List of usage examples for javax.swing ImageIcon getIconWidth
public int getIconWidth()
From source
protected void showImage() { if (row == null) { return;/*from ww w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } Set<WorkbenchRowImage> rowImages = row.getWorkbenchRowImages(); if (rowImages == null || rowImages.size() == 0) { noImagesLinked(); return; } // adjust the imageIndex to be within the proper bounds (in order to avoid a few error possibilities) if (imageIndex < 0) { imageIndex = 0; tray.setSelectedIndex(imageIndex); } else if (imageIndex > rowImages.size() - 1) { imageIndex = rowImages.size() - 1; tray.setSelectedIndex(imageIndex); } // try to get the appropriate WorkbenchRowImage WorkbenchRowImage rowImage = row.getRowImage(imageIndex); if (rowImage == null) { // What do we do here? // This should never happen. // There were images available, but none of them had the right index. // Just give the first one, I guess. rowImage = rowImages.iterator().next(); imageIndex = 0; tray.setSelectedIndex(imageIndex); statusBar.setWarningMessage("Unable to locate an image with the proper index. Showing first image."); // XXX i18n } // at this point, we know at least one image is available // update the title and status bar String fullFilePath = rowImage.getCardImageFullPath(); String filename = FilenameUtils.getName(fullFilePath); setTitle(String.format(getResourceString("WB_IMAGE_X_OF_Y"), imageIndex + 1, rowImages.size()) + ((filename != null) ? ": " + filename : "")); setStatusBarText(fullFilePath); ImageIcon image = null; Integer lastDisplayedSize = rowToImageSizeHash.get(row.hashCode()); if (lastDisplayedSize == null || lastDisplayedSize == REDUCED_SIZE) { image = rowImage.getReducedImage(); reduceMI.setSelected(true); } else { image = rowImage.getFullSizeImage(); origMI.setSelected(true); } cardImageLabel.setIcon(image); if (image == null) // no image available { statusBar.setErrorMessage("Unable to load image"); // XXX i18n } else // we've got an image { // this method is simpler than tracking what we're showing and changing to the correct view mainPane.remove(noRowSelectedMessagePanel); mainPane.remove(noCardImageMessagePanel); mainPane.remove(cardImageLabel); mainPane.add(cardImageLabel); int w = image.getIconWidth(); int h = image.getIconHeight(); cardImageLabel.setText(null); cardImageLabel.setSize(w, h); mainPane.setSize(w, h); mainPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h)); enableMenus(true); mainPane.validate(); mainPane.repaint(); } }
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/** * @param imgEncoded uuencoded image string *//*ww w . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ protected void setAppIcon(final String imgEncoded) { String appIconName = getIconName(); String innerAppIconName = "InnerAppIcon"; ImageIcon appImgIcon = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(imgEncoded)) { appImgIcon = GraphicsUtils.uudecodeImage("", imgEncoded); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (appImgIcon != null && appImgIcon.getIconWidth() == 32 && appImgIcon.getIconHeight() == 32) { appIcon.setIcon(appImgIcon); CustomDialog.setAppIcon(appImgIcon); CustomFrame.setAppIcon(appImgIcon); IconManager.register(innerAppIconName, appImgIcon, null, IconManager.IconSize.Std32); return; } } appImgIcon = IconManager.getImage(appIconName, IconManager.IconSize.Std32); //$NON-NLS-1$ appIcon.setIcon(appImgIcon); if (!UIHelper.isMacOS()) { ImageIcon otherAppIcon = IconManager.getImage(getOpaqueIconName(), IconManager.IconSize.Std32); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (otherAppIcon != null) { appImgIcon = otherAppIcon; } } CustomDialog.setAppIcon(appImgIcon); CustomFrame.setAppIcon(appImgIcon); IconManager.register(innerAppIconName, appImgIcon, null, IconManager.IconSize.Std32); this.topFrame.setIconImage(appImgIcon.getImage()); }
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private void setAdditionalButtons() { ResizableIcon ri = new ArrowResizableIcon(9, SwingConstants.SOUTH); JCommandButton dropDownButton = new JCommandButton("Text Button", ri); ImageIcon imco = globalResourceMap.getImageIcon("btExit.icon"); Dimension idim = new Dimension(imco.getIconWidth(), imco.getIconHeight()); idim = new Dimension(40, 40); Image im = imco.getImage();//w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m ImageWrapperResizableIcon iwri = ImageWrapperResizableIcon.getIcon(im, idim); JCommandButton taskbarButtonPaste = new JCommandButton("", iwri); taskbarButtonPaste.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); taskbarButtonPaste.setCommandButtonKind(CommandButtonKind.ACTION_AND_POPUP_MAIN_POPUP); //taskbarButtonPaste.setPopupOrientationKind(CommandButtonPopupOrientationKind.DOWNWARD); taskbarButtonPaste.setComponentOrientation(ComponentOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); taskbarButtonPaste.setDisplayState(TILE_36); // !!!! //taskbarButtonPaste.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 48)); System.out.println("Pref " + taskbarButtonPaste.getPreferredSize()); System.out.println("Maxi " + taskbarButtonPaste.getMaximumSize()); System.out.println("Mini " + taskbarButtonPaste.getMinimumSize()); System.out.println("Size " + taskbarButtonPaste.getSize()); Dimension d = new Dimension(taskbarButtonPaste.getPreferredSize().width, 48); taskbarButtonPaste.setMaximumSize(d); taskbarButtonPaste.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Taskbar Paste activated"); } }); taskbarButtonPaste.setPopupCallback(new PopupPanelCallback() { @Override public JPopupPanel getPopupPanel(JCommandButton commandButton) { return new SamplePopupMenu(); } }); taskbarButtonPaste.setActionRichTooltip(new RichTooltip("Paste", "Paste the contents of the Clipboard")); taskbarButtonPaste.setPopupRichTooltip(new RichTooltip("Paste", "Click here for more options such as pasting only the values or formatting")); taskbarButtonPaste.setActionKeyTip("1"); //maiToolBar.add( rb ); /* JRibbonBand rb = new JRibbonBand("", new EmptyResizableIcon(1)); rb.addCommandButton(dropDownButton, RibbonElementPriority.MEDIUM); * JButton dropDownButton = DropDownButtonFactory.createDropDownButton( resourceMap.getIcon("btConnect.icon"), popup); */ //dropDownButton.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2,2,2,2)); //dropDownButton.setBorderPainted( false ); //btConnect = taskbarButtonPaste; maiToolBar.add(taskbarButtonPaste); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m */ @Override public void writeImage(ImageIcon image, boolean scaleToPage) throws DocumentExportException { if (scaleToPage) { logger.debug("Add image " + image); } else { logger.debug("Add scaled image " + image); } try { if (currentParagraph == null) { newParagraph(0, Alignment.CENTER, null, 0.0f, 0.0f, LineSpacing.SINGLE); } // Again, we have to do this by hand. Go ODF toolkit :( OdfFileDom odfFileDom = (OdfFileDom) currentParagraph.getOdfElement().getOwnerDocument(); OdfDrawFrame frame = odfFileDom.newOdfElement(OdfDrawFrame.class); int imgWidth = 0; int imgHeight = 0; if (scaleToPage) { frame.setTextAnchorTypeAttribute("paragraph"); int pgWidth = (int) currentSectionStyle.getPageSize().getWidthPoints(72.0f); int pgHeight = (int) currentSectionStyle.getPageSize().getHeightPoints(72.0f); if (currentSectionStyle.getOrientation() == Orientation.LANDSCAPE || currentSectionStyle.getOrientation() == Orientation.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) { // Landscape, switch width and height int tmp = pgWidth; pgWidth = pgHeight; pgHeight = tmp; } Dimension page = new Dimension(pgWidth, pgHeight); Insets margins = new Insets((int) (currentSectionStyle.getMarginTop()), (int) (currentSectionStyle.getMarginLeft()), (int) (currentSectionStyle.getMarginBottom()), (int) (currentSectionStyle.getMarginRight())); Dimension pic = new Dimension(image.getIconWidth(), image.getIconHeight()); // TODO Correct scaling??? } else { frame.setTextAnchorTypeAttribute("as-char"); imgWidth = image.getIconWidth(); imgHeight = image.getIconHeight(); } frame.setSvgWidthAttribute("" + DistanceUnit.IN.fromPoints(imgWidth) + "in"); frame.setSvgHeightAttribute("" + DistanceUnit.IN.fromPoints(imgHeight) + "in"); OdfDrawImage imageElement = (OdfDrawImage) frame.newDrawImageElement(); byte[] bytes = imageToBytes(image, "png", Color.white, imgWidth, imgHeight); imageCounter++; imageElement.newImage(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), "Pictures/image" + imageCounter + ".png", "image/png"); currentParagraph.getOdfElement().appendChild(frame); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DocumentExportException("Could not write image", e); } }
From source
protected void processStream(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, ProcessingException { if (hasTransform()) { if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger().debug("image " + ((width == 0) ? "?" : Integer.toString(width)) + "x" + ((height == 0) ? "?" : Integer.toString(height)) + " expires: " + expires); }/* w w w. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ /* * NOTE (SM): * Due to Bug Id 4502892 (which is found in *all* JVM implementations from * 1.2.x and 1.3.x on all OS!), we must buffer the JPEG generation to avoid * that connection resetting by the peer (user pressing the stop button, * for example) crashes the entire JVM (yes, dude, the bug is *that* nasty * since it happens in JPEG routines which are native!) * I'm perfectly aware of the huge memory problems that this causes (almost * doubling memory consuption for each image and making the GC work twice * as hard) but it's *far* better than restarting the JVM every 2 minutes * (since this is the average experience for image-intensive web application * such as an image gallery). * Please, go to the <a href="">Sun Developers Connection</a> * and vote this BUG as the one you would like fixed sooner rather than * later and all this hack will automagically go away. * Many deep thanks to Michael Hartle <> for tracking * this down and suggesting the workaround. * * UPDATE (SM): * This appears to be fixed on JDK 1.4 */ try { byte content[] = readFully(inputStream); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(content); BufferedImage original = new BufferedImage(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); BufferedImage currentImage = original; currentImage.getGraphics().drawImage(icon.getImage(), 0, 0, null); if (width > 0 || height > 0) { double ow = icon.getImage().getWidth(null); double oh = icon.getImage().getHeight(null); if (usePercent) { if (width > 0) { width = Math.round((int) (ow * width) / 100); } if (height > 0) { height = Math.round((int) (oh * height) / 100); } } AffineTransformOp filter = new AffineTransformOp(getTransform(ow, oh, width, height), AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); WritableRaster scaledRaster = filter.createCompatibleDestRaster(currentImage.getRaster()); filter.filter(currentImage.getRaster(), scaledRaster); currentImage = new BufferedImage(original.getColorModel(), scaledRaster, true, null); } if (null != grayscaleFilter) { grayscaleFilter.filter(currentImage, currentImage); } if (null != colorFilter) { colorFilter.filter(currentImage, currentImage); } // JVM Bug handling if (JVMBugFixed) { JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out); JPEGEncodeParam p = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(currentImage); p.setQuality(this.quality[0], true); encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(p); encoder.encode(currentImage); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream bstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(bstream); JPEGEncodeParam p = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(currentImage); p.setQuality(this.quality[0], true); encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(p); encoder.encode(currentImage); out.write(bstream.toByteArray()); } out.flush(); } catch (ImageFormatException e) { throw new ProcessingException( "Error reading the image. " + "Note that only JPEG images are currently supported."); } finally { // Bugzilla Bug 25069, close inputStream in finally block // this will close inputStream even if processStream throws // an exception inputStream.close(); } } else { // only read the resource - no modifications requested if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger().debug("passing original resource"); } super.processStream(inputStream); } }
From source
/** * @return the time the read source was last modified or 0 if it is not * possible to detect//from ww w.j a v a 2s . c om */ /* public long getLastModified() { if (hasRanges()) { // This is a byte range request so we can't use the cache, return null. return 0; } if (quickTest) { return inputSource.getLastModified(); } final String systemId = (String) documents.get(request.getRequestURI()); // Note: getURI() might be null in some incomplete implementations final String sourceURI = inputSource.getURI(); if (systemId == null || (sourceURI != null && sourceURI.equals(systemId))) { return inputSource.getLastModified(); } documents.remove(request.getRequestURI()); return 0; }*/ protected void processStream(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, ProcessingException { if (inputStream != null) { if (hasTransform()) { if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger().debug("image " + ((width == 0) ? "?" : Integer.toString(width)) + "x" + ((height == 0) ? "?" : Integer.toString(height)) + " expires: " + expires); } try { byte content[] = readFully(inputStream); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(content); BufferedImage original = new BufferedImage(icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); BufferedImage currentImage = original; currentImage.getGraphics().drawImage(icon.getImage(), 0, 0, null); if (width > 0 || height > 0) { double ow = icon.getImage().getWidth(null); double oh = icon.getImage().getHeight(null); if (usePercent) { if (width > 0) { width = Math.round((int) (ow * width) / 100); } if (height > 0) { height = Math.round((int) (oh * height) / 100); } } AffineTransformOp filter = new AffineTransformOp(getTransform(ow, oh, width, height), AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); WritableRaster scaledRaster = filter.createCompatibleDestRaster(currentImage.getRaster()); filter.filter(currentImage.getRaster(), scaledRaster); currentImage = new BufferedImage(original.getColorModel(), scaledRaster, true, null); } JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out); JPEGEncodeParam p = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(currentImage); p.setQuality(this.quality[0], true); encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(p); encoder.encode(currentImage); out.flush(); } catch (ImageFormatException e) { throw new ProcessingException( "Error reading the image. " + "Note that only JPEG images are currently supported."); } finally { // Bugzilla Bug 25069, close inputStream in finally block // this will close inputStream even if processStream throws // an exception inputStream.close(); } } else { try { InputStream is = inputStream; long expires = parameters.getParameterAsInteger("expires", -1); if (expires > 0) { response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + expires); } response.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int length; while ((length = > -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, length); } is.close(); out.flush(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } finally { // Bugzilla Bug 25069, close inputStream in finally block // this will close inputStream even if processStream throws // an exception inputStream.close(); } } } else { throw new IOException("Deals: Problem, resource not found or Repository not working correctly"); } }
From source
/** * check the width and the height of the given image as an inputstream match the width and the height specified * * @param in/*from w ww. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param allowedWidth * @param allowedHeight * @param lessSize * @param assetInfo * @return * @throws org.craftercms.cstudio.alfresco.service.exception.ServiceException * @throws org.craftercms.cstudio.alfresco.service.exception.ContentNotAllowedException */ protected InputStream checkForImageSize(InputStream in, int allowedWidth, int allowedHeight, boolean lessSize, ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo) throws ContentNotAllowedException, ContentProcessException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutput = null; try { byteOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[CStudioWebScriptConstants.READ_BUFFER_LENGTH]; int read = 0; while ((read = > 0) { byteOutput.write(buffer, 0, read); } byte[] imageData = byteOutput.toByteArray(); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageData); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image); int height = icon.getIconHeight(); int width = icon.getIconWidth(); validateImageSize(allowedWidth, allowedHeight, height, width, lessSize); assetInfo.setHeight(height); assetInfo.setWidth(width); return new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ContentProcessException(e); } finally { // close the original inputstream ContentUtils.release(in); ContentUtils.release(byteOutput); } }
From source
/** * check the width and the height of the given image as an inputstream match the width and the height specified * * @param in//www. ja v a2s.c o m * @param allowedWidth * @param allowedHeight * @param lessSize * @param assetInfo * @return */ protected InputStream checkForImageSize(InputStream in, int allowedWidth, int allowedHeight, boolean lessSize, ContentAssetInfoTO assetInfo) throws ContentNotAllowedException, ContentProcessException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutput = null; try { byteOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];//PORT CStudioWebScriptConstants.READ_BUFFER_LENGTH]; int read = 0; while ((read = > 0) { byteOutput.write(buffer, 0, read); } byte[] imageData = byteOutput.toByteArray(); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageData); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image); int height = icon.getIconHeight(); int width = icon.getIconWidth(); validateImageSize(allowedWidth, allowedHeight, height, width, lessSize); assetInfo.setHeight(height); assetInfo.setWidth(width); return new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ContentProcessException(e); } finally { // close the original inputstream ContentUtils.release(in); ContentUtils.release(byteOutput); } }
From source
protected void setDimensions() { width = 0;//from ww w . j av a2 height = 0; croppedImage = null; if (!ResourceType.IMAGE.equals(getElement().getResourceType())) { return; } ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getContext(); String folder = servletContext.getRealPath("") + File.separator; getElement().setBytes(FileUtils.getBytesFromFile( new File(new File(folder, ResourceType.IMAGE.getFolder()), getElement().getName()))); ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(getElement().getBytes()); width = imageIcon.getIconWidth(); height = imageIcon.getIconHeight(); }
From source
/** * Long action to compute image to display (download, resizing...) * //from w w w.j a v a 2 m * @param index * * @throws JajukException the jajuk exception */ private void prepareDisplay(final int index) throws JajukException { // find next correct cover Cover cover = null; ImageIcon icon = null; try { cover = alCovers.get(index); // take image at the given index Log.debug("Display cover: " + cover + " at index :" + index); Image img = cover.getImage(); // Never mirror our no cover image if (cover.getType().equals(CoverType.NO_COVER)) { icon = new ImageIcon(img); } else { if ( // should we mirror in our GUI (includeControls && Conf.getBoolean(Const.CONF_COVERS_MIRROW_COVER)) // should we mirror in fullscreen mode || (!includeControls && Conf.getBoolean(Const.CONF_COVERS_MIRROW_COVER_FS_MODE))) { icon = new ImageIcon(UtilGUI.get3dImage(img)); } else { icon = new ImageIcon(img); } } if (icon.getIconHeight() == 0 || icon.getIconWidth() == 0) { throw new JajukException(0, "Wrong picture, size is null"); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { // do not display a stacktrace for FileNotfound as we expect this in cases // where the picture is gone on the net Log.warn("Cover image not found at URL: " + (cover == null ? "<null>" : cover.getURL().toString())); throw new JajukException(0, e); } catch (final UnknownHostException e) { // do not display a stacktrace for HostNotFound as we expect this in cases // where the whole server is gone on the net Log.warn("Cover image not found at URL: " + (cover == null ? "<null>" : cover.getURL().toString())); throw new JajukException(0, e); } catch (final IOException e) { // this cover cannot be loaded Log.error(e); throw new JajukException(0, e); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { // this cover cannot be loaded Log.error(e); throw new JajukException(0, e); } // We apply a 90% of space availability to avoid image cut-offs (see #1283) final int iDisplayAreaHeight = (int) (0.9f * CoverView.this.getHeight() - 30); final int iDisplayAreaWidth = (int) (0.9f * CoverView.this.getWidth() - 10); // check minimum sizes if ((iDisplayAreaHeight < 1) || (iDisplayAreaWidth < 1)) { return; } int iNewWidth; int iNewHeight; if (iDisplayAreaHeight > iDisplayAreaWidth) { // Width is smaller than height : try to optimize height iNewHeight = iDisplayAreaHeight; // take all possible height // we check now if width will be visible entirely with optimized // height final float fHeightRatio = (float) iNewHeight / icon.getIconHeight(); if (icon.getIconWidth() * fHeightRatio <= iDisplayAreaWidth) { iNewWidth = (int) (icon.getIconWidth() * fHeightRatio); } else { // no? so we optimize width iNewWidth = iDisplayAreaWidth; iNewHeight = (int) (icon.getIconHeight() * ((float) iNewWidth / icon.getIconWidth())); } } else { // Height is smaller or equal than width : try to optimize width iNewWidth = iDisplayAreaWidth; // take all possible width // we check now if height will be visible entirely with // optimized width final float fWidthRatio = (float) iNewWidth / icon.getIconWidth(); if (icon.getIconHeight() * fWidthRatio <= iDisplayAreaHeight) { iNewHeight = (int) (icon.getIconHeight() * fWidthRatio); } else { // no? so we optimize width iNewHeight = iDisplayAreaHeight; iNewWidth = (int) (icon.getIconWidth() * ((float) iNewHeight / icon.getIconHeight())); } } // Note that at this point, the image is fully loaded (done in the ImageIcon constructor) ii = UtilGUI.getResizedImage(icon, iNewWidth, iNewHeight); // Free memory of source image, removing this causes severe memory leaks ! (tested) icon.getImage().flush(); }