Example usage for javax.sql DataSource setLogWriter

List of usage examples for javax.sql DataSource setLogWriter


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.sql DataSource setLogWriter.


void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter out) throws SQLException;

Source Link


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = getMySqlConnection();
    // Set up the environment for creating the initial context
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:/jdbc");

    Context context = new InitialContext(env);
    NamingEnumeration list = context.list("jdbc");

    while (list.hasMore()) {
        NameClassPair nc = (NameClassPair) list.next();
        System.out.println(nc);/* w  ww.  j a  v  a  2 s  . co m*/

    OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();

    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    ctx.bind("file:/jdbc/mydb", ods);

    // Get the initial context of JNDI and lookup the datasource.
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ic.lookup("file:/jdbc/mydb");
    // Set the optional printwriter where the trace log is to be directed.
    ds.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("c:/datasource.log")));
    Connection con1 = ds.getConnection();
    Connection con2 = ds.getConnection("userName", "password");


From source file:JDBCPool.dbcp.demo.sourcecode.BasicDataSource.java

 * <p>Create (if necessary) and return the internal data source we are using to manage our connections.</p>
 * @throws SQLException if the object pool cannot be created.
 *///www  .  j a v a  2s  .c  o m
protected DataSource createDataSource() throws SQLException {
    if (closed) {
        throw new SQLException("Data source is closed");

    // Return the pool if we have already created it
    // This is double-checked locking. This is safe since dataSource is
    // volatile and the code is targeted at Java 5 onwards.
    if (dataSource != null) {
        return dataSource;
    synchronized (this) {
        if (dataSource != null) {
            return dataSource;


        // create factory which returns raw physical connections
        ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = createConnectionFactory();

        // Set up the poolable connection factory
        boolean success = false;
        PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory;
        try {
            poolableConnectionFactory = createPoolableConnectionFactory(driverConnectionFactory);
            success = true;
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            throw rte;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error creating connection factory", ex);

        if (success) {
            // create a pool for our connections

        // Create the pooling data source to manage connections
        DataSource newDataSource;
        success = false;
        try {
            newDataSource = createDataSourceInstance();
            success = true;
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            throw rte;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error creating datasource", ex);
        } finally {
            if (!success) {

        // If initialSize > 0, preload the pool
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++) {
                connectionPool.addObject(); //?Connection
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException("Error preloading the connection pool", e);

        // If timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis > 0, start the pool's evictor task

        dataSource = newDataSource;
        return dataSource;

From source file:com.frameworkset.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource.java

 * <p>Create (if necessary) and return the internal data source we are
 * using to manage our connections.</p>
 * @throws SQLException if the object pool cannot be created.
 *//*from  w w w  . ja va 2 s  .c o m*/
protected DataSource createDataSource() throws SQLException {
    if (closed) {
        throw new SQLException("Data source is closed");

    // Return the pool if we have already created it
    // This is double-checked locking. This is safe since dataSource is
    // volatile and the code is targeted at Java 5 onwards.
    if (dataSource != null) {
        return dataSource;
    synchronized (this) {
        if (dataSource != null) {
            return dataSource;


        // create factory which returns raw physical connections
        ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = createConnectionFactory();

        // Set up the poolable connection factory
        boolean success = false;
        PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory;
        try {
            poolableConnectionFactory = createPoolableConnectionFactory(driverConnectionFactory);
            success = true;
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            throw rte;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error creating connection factory", ex);

        if (success) {
            // create a pool for our connections

        // Create the pooling data source to manage connections
        DataSource newDataSource;
        success = false;
        try {
            newDataSource = createDataSourceInstance();
            success = true;
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            throw rte;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SQLException("Error creating datasource", ex);
        } finally {
            if (!success) {

        // If initialSize > 0, preload the pool
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException("Error preloading the connection pool", e);

        // If timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis > 0, start the pool's evictor task

        dataSource = newDataSource;
        return dataSource;