agregaron, se ajusta el tamao del panel principal para que el scroll llegue hasta ahi jPanel12.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(jPanel12.getWidth(), Altura + 150)); }
From source
private JPanel getLabelPanel(String msg) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(); Font font = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 12); panel.setFont(font);/*from w w w. j a va 2 s. c om*/ panel.setOpaque(true); // panel.setBackground(Color.BLUE); JLabel label = new JLabel(msg, JLabel.LEFT); label.setForeground(Color.RED); label.setHorizontalAlignment(javax.swing.SwingConstants.LEFT); panel.add(label); return panel; }
From source
public void PanelClientes() { int i = 0;/*from w w w. j a va2 s .com*/ int Altura = 0; Color gris = new Color(44, 44, 44); Color rojo = new Color(221, 76, 76); Color azul = new Color(0, 153, 255); try { //Consultamos todos los clientes ResultSet Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT * FROM cliente;"); //Ciclo para crear un panel para cada uno while ( { //Creamos un panel con alineacion a la izquierda JPanel Panel = new JPanel(); Panel.setLayout(null); jPanel8.add(Panel); //Tamao del panel Panel.setSize(700, 195); // La posicion y del panel ira incrementando para que no se encimen Altura = 30 + (i * 205); Panel.setLocation(50, Altura); Panel.setBackground(Color.white); Panel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder(javax.swing.border.BevelBorder.RAISED)); //Creamos label para mostrar los datos del cliente, el codigo html es para que al llegar al final del panel //se pase a la siguiente linea y para el margen izquierdo JLabel RFC = new JLabel(); RFC.setText("RFC: " + Comandos.getString("RFC")); JLabel Nombre = new JLabel(); Nombre.setText("Nombre: " + Comandos.getString("NombreCliente")); JTextArea Direccion = new JTextArea(); Direccion.setLineWrap(true); Direccion.setBorder(null); Direccion.setText("Direccin: " + Comandos.getString("Direccion")); JLabel Correo = new JLabel(); Correo.setText("Correo: " + Comandos.getString("correo")); JButton VerMas = new JButton(); VerMas.setText("Ver ms"); VerMas.setName(Comandos.getString("idCliente")); VerMas.setBackground(azul); JButton Eliminar = new JButton(); Eliminar.setText("Eliminar"); Eliminar.setName(Comandos.getString("idCliente")); Eliminar.setBackground(rojo); MouseListener mlVerMas = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); e.getComponent().setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); id = Integer.parseInt(source.getName()); jTabbedPane2.setSelectedIndex(4); jButton16.setVisible(true); jButton17.setVisible(true); jButtonEditar.setVisible(true); jPanel9.setVisible(true); jPanel10.setVisible(true); jPanel14.setVisible(false); LlenarPanel(); } }; VerMas.addMouseListener(mlVerMas); MouseListener mlEliminar = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); e.getComponent().setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); Funcion.Update(st, "DELETE FROM cliente WHERE idCliente = " + source.getName() + ";"); Autocompletar.removeAllItems(); Autocompletar = new TextAutoCompleter(jTextField2); ResultSet Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT * FROM cliente;"); try { while ( { Autocompletar.addItem(Comandos.getString("RFC")); } } catch (SQLException ex) { //Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } jPanel8.removeAll(); PanelClientes(); jPanel8.repaint(); } }; Eliminar.addMouseListener(mlEliminar); //Fuente del texto RFC.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); RFC.setForeground(gris); Nombre.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); Nombre.setForeground(gris); Direccion.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); Direccion.setForeground(gris); Correo.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); Correo.setForeground(gris); VerMas.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); VerMas.setForeground(Color.white); Eliminar.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 14)); Eliminar.setForeground(Color.white); /*VERMAS.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); VERMAS.setForeground(azul);*/ //Aadimos los label al panel correspondiente del cliente Panel.add(RFC); Panel.add(Nombre); Panel.add(Direccion); Panel.add(Correo); Panel.add(VerMas); Panel.add(Eliminar); RFC.setLocation(30, 10); RFC.setSize(610, 30); Nombre.setLocation(30, 40); Nombre.setSize(610, 30); Direccion.setLocation(30, 75); Direccion.setSize(610, 40); Correo.setLocation(30, 115); Correo.setSize(610, 30); VerMas.setLocation(210, 150); VerMas.setSize(120, 35); Eliminar.setLocation(390, 150); Eliminar.setSize(120, 35); //Panel.add(VERMAS); i++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Dependiendo de cuantos clientes se agregaron, se ajusta el tamao del panel principal para que el scroll llegue hasta ahi jPanel8.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(jPanel8.getWidth(), Altura + 205)); }
From source
public void PanelFacturas() { int i = 0;/*w ww. ja v a2 s .co m*/ int Altura = 0; Color gris = new Color(44, 44, 44); Color azul = new Color(0, 153, 255); Color rojo = new Color(221, 76, 76); try { //Consultamos todos los clientes ResultSet Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT factura_emitida.*, cliente.* FROM cliente,factura_emitida WHERE factura_emitida.idCliente = cliente.idCliente;"); //Ciclo para crear un panel para cada uno while ( { Variables.Comentario = Comandos.getString("Observaciones"); //Creamos un panel con alineacion a la izquierda JPanel Panel = new JPanel(); Panel.setLayout(null); jPanel11.add(Panel); //Tamao del panel Panel.setSize(680, 200); // La posicion y del panel ira incrementando para que no se encimen Altura = 30 + (i * 250); Panel.setLocation(50, Altura); Panel.setBackground(Color.white); Panel.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder(javax.swing.border.BevelBorder.RAISED)); //Creamos label para mostrar los datos del cliente, el codigo html es para que al llegar al final del panel //se pase a la siguiente linea y para el margen izquierdo JLabel FolioFactura = new JLabel(); FolioFactura.setText("Folio de factura: " + Comandos.getString("idFacturaEmitida")); JLabel RFC = new JLabel(); RFC.setText("RFC: " + Comandos.getString("RFC")); JLabel Nombre = new JLabel(); Nombre.setText("Nombre: " + Comandos.getString("NombreCliente")); JLabel Direccion = new JLabel(); Direccion.setText("Direccion: " + Comandos.getString("Direccion")); JLabel Correo = new JLabel(); Correo.setText("Correo: " + Comandos.getString("correo")); JLabel Fecha = new JLabel(); Fecha.setText("Fecha y Hora de emisin: " + Comandos.getString("FechaEmision")); JButton Abre = new JButton(); Abre.setText("Abrir"); Abre.setName(Comandos.getString("idFacturaEmitida")); Abre.setBackground(azul); JButton Cancelar = new JButton(); Cancelar.setText("Cancelar"); Cancelar.setName(Comandos.getString("idFacturaEmitida")); Cancelar.setBackground(rojo); MouseListener mlAbre = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { try { JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); idFacClien = Integer.parseInt(source.getName()); ResultSet Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT *FROM factura_emitida WHERE idfacturaEmitida=" + idFacClien + ";"); while ( { Variables.FechaFactura = Comandos.getString("FechaEmision"); Variables.FechaSistema = Comandos.getString("fechasistema"); Variables.idFactura = Comandos.getInt("idFacturaEmitida"); } Consulta(); Variables.guardar = false; NuevoPdf pdf = new NuevoPdf("Factura.pdf"); pdf.main(); File myfile = new File("Factura.pdf"); Desktop.getDesktop().open(myfile); Comandos = Funcion.Select(st, "SELECT * FROM factura_emitida;"); try { if ( { Comandos.last(); Variables.idFactura = Comandos.getInt("idFacturaEmitida") + 1; } else { Variables.idFactura = 1; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }; MouseListener mlCancelar = new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Released!"); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Pressed!"); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Exited!"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //System.out.println("Entered!"); } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); Variables.Cancelar = Integer.parseInt(source.getName()); String Comando = "UPDATE factura_emitida SET Observaciones='Factura Cancelada' WHERE idFacturaEmitida=" + Variables.Cancelar + ";"; Funcion.Update(st, Comando); jPanel11.removeAll(); PanelFacturas(); jPanel11.repaint(); } }; Abre.addMouseListener(mlAbre); Cancelar.addMouseListener(mlCancelar); //Fuente del texto; FolioFactura.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); FolioFactura.setForeground(gris); RFC.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); RFC.setForeground(gris); Nombre.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); Nombre.setForeground(gris); Direccion.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); Direccion.setForeground(gris); Correo.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); Correo.setForeground(gris); Fecha.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 13)); Fecha.setForeground(gris); /// Botones Abre.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Abre.setForeground(Color.white); Cancelar.setFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 15)); Cancelar.setForeground(Color.white); //Aadimos los label al panel correspondiente del cliente Panel.add(FolioFactura); Panel.add(RFC); Panel.add(Nombre); Panel.add(Direccion); Panel.add(Correo); Panel.add(Fecha); Panel.add(Abre); FolioFactura.setLocation(15, 5); FolioFactura.setSize(400, 45); RFC.setLocation(15, 25); RFC.setSize(400, 45); Nombre.setLocation(15, 45); Nombre.setSize(500, 45); Direccion.setLocation(15, 65); Direccion.setSize(650, 45); Correo.setLocation(15, 85); Correo.setSize(500, 45); Fecha.setLocation(15, 105); Fecha.setSize(500, 45); /// Botones Tamao y localizacion if (Variables.Tipo.equalsIgnoreCase("Administrador")) { // Verificamos que sea un Administrador Panel.add(Cancelar); Abre.setLocation(185, 160); Abre.setSize(120, 30); Cancelar.setLocation(350, 160); Cancelar.setSize(120, 30); if (Variables.Comentario.equalsIgnoreCase("Factura Cancelada")) { Cancelar.setVisible(false); Abre.setLocation(290, 160); Abre.setSize(120, 30); } } else { Abre.setLocation(290, 160); Abre.setSize(120, 30); } i++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Principal.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Dependiendo de cuantos clientes se agregaron, se ajusta el tamao del panel principal para que el scroll llegue hasta ahi jPanel11.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(jPanel11.getWidth(), Altura + 300)); }
From source
private void initComponents() { setSize(DIALOG_WIDTH, DIALOG_HEIGHT); setIconImage(resources.getImage("icon.png")); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel header = new JPanel(); header.setBackground(; header.setLayout(new BoxLayout(header, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); header.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 8, 4, 8)); add(header, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); JLabel title = new JLabel(resources.getString("launcher.installer.title")); title.setFont(resources.getFont(ResourceLoader.FONT_RALEWAY, 34)); title.setForeground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_WHITE_TEXT); title.setOpaque(false);/* w w w .j a v a m*/ title.setIcon(resources.getIcon("options_cog.png")); header.add(title); header.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); JButton closeButton = new JButton(); closeButton.setIcon(resources.getIcon("close.png")); closeButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); closeButton.setContentAreaFilled(false); closeButton.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); closeButton.setFocusPainted(false); closeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mainFrame.setVisible(true); dispose(); } }); header.add(closeButton); SimpleTabPane centerPanel = new SimpleTabPane(); centerPanel.setBackground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_FORMELEMENT_INTERNAL); centerPanel.setForeground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_GREY_TEXT); centerPanel.setSelectedBackground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_BLUE); centerPanel.setSelectedForeground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_WHITE_TEXT); centerPanel.setFont(resources.getFont(ResourceLoader.FONT_OPENSANS, 14)); centerPanel.setOpaque(true); add(centerPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel standardInstallPanel = new JPanel(); standardInstallPanel.setBackground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_CENTRAL_BACK_OPAQUE); setupStandardInstall(standardInstallPanel); JPanel portableModePanel = new JPanel(); portableModePanel.setBackground(LauncherFrame.COLOR_CENTRAL_BACK_OPAQUE); setupPortableMode(portableModePanel); centerPanel.addTab(resources.getString("launcher.installer.standard").toUpperCase(), standardInstallPanel); centerPanel.addTab(resources.getString("launcher.installer.portable").toUpperCase(), portableModePanel); if (settings.isPortable()) { centerPanel.setSelectedIndex(1); } else centerPanel.setSelectedIndex(0); setLocationRelativeTo(null); }