List of usage examples for javax.swing JFrame setLocation
@Override public void setLocation(Point p)
The method changes the geometry-related data.
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { Dialog.setupUIManager();//from ww w . j av a2 s . c o m Jmol jmol = null; String modelFilename = null; String scriptFilename = null; Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("b", "backgroundtransparent", false, GT._("transparent background")); options.addOption("h", "help", false, GT._("give this help page")); options.addOption("n", "nodisplay", false, GT._("no display (and also exit when done)")); options.addOption("c", "check", false, GT._("check script syntax only")); options.addOption("i", "silent", false, GT._("silent startup operation")); options.addOption("l", "list", false, GT._("list commands during script execution")); options.addOption("o", "noconsole", false, GT._("no console -- all output to sysout")); options.addOption("t", "threaded", false, GT._("independent commmand thread")); options.addOption("x", "exit", false, GT._("exit after script (implicit with -n)")); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("script"); OptionBuilder.withDescription("script file to execute"); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator('='); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("s")); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("menu"); OptionBuilder.withDescription("menu file to use"); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator('='); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("m")); OptionBuilder.withArgName(GT._("property=value")); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator(); OptionBuilder.withDescription(GT._("supported options are given below")); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("D")); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("geometry"); // OptionBuilder.withDescription(GT._("overall window width x height, e.g. {0}", "-g512x616")); OptionBuilder.withDescription(GT._("window width x height, e.g. {0}", "-g500x500")); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator(); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("g")); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("quality"); // OptionBuilder.withDescription(GT._("overall window width x height, e.g. {0}", "-g512x616")); OptionBuilder.withDescription(GT._( "JPG image quality (1-100; default 75) or PNG image compression (0-9; default 2, maximum compression 9)")); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator(); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("q")); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("write"); OptionBuilder .withDescription(GT._("{0} or {1}:filename", new Object[] { "CLIP", "GIF|JPG|JPG64|PNG|PPM" })); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator(); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("w")); int startupWidth = 0, startupHeight = 0; CommandLine line = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); line = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException exception) { System.err.println("Unexpected exception: " + exception.toString()); } if (line.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("Jmol", options); // now report on the -D options System.out.println(); System.out.println(GT._("For example:")); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Jmol -ions myscript.spt -w JPEG:myfile.jpg > output.txt"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(GT._("The -D options are as follows (defaults in parenthesis):")); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" cdk.debugging=[true|false] (false)"); System.out.println(" cdk.debug.stdout=[true|false] (false)"); System.out.println(" display.speed=[fps|ms] (ms)"); System.out.println(" JmolConsole=[true|false] (true)"); System.out.println(" jmol.logger.debug=[true|false] (false)"); System.out.println(" jmol.logger.error=[true|false] (true)"); System.out.println(" jmol.logger.fatal=[true|false] (true)"); System.out.println("[true|false] (true)"); System.out.println(" jmol.logger.logLevel=[true|false] (false)"); System.out.println(" jmol.logger.warn=[true|false] (true)"); System.out.println(" plugin.dir (unset)"); System.out.println(" user.language=[CA|CS|DE|EN|ES|FR|NL|PT|TR] (EN)"); System.exit(0); } args = line.getArgs(); if (args.length > 0) { modelFilename = args[0]; } // Process more command line arguments // these are also passed to viewer String commandOptions = ""; //silent startup if (line.hasOption("i")) { commandOptions += "-i"; isSilent = Boolean.TRUE; } // transparent background if (line.hasOption("b")) { commandOptions += "-b"; } // independent command thread if (line.hasOption("t")) { commandOptions += "-t"; } //list commands during script operation if (line.hasOption("l")) { commandOptions += "-l"; } //output to sysout if (line.hasOption("o")) { commandOptions += "-o"; haveConsole = Boolean.FALSE; } //no display (and exit) if (line.hasOption("n")) { // this ensures that noDisplay also exits commandOptions += "-n-x"; haveDisplay = Boolean.FALSE; } //check script only if (line.hasOption("c")) { commandOptions += "-c"; } //run script if (line.hasOption("s")) { commandOptions += "-s"; scriptFilename = line.getOptionValue("s"); } //menu file if (line.hasOption("m")) { menuFile = line.getOptionValue("m"); } //exit when script completes (or file is read) if (line.hasOption("x")) { commandOptions += "-x"; } String imageType_name = null; //write image to clipboard or image file if (line.hasOption("w")) { imageType_name = line.getOptionValue("w"); } Dimension size; try { String vers = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (vers.compareTo("1.1.2") < 0) { System.out.println("!!!WARNING: Swing components require a " + "1.1.2 or higher version VM!!!"); } size = historyFile.getWindowSize(JMOL_WINDOW_NAME); if (size != null && haveDisplay.booleanValue()) { startupWidth = size.width; startupHeight = size.height; } //OUTER window dimensions /* if (line.hasOption("g") && haveDisplay.booleanValue()) { String geometry = line.getOptionValue("g"); int indexX = geometry.indexOf('x'); if (indexX > 0) { startupWidth = parseInt(geometry.substring(0, indexX)); startupHeight = parseInt(geometry.substring(indexX + 1)); } } */ Point b = historyFile.getWindowBorder(JMOL_WINDOW_NAME); //first one is just approximate, but this is set in doClose() //so it will reset properly -- still, not perfect //since it is always one step behind. if (b == null) border = new Point(12, 116); else border = new Point(b.x, b.y); //note -- the first time this is run after changes it will not work //because there is a bootstrap problem. int width = -1; int height = -1; int quality = 75; //INNER frame dimensions if (line.hasOption("g")) { String geometry = line.getOptionValue("g"); int indexX = geometry.indexOf('x'); if (indexX > 0) { width = Parser.parseInt(geometry.substring(0, indexX)); height = Parser.parseInt(geometry.substring(indexX + 1)); //System.out.println("setting geometry to " + geometry + " " + border + " " + startupWidth + startupHeight); } if (haveDisplay.booleanValue()) { startupWidth = width + border.x; startupHeight = height + border.y; } } if (line.hasOption("q")) quality = Parser.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("q")); if (imageType_name != null) commandOptions += "-w\1" + imageType_name + "\t" + width + "\t" + height + "\t" + quality + "\1"; if (startupWidth <= 0 || startupHeight <= 0) { startupWidth = 500 + border.x; startupHeight = 500 + border.y; } JFrame jmolFrame = new JFrame(); Point jmolPosition = historyFile.getWindowPosition(JMOL_WINDOW_NAME); if (jmolPosition != null) { jmolFrame.setLocation(jmolPosition); } //now pass these to viewer jmol = getJmol(jmolFrame, startupWidth, startupHeight, commandOptions); // Open a file if one is given as an argument -- note, this CAN be a script file if (modelFilename != null) { jmol.viewer.openFile(modelFilename); jmol.viewer.getOpenFileError(); } // OK, by now it is time to execute the script if (scriptFilename != null) { report("Executing script: " + scriptFilename); if (haveDisplay.booleanValue()) jmol.splash.showStatus(GT._("Executing script...")); jmol.viewer.evalFile(scriptFilename); } } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("uncaught exception: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } if (haveConsole.booleanValue()) { Point location = jmol.frame.getLocation(); size = jmol.frame.getSize(); // Adding console frame to grab System.out & System.err consoleframe = new JFrame(GT._("Jmol Java Console")); consoleframe.setIconImage(jmol.frame.getIconImage()); try { final ConsoleTextArea consoleTextArea = new ConsoleTextArea(); consoleTextArea.setFont(java.awt.Font.decode("monospaced")); consoleframe.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(consoleTextArea), java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER); if (Boolean.getBoolean("clearConsoleButton")) { JButton buttonClear = new JButton(GT._("Clear")); buttonClear.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { consoleTextArea.setText(""); } }); consoleframe.getContentPane().add(buttonClear, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH); } } catch (IOException e) { JTextArea errorTextArea = new JTextArea(); errorTextArea.setFont(java.awt.Font.decode("monospaced")); consoleframe.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(errorTextArea), java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER); errorTextArea.append(GT._("Could not create ConsoleTextArea: ") + e); } Dimension consoleSize = historyFile.getWindowSize(CONSOLE_WINDOW_NAME); Point consolePosition = historyFile.getWindowPosition(CONSOLE_WINDOW_NAME); if ((consoleSize != null) && (consolePosition != null)) { consoleframe.setBounds(consolePosition.x, consolePosition.y, consoleSize.width, consoleSize.height); } else { consoleframe.setBounds(location.x, location.y + size.height, size.width, 200); } Boolean consoleVisible = historyFile.getWindowVisibility(CONSOLE_WINDOW_NAME); if ((consoleVisible != null) && (consoleVisible.equals(Boolean.TRUE))) {; } } }