List of usage examples for javax.servlet ServletException ServletException
public ServletException(Throwable rootCause)
From source
/** * Convenience method to verify that the current request is a POST request. */// ww w . j av a 2s . c o m protected final void requirePOST() throws ServletException { StaplerRequest req = Stapler.getCurrentRequest(); if (req == null) return; // invoked outside the context of servlet String method = req.getMethod(); if (!method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) throw new ServletException("Must be POST, Can't be " + method); }
From source
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { request.setAttribute("Dump", this); request.setCharacterEncoding("ISO_8859_1"); getServletContext().setAttribute("Dump", this); String info = request.getPathInfo(); if (info != null && info.endsWith("Exception")) { try {// ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m throw (Throwable) (Loader.loadClass(this.getClass(), info.substring(1)).newInstance()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ServletException(th); } } String redirect = request.getParameter("redirect"); if (redirect != null && redirect.length() > 0) { response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); response.sendRedirect(redirect); response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); return; } String error = request.getParameter("error"); if (error != null && error.length() > 0) { response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); response.sendError(Integer.parseInt(error)); response.getOutputStream().println("THIS SHOULD NOT BE SEEN!"); return; } String length = request.getParameter("length"); if (length != null && length.length() > 0) { response.setContentLength(Integer.parseInt(length)); } String buffer = request.getParameter("buffer"); if (buffer != null && buffer.length() > 0) response.setBufferSize(Integer.parseInt(buffer)); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html"); if (info != null && info.indexOf("Locale/") >= 0) { try { String locale_name = info.substring(info.indexOf("Locale/") + 7); Field f = java.util.Locale.class.getField(locale_name); response.setLocale((Locale) f.get(null)); } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); response.setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } } String cn = request.getParameter("cookie"); String cv = request.getParameter("value"); String v = request.getParameter("version"); if (cn != null && cv != null) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cn, cv); cookie.setComment("Cookie from dump servlet"); if (v != null) { cookie.setMaxAge(300); cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setVersion(Integer.parseInt(v)); } response.addCookie(cookie); } String pi = request.getPathInfo(); if (pi != null && pi.startsWith("/ex")) { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.write("</H1>This text should be reset</H1>".getBytes()); if ("/ex0".equals(pi)) throw new ServletException("test ex0", new Throwable()); if ("/ex1".equals(pi)) throw new IOException("test ex1"); if ("/ex2".equals(pi)) throw new UnavailableException("test ex2"); if ("/ex3".equals(pi)) throw new HttpException(501); } PrintWriter pout = response.getWriter(); Page page = null; try { page = new Page(); page.title("Dump Servlet"); page.add(new Heading(1, "Dump Servlet")); Table table = new Table(0).cellPadding(0).cellSpacing(0); page.add(table); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getMethod: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getMethod()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContentLength: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(Integer.toString(request.getContentLength())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContentType: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getContentType()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getCharacterEncoding: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getCharacterEncoding()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestURI: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestURI()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestURL: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestURL()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getContextPath: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getContextPath()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServletPath: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getServletPath()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getPathInfo: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getPathInfo()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getPathTranslated: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getPathTranslated()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getQueryString: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getQueryString()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getProtocol: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getProtocol()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getScheme: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getScheme()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServerName: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getServerName()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServerPort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Integer.toString(request.getServerPort())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalName: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocalName()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalAddr: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocalAddr()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocalPort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Integer.toString(request.getLocalPort())); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteUser: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteUser()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteAddr: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteAddr()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemoteHost: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemoteHost()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRemotePort: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRemotePort()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getRequestedSessionId: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getRequestedSessionId()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("isSecure(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.isSecure()); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("isUserInRole(admin): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.isUserInRole("admin")); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocale: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + request.getLocale()); Enumeration locales = request.getLocales(); while (locales.hasMoreElements()) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getLocales: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(locales.nextElement()); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Other HTTP Headers") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Enumeration h = request.getHeaderNames(); String name; while (h.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) h.nextElement(); Enumeration h2 = request.getHeaders(name); while (h2.hasMoreElements()) { String hv = (String) h2.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().right(); table.addCell(hv); } } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Request Parameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); h = request.getParameterNames(); while (h.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) h.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().right(); table.addCell(request.getParameter(name)); String[] values = request.getParameterValues(name); if (values == null) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + " Values: ").cell().right(); table.addCell("NULL!!!!!!!!!"); } else if (values.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + "[" + i + "]: ").cell().right(); table.addCell(values[i]); } } } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Cookies").attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; cookies != null && i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = cookies[i]; table.newRow(); table.addHeading(cookie.getName() + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell(cookie.getValue()); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Request Attributes") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); Enumeration a = request.getAttributeNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(request.getAttribute(name)) + "</pre>"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Servlet InitParameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getInitParameterNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getInitParameter(name)) + "</pre>"); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Context InitParameters") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getServletContext().getInitParameterNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getServletContext().getInitParameter(name)) + "</pre>"); } table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Context Attributes") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); a = getServletContext().getAttributeNames(); while (a.hasMoreElements()) { name = (String) a.nextElement(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + toString(getServletContext().getAttribute(name)) + "</pre>"); } if (request.getContentType() != null && request.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data") && request.getContentLength() < 1000000) { MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(request); String[] parts = multi.getPartNames(); table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Multi-part content") .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) { name = parts[p]; table.newRow(); table.addHeading(name + ": ").cell().attribute("VALIGN", "TOP").right(); table.addCell("<pre>" + multi.getString(parts[p]) + "</pre>"); } } String res = request.getParameter("resource"); if (res != null && res.length() > 0) { table.newRow(); table.newHeading().cell().nest(new Font(2, true)).add("<BR>Get Resource: " + res) .attribute("COLSPAN", "2").left(); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("this.getClass(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + this.getClass().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("this.getClass().getClassLoader(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(): ").cell().right(); table.addCell("" + Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(res)); table.newRow(); table.addHeading("getServletContext(): ").cell().right(); try { table.addCell("" + getServletContext().getResource(res)); } catch (Exception e) { table.addCell("" + e); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Request Wrappers")); ServletRequest rw = request; int w = 0; while (rw != null) { page.add((w++) + ": " + rw.getClass().getName() + "<br/>"); if (rw instanceof HttpServletRequestWrapper) rw = ((HttpServletRequestWrapper) rw).getRequest(); else if (rw instanceof ServletRequestWrapper) rw = ((ServletRequestWrapper) rw).getRequest(); else rw = null; } page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "International Characters")); page.add("Directly encoced: Drst<br/>"); page.add("HTML reference: Dürst<br/>"); page.add("Decimal (252) 8859-1: Dürst<br/>"); page.add("Hex (xFC) 8859-1: Dürst<br/>"); page.add( "Javascript unicode (00FC) : <script language='javascript'>document.write(\"D\u00FCrst\");</script><br/>"); page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to generate GET content")); TableForm tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("GET"); tf.addTextField("TextField", "TextField", 20, "value"); tf.addButton("Action", "Submit"); page.add(tf); page.add(Break.para); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to generate POST content")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.addTextField("TextField", "TextField", 20, "value"); Select select = tf.addSelect("Select", "Select", true, 3); select.add("ValueA"); select.add("ValueB1,ValueB2"); select.add("ValueC"); tf.addButton("Action", "Submit"); page.add(tf); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to upload content")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.attribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); tf.addFileField("file", "file"); tf.addButton("Upload", "Upload"); page.add(tf); page.add(new Heading(1, "Form to get Resource")); tf = new TableForm(response.encodeURL(getURI(request))); tf.method("POST"); tf.addTextField("resource", "resource", 20, ""); tf.addButton("Action", "getResource"); page.add(tf); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } page.write(pout); String data = request.getParameter("data"); if (data != null && data.length() > 0) { int d = Integer.parseInt(data); while (d > 0) { pout.println("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789\n"); d = d - 50; } } pout.close(); if (pi != null) { if ("/ex4".equals(pi)) throw new ServletException("test ex4", new Throwable()); if ("/ex5".equals(pi)) throw new IOException("test ex5"); if ("/ex6".equals(pi)) throw new UnavailableException("test ex6"); if ("/ex7".equals(pi)) throw new HttpException(501); } request.getInputStream().close(); }
From source
public void init(ActionServlet actionServlet, ModuleConfig config) throws ServletException { + " v" + Config.getConfig().getApplicationVersion() + " started at " + new Date()); try {/* ww w .j a v a 2 s .c om*/ Config conf = Config.getConfig(); String appPath; int retries = 0; do { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } appPath = actionServlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("/"); retries++; } while (appPath == null && retries < 10); if (appPath == null) { logger.debug("failed to retrieve application path from servlet context."); String catalinaPath = System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME"); String contextPath = actionServlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getContextPath(); if (catalinaPath != null && contextPath != null) { if (catalinaPath.endsWith(File.separator)) catalinaPath = catalinaPath.substring(0, catalinaPath.length() - 1); appPath = catalinaPath + File.separator + "webapps" + contextPath; logger.debug("constructed application path from catalina.home {appPath='" + appPath + "'}"); } else { logger.fatal( "failed to retrieve application path from servlet context or reconstruct from catalina home."); logger.fatal( "please remove the entire server/work/Catalina directory, browser cache, and restart the server."); throw new ServletException("failed to retrieve application path from servlet context."); } } FileSystem fs = Config.getFileSystem(); fs.outputSystemInfo(); fs.setApplicationPath(appPath); if (!fs.checkAllSystemPaths()) { logger.fatal("server cannot find one or more required system paths."); System.exit(1); } if (!fs.checkStartupPermissions()) { logger.fatal("failed to startup. directory and file read/write permissions not defined correctly."); System.exit(1); } fs.initLogging(); fs.initCrypto(); fs.clearViewDirectory(); fs.clearTempDirectory(); conf.init(MessageService.getFetchMessageCallback()); conf.loadSettings(MailArchivaPrincipal.SYSTEM_PRINCIPAL); conf.registerServices(); conf.getServices().startAll(); logger.debug("startup sequence is complete"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("failed to execute startup cause: ", e); System.exit(1); return; } }
From source
/** * Post method to upload the run./*from w w w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * @throws ServletException If the servlet fails * @throws IOException If there is an I/O error */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String host = null; String key = null; boolean origin = false; // Whether the upload is to the original // run requestor. If so, key is needed. DiskFileUpload fu = new DiskFileUpload(); // No maximum size fu.setSizeMax(-1); // maximum size that will be stored in memory fu.setSizeThreshold(4096); // the location for saving data that is larger than getSizeThreshold() fu.setRepositoryPath(Config.TMP_DIR); List fileItems = null; try { fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request); } catch (FileUploadException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } // assume we know there are two files. The first file is a small // text file, the second is unknown and is written to a file on // the server for (Iterator i = fileItems.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { FileItem item = (FileItem); String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); if (item.isFormField()) { if ("host".equals(fieldName)) { host = item.getString(); } else if ("key".equals(fieldName)) { key = item.getString(); } else if ("origin".equals(fieldName)) { String value = item.getString(); origin = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } continue; } if (host == null) { logger.warning("Host not received on upload request!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); break; } // The host, origin, key info must be here before we receive // any file. if (origin) { if (Config.daemonMode != Config.DaemonModes.POLLEE) { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. Not pollee!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); break; } if (key == null) { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. No key!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); break; } if (!RunRetriever.authenticate(host, key)) { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. " + "Host/key mismatch: " + host + '/' + key + "!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); break; } } if (!"jarfile".equals(fieldName)) // ignore continue; String fileName = item.getName(); if (fileName == null) // We don't process files without names continue; // Now, this name may have a path attached, dependent on the // source browser. We need to cover all possible clients... char[] pathSeparators = { '/', '\\' }; // Well, if there is another separator we did not account for, // just add it above. for (int j = 0; j < pathSeparators.length; j++) { int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(pathSeparators[j]); if (idx != -1) { fileName = fileName.substring(idx + 1); break; } } // Ignore all non-jarfiles. if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) continue; File uploadFile = new File(Config.TMP_DIR, host + '.' + fileName); try { item.write(uploadFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } File runTmp = unjarTmp(uploadFile); String runId = null; if (origin) { // Change origin file to know where this run came from. File metaInf = new File(runTmp, "META-INF"); File originFile = new File(metaInf, "origin"); if (!originFile.exists()) { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. Origin file" + "does not exist!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Origin file does not exist!"); break; } RunId origRun; try { origRun = new RunId(readStringFromFile(originFile).trim()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Origin file error. " + e.getMessage()); break; } runId = origRun.getBenchName() + '.' + origRun.getRunSeq(); String localHost = origRun.getHostName(); if (!localHost.equals(Config.FABAN_HOST)) { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. Origin host " + localHost + " does not match this host " + Config.FABAN_HOST + '!'); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); break; } writeStringToFile(runTmp.getName(), originFile); } else { runId = runTmp.getName(); } if (recursiveCopy(runTmp, new File(Config.OUT_DIR, runId))) { uploadFile.delete(); recursiveDelete(runTmp); } else { logger.warning("Origin upload requested. Copy error!"); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); break; } response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED); break; } }
From source
protected final AutowireCapableBeanFactory getAutowireCapableBeanFactory() throws ServletException { try {//from w ww .ja v a 2s. co m return getWebApplicationContext().getAutowireCapableBeanFactory(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } }
From source
private void doProcess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try {/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ FilterClient filterClient = handleParam(request); List<DBLogEntry> dbLogEntries = filterClient.filter(mhContext.getLogService().getAllEntries()); response.getWriter().println(toJson(dbLogEntries, dbLogEntries.getClass())); response.setContentType(JSON); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } catch (LogServiceException ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new ServletException(ex); } catch (MonitorException ex) { LOG.error("Unable to process the task: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); response.setContentType(TEXT); response.getWriter().println("Invalid request: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.fatal("MonitorServlet: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } }
From source
/** * The post operation accepts a json file, parses it and applies the social graph relationships to local profiles * @param request - the request//ww w.j a va 2s . c om * @param response - the response * @throws javax.servlet.ServletException * @throws */ protected void doPost(final SlingHttpServletRequest request, final SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { final ResourceResolver resolver = request.getResourceResolver(); UGCImportHelper.checkUserPrivileges(resolver, rrf); final RequestParameter[] fileRequestParameters = request.getRequestParameters("file"); if (fileRequestParameters != null && fileRequestParameters.length > 0 && !fileRequestParameters[0].isFormField() && fileRequestParameters[0].getFileName().endsWith(".json")) { final InputStream inputStream = fileRequestParameters[0].getInputStream(); final JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonFactory().createParser(inputStream); JsonToken token = jsonParser.nextToken(); // get the first token if (token.equals(JsonToken.START_OBJECT)) { importFile(jsonParser, request); } else { throw new ServletException("Expected a start object token, got " + token); } } else { throw new ServletException("Expected to get a json file in post request"); } }
From source
private void handleInitParameters(ServletConfig pConfig) throws ServletException { for (Enumeration en = pConfig.getInitParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); String value = pConfig.getInitParameter(name); try {/* w ww . j a v a2 s .co m*/ if (!ReflectionUtil.setProperty(this, name, value) && !ReflectionUtil.setProperty(server, name, value) && !ReflectionUtil.setProperty(server.getConfig(), name, value)) { throw new ServletException("Unknown init parameter " + name); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ServletException("Illegal access to instance of " + server.getClass().getName() + " while setting property " + name + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getTargetException(); throw new ServletException("Failed to invoke setter for property " + name + " on instance of " + server.getClass().getName() + ": " + t.getMessage(), t); } } }
From source
/** * Standard doPost implementation./*from ww w .ja v a 2*/ * */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { /* System.out.println("============================="); System.out.println("============POST ============"); System.out.println("============================="); */ byte[] result = null; //authorization here! String encoding = null; try { Hashtable<Object, Object> props = UITServiceRoster.loadProperties(); encoding = (String) props.get(UITServiceRoster.PROP_XMLRPC_ENCODING); } catch (Exception e) { } if (encoding != null) { req.setCharacterEncoding(encoding); XmlRpc.setEncoding(encoding); } //get authorization header from request String auth = req.getHeader("Authorization"); if (auth != null) { if (!auth.toUpperCase().startsWith("BASIC")) { throw new ServletException("wrong kind of authorization!"); } //get encoded username and password String userPassEncoded = auth.substring(6); String userPassDecoded = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(userPassEncoded)); //split decoded username and password StringTokenizer userAndPass = new StringTokenizer(userPassDecoded, ":"); String username = userAndPass.nextToken(); String password = userAndPass.nextToken(); result = xmlrpc.execute(req.getInputStream(), username, password); } else { //log("================ 2 "); result = xmlrpc.execute(req.getInputStream()); } res.setContentType("text/xml"); res.setContentLength(result.length); OutputStream output = res.getOutputStream(); output.write(result); output.flush(); //req.getSession().invalidate(); //??????????????? }
From source
/** * @see javax.servlet.Filter#init(javax.servlet.FilterConfig) *///from w w w. j av a 2 s . com @Override public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { this.clientId = lookupClientId(); this.clientSecret = lookupClientSecret(); if (this.clientId == null || this.clientSecret == null) { throw new ServletException( "Missing clientId or clientSecret for GitHub OAuth authentication. Please configure both of these as system properties or environment variables: apicurio.github.auth.clientId|GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_ID and apicurio.github.auth.clientSecret|GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET"); } }