Example usage for javax.swing JComponent setBounds

List of usage examples for javax.swing JComponent setBounds


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing JComponent setBounds.


public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) 

Source Link


Moves and resizes this component.


From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cffreeswitch.v2_0.CFFswSwing.CFFswSwingFSSFDialplanAttrJPanel.java

public void doLayout() {
    JLabel label;//from   www. ja  va2  s .  c  o m
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    Dimension dim;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 1024;
    Dimension jpsz = getSize();
    int usefieldwidth = jpsz.width - 215;

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelContainerSofia();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceContainerSofia();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelFSSFDialplanId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorFSSFDialplanId();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelName();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorName();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDialplanXML();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDialplanXML();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, textheight);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, textheight);
    y = y + textvspacing;


From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfacc.v2_0.CFAccSwing.CFAccSwingDomainBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFAccSwingDomainBaseAttrJPanel(ICFAccSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAccDomainBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();/*  w  w  w. jav a2 s.c o m*/
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfacc.v2_0.CFAccSwing.CFAccSwingMajorVersionAttrJPanel.java

public void doLayout() {
    JLabel label;/*from  ww w  .  j a v  a2s  .  co  m*/
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    Dimension dim;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 1024;
    Dimension jpsz = getSize();
    int usefieldwidth = jpsz.width - 215;

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelContainerParent();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceContainerParent();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelName();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorName();
    dim = compo.getMaximumSize();
    if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height);
    } else {
        compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;


From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfasterisk.v2_0.CFAstSwing.CFAstSwingDomainBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFAstSwingDomainBaseAttrJPanel(ICFAstSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAstDomainBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();//www.ja  va  2s.co m
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfacc.v2_0.CFAccSwing.CFAccSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFAccSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel(ICFAccSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAccProjectBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();//from w  w w.  j ava2 s. c  o  m
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfacc.v2_0.CFAccSwing.CFAccSwingRealProjectAttrJPanel.java

public CFAccSwingRealProjectAttrJPanel(ICFAccSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAccRealProjectObj argFocus) {
    super();//  w  w w.j ava 2  s.c  o m
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfasterisk.v2_0.CFAstSwing.CFAstSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFAstSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel(ICFAstSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAstProjectBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();/*from w w w .  j  ava  2  s .com*/
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfasterisk.v2_0.CFAstSwing.CFAstSwingRealProjectAttrJPanel.java

public CFAstSwingRealProjectAttrJPanel(ICFAstSwingSchema argSchema, ICFAstRealProjectObj argFocus) {
    super();/*from w  w  w.j  a v a  2  s.c  o m*/
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cffreeswitch.v2_0.CFFswSwing.CFFswSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFFswSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel(ICFFswSwingSchema argSchema, ICFFswProjectBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();//from  w  w  w.ja  v a2  s  .c  o m
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;

From source file:net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfgcash.v2_0.CFGCashSwing.CFGCashSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel.java

public CFGCashSwingProjectBaseAttrJPanel(ICFGCashSwingSchema argSchema, ICFGCashProjectBaseObj argFocus) {
    super();/*  w w w .  ja v a  2  s.  c om*/
    JLabel label;
    JComponent compo;
    CFJReferenceEditor reference;
    final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus";
    if (argSchema == null) {
        throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1,
    // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as
    // conditions of the runtime change.
    swingSchema = argSchema;
    final int spacing = 5;
    int y = spacing;
    final int height = 25;
    final int textheight = 80;
    final int vspacing = height + spacing;
    final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing;
    final int labelx = spacing;
    final int labelwidth = 200;
    final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing;
    final int fieldwidth = 785;
    final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing;
    // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially
    setSize(panelwidth, 100000);

    label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant();
    reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelId();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorId();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    label = getSwingLabelDescription();
    label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height);
    compo = getSwingEditorDescription();
    compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height);
    y = y + vspacing;

    // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated
    setSize(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y);
    Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y);
    swingIsInitializing = false;