Example usage for Java javax.sound.sampled TargetDataLine fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | addLineListener(LineListener listener) Adds a listener to this line. |
int | getBufferSize() Obtains the maximum number of bytes of data that will fit in the data line's internal buffer. |
AudioFormat | getFormat() Obtains the current format (encoding, sample rate, number of channels, etc.) of the data line's audio data. |
Line.Info | getLineInfo() Obtains the Line.Info object describing this line. |
void | open(AudioFormat format) Opens the line with the specified format, causing the line to acquire any required system resources and become operational. |
void | open(AudioFormat format, int bufferSize) Opens the line with the specified format and requested buffer size, causing the line to acquire any required system resources and become operational. |
int | read(byte[] b, int off, int len) Reads audio data from the data line's input buffer. |
void | start() Allows a line to engage in data I/O. |